1: The Queendom of -Makor Pop: 495 Mil 2: The Republic of 5thlayerofhellXD Pop: 1,651 Mil 3: The Accidental Arch-Admin of A Million Dreams Pop: 6,165 Mil 4: The Confederacy of Adawu Pop: 7,754 Mil 5: The Democratic Republic of Aeline Pop: 1,436 Mil 6: The Free Land of Agi-we Pop: 136 Mil 7: The Dictatorship of Aidahtag Pop: 969 Mil 8: The Republic of Alethria Pop: 420 Mil 9: The Most Serene Republic of Aleusinia Pop: 642 Mil 10: The Borderlands of Almander Pop: 4,948 Mil 11: The Kingdom of Aluvonia Pop: 16 Mil 12: The Most Serene Republic of Ambis of Refuge Pop: 2,639 Mil 13: The Rather Inhospitable Interior of An Actual Hurricane Pop: 11,909 Mil 14: The Kingdom of An-dul Pop: 4,236 Mil 15: The Commune of Anarchyarctic Pop: 5,615 Mil 16: The Most Serene Republic of Anarrsomertle Pop: 2,540 Mil 17: The Theocracy of Antimai Pop: 5,210 Mil 18: The Constitutional Republic of Antrania Pop: 4,237 Mil 19: The Militarist Republic of Aphudale Pop: 2,011 Mil 20: The Kingdom of Arabi Watani Pop: 844 Mil 21: The Enchanted Forest of Araine Pop: 10,311 Mil 22: The Republic of Arcane Government Pop: 1,147 Mil 23: The Peoples' Free Land of Arcostan Pop: 841 Mil 24: The Republic of Arekhania Pop: 151 Mil 25: The Holy Empire of Argyatsova Pop: 4,943 Mil 26: The Everlasting HiTech Community of Arirusuya Pop: 707 Mil 27: The People's Republic of Artgentia Pop: 567 Mil 28: The Republic of Arwingen Pop: 860 Mil 29: The Sentient Dataflow Processors of ASEANINDIA Pop: 3,153 Mil 30: The United Socialist States of Astrazoria Pop: 844 Mil 31: The Blu Holy Rpublic of Aziel Rex Pop: 17,631 Mil 32: The Community of BananaBanana Pop: 562 Mil 33: The Shining Light of Bejeweled Potatoes Pop: 4,127 Mil 34: The People's Republic of Belkanada Pop: 859 Mil 35: The Empire of Better Arcostan Pop: 767 Mil 36: The Free Land of Birb Pop: 297 Mil 37: The Federation of Bismarck-Tirpitz Pop: 4,870 Mil 38: The Frozen Hellscape of Blauwskjold Pop: 2,797 Mil 39: The Future of Blod and Meolc Pop: 2,546 Mil 40: The Cardboard Heaven of Boxiia Pop: 4,672 Mil 41: The Rogue Nation of Calamity Calamus Pop: 742 Mil 42: The Dominion of Calico rainbow boa Pop: 886 Mil 43: The Republic of Captovia Pop: 1,405 Mil 44: The Federal Republic of Cardomelia Pop: 29 Mil 45: The Catocracy of Catiania Pop: 21,778 Mil 46: The United Kingdom of Caxes Pop: 296 Mil 47: The Republic of Central Solaria Pop: 749 Mil 48: The Dominion of Chacapoya Pop: 13,343 Mil 49: The Commonwealth of Chacapoyan Breakaway States Pop: 7,914 Mil 50: The Disputed Territories of Chacapoyan Free State Pop: 7,321 Mil 51: The Rogue Nation of Chappellandia Pop: 579 Mil 52: The Gentle Reveries of Cheesy Tots Pop: 11,889 Mil 53: The Kingdom of Cherry-Blossoms Pop: 1,339 Mil 54: The Republic of Chilean peoples Republic Pop: 91 Mil 55: The Federal Republic of Claudican Union Pop: 1,932 Mil 56: The Forsaken Resort Island of Colision Pop: 2,014 Mil 57: The Armed Republic of Context Firefly Pop: 754 Mil 58: The Republic of Critter Camp Pop: 1,924 Mil 59: The Commonwealth of Curzonia Pop: 1,856 Mil 60: The Nomadic Peoples of Daloana Pop: 4,937 Mil 61: The Actual Ferret of Dancin is What To Do Pop: 5,586 Mil 62: The Frozen Socialist Republic of Deasaadaqis Pop: 1,441 Mil 63: The Macrogalactic Superblast