1: The Equestrian Girl of -Tribute4rt- Pop: 6,567 Mil 2: The Federation of Aquilious Pop: 6 Mil 3: The Federation of Arctecero Pop: 50 Mil 4: The Emirate of Armastania Pop: 427 Mil 5: The Information Nation of Audinesca Founder Pop: 3,334 Mil 6: The People's Republic of Avolian Pop: 94 Mil 7: The Dictatorship of Azheria Pop: 1,187 Mil 8: The Confederacy of Azucoria Pop: 10 Mil 9: The Allied States of Bandicoot Pop: 618 Mil 10: The Kingdom of Beijaflor Pop: 281 Mil 11: The Principality of Blandford Pop: 68 Mil 12: The Dominion of Bourg-la-Reine Pop: 2,854 Mil 13: The Empire of Brasalian Pop: 20 Mil 14: The Empire of Burdened Idealists Pop: 215 Mil 15: The Commonwealth of Calrossia Pop: 134 Mil 16: The Republic of Chinkoa Pop: 16 Mil 17: The Giant Duchy of Clakim Pop: 17,702 Mil 18: The Free Territory of Colorado Communal Vanguard Pop: 2,588 Mil 19: The Federative State Union of Cordonshur Pop: 15,509 Mil 20: The Federal Republic of Czijczijrijk Pop: 627 Mil 21: The Empire of Dimgyzka Anum Pop: 45 Mil 22: The Federation of East Vesperia Pop: 260 Mil 23: The Reformation of Empire of Turska Pop: 3,592 Mil 24: The United Socialist States of Fermandia Pop: 320 Mil 25: The Free Land of Futikeold Pop: 6,817 Mil 26: The Royal State of Galuche Pop: 2,145 Mil 27: The Democratic Republic of Geode Pop: 74 Mil 28: The Colony of Geode Denan Pop: 56 Mil 29: The Federal Republic of Glassville Pop: 40 Mil 30: The Nation of Grand Duchy of Cavado Pop: 2,061 Mil 31: The Constitutional Monarchy of Grossenland Pop: 100 Mil 32: The Rogue Nation of GSN64 Pop: 3,437 Mil 33: The Rogue Nation of Gyemepye Pop: 16 Mil 34: The State Union of Gympieland Pop: 10,608 Mil 35: The Kingdom of Heartofalion Pop: 1,120 Mil 36: The Constitutional Monarchy of Henrylandy Pop: 102 Mil 37: The Empire of Henrynia Pop: 204 Mil 38: The Republic of Hiniy Pop: 100 Mil 39: The Confederacy of Imperchupa Pop: 12 Mil 40: The Empire of Imperial Rustan Pop: 2,674 Mil 41: The People's Republic of Intainia Pop: 694 Mil 42: The Democratic Republic of Iskonia Pop: 619 Mil 43: The Grand Duchy of Johann Pop: 710 Mil 44: The Commonwealth of Kalisau Pop: 3,620 Mil 45: The Republic of Kammona Pop: 292 Mil 46: The Empire of Karkarith Pop: 14 Mil 47: The United Kingdom of Kelsie Pop: 14 Mil 48: The Republic of Kiroboa Pop: 456 Mil 49: The Republic of Korsalous Pop: 7 Mil 50: The Republic of Kuoria Pop: 110 Mil 51: The United Italianan Kingdoms of Lasagna Italiana Pop: 1,041 Mil 52: The Republic of Lasskka Pop: 430 Mil 53: The Seventh Republic of Lemer-Delleten Pop: 1,096 Mil 54: The Republic of Limema Pop: 18 Mil 55: The Republic of Lonwood Pop: 356 Mil 56: The Confederacy of Los Santos Estados de Maria Pop: 583 Mil 57: The Republic of Madacos Pop: 636 Mil 58: The Theocracy of Manfred Von Carstein Pop: 84 Mil 59: The Democratic States of Marv city Pop: 124 Mil 60: The Emirate of Marzaraq Pop: 603 Mil 61: The People's Republic of Matthewland of northland Pop: 84 Mil 62: The Kingdom of Meng Pop: 515 Mil 63: The Federal Republic of Montezar Pop: 638 Mil 64: The Republic of Mount Valor Pop: 761 Mil 65: The Kingdom of Mulrun Pop: 91 Mil 66: The Kingdom of Nandawula Pop: 721 Mil 67: The Holy Empire of New Jocelyn Pop: 75 Mil 68: The United Socialist States of New Macer Thet Pop: 624 Mil 69: The Colony of Nikuna Hace Pop: 2,787 Mil 70: The Empire of Nordennheim Pop: 220 Mil 71: The Empire of North Juvisy Pop: 274 Mil | 72: The Empire of