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124 Countries populate the Region of Kantrias

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1: The Federal Republic of 3110
Pop: 3,239 Mil

2: The Serene Empire of Afaenvia
Pop: 21,885 Mil

3: The Federation of Afrisian
Pop: 304 Mil

4: The Queendom of Altimagination
Pop: 15,633 Mil

5: The Dictatorship of And giggle
Pop: 205 Mil

6: The Empire of Aralian
Pop: 8,093 Mil

7: The Dremic Vassal State of Arco
Pop: 3,076 Mil

8: The Republic of Ardulshams
Pop: 11,003 Mil

9: The Technocratic Protectorate of Asian Colonies
Pop: 11,622 Mil

10: The Technocratic Empire of Asian Lands
Pop: 17,187 Mil

11: The Empire of Ataraii
Pop: 2,298 Mil

12: The Glitter Cult of Ayni
Pop: 2,886 Mil

13: The United Socialist States of Beacon of Liberty
Pop: 249 Mil

14: The Slippy Filled Archipelago of Bean land
Pop: 2,376 Mil

15: The Armed Republic of Biragakhyanaga
Pop: 443 Mil

16: The Blobanian Sovereign States of BlobaniaX
Pop: 1,543 Mil

17: The Free Land of BloomFairy
Pop: 18,036 Mil

18: The Dominion of Bronan the Canarian
Pop: 24,700 Mil

19: The Rogue Nation of BSN93
Pop: 3,433 Mil

20: The United States of Bulmberland
Pop: 1,419 Mil

21: The Delphinium Throne of Cerian Quilor
Pop: 27,060 Mil

22: The Holy Empire of Chandos
Pop: 1,188 Mil

23: The People's Republic of Choctaw CW
Pop: 3,368 Mil

24: The Kingdom of Codora
Pop: 2,851 Mil

25: The Empire of Covoana
Pop: 746 Mil

26: The Republic of Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town
Pop: 873 Mil