of Delta Vega IV Pop: 22,549 Mil 64: The Equitarian Confederation of Democratic Hitton Pop: 2,218 Mil 65: The Free Land of Denimz Pop: 9,396 Mil 66: The Federal Republic of Diev Pop: 23 Mil 67: The Democratic Republic of Dilectri Pop: 3,287 Mil 68: The People's Republic of Dilwyn Pop: 7,388 Mil 69: The People's Republic of Ditwesbourg Pop: 5,156 Mil 70: The Borderlands of Djungel Pop: 358 Mil 71: The Incorporated States of DPonia Pop: 91 Mil 72: The Free Land of Drakhheaid Pop: 314 Mil 73: The Confederacy of Dreyland Pop: 4,137 Mil 74: The Incorporated States of Dreyrim Card Farm Pop: 279 Mil 75: The Incorporated States of Dreyrim Card Vault Pop: 286 Mil 76: The Sultanate of Drusayy Pop: 4,999 Mil 77: The Rogue Nation of DSN5 Pop: 3,498 Mil 78: The Rogue Nation of DSN51 Pop: 3,463 Mil 79: The Anarcho-Communist Alliance of Duneraven Pop: 6,790 Mil 80: The Third Republic of DutchFormosa Pop: 4,395 Mil 81: The Nomadic Peoples of Eastern Bik Sourgicedka Pop: 587 Mil 82: The Disputed Territories of Eastern Guggenheime Pop: 614 Mil 83: The Kingdom of Eddland Pop: 4,587 Mil 84: The Community of Ekajyotivolke Pop: 7,216 Mil 85: The Most Serene Republic of Eldoria Daan Pop: 1,258 Mil 86: The More Purrfect Union of Elucubria Pop: 2,091 Mil 87: The Rogue Nation of Emdna Pop: 868 Mil 88: The Commonwealth of Emoti Pop: 2,644 Mil 89: The Free Land of Esawari Pop: 153 Mil 90: The Alliance of Ethierys Pop: 4,679 Mil 91: The Community of Eudico Pop: 157 Mil 92: The Free Habitat of FaceEatingSlug Pop: 2,010 Mil 93: The NotHalfBad actually republic of Fadnesia Pop: 5,174 Mil 94: The Federation of Federation of Artorilot Pop: 680 Mil 95: The Covenant of Fel Vudos Pop: 7,159 Mil 96: The Community of Felinesian Prime Pop: 233 Mil 97: The Queen Of the Waltz of Feu de Glace Pop: 18,323 Mil 98: The Парящие острова-государство of Fjow Pop: 2,154 Mil 99: The Democratic Republic of Flaeze Pop: 2,113 Mil 100: The Federal Democratic Republic of Floedlaenn Pop: 3,764 Mil 101: The Undying Syndicate of Forgo Regia Pop: 3,212 Mil 102: The Socialist Republic of Frankias Pop: 3,388 Mil 103: The Community of Free Pines Pop: 689 Mil 104: The Free Land of Free Pizza Pop: 103 Mil 105: The Oppressed Peoples of Genderlandia Pop: 4,711 Mil 106: The Republic of Gerbil Kriopia Pop: 8,759 Mil 107: The Community of Gezin Pop: 704 Mil 108: The Queendom of Gleann Fheidh Pop: 596 Mil 109: The Rogue Nation of Glebushka Pop: 190 Mil 110: The Empire of Goblin 216 Pop: 9,025 Mil 111: The Queendom of Golden gateway Pop: 8,949 Mil 112: The Matriarchy of Greater Dreyland Pop: 712 Mil 113: The Theocracy of Greater Guggenheime Pop: 706 Mil 114: The United Kingdom of Greaterburg Pop: 623 Mil 115: The Confederacy of Grecdomto Pop: 683 Mil 116: The Dominion of Green-space Pop: 5,407 Mil 117: The Armed Republic of Grossesland Pop: 236 Mil 118: The Most Serene Republic of Guggenheime Pop: 792 Mil 119: The People's Republic of Guggenhell Pop: 731 Mil 120: The Democratic Republic of Haisae Pop: 5,008 Mil 121: The Republic of Halkicistan Pop: 248 Mil 122: The Love Live idol club of Hasunosora Pop: 4,422 Mil 123: The Democratic Warren of HerbivoreSlug Pop: 1,221 Mil 124: The Community of Hippiepunkland Pop: 32 Mil 125: The Holy Empire of Hognose island