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89 Countries populate the Region of Palatine

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1: The Loving Couple of -4rtFan-
Pop: 6,838 Mil

2: The Grand Duchy of Abertinetia
Pop: 4,857 Mil

3: The Constitutional Monarchy of Afrith
Pop: 816 Mil

4: The Republic of Aggressor-class Star Destroyer
Pop: 4,112 Mil

5: The Crown of Aquilea Empire
Pop: 6,958 Mil

6: The People's Republic of Arcnur
Pop: 2,102 Mil

7: The Holy Empire of Argion
Pop: 131 Mil

8: The Kingdom of Artonum
Pop: 239 Mil

9: The Kingdom of Aryanvarta
Pop: 138 Mil

10: The United Kingdom of Asolia
Pop: 2,252 Mil

11: The Confederacy of Bahrein123
Pop: 220 Mil

12: The Most Serene Republic of Belfingfia
Pop: 1,302 Mil

13: The Cyrentine Commonwealth of Bernskia
Pop: 4,072 Mil

14: The Kingdom of Berythia
Pop: 314 Mil

15: The Holy Empire of Bohemian Crown
Pop: 3,072 Mil

16: The Seven Lands of Bronzehamut
Pop: 2,023 Mil

17: The Fiefdom of Carders guild
Pop: 3,263 Mil

18: The Empire of Celminmel
Pop: 206 Mil

19: The Crown of the Grand Duchy of Chineva
Pop: 2,085 Mil

20: The Constitutional Monarchy of Cho Sainai
Pop: 143 Mil

21: The Republic of Cobro-2
Pop: 1,115 Mil

22: The Republic of Democratic Republic of A-Ville
Pop: 148 Mil

23: The Principality of Drue Unia
Pop: 371 Mil

24: The Kingdom of Escavalon
Pop: 285 Mil

25: The Confederacy of Ferrovian Confederation
Pop: 1,381 Mil

26: The Kingdom of Finola
Pop: 1,585 Mil

27: The Fiefdom of Gentem caedes
Pop: 121 Mil

28: The Kingdom of Gumbal
Pop: 3,275 Mil

29: The Fiefdom of Gurdinia
Pop: 195 Mil

30: The Kingdom of Haganham
Pop: 7,681 Mil

31: The Hegemonic Empire of Hakazira
Pop: 1,738 Mil

32: The United Timoris Kingdoms of Janissary
Pop: 4,322 Mil

33: The Subsidized Union of Jermi
Pop: 7,257 Mil

34: The Grand Duchy of Karasuar
Pop: 131 Mil

35: The Grand Duchy of Korenig
Pop: 166 Mil

36: The Republic of Kostenlos
Pop: 1,134 Mil

37: The Queendom of Kotrainia
Pop: 276 Mil

38: The Armed Republic of KrabsAgain
Pop: 168 Mil

39: The Fiefdom of Latbel
Pop: 824 Mil

40: The Mlocikian Vassal of Leod Nathabainia
Pop: 3,603 Mil

41: The Crown of Leoria and Portardosa
Pop: 2,422 Mil

42: The United Socialist States of LetsGeauxBrandon
Pop: 7,219 Mil

43: The Federal Republic of Lexity
Pop: 134 Mil

44: The Dictatorship of Lisarbe
Pop: 145 Mil

45: The Rogue Nation of LSN27
Pop: 3,445 Mil

46: The F?rstentum of Lutz-Bodoburg
Pop: 4,786 Mil

47: The Kingdom of Maaland
Pop: 168 Mil

48: The Colony of Mawr Rom
Pop: 223 Mil

49: The Wizard in the High Tower of McAnthilioom
Pop: 1,284 Mil

50: The Trading Organization of Mlocikian Trader Ltd
Pop: 3,226 Mil

51: The Grand Kingdom of Mlociniakik
Pop: 5,040 Mil

52: The Holy Empire of Movere
Pop: 784 Mil

53: The Federal Republic of Naibier
Pop: 124 Mil

54: The Exarchate of New Galape Evoros
Pop: 2,292 Mil

55: The Mlocikian Vassal of New Xalu State
Pop: 2,363 Mil

56: The Fiefdom of North Gall Ptorian Islands
Pop: 136 Mil

57: The Shining Star of Observation Post 13
Pop: 7,108 Mil

58: The Kingdom of Ordestan
Pop: 1,969 Mil

59: The Empire of Packlandia
Pop: 5,022 Mil

60: The Empire of Planium
Pop: 129 Mil

61: The United Socialist States of Power Of Vietnam
Pop: 9 Mil

62: The People's Republic of Region of Tibet
Pop: 431 Mil

63: The Theocracy of Republic of Byzantium
Pop: 6 Mil

64: The Realist Federacy of Ronnlaxo
Pop: 5,879 Mil

65: The Holy Empire of Royal Crowns
Pop: 21,827 Mil

66: The Holy Empire of Sankti
Pop: 235 Mil

67: The Bishopric of Sidoine
Pop: 5,923 Mil

68: The Empire of Sovraya
Pop: 579 Mil

69: The Experienced Man of Spying Agent of Mlociniakik
Pop: 3,642 Mil

70: The Demense of Stinkgrad
Pop: 866 Mil

71: The Borderlands of Tah na
Pop: 144 Mil

72: The Grand Duchy of The Free City of Leoria
Pop: 2,315 Mil

73: The Mlocikian Vassal of The Free State of Cornwall
Pop: 4,076 Mil

74: The Lady of The Lake-
Pop: 8,671 Mil

75: The Testing of The mlociniakik tester 1
Pop: 4,253 Mil

76: The Theocracy of The Monastery of Saint John
Pop: 328 Mil

77: The Rogue Nation of The Revelry
Pop: 103 Mil

78: The Republic of The Senate and People of Roam
Pop: 438 Mil

79: The Borderlands of The Stonemark
Pop: 6 Mil

80: The Mlocikian vassal of Theeberafordenum
Pop: 3,770 Mil

81: The Duchy of Tricrenia
Pop: 2,468 Mil

82: The Mlocikian Barony of Troitsin
Pop: 2,648 Mil

83: The Kaiserreich of Tuirsland
Pop: 13,081 Mil

84: The Fiefdom of Velstenia
Pop: 157 Mil

85: The Principality of Vethage
Pop: 69 Mil

86: The Free Land of Water Park
Pop: 2,775 Mil

87: The Nomadic Peoples of Wintyrterre
Pop: 115 Mil

88: The Empire of Wordion
Pop: 3,984 Mil

89: The Democratic States of Yorlain
Pop: 115 Mil

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