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442 Countries populate the Region of Drew is life Drew is love

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Drew is life Drew is love.

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Loving Couple of -Art-Fan
Pop: 6,786 Mil

2: The Federation of 455 Lands
Pop: 7,196 Mil

3: The Cluster of Star Clusters of 99008 Habitable Planets
Pop: 5,804 Mil

4: The Fount of A m b i s
Pop: 5,816 Mil

5: The Most Serene Republic of Abomen
Pop: 5,633 Mil

6: The Dominion of Abyssymbiota
Pop: 7,297 Mil

7: The Armed Republic of Aethernon
Pop: 5,713 Mil

8: The Kingdom of Agnindra
Pop: 7,266 Mil

9: The Republic of Airsea
Pop: 5,524 Mil

10: The United Kingdom of Algaeshtar-Globaal
Pop: 7,266 Mil

11: The Dominion of Aliend
Pop: 7,338 Mil

12: The Federation of Animale Marauders
Pop: 8,049 Mil

13: The Republic of Ankeris
Pop: 1,806 Mil

14: The Incorporated States of Ap Ipicaidzj Roow
Pop: 7,215 Mil

15: The Colony of Apeiron-o-War
Pop: 5,623 Mil

16: The Disputed Territories of Apple Dance
Pop: 410 Mil

17: The Kingdom of Aquama
Pop: 4,290 Mil

18: The Sultanate of Arabarya
Pop: 7,586 Mil

19: The Kingdom of Archaera
Pop: 7,232 Mil

20: The Terra and Aqua and Sol of Arium
Pop: 1,825 Mil

21: The Republic of Armedanda
Pop: 167 Mil

22: The Disputed Territories of Armedandan Gerous
Pop: 172 Mil

23: The Dominion of Artificial Reality
Pop: 7,666 Mil

24: The Kingdom of Ashgarden
Pop: 7,306 Mil

25: The Community of Astrovores
Pop: 5,637 Mil

26: The Empire of Asylene
Pop: 7,443 Mil

27: The Republic of Atezika
Pop: 5,836 Mil

28: The Empire of Aztrael
Pop: 5,691 Mil

29: The Borderlands of Bacterra
Pop: 5,633 Mil

30: The Borderlands of Bahruin
Pop: 5,776 Mil

31: The Kingdom of Balainym
Pop: 7,234 Mil

32: The Empire of Bandi
Pop: 1,297 Mil

33: The Hanging Cities and Gardens of Banganalabama
Pop: 5,792 Mil

34: The United Kingdom of Beants
Pop: 2,458 Mil

35: The Republic of Beethens
Pop: 2,470 Mil

36: The Community of Benthocean
Pop: 7,307 Mil

37: The Kingdom of Bharanda
Pop: 9,664 Mil

38: The Republic of Bieberia
Pop: 4,778 Mil

39: The Principality of Bies
Pop: 4,314 Mil

40: The Free Land of Biolitha
Pop: 8,003 Mil

41: The Empire of Bivalva
Pop: 5,640 Mil

42: The Empire of Bloab
Pop: 7,426 Mil

43: The Rogue Nation of Blodzux
Pop: 5,846 Mil

44: The Kingdom of Boecklin-Elfelocust
Pop: 7,382 Mil

45: The Dominion of Boerzil
Pop: 5,821 Mil

46: The Empire of Brassico
Pop: 2,736 Mil

47: The Republic of Brobots
Pop: 8,010 Mil

48: The Federation of Brontopteryx
Pop: 10,706 Mil

49: The Federation of Bryogaia
Pop: 5,656 Mil

50: The Holy Empire of Bug Husks
Pop: 7,620 Mil

51: The Federation of Bumbleborg
Pop: 5,741 Mil

52: The United Kingdom of Burrowland
Pop: 2,492 Mil

53: The Republic of Byssus
Pop: 5,672 Mil

54: The Federation of C-Law
Pop: 7,314 Mil

55: The Republic of Calcis
Pop: 1,785 Mil

56: The Republic of Cali4nia
Pop: 7,268 Mil