Pop: 1,488 Mil 126: The Dominion of Holy Liba And Phund Pop: 104 Mil 127: The People's Republic of Hooren Pop: 36 Mil 128: The United Socialist States of Hoqeallistan Pop: 6,751 Mil 129: The Giant Cuddle Pile of Horny-catgirls Pop: 1,654 Mil 130: The Community of Hugolandinia Pop: 2,007 Mil 131: The United States of Ilikemunchingonsparechange Pop: 846 Mil 132: The Federation of Impentia Pop: 657 Mil 133: The Holy Empire of Imperium Indomitus Pop: 296 Mil 134: The Refugi Belter Colony of Inaros OPA Pop: 6,534 Mil 135: The Republic of Indonaco Pop: 754 Mil 136: The Confederacy of Innamorta Pop: 5,169 Mil 137: The Commonwealth of Inner Guggenheime Pop: 708 Mil 138: The Delicious Morsels of Insulin Pop: 6,484 Mil 139: The Crown Commonwealth of Interflumnibia Pop: 4,292 Mil 140: The Commonwealth of Irakraush Nara Pop: 831 Mil 141: The Bureaucracy of Ithkuil Pop: 1,744 Mil 142: The Community of Itland Pop: 2,100 Mil 143: The Softness ☁️????️???? of Izzalia Pop: 2,584 Mil 144: The Free Land of Jail Guitar Doors Pop: 4,002 Mil 145: The Township of Junitaki-cho Pop: 9,701 Mil 146: The Free Land of Kahieberry Pop: 337 Mil 147: The Eternal Dragon City of Kairinia Pop: 802 Mil 148: The Principality of Kaldor Vakiria Pop: 961 Mil 149: The People's Republic of Kalmyku Pop: 120 Mil 150: The Draconic Commonwealth of Kan Rizond Pop: 604 Mil 151: The Island Nation of Karkartica Pop: 7,828 Mil 152: The Free Land of Kattopiclia Pop: 90 Mil 153: The Republic of Kernave Pop: 29 Mil 154: The Friendly Loft of Keskea Pop: 3,246 Mil 155: The Realm of Kirboo Pop: 2,505 Mil 156: The Democratic Republic of Klausenburg Pop: 634 Mil 157: The Noocratic Empire of Krarpera Pop: 2,883 Mil 158: The Dictatorship of Krattler Pop: 4,075 Mil 159: The Holy Empire of La monia Pop: 92 Mil 160: The United Socialist States of Laysian America Pop: 89 Mil 161: The Dominion of Lesser Dreyland Pop: 647 Mil 162: The United Socialist States of Lesser Guggenheime Pop: 643 Mil 163: The Colony of Lesvoss Pop: 892 Mil 164: The Republic of Liberated Hong Kong Pop: 754 Mil 165: The Democratic Republic of Libervillea Pop: 4,919 Mil 166: The People's Republic of Liphia Pop: 9,122 Mil 167: The Fiefdom of Lirteldasya Pop: 19,839 Mil 168: The Commonwealth of Lith Keralia Pop: 3,364 Mil 169: The Emirate of Longest Answer Only Isle of Zimbabwae2 Pop: 467 Mil 170: The People's Republic of Lormonia Pop: 1,856 Mil 171: The Sultanate of Lost Taco Man Pop: 167 Mil 172: The Dictatorship of Lower Guggenheime Pop: 722 Mil 173: The Empire of Luimi Pop: 67 Mil 174: The Commonwealth of Lunhallow Pop: 894 Mil 175: The Intrepid Reporter of Luz Lane Pop: 3,451 Mil 176: The Free Land of Mallard Pop: 5,387 Mil 177: The Republic of Marbled lungfish Pop: 4,122 Mil 178: The Constitutional Monarchy of Mare Stellarum Pop: 5,144 Mil 179: The Lifelong Union of Marriage Pop: 12,629 Mil 180: The Republic of Melenavenia Pop: 11,293 Mil 181: The Benevolent Kingdom of Melior Mundi Pop: 5,833 Mil 182: The Protectorate of Middle Anion Eloo Che Pop: 26 Mil 183: The Federal Republic of Middle Eurlandia Pop: 302 Mil 184: The Human Coop of Monkely Pop: 2,526 Mil 185: The Empire of Mordred Pendragon Pop: 3,644 Mil 186: The Vote Badger of Morrigan Pop: 5,085 Mil | 187: The Community of