27: The Rogue Nation of Culdranth
Pop: 3,520 Mil

28: The Kingdom of Daoloth Ailahson
Pop: 820 Mil

29: The Holy Empire of Downtown Boston
Pop: 844 Mil

30: The Republic of Dramora
Pop: 383 Mil

31: The Incorporated States of Driv
Pop: 87 Mil

32: The Borderlands of Eastland Federation
Pop: 1,503 Mil

33: The Clandestine Alliance of Edinslate
Pop: 2,729 Mil

34: The Elemental Federal Republic of Edo Hill
Pop: 8,368 Mil

35: The Oppressed Peoples of Emdeon
Pop: 7,446 Mil

36: The Holy Empire of EMPIRE OF BLOOD AND IRON
Pop: 722 Mil

37: The Empire of Empire of Colop
Pop: 332 Mil

38: The Republic of Fadhiliyyah
Pop: 258 Mil

39: The Empire of Falkwolfia
Pop: 1,042 Mil

40: The Confederacy of Federal Republic of Therinia
Pop: 2,599 Mil

41: The Empire of Felix Mann
Pop: 17,542 Mil

42: The Colony of Fluffel
Pop: 3,412 Mil

43: The Fast Car of Ford GT40
Pop: 8,642 Mil

44: The Dictatorship of Fraynkorg
Pop: 331 Mil

45: The Republic of FyoC
Pop: 3,776 Mil

46: The United States of Granbora
Pop: 19,587 Mil

47: The Revolution Islamic Republic of Greater Kamilistan
Pop: 9,986 Mil

48: The United Kingdom of Greater Moonie
Pop: 1,905 Mil

49: The Great Lands of Grishahakkaverchynot
Pop: 10,428 Mil

50: The Commonwealth of Guts the Berserker
Pop: 595 Mil

51: The Principality of Herman J
Pop: 776 Mil

52: The United States of Herp Vick Achtopia
Pop: 323 Mil

53: The Grand Duchy of Hofmeister Saarinen
Pop: 490 Mil

54: The Communist regime of Idle Wasteland
Pop: 1,137 Mil

55: The Republic of Imperial Poker
Pop: 2,968 Mil

56: The Sultanate of Iraqi Islamic empire
Pop: 80 Mil

57: The Loving Couple of IShipsIt
Pop: 8,098 Mil

58: The Confederacy of Jedburgh
Pop: 25,600 Mil

59: The Communist Theocracy of Jeeves Land
Pop: 7,528 Mil

60: The Hive Colony of Jijabuda
Pop: 2,039 Mil

61: The Republic of JIMMYBUCKETS
Pop: 73 Mil

62: The Heavenly Empire of Jivdonerp
Pop: 3,161 Mil

63: The Federation of Kakison
Pop: 2,090 Mil

64: The Empire of Kantrian Imperial Library
Pop: 825 Mil

65: The Dictatorship of La Bota
Pop: 369 Mil

66: The Empire of Lacardis
Pop: 516 Mil

67: The Principality of Laerizona
Pop: 205 Mil

68: The Republic of Latvia
Pop: 24,813 Mil

69: The Ambisian Empire of Legionaire
Pop: 3,109 Mil

70: The United Socialist States of Leninyev
Pop: 460 Mil

71: The Kingdom of Leutria
Pop: 24,057 Mil

72: The Kingdom of Libierra
Pop: 1,999 Mil

73: The Republic of Lopinski
Pop: 550 Mil

74: The Kingdom of Lumeros
Pop: 496 Mil

75: The Holy Empire of Mar Ferrata
Pop: 468 Mil

76: The Legalest Zombal of Marthizer
Pop: 10,369 Mil

77: The Rogue Nation of Marxany
Pop: 2,947 Mil

78: The Arch Wizard of Megumin
Pop: 8,330 Mil

79: The Republic of Monteviro
Pop: 932 Mil

80: The Federation of Multiver5al
Pop: 2,805 Mil

81: The Indivisible Shield Republic of Nator State
Pop: 10,393 Mil

82: The United States of New Wor
Pop: 1,023 Mil

83: The Democratic Republic of Noundia
Pop: 354 Mil

84: The Grand Duchy of Ozerion
Pop: 596 Mil

85: The Protectorate of Pacific Soviet Socialist Republics
Pop: 258 Mil

86: The Ministry of Potterheads Unite
Pop: 2,509 Mil

87: The Unity of Prefecture
Pop: 2,180 Mil

88: The Great Nation of the Empire of Quinsonnia
Pop: 7,861 Mil

89: The Fiefdom of Rookie Mistake
Pop: 456 Mil

90: The Kingdom of Saephis
Pop: 2,896 Mil

91: The United Kingdom of San Javiera Y Jordan
Pop: 1,506 Mil

92: The Lord Siburata of Sateru Liv Helix-Caelorum
Pop: 2,002 Mil

93: The Allied States of Scotland Vaking
Pop: 45 Mil

94: The Dominion of Setera 45xb
Pop: 2,250 Mil

95: The United Sectors of Severaton-Union
Pop: 1,504 Mil

96: The Lady Angelis of Barons Reach of Shadow Helix Caelorum
Pop: 2,213 Mil

97: The Free Land of Solora
Pop: 8,904 Mil

98: The Rogue Nation of Sovereign Diplomatic Enclave
Pop: 1,767 Mil

99: The Dominion of Sundass
Pop: 19,678 Mil

100: The Holy Empire of Tangerine Cult
Pop: 775 Mil

101: The Reslavian Anointed Kingdom of Tcheveria
Pop: 2,814 Mil

102: The Empire of Terra Fortuna Imperius
Pop: 404 Mil

103: The Imperial Seat of Terra Inferiori Reliquere
Pop: 14,174 Mil

104: The Thal Dorthat of Thal Dorthat
Pop: 3,636 Mil

105: The Definitely not a cult of The BFF Society
Pop: 2,303 Mil

106: The Amalgamated Mess of Cultures of The Glorious Khanate of Illinois
Pop: 2,051 Mil

107: The People's Republic of The Island of Llamas
Pop: 13,032 Mil

108: The Information Extraction Rooms of The Lubyanka
Pop: 35,434 Mil

109: The Holy of The Saint
Pop: 1,481 Mil

110: The Empire of The serpents kiss
Pop: 2,862 Mil

111: The Dictatorship of The Voadish States
Pop: 270 Mil

112: The Kingdom of The Yevorian Dominate
Pop: 92 Mil

113: The Federal Republic of Truchas
Pop: 2,151 Mil

114: The Oppressed Peoples of TRUMP IS THE LOSER
Pop: 2,248 Mil

115: The Federal Republic of United Brazil States
Pop: 472 Mil

116: The Republic of Upper Lalis Arre
Pop: 613 Mil

117: The Holy House of Valfor
Pop: 26,445 Mil

118: The Federal Republic of Velanithia
Pop: 321 Mil

119: The Kingdom of Vernenberg
Pop: 341 Mil

120: The Empire of Victoriun
Pop: 2,098 Mil

121: The People's Republic of Voskistan
Pop: 264 Mil

122: The Holy Empire of Wisconsin Lutheran
Pop: 734 Mil

123: The United Kingdom of XScLs_FreeLand
Pop: 26,910 Mil

124: The Sultanate of Zebrola
Pop: 884 Mil

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