57: The Republic of Californix
Pop: 5,816 Mil

58: The Kingdom of Calypsea
Pop: 7,306 Mil

59: The Federation of Carapax
Pop: 7,518 Mil

60: The Republic of Carcharcynis
Pop: 5,805 Mil

61: The United Kingdom of Castellaris
Pop: 7,360 Mil

62: The Protectorate of Celluna
Pop: 5,589 Mil

63: The Republic of Cetaichthya
Pop: 5,764 Mil

64: The Dominion of Chaotia-Hadea
Pop: 7,201 Mil

65: The Republic of Chelicerock
Pop: 7,345 Mil

66: The Armed Republic of Chnoa
Pop: 7,332 Mil

67: The Kingdom of Choux
Pop: 2,714 Mil

68: The Nomadic Peoples of Clambia
Pop: 5,651 Mil

69: The Rogue Nation of Cloversaries
Pop: 5,612 Mil

70: The Commonwealth of Cnidearth
Pop: 5,662 Mil

71: The Republic of Cob
Pop: 5,952 Mil

72: The Republic of Coccua
Pop: 2,644 Mil

73: The Kingdom of Coelis
Pop: 7,270 Mil

74: The Colony of Composite Atmospheres
Pop: 8,184 Mil

75: The Republic of Contrastellation
Pop: 7,338 Mil

76: The United Kingdom of Coquilts
Pop: 5,625 Mil

77: The Colony of Cosmic Karen
Pop: 135 Mil

78: The Empire of Cosmoths
Pop: 5,767 Mil

79: The Empire of Crickets
Pop: 211 Mil

80: The Empire of Crickits
Pop: 216 Mil

81: The Kingdom of Crinornis
Pop: 5,612 Mil

82: The United Kingdom of Cristalm
Pop: 7,295 Mil

83: The Holy Empire of Crypture
Pop: 2,629 Mil

84: The Republic of Cybergolia
Pop: 7,188 Mil

85: The Federation of Cypriris
Pop: 5,635 Mil

86: The Kingdom of Cytos
Pop: 2,654 Mil

87: The Dominion of D I S
Pop: 7,510 Mil

88: The Confederacy of Darkrill Dwarf Galaxies
Pop: 5,633 Mil

89: The Principality of Dauphyn
Pop: 5,847 Mil

90: The Game of Death Supreme
Pop: 5,237 Mil

91: The Horror of Deep Dark Dust Dimensions
Pop: 8,034 Mil

92: The Republic of Demoncracy
Pop: 7,503 Mil

93: The Empire of Dinuz
Pop: 5,822 Mil

94: The United Kingdom of Divilusia
Pop: 7,345 Mil

95: The Republic of Dolomis
Pop: 1,780 Mil

96: The Holy Empire of Dormantis
Pop: 5,698 Mil

97: The Federation of Douleia
Pop: 10,801 Mil

98: The Empire of Dracough
Pop: 5,728 Mil

99: The Empire of Dragorge
Pop: 7,314 Mil

100: The Confederacy of Drew4U
Pop: 7,169 Mil

101: The Republic of Drewde
Pop: 7,202 Mil

102: The People's Republic of Drewnited Korea
Pop: 3,082 Mil

103: The Republic of Drewth
Pop: 5,827 Mil

104: The Colony of Drewtrecht in Icia
Pop: 5,850 Mil

105: The Republic of Drewzone
Pop: 7,156 Mil

106: The Republic of Drosop
Pop: 5,613 Mil

107: The Rogue Nation of DSN49
Pop: 3,471 Mil

108: The Kingdom of Durnile
Pop: 5,823 Mil

109: The Kingdom of E o n
Pop: 7,216 Mil

110: The Kingdom of Ebonight
Pop: 7,591 Mil

111: The Rogue Nation of Echinasty-Slugglut
Pop: 7,451 Mil

112: The Kingdom of Effex
Pop: 2,623 Mil

113: The Nomadic Peoples of Empatholia
Pop: 7,200 Mil

114: The Republic of Ephemerald
Pop: 5,821 Mil

115: The Confederacy of Epiploa
Pop: 5,663 Mil

116: The Kingdom of Erown
Pop: 7,272 Mil

117: The Kingdom of Eukaryst
Pop: 2,625 Mil

118: The Republics of Ewganda and Voogoo
Pop: 5,814 Mil