Mungopolia Pop: 343 Mil 188: The Hidden Wonderlands of Nahelia Pop: 5,262 Mil 189: The Nakarisauce of Nakarisaune Pop: 26,921 Mil 190: The Empire of Nandahi Cadanz Pop: 32 Mil 191: The Socialist Barangays of Nangka Pop: 12,575 Mil 192: The Kingdom of Naronya Pop: 468 Mil 193: The ✨???????????????? of Narwhal Pop: 13,890 Mil 194: The Commune of Neapsvar Pop: 608 Mil 195: The Allied States of Necroshelios Pop: 800 Mil 196: The Sacred People's Republic of Nekhuser-Ra Pop: 10,198 Mil 197: The Dictatorship of NEO Thermal Pop: 755 Mil 198: The Republic of NestorMakhno Pop: 697 Mil 199: The Commonwealth of Neues Mondstadt Pop: 685 Mil 200: The Federal Republic of New Caelty Pop: 93 Mil 201: The Vague Definition of Liberal of New Equanimia Pop: 6,390 Mil 202: The Democratic Republic of New Townsburg Pop: 561 Mil 203: The Confederacy of New Weuron Pop: 537 Mil 204: The Community of Night Fishers at Antibes Pop: 462 Mil 205: The Community of Nighternic Pop: 490 Mil 206: The Monarchy of NonDemocratic Piracy Pop: 2,019 Mil 207: The Federal Republic of Noron Gres Pop: 318 Mil 208: The Federal Republic of North Azerkhadia Pop: 6,046 Mil 209: The Democratic Republic of North Holls Pop: 110 Mil 210: The Protectorate of Northeastern Northern America Pop: 449 Mil 211: The Protectorate of Northern Guggenheime Pop: 596 Mil 212: The Nomadic Peoples of Northern Mars tribe Pop: 5,503 Mil 213: The Most Serene Republic of Notierre Pop: 868 Mil 214: The Kingdom of Nottinghaven Pop: 16,466 Mil 215: The Commonwealth of Novum York Pop: 932 Mil 216: The Free Land of Noweyr Pop: 4,112 Mil 217: The Empire of Nuclei rei publicae Pop: 13,885 Mil 218: The Colony of Nugtopia Pop: 919 Mil 219: The Kingdom of Okenan Pop: 665 Mil 220: The Kingdom of Ollethyr Pop: 174 Mil 221: The Fiefdom of Outer Guggenheime Pop: 641 Mil 222: The People's Democratic Kingdom of Pangeodrea Pop: 6,942 Mil 223: The Lucky Cannibal Cabal of Pantumaca Pop: 3,293 Mil 224: The Commonwealth of Parilia Pop: 415 Mil 225: The Allied States of Parmesa Pop: 134 Mil 226: The Rhythmic Tribes of Patapole Pop: 802 Mil 227: The Commonwealth of Peanut Butter Gamer Pop: 131 Mil 228: The Free Land of Penopia Pop: 316 Mil 229: The Incorporated States of People that do Psychs Pop: 308 Mil 230: The Free Land of Peopleton Pop: 931 Mil 231: The Minarchist Directorate of Phansomr Pop: 2,573 Mil 232: The People's Republic of Pigmy Island Pop: 923 Mil 233: The Republic of Plantaroos Pop: 72 Mil 234: The Diplomatic Mission of Podria in Refugia Pop: 2,944 Mil 235: The People's Republic of Poison Pill Pop: 927 Mil 236: The Protectorate of Polasis Pop: 324 Mil 237: The Commonwealth of Polo-Litvanija Pop: 681 Mil 238: The Republic of Polyarny Pop: 76 Mil 239: The Free Republic of Poquaoi Pop: 14,112 Mil 240: The Democratic States of Potatoplace Pop: 84 Mil 241: The People's Republic of Prustino Pop: 639 Mil 242: The Commonwealth of Prydain Newydd Pop: 133 Mil 243: The Librarian Community of Purple gold Pop: 2,078 Mil 244: The Matriarchy of Quornasklada Pop: 788 Mil 245: The Kingdom of Rajupalli Pop: 36 Mil 246: The Free Land of RapRockPsicodeliaHCRagga Pop: 29 Mil 247: The Armed Republic of Rattus Umbrus Pop: 2,755 Mil 248: The Republic of Reborn Rome Pop: 12 Mil 249: The People's