Northern Sussex Pop: 258 Mil 73: The Republic of Olio Hills Pop: 1,698 Mil 74: The Dominion of Order of Sanctara Pop: 12 Mil 75: The Incorporated States of Oscillora Pop: 212 Mil 76: The Federation of Pacanoi Pop: 183 Mil 77: The Democratic Republic of Paracletuis Pop: 14 Mil 78: The Grand Duchy of Pavasal Pop: 18 Mil 79: The Republic of Pervenire Pop: 292 Mil 80: The Armed Republic of POLIS2 Pop: 108 Mil 81: The Most Serene Republic of Potato farm Pop: 8 Mil 82: The United Lordships of Rantarod Pop: 11,144 Mil 83: The Grand Empire of Raskuissau Pop: 12,029 Mil 84: The Borderlands of Reborn State of Kyshea Pop: 106 Mil 85: The Commonwealth of Rendezvous Pop: 1,077 Mil 86: The United Socialist States of Riphenasia Pop: 193 Mil 87: The Republic of Roccolandia Pop: 1,206 Mil 88: The Community of RockEmpire Pop: 56 Mil 89: The Republic of Rododendeedron Pop: 11,354 Mil 90: The Kingdom of Rolandiya Pop: 36 Mil 91: The Democratic Republic of Rolling Ridge Pop: 1,139 Mil 92: The Serene Empire of Roylaii Pop: 12,456 Mil 93: The Free Land of Rumanreis Pop: 6,788 Mil 94: The Dominion of Sacrosancta Illuminatio Pop: 26 Mil 95: The Empire of Sazp Pop: 14 Mil 96: The Empire of Scandava Pop: 14 Mil 97: The Federation of Second Republic of Augria Pop: 873 Mil 98: The Democratic Republic of Seletan Pop: 3,251 Mil 99: The Willow Creek Hoodoos of Sheepsareextracool Pop: 810 Mil 100: The United States of Siento Pop: 50 Mil 101: The Allied States of Sizlington Pop: 18 Mil 102: The Emirate of Snafuland Pop: 104 Mil 103: The Federation of Sociedade Comunista Brasileira Pop: 523 Mil 104: The Grand Duchy of Sortuska Pop: 9 Mil 105: The Incorporated States of Sovranya Pop: 117 Mil 106: The Oppressed Peoples of SRSRSC Pop: 20 Mil 107: The Principality of Straged Pop: 628 Mil 108: The Federal Republic of Straminium Pop: 2,837 Mil 109: The Holy Empire of Stroska Pop: 36 Mil 110: The Empire of Taldry Pop: 2,515 Mil 111: The Republic of Taneh Silam Debata Pop: 418 Mil 112: The United Socialist States of Tenochtilandia Pop: 248 Mil 113: The Federation of Terra Tribensis Pop: 569 Mil 114: The Protectorate of Testandolandia Pop: 40 Mil 115: The Grand Duchy of Tevilia Pop: 222 Mil 116: The Holy Republic of Texais Pop: 3,018 Mil 117: The Oppressed Peoples of The Black Net Pop: 26 Mil 118: The Empire of The Bloxic Regime Pop: 74 Mil 119: The Reino sin Rey of The European Emmirates Pop: 13,491 Mil 120: The ESSLIB PLC Properties of The Independent State of the Free People Pop: 9,270 Mil 121: The Holy Empire of The Iron Fist Regime Pop: 545 Mil 122: The Republic of The Rob1oxian union Pop: 56 Mil 123: The Empire of The Royal Empire of suns Pop: 322 Mil 124: The Empire of The Slafe Plania Pop: 468 Mil 125: The Republic of Torkana Pop: 12 Mil 126: The Kingdom of Turnipland Pop: 251 Mil 127: The United Kingdom of Tuskera Pop: 40 Mil 128: The Democratic States of United States of Pluh Pop: 705 Mil 129: The Federal Republic of Valkenwald Pop: 124 Mil 130: The Unitary Republik of Vauhlaska Pop: 1,336 Mil 131: The Community of Veruda Pop: 554 Mil 132: The Empire of Viatpia Pop: 7 Mil 133: The Republic of Vormanta Pop: 350 Mil 134: The Grand Duchy of Vulkia Pop: 141 Mil 135: The Empire of WWO Pop: 90 Mil 136: The Constitutional Principality of Yaamitan Pop: 10,563 Mil 137: The Allied States of Zaprus Pop: 90 Mil 138: The Republic of Zethre Dells Pop: 1,372 Mil 139: The Democratic Republic of Zuhayristan Pop: 2,001 Mil |