119: The Dominion of Exceta
Pop: 5,633 Mil

120: The Kingdom of Fairies in Phytoids
Pop: 7,638 Mil

121: The Kingdom of Fantasea
Pop: 7,325 Mil

122: The Colony of Flagellia
Pop: 5,656 Mil

123: The Kingdom of Flammagma
Pop: 7,530 Mil

124: The Kingdom of Fleuvert
Pop: 7,234 Mil

125: The Most Serene Republic of Fluffits
Pop: 5,584 Mil

126: The Federation of Fodderland
Pop: 5,780 Mil

127: The United States of Fossoria
Pop: 618 Mil

128: The Most Serene Republic of Fungiel
Pop: 5,709 Mil

129: The Theocracy of Fungusapiens
Pop: 7,530 Mil

130: The Kingdom of Funus
Pop: 2,371 Mil

131: The Commonwealth of Gaarde
Pop: 2,750 Mil

132: The Independent State of Gaia Nea
Pop: 7,712 Mil

133: The Allied States of Galactic Ummah
Pop: 8,080 Mil

134: The Kingdom of Ganeshiva
Pop: 7,163 Mil

135: The Kingdom of Ganymedrew
Pop: 7,129 Mil

136: The Protectorate of Gaylaxy
Pop: 5,814 Mil

137: The Free Land of Gekkota
Pop: 2,519 Mil

138: The Federation of Generic Civilisation 1
Pop: 5,750 Mil

139: The Federation of Generic Civilisation 2
Pop: 5,766 Mil

140: The Federation of Generic Civilisation 3
Pop: 5,709 Mil

141: The Federation of Generic Civilisation 4
Pop: 5,756 Mil

142: The Federation of Generis
Pop: 5,769 Mil

143: The United Kingdom of Gerous
Pop: 172 Mil

144: The Republic of Ghostate
Pop: 7,432 Mil

145: The Empire of Gigalaxy
Pop: 7,461 Mil

146: The Kingdom of Gijsland
Pop: 5,860 Mil

147: The Colony of Gimpond
Pop: 7,319 Mil

148: The Republic of Girland
Pop: 2,292 Mil

149: The Theocracy of Glaukaorist
Pop: 2,043 Mil

150: The Dominion of Gloop
Pop: 6,247 Mil

151: The United Kingdom of Goddyssey
Pop: 7,298 Mil

152: The Dominion of Gompothirant
Pop: 5,770 Mil

153: The Republic of Graptys
Pop: 5,607 Mil

154: The Commonwealth of Graviscytes
Pop: 5,670 Mil

155: The United States of Greater Plutopia
Pop: 502 Mil

156: The Disputed Territories of H O Io
Pop: 7,056 Mil

157: The Republic of Halis
Pop: 1,795 Mil

158: The Colony of Harnasceta
Pop: 5,747 Mil

159: The Kingdom of Hebra
Pop: 5,630 Mil

160: The Colony of Heis
Pop: 3,194 Mil

161: The Kingdom of Hellwell
Pop: 7,250 Mil

162: The Community of Heteroflexibles
Pop: 8,041 Mil

163: The Republic of Hirsuits
Pop: 7,572 Mil

164: The Empire of Hisstoria
Pop: 5,836 Mil

165: The Colony of Holometabasis 1
Pop: 5,800 Mil

166: The Colony of Holometabasis 2
Pop: 5,794 Mil

167: The Republic of Homoia
Pop: 5,820 Mil

168: The Dominion of Hooma
Pop: 714 Mil

169: The Kingdom of Hornest
Pop: 2,461 Mil

170: The Colony of Horrorb
Pop: 7,274 Mil

171: The Republic of Hoverbases
Pop: 5,563 Mil

172: The Empire of Hunks in Husks
Pop: 8,083 Mil

173: The Confederacy of Hybrida
Pop: 2,599 Mil

174: The Republic of Hydrogenia
Pop: 4,315 Mil

175: The Commonwealth of Hylogygia
Pop: 7,229 Mil

176: The Protectorate of Hyolitha
Pop: 5,669 Mil

177: The Federation of Hyperbarys
Pop: 5,688 Mil

178: The Holy Empire of Hypna
Pop: 7,377 Mil