Republic of Redorica Pop: 95 Mil 250: The Fanciful Tales of Refuge Isle Pop: 13,528 Mil 251: The Venerable Eco-Dorks of Refugia Pop: 6,420 Mil 252: The Republic of Refugian Card Storage Pop: 164 Mil 253: The People's Republic of Remryrlandia Pop: 608 Mil 254: The Commonwealth of Revadia Pop: 283 Mil 255: The Republic of Ringet Sol Pop: 2,475 Mil 256: The Grand Duchy of Riverfoot Pop: 4,537 Mil 257: The Commonwealth of Ruppelia Pop: 4,030 Mil 258: The Republic of Russiaska Pop: 102 Mil 259: The Free Land of Rzelleason Pop: 96 Mil 260: The Incorporated States of Samblira Pop: 279 Mil 261: The Red Plain of Sammuramat Pop: 18,278 Mil 262: The Republic of Sandoyar Pop: 557 Mil 263: The Socialist Republic of Sapphic Love Pop: 1,100 Mil 264: The Community of Sawarn Pop: 585 Mil 265: The Empire of Scandinavia and Colorado Pop: 6,502 Mil 266: The Free Land of Sciotostan Pop: 983 Mil 267: The Archipelagagic Platforms of Serezlis Pop: 1,315 Mil 268: The Weirdos of Silliy Pop: 4,156 Mil 269: The Dubiously Divine Duo of Sister Daniel and Father Philip Pop: 900 Mil 270: The Free Land of SlackersWithJackhammers Pop: 122 Mil 271: The Republic of Socruell Pop: 8,314 Mil 272: The People's Republic of Solamtandia Pop: 1,630 Mil 273: The Most Serene Republic of South Zealande Pop: 2,674 Mil 274: The Free Land of Southern Guggenheime Pop: 599 Mil 275: The Federation of Sovereign Communist Republics Pop: 32 Mil 276: The Islamic Imperial Kingdom of Sramenamia Pop: 1,570 Mil 277: The Dominion of St Lyaos Pop: 6,982 Mil 278: The Republic of Standsland Pop: 307 Mil 279: The People's Republic of Stanribo Pop: 687 Mil 280: The People's Republic of Stapleshocker Pop: 745 Mil 281: The Federation of Star Konopia Pop: 2,852 Mil 282: The Federation of Stellaris Luminara Pop: 451 Mil 283: The Armed Republic of Suula Pop: 98 Mil 284: The Republic of Svaskia Pop: 698 Mil 285: The Socialist Solarpunk Society of Sylh Alanor Pop: 12,662 Mil 286: The Republic of Tally Hell Pop: 359 Mil 287: The Most Serene Islands of Talvezout Pop: 20,128 Mil 288: The Community of Tapio Pop: 319 Mil 289: The Dominion of Targis Pop: 23,874 Mil 290: The Matriarchy of Te Arawa Pop: 787 Mil 291: The Federation of Terra and Xenomorphs Pop: 2,230 Mil 292: The Incorporated States of The Acorn Isles Pop: 1,033 Mil 293: The 47 Percent Tax Evasion Rate of The Blue Fire Pop: 4,744 Mil 294: The Rogue Nation of The Cluck Pop: 93 Mil 295: The Disorganized Societies of The Evergreen Dreamscapes Pop: 5,756 Mil 296: The Socialist Republic of The Gaelic People Pop: 5,260 Mil 297: The Community of The Hefel Pop: 3,279 Mil 298: The Free Land of The Isomarderes Pop: 5,434 Mil 299: The Commonwealth of The Jamdoin Pop: 2,329 Mil 300: The Free Chiefdoms of The Ledona Pop: 4,135 Mil 301: The Collective Knowledge of The Local Authority Pop: 7,681 Mil 302: The Assassin of The Nightcat Pop: 1,511 Mil 303: The Federal Republic of The North Atlantic Provinces Pop: 8,831 Mil 304: The Constitutional Monarchy of The OC Combine Pop: 565 Mil 305: The United Hipster Nation of The Pacific Northwest Pop: 5,935 Mil 306: The Free Land of The Prosperity Federation Pop: 143 Mil 307: The Republic of The Republic of Linklings Pop: 634 Mil 308: The Hivemind of The Seid Pop: 31,361 Mil 309: The