1: The Loving Couple of -4rtFan- Pop: 6,161 Mil 2: The Armed Republic of 10th Legion of Mlokisan Army Pop: 314 Mil 3: The Mlocikian Knighted Forces of 1st Legion of Mlokisan Army Pop: 1,478 Mil 4: The Armed Republic of 2nd Legion of Mlokisan Army Pop: 825 Mil 5: The Armed Republic of 3rd Legion of Mlokisan Army Pop: 323 Mil 6: The Armed Republic of 4th Legion of Mlokisan Army Pop: 325 Mil 7: The Armed Republic of 5th Legion of Mlokisan Army Pop: 325 Mil 8: The Armed Republic of 6th Legion of Mlokisan Army Pop: 305 Mil 9: The Armed Republic of 7th Legion of Mlokisan Army Pop: 314 Mil 10: The Armed Republic of 8th Legion of Mlokisan Army Pop: 306 Mil 11: The Armed Republic of 9th Legion of Mlokisan Army Pop: 310 Mil 12: The Grand Duchy of Abertinetia Pop: 4,175 Mil 13: The Constitutional Monarchy of Afrith Pop: 155 Mil 14: The Republic of Aggressor-class Star Destroyer Pop: 3,437 Mil 15: The Sultanate of ALDiriyah Pop: 347 Mil 16: The Commonwealth of Algortica 2 Electric Boogaloo Pop: 786 Mil 17: The Republic of Andiatat Reicksosia Pop: 976 Mil 18: The Crown of Aquilea Empire Pop: 6,276 Mil 19: The People's Republic of Arcnur Pop: 1,445 Mil 20: The Federal Republic of AvantisZ Pop: 1,065 Mil 21: The Most Serene Republic of Belfingfia Pop: 639 Mil 22: The Holy Empire of Birantanconas Pop: 99 Mil 23: The Holy Empire of Bohemian Crown Pop: 2,408 Mil 24: The Seven Lands of Bronzehamut Pop: 1,342 Mil 25: The Fiefdom of Carders guild Pop: 2,687 Mil 26: The Crown of the Grand Duchy of Chineva Pop: 1,417 Mil 27: The County and Capital Region of City of Chineva Pop: 1,414 Mil 28: The Holy Empire of Eastern Futer Pop: 102 Mil 29: The Confederacy of Ferrovian Confederation Pop: 835 Mil 30: The Kingdom of Finola Pop: 1,205 Mil 31: The Holy Empire of Fulboland Pop: 362 Mil 32: The Kingdom of Gumbal Pop: 2,599 Mil 33: The Kingdom of Haganham Pop: 7,016 Mil 34: The Hegemonic Empire of Hakazira Pop: 1,204 Mil 35: The Confederacy of Helvetischweizia Pop: 234 Mil 36: The Theocracy of Holy Mlaitse Order Pop: 810 Mil 37: The Fiefdom of JaeAn Pop: 124 Mil 38: The United Timoris Kingdoms of Janissary Pop: 3,649 Mil 39: The Subsidized Union of Jermi Pop: 6,587 Mil 40: The Republic of Kostenlos Pop: 452 Mil 41: The Kingdom of Kriegerlandd Pop: 233 Mil 42: The Fiefdom of Latbel Pop: 148 Mil 43: The Mlocikian Vassal of Leod Nathabainia Pop: 3,485 Mil 44: The Crown of Leoria and Portardosa Pop: 1,798 Mil 45: The United Socialist States of LetsGeauxBrandon Pop: 6,533 Mil 46: The Holy Empire of Lineard Pop: 3,949 Mil 47: The Empire of Lireira Pop: 4,278 Mil 48: The Commonwealth of Los Hermosa Pop: 644 Mil | 49: The F?rstentum of Lutz-Bodoburg Pop: 4,105 Mil 50: The Turkic Emirate of Maimana Pop: 987 Mil 51: The Colony of Middle Riglenikiaia Pop: 189 Mil 52: The Trading Organization of Mlocikian Trader Ltd Pop: 2,926 Mil 53: The Grand Kingdom of Mlociniakik Pop: 4,376 Mil 54: The Knighted Guardians of Mlokisan Army Pop: 3,411 Mil 55: The Principality and County of Most serene Saberhagen Pop: 4,710 Mil 56: The Democratic Republic of Nacelia Pop: 438 Mil 57: The City and County Governorate of New Chineva Pop: 1,195 Mil 58: The Exarchate of New Galape Evoros Pop: 1,625 Mil 59: The Mlocikian Vassal of New Xalu State Pop: 2,047 Mil 60: The Commonwealth of Nietonia Pop: 680 Mil 61: The Shining Star of Observation Post 13 Pop: 6,433 Mil 62: The Kingdom of Ordestan Pop: 1,305 Mil 63: The Empire of Packlandia Pop: 4,350 Mil 64: The Grand Duchy of Portardosa Pop: 1,788 Mil 65: The Tsardom of Pravoslavi Pop: 1,241 Mil 66: The Dictatorship of Rianxi Pop: 988 Mil 67: The Realist Federacy of Ronnlaxo Pop: 5,205 Mil 68: The Holy Empire of Royal Crowns Pop: 21,154 Mil 69: The Armed Republic of Scora Pop: 1,092 Mil 70: The Realm of Sibania Pop: 4,114 Mil 71: The Republic of SIRTER Pop: 1,077 Mil 72: The Kingdom of Solamnia Pop: 3,594 Mil 73: The Empire of Solanthea Pop: 987 Mil 74: The Republic of Spaxipton Pop: 301 Mil 75: The Experienced Man of Spying Agent of Mlociniakik Pop: 3,329 Mil 76: The Republic of Suhuga Pop: 229 Mil 77: The Republic of The Broken Star Pop: 909 Mil 78: The State and Commune of The City of Meierburg Pop: 1,431 Mil 79: The Grand Duchy of The Free City of Leoria Pop: 1,652 Mil 80: The Mlocikian Vassal of The Free State of Cornwall Pop: 3,564 Mil 81: The Lady of The Lake- Pop: 7,994 Mil 82: The Free Land of The Masyafi mountains Pop: 110 Mil 83: The Testing of The mlociniakik tester 1 Pop: 3,727 Mil 84: The Mlocikian Duchy of Theeberafordenum Pop: 3,238 Mil 85: The Duchy of Tricrenia Pop: 1,799 Mil 86: The Mlocikian Barony of Troitsin Pop: 2,323 Mil 87: The Kaiserreich of Tuirsland Pop: 12,408 Mil 88: The State of Urbe Pop: 2,351 Mil 89: The Fortified Cities of Vermiglione Pop: 1,167 Mil 90: The City and County Governorate of Vernstadt Pop: 684 Mil 91: The Community of Villydonated Pop: 152 Mil 92: The Free Land of Water Park Pop: 2,105 Mil 93: The Realm of Weser Amatland Pop: 956 Mil |