179: The Federation of Ignes
Pop: 4,058 Mil

180: The Rogue Nation of Ignuke
Pop: 5,773 Mil

181: The Oppressed Peoples of Imitasia
Pop: 7,977 Mil

182: The Commonwealth of Independent Worlds and Starbases
Pop: 7,525 Mil

183: The Empire of Infex
Pop: 2,652 Mil

184: The Empire of Infrarudd
Pop: 5,718 Mil

185: The Incorporated States of Interstellar Aquaria
Pop: 7,573 Mil

186: The Holy Yellow Slopes of Ish Phanihad
Pop: 18,203 Mil

187: The Kingdom of Isloth in Lurxea
Pop: 7,293 Mil

188: The Republic of Jadeye
Pop: 7,467 Mil

189: The Theocracy of Kaabarnacle
Pop: 5,639 Mil

190: The Empire of Kagema
Pop: 6,999 Mil

191: The Republic of Kainis
Pop: 1,786 Mil

192: The Disputed Territories of Kakokarya
Pop: 7,415 Mil

193: The Sultanate of Kalicore
Pop: 7,198 Mil

194: The Dominion of Karka
Pop: 2,648 Mil

195: The Empire of Kikkerland
Pop: 5,742 Mil

196: The Dominion of Kleptophysia
Pop: 7,269 Mil

197: The Disputed Territories of Kosmema
Pop: 5,590 Mil

198: The Kingdom of Krishnirwana
Pop: 7,187 Mil

199: The Republic of Kutnohoris
Pop: 1,791 Mil

200: The Sultanate of Lakme
Pop: 7,209 Mil

201: The Federation of Laser Razors
Pop: 5,646 Mil

202: The Incorporated States of Latent Universal Industries
Pop: 2,794 Mil

203: The Kingdom of Laveloth
Pop: 7,319 Mil

204: The Empire of Likhan
Pop: 5,678 Mil

205: The Colony of Living and Dying Art
Pop: 5,814 Mil

206: The Empire of Longone
Pop: 5,684 Mil

207: The Republic of Luiaarde
Pop: 7,308 Mil

208: The Colony of Lunatwink
Pop: 5,843 Mil

209: The Nomadic Peoples of Lurkelp
Pop: 7,255 Mil

210: The Dominion of M E N
Pop: 7,483 Mil

211: The Republic of Maid-Dens and Motherlands
Pop: 7,258 Mil

212: The Federation of Mankind Incorporated
Pop: 252 Mil

213: The Dictatorship of Mantrade HQ
Pop: 7,712 Mil

214: The Colony of Martelite
Pop: 5,808 Mil

215: The Matriarchy of Masaat
Pop: 7,178 Mil

216: The Dominion of Masquerape
Pop: 7,337 Mil

217: The Incorporated States of MathMart
Pop: 2,662 Mil

218: The Federation of Medusoids
Pop: 5,661 Mil

219: The Holy Planets and Starbases of Messihaniya
Pop: 17,948 Mil

220: The Theocracy of Metaphanea
Pop: 7,671 Mil

221: The Republic of Methan
Pop: 1,798 Mil

222: The Sultanate of Micea
Pop: 5,544 Mil

223: The Empire of Minimon
Pop: 5,746 Mil

224: The Kingdom of Miton
Pop: 2,663 Mil

225: The Empire of Mnaus
Pop: 7,405 Mil

226: The Empire of Modified Chelonian Sellsword Twunks
Pop: 5,672 Mil

227: The Free Land of Moerand
Pop: 7,317 Mil

228: The Holy Empire of Moistianity
Pop: 5,668 Mil

229: The Nomadic Peoples of Mongey
Pop: 1,886 Mil

230: The Empire of Mongiye
Pop: 572 Mil

231: The United States of Moon Luna
Pop: 726 Mil

232: The Federation of Mortuars
Pop: 5,807 Mil

233: The Sultanate of Mosslam
Pop: 5,665 Mil

234: The Federation of Moule
Pop: 5,602 Mil

235: The Republic of Mucussia
Pop: 5,836 Mil

236: The Federation of Murovision
Pop: 2,662 Mil

237: The Colony of Muscetae
Pop: 5,749 Mil