Commonwealth of The Smugs Pop: 5,111 Mil 310: The Most Serene Republic of The Sous Arm Pop: 799 Mil 311: The National Assembly of The Star Enpire Pop: 22,752 Mil 312: The Commonwealth of The Starr of Betelgeuse Pop: 2,120 Mil 313: The Protectorate of The Stormblessed Pop: 338 Mil 314: The Republic of The Two Seas Pop: 523 Mil 315: The Holy Empire of The Young Saxophinsts Institution Pop: 74 Mil 316: The Dictatorship of TheFemboys Pop: 954 Mil 317: The Republic of Theolica Pop: 4,467 Mil 318: The Grand Duchy of Thornburgselvania Pop: 36 Mil 319: The Colony of Thristordons Pop: 86 Mil 320: The Socialist Thalassocracy of Tidelia Pop: 3,542 Mil 321: The Borderlands of Time Inc Pop: 2,686 Mil 322: The Anarcho-Communist Unions of Tindio Pop: 4,966 Mil 323: The Ultimate DJ Remix of Tiralta Pop: 7,128 Mil 324: The Democratic Republic of Tofka Pop: 811 Mil 325: The Community of Tooloonee Pop: 197 Mil 326: The Republic of Toothbrush Pop: 3,624 Mil 327: The Unified People of Tovenia Pop: 9,167 Mil 328: The Federation of Trans-Skittles Pop: 1,857 Mil 329: The Holy Empire of Trosvik 7B Pop: 95 Mil 330: The Republic of Trubania Pop: 5,222 Mil 331: The Empire of True Dreyland Pop: 627 Mil 332: The Bees' Hive of Tuluni Pop: 5,892 Mil 333: The Card Nest of Tuluni Card Farmer 1 Pop: 4,223 Mil 334: The Eternal Forest of Typica Pop: 14,766 Mil 335: The People's Republic of Ualia Pop: 368 Mil 336: The Omniscient Demo-Iso-Olacracy of Uitmuntendheid Pop: 8,244 Mil 337: The Free Land of Ulgrotha Pop: 438 Mil 338: The Burning World of United Calanworie Pop: 13,186 Mil 339: The Democratic States of United Gre Fresh Assistan Pop: 1,794 Mil 340: The Republic of United state of Terran Pop: 121 Mil 341: The Colony of Universe in the Eye of the Fate Pop: 11,989 Mil 342: The Oppressed Peoples of Upper Guggenheime Pop: 634 Mil 343: The Grand Duchy of Vadez Pop: 279 Mil 344: The Imperial Union of Vandermeer Pop: 6,892 Mil 345: The Socialist Federal Republic of Vashovia Pop: 1,062 Mil 346: The Community of Vequalica Pop: 5,051 Mil 347: The Republic of Vickenian Card Company Pop: 340 Mil 348: The Most Serene United Kingdom of Vikoland Pop: 10,441 Mil 349: The Lucky Viceroyalty of Vile Island Pop: 6,992 Mil 350: The Village of Villagers uninted Pop: 4,398 Mil 351: The Free Land of Virgaela Pop: 50 Mil 352: The Serene Lands of Volendra Pop: 891 Mil 353: The Wandering Probe of Voyager Number 1 Pop: 3,406 Mil 354: The Nomadic Peoples of VRChat Pop: 546 Mil 355: The Free Land of Vuska Pop: 275 Mil 356: The Constitutional Monarchy of Walterierium Pop: 90 Mil 357: The Kingdom of Weirtopia Pop: 5,159 Mil 358: The Provincial Union of Werstonal Pop: 7,262 Mil 359: The Borderlands of Western Guggenheime Pop: 598 Mil 360: The Federal Republic of Windhag Pop: 849 Mil 361: The Free Land of Wisteriap Pop: 780 Mil 362: The Grand Duchy of Wobblylegs Pop: 8,552 Mil 363: The Federation of Woon Puped Pop: 80 Mil 364: The Democratic Republic of Xoribuva Pop: 95 Mil 365: The Armed Republic of Yaskov Pop: 1,445 Mil 366: The Grand Duchy of Yo Banana Boy Pop: 827 Mil 367: The Independent Republic of Yondoria Pop: 6,531 Mil 368: The Republic of You wanna know how it smells ask Santos Pop: 284 Mil 369: The Federal Republic of Zyklopeninseln Pop: 867 Mil |