238: The Theocracy of Mushrome
Pop: 5,698 Mil

239: The Republic of Myces
Pop: 5,726 Mil

240: The Republic of Mystognatha
Pop: 5,834 Mil

241: The Republic of Mytilis
Pop: 5,608 Mil

242: The Republic of Nanos
Pop: 5,482 Mil

243: The Kingdom of Narkraken
Pop: 7,343 Mil

244: The Republic of Nectaria
Pop: 5,593 Mil

245: The Republic of Nemesystem
Pop: 5,656 Mil

246: The Federation of Nethershade
Pop: 5,664 Mil

247: The Republic of New Plutopia
Pop: 496 Mil

248: The Kingdom of Nitrogenesis
Pop: 7,415 Mil

249: The Federation of Noophages
Pop: 5,681 Mil

250: The Kingdom of Normor
Pop: 7,307 Mil

251: The Colony of Novo Recife
Pop: 7,153 Mil

252: The Republic of Nudrew
Pop: 7,099 Mil

253: The Empire of Ocyan
Pop: 5,690 Mil

254: The Federation of OmegAlpha
Pop: 5,231 Mil

255: The Matriarchy of Omnox
Pop: 7,214 Mil

256: The Republic of Omnurba
Pop: 7,404 Mil

257: The Community of Oorth
Pop: 7,435 Mil

258: The Empire of Oozia
Pop: 5,831 Mil

259: The Republic of Orb
Pop: 6,707 Mil

260: The Kingdom of Orcants
Pop: 7,604 Mil

261: The Dominion of Ore-Igin
Pop: 5,670 Mil

262: The Most Serene Republic of Ouranon
Pop: 5,549 Mil

263: The Republic of Oystar
Pop: 5,653 Mil

264: The Commonwealth of OzDrewya
Pop: 7,114 Mil

265: The Empire of Ozoonta
Pop: 6,939 Mil

266: The Empire of Padshah
Pop: 5,762 Mil

267: The Holy Empire of Paintings that come alive
Pop: 7,870 Mil

268: The United States of Pale Jail
Pop: 7,292 Mil

269: The Republic of Pankorea
Pop: 7,920 Mil

270: The Kingdom of Pannyx
Pop: 7,211 Mil

271: The Colony of Pbes
Pop: 5,810 Mil

272: The Empire of Pboo
Pop: 7,264 Mil

273: The Confederacy of Pelikhan
Pop: 1,859 Mil

274: The Kingdom of Philishiya
Pop: 5,589 Mil

275: The Republic of Phronosloth
Pop: 7,256 Mil

276: The Empire of Phytia
Pop: 5,733 Mil

277: The Republic of Placophyseter
Pop: 5,779 Mil

278: The Nomadic Peoples of Planula
Pop: 5,966 Mil

279: The Federation of Pleistella
Pop: 7,429 Mil

280: The Holy Empire of Polypoleis
Pop: 7,487 Mil

281: The Republic of Precours
Pop: 5,695 Mil

282: The Kingdom of Profunda
Pop: 7,185 Mil

283: The Kingdom of Psion
Pop: 2,584 Mil

284: The Kingdom of Psychybdis
Pop: 7,357 Mil

285: The Rogue Nation of Pterrible
Pop: 7,386 Mil

286: The Republic of Ptocha
Pop: 5,577 Mil

287: The Armed Republic of Ptolemoon
Pop: 5,834 Mil

288: The Commonwealth of Qerq
Pop: 7,255 Mil

289: The Empire of QinCe
Pop: 5,649 Mil

290: The Kingdom of Quirld
Pop: 7,392 Mil

291: The Empire of Quoterra
Pop: 7,221 Mil

292: The Community of Radiolaria
Pop: 5,691 Mil

293: The Confederacy of Rebels and Satelite Syndicates
Pop: 7,464 Mil

294: The People's Republic of Red Phytia
Pop: 2,085 Mil

295: The Republic of Reqin
Pop: 5,783 Mil

296: The Republic of Rhorca
Pop: 5,771 Mil

297: The Federation of Rogue Drones
Pop: 7,594 Mil

298: The Republic of Ruma
Pop: 2,634 Mil

299: The Empire of Sacrifex
Pop: 7,323 Mil

300: The Empire of Salamantis
Pop: 5,707 Mil

301: The Commonwealth of Salps
Pop: 5,642 Mil

302: The Republic of Satelitia
Pop: 5,509 Mil

303: The United Kingdom of Scallope
Pop: 5,678 Mil

304: The Commonwealth of Scandrewnavia and Small Nonoland
Pop: 5,853 Mil

305: The Free Land of Scienchina
Pop: 7,193 Mil

306: The Empire of Scorpiuge
Pop: 7,284 Mil

307: The Republic of Selach
Pop: 5,838 Mil

308: The Federation of Semantis
Pop: 5,604 Mil

309: The Empire of Serpenterra
Pop: 5,710 Mil

310: The Republic of Sharcobra
Pop: 5,792 Mil

311: The Kingdom of Shelland
Pop: 6,013 Mil

312: The Emirate of Shepherds and Angels
Pop: 7,214 Mil

313: The Republic of Shorca
Pop: 5,805 Mil

314: The Community of Sithuation
Pop: 7,523 Mil

315: The Kingdom of Skykings
Pop: 7,272 Mil

316: The Sultanate of Slakka
Pop: 5,795 Mil

317: The United States of Slimerica
Pop: 7,170 Mil

318: The Dominion of Slosh
Pop: 5,584 Mil

319: The Empire of Sludgia
Pop: 5,827 Mil

320: The Federation of Snoil
Pop: 5,883 Mil

321: The Sultanate of Space Divan
Pop: 7,973 Mil

322: The Federation of Space Reefs
Pop: 5,652 Mil

323: The Nomadic Monsters of Spacies
Pop: 7,274 Mil

324: The Republic of Spectral Synthoids
Pop: 5,630 Mil

325: The Most Serene Republic of Spherice and the Sky Towns
Pop: 5,575 Mil

326: The Republic of Sphyrna
Pop: 5,822 Mil

327: The Empire of Spindia
Pop: 7,270 Mil

328: The Kingdom of SPORTA
Pop: 9,052 Mil

329: The Republic of Starborough
Pop: 5,517 Mil

330: The Republic of Starsharks
Pop: 5,818 Mil

331: The Colony of Stevincula
Pop: 5,815 Mil

332: The Federal Republic of Str8 Safe Space
Pop: 8,123 Mil

333: The Federation of Sublimina
Pop: 5,612 Mil

334: The Federation of Subrupture
Pop: 5,661 Mil

335: The Allied States of Sum-Ur
Pop: 15,116 Mil

336: The Theocracy of Swampus
Pop: 5,728 Mil

337: The Swarm of Swarms
Pop: 2,472 Mil

338: The Republic of Sylvis
Pop: 1,793 Mil

339: The Protectorate of Synthaum
Pop: 8,025 Mil

340: The Federation of Syntita
Pop: 7,261 Mil

341: The Federation of T o r
Pop: 5,748 Mil

342: The United Kingdom of T-heden and Eerde
Pop: 7,169 Mil

343: The Federation of Tan-Zan
Pop: 951 Mil

344: The Protectorate of Tazuur
Pop: 5,792 Mil

345: The Fiefdom of Tazyn
Pop: 5,837 Mil

346: The Kingdom of Tentaculata
Pop: 8,094 Mil

347: The Colony of Terrorb
Pop: 7,264 Mil

348: The Federation of Testudo
Pop: 5,728 Mil

349: The Empire of Teuthita
Pop: 7,269 Mil

350: The Commonwealth of Th0rn
Pop: 1,024 Mil

351: The United States of Thanathalassia
Pop: 7,305 Mil

352: The Community of The Algaemist
Pop: 7,151 Mil

353: The Empire of The Ampire
Pop: 5,853 Mil

354: The Kingdom of The Ape X
Pop: 1,079 Mil

355: The Dominion of The Ark
Pop: 5,434 Mil

356: The Community of The Bieberian Promontory
Pop: 7,147 Mil

357: The Sultanate of The Blightimid Caliphate
Pop: 5,646 Mil

358: The Commonwealth of The Cave Masters
Pop: 7,635 Mil

359: The Fifth Cardinal Synarchy of The Cosmic Intelligence Agency
Pop: 2,801 Mil

360: The Most Serene Republic of The Cultimatum
Pop: 2,632 Mil

361: The Commonwealth of The Cultitude
Pop: 2,631 Mil

362: The Republic of The Dark Lands
Pop: 1,248 Mil

363: The Rest of The Dolphin Star Cluster
Pop: 7,200 Mil

364: The Community of The European Orbital Asylum
Pop: 7,471 Mil

365: The Colony of The European Universal Exploration Union
Pop: 7,545 Mil

366: The Disputed Territories of The Extre Mist
Pop: 5,746 Mil

367: The Empire of The Firmament
Pop: 2,626 Mil

368: The Dominion of The Fratrix
Pop: 7,611 Mil

369: The Fourth Cardinal Synarchy of The Galactic Psyche
Pop: 2,803 Mil

370: The Federation of The Halosphere
Pop: 2,647 Mil

371: The Nomadic Peoples of The Heliorde
Pop: 5,844 Mil

372: The Holy Empire of The Hybrid Shogunate
Pop: 7,991 Mil

373: The Colony of The Kale
Pop: 2,742 Mil

374: The Community of The Keverns
Pop: 5,782 Mil

375: The Dominion of The Masculinear Matrix
Pop: 7,669 Mil

376: The Kingdom of The Moonarchy
Pop: 7,435 Mil

377: The Theocracy of The Mouldid Caliphate
Pop: 5,692 Mil

378: The Confederacy of The Nebulands
Pop: 7,311 Mil

379: The United States of The Nevermind Expanse
Pop: 7,269 Mil

380: The Republic of The Platonic States
Pop: 7,655 Mil

381: The Technocratic Hive of The Qube
Pop: 6,722 Mil

382: The Kingdom of The Rainfurrest
Pop: 5,823 Mil

383: The Commonwealth of The remains of Earth
Pop: 8,120 Mil

384: The Rogue Nation of The Russian Astrofederation
Pop: 8,072 Mil

385: The Force of The Seventh Cardinal Synarchy
Pop: 2,828 Mil

386: The Empire of The Shrouded Power
Pop: 2,806 Mil

387: The Matriarchy of The Sororitor
Pop: 7,711 Mil

388: The Empire of The Sublime Democracy
Pop: 5,744 Mil

389: The Federation of The Synthoid Watch
Pop: 5,629 Mil

390: The Incorporated States of The United Patrix
Pop: 7,679 Mil

391: The Empire of The Universal Crown
Pop: 7,444 Mil

392: The Dominion of The Verterra Patrix
Pop: 7,709 Mil

393: The Federation of ThESEYS
Pop: 10,571 Mil

394: The Republic of Thorca
Pop: 5,804 Mil

395: The Republic of Thornis
Pop: 1,013 Mil

396: The Principality of Tisme
Pop: 4,328 Mil

397: The Kingdom of Tomb-eau
Pop: 7,233 Mil

398: The Matriarchy of Torthule
Pop: 5,717 Mil

399: The Matriarchy of Toxigyne
Pop: 4,266 Mil

400: The Sultanate of Tremordor
Pop: 7,387 Mil

401: The Empire of Trihydra
Pop: 5,718 Mil

402: The Empire of Tristerror
Pop: 7,491 Mil

403: The Republic of Trollala
Pop: 7,270 Mil

404: The Kingdom of Truegod
Pop: 7,190 Mil

405: The Empire of Truuu Deru
Pop: 5,749 Mil

406: The Borderlands of Tunica
Pop: 5,823 Mil

407: The Republic of Turbuland
Pop: 5,615 Mil

408: The Nomadic Peoples of Turkolia
Pop: 1,895 Mil

409: The Empire of Turtroy
Pop: 5,751 Mil

410: The Empire of Uglia
Pop: 5,866 Mil

411: The Republic of Ultraviolence
Pop: 5,567 Mil

412: The Theocracy of Undah
Pop: 4,295 Mil

413: The Dominion of Underdark
Pop: 5,590 Mil

414: The Federal Republic of United Stellar Str8 States
Pop: 8,080 Mil

415: The Confederacy of Uuuwuzgan and Crackistan
Pop: 5,871 Mil

416: The Dominion of Vacua
Pop: 7,316 Mil

417: The Free Land of Vastralia
Pop: 7,219 Mil

418: The Squamate syntharchy of Veneraptors
Pop: 5,829 Mil

419: The Republic of Venia and Cardo
Pop: 2,726 Mil

420: The United Kingdom of Viland and Loathe
Pop: 5,833 Mil

421: The Republic of Voidome
Pop: 7,342 Mil

422: The Nomadic Peoples of Warabia
Pop: 1,922 Mil

423: The 6th Cardinal Synarchy of Warlocked Empires
Pop: 2,752 Mil

424: The Empire of Waspocalypse
Pop: 5,794 Mil

425: The Dissatisfied Recreators of What It Used To Be
Pop: 2,814 Mil

426: The Empire of Whelkaria
Pop: 5,622 Mil

427: The Republic of Woge
Pop: 4,236 Mil

428: The Republic of Womenistan
Pop: 2,275 Mil

429: The Federation of Wort Lords
Pop: 5,685 Mil

430: The Jingoistic States of Wraithrone
Pop: 7,438 Mil

431: The Republic of Xenarthetis
Pop: 7,331 Mil

432: The Republic of Xenea
Pop: 2,295 Mil

433: The Confederacy of Xenognatha
Pop: 5,779 Mil

434: The Republic of Xenorth
Pop: 7,270 Mil

435: The Empire of Ylm
Pop: 7,205 Mil

436: The Empire of Yoship
Pop: 7,304 Mil

437: The Republic of Yuckraine
Pop: 5,885 Mil

438: The Republic of Yxy
Pop: 1,949 Mil

439: The Republic of Zayn Direction
Pop: 7,166 Mil

440: The Empire of Zijin Xing
Pop: 5,662 Mil

441: The Federation of Zoodrew
Pop: 7,173 Mil

442: The Empire-Sized Duchy of Zrew
Pop: 7,182 Mil

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