1: The Community of Akhal-Teke Pop: 4,583 Mil 2: The Community of Alpaca Pop: 5,562 Mil 3: The Community of Anaconda Pop: 3,002 Mil 4: The Community of Andalusian Pop: 4,259 Mil 5: The Commonwealth of Angel Shark Pop: 4,196 Mil 6: The Community of Angelfish Pop: 4,747 Mil 7: The Lucky Savannahs of Apexiala Wildlife Reserve Pop: 6,220 Mil 8: The Community of Appaloosa Pop: 1,576 Mil 9: The Community of Ardennais Pop: 4,559 Mil 10: The Community of Armadillo Pop: 5,512 Mil 11: The Community of Axolotl Pop: 3,737 Mil 12: The Community of Azteca Horse Pop: 4,560 Mil 13: The Community of Barracuda Pop: 4,745 Mil 14: The Community of Bashkir Curly Pop: 4,562 Mil 15: The Commonwealth of Basking Shark Pop: 4,189 Mil 16: The Community of Bear Pop: 5,539 Mil 17: The Community of Bearcat Pop: 1,393 Mil 18: The Commonwealth of Blacktip Reef Shark Pop: 4,153 Mil 19: The Community of Blobfish Pop: 1,504 Mil 20: The Commonwealth of Blue Shark Pop: 4,161 Mil 21: The Free Land of Boa Pop: 3,872 Mil 22: The Commonwealth of Bonnethead Shark Pop: 4,151 Mil 23: The Community of Bottlenose Pop: 1,385 Mil 24: The Community of Boxfish Pop: 1,400 Mil 25: The Community of Brabant Horse Pop: 4,509 Mil 26: The Community of Brumby Pop: 4,538 Mil 27: The Community of Buckskin Pop: 4,543 Mil 28: The Community of Bush Dog Pop: 1,408 Mil 29: The Community of Buzzard Pop: 5,527 Mil 30: The Community of Camargue Horse Pop: 4,497 Mil 31: The Community of Camel Pop: 5,535 Mil 32: The Community of Campolina Pop: 4,509 Mil 33: The Community of Capuchin Pop: 5,528 Mil 34: The Commonwealth of Caribbean Reef Shark Pop: 4,182 Mil 35: The Community of Caribou Pop: 5,526 Mil 36: The Community of Cassowary Pop: 5,322 Mil 37: The Free Land of Chamois Pop: 350 Mil 38: The Community of Civet Pop: 1,398 Mil 39: The Community of Clownfish Pop: 4,735 Mil 40: The Community of Clydesdale Pop: 4,211 Mil 41: The Colony of Coral Reef Pop: 5,491 Mil 42: The Commonwealth of Cow Shark Pop: 4,164 Mil 43: The Community of Criollo Pop: 4,532 Mil 44: The Community of Curassow Pop: 1,376 Mil 45: The Community of Cuttlefish Pop: 4,226 Mil 46: The Community of Dartmoor Pop: 4,050 Mil 47: The Community of Dodo Pop: 5,501 Mil 48: The Commonwealth of Dogfish Shark Pop: 4,166 Mil 49: The Community of Dormouse Pop: 1,395 Mil 50: The Community of Dragonfly Pop: 2,998 Mil 51: The Commonwealth of Dusky Shark Pop: 4,165 Mil 52: The Community of Eel Pop: 4,692 Mil 53: The Community of Flamingo Pop: 4,793 Mil 54: The Community of Fossa Pop: 3,711 Mil 55: The Community of Friesian Pop: 4,499 Mil 56: The Community of Fruit Bat Pop: 4,879 Mil 57: The Community of Galah Pop: 4,840 Mil 58: The Community of Gecko Pop: 3,706 Mil 59: The Community of Genet Pop: 1,393 Mil 60: The Community of Gibbon Pop: 4,867 Mil 61: The Community of Gourami Pop: 4,733 Mil 62: The Commonwealth of Greenland Shark Pop: 4,144 Mil 63: The Commonwealth of Grey Reef Shark Pop: 4,182 Mil 64: The Community of Groundhog Pop: 5,059 Mil 65: The Community of Grouse Pop: 1,380 Mil 66: The Community of Haflinger Pop: 4,560 Mil 67: The Community of Hannoverian Pop: 4,581 Mil 68: The Community of Highland Cattle Pop: 4,545 Mil 69: The Free Land of Hippopotamus Pop: 3,503 Mil 70: The Free Land of Hog Pop: 3,505 Mil 71: The Community of Holsteiner Pop: 4,481 Mil 72: The Community of Honey Badger Pop: 5,468 Mil 73: The Community of Huarizo Pop: 1,373 Mil 74: The Community of Hummingbird Pop: 4,895 Mil 75: The Community of Impala Pop: 5,522 Mil 76: The Community of Italian Heavy Draft Pop: 4,538 Mil 77: The Community of Jackal Pop: 5,522 Mil 78: The Republic of Javan Rusa Pop: 1,393 Mil | 79: The Community of Kathiawari Pop: 4,542 Mil 80: The Community of Kestral Pop: 5,478 Mil 81: The Community of Kiger Mustang Pop: 4,542 Mil 82: The Community of Kingfisher Pop: 3,289 Mil 83: The Community of Kladruber Pop: 4,558 Mil 84: The Community of Knabstrupper Pop: 4,511 Mil 85: The Community of Koala Bear Pop: 1,639 Mil 86: The Colony of Lemur Pop: 3,904 Mil 87: The Commonwealth of Leopard Shark Pop: 4,215 Mil 88: The Community of Lipizzan Pop: 4,568 Mil 89: The Community of Llama Pop: 5,570 Mil 90: The Community of Lobster Pop: 3,603 Mil 91: The Community of Lusitano Pop: 4,287 Mil 92: The Community of Lynx Pop: 5,457 Mil 93: The Community of Macaque Pop: 5,482 Mil 94: The Community of Macaw Pop: 871 Mil 95: The Community of Magpie Pop: 2,894 Mil 96: The Community of Manatee Pop: 5,504 Mil 97: The Community of Mink Pop: 1,595 Mil 98: The Community of Nilgai Pop: 1,400 Mil 99: The Community of Noriker Pop: 4,551 Mil 100: The Commonwealth of Nurse Shark Pop: 4,152 Mil 101: The Community of Olingo Pop: 1,382 Mil 102: The Community of Orangutan Pop: 5,539 Mil 103: The Community of Oryx Pop: 5,532 Mil 104: The Community of Osprey Pop: 5,496 Mil 105: The Community of Ostrich Pop: 5,197 Mil 106: The Community of Otter Pop: 5,508 Mil 107: The Community of Oxen Pop: 4,868 Mil 108: The Community of Pangolin Pop: 5,491 Mil 109: The Community of Parrot Pop: 5,510 Mil 110: The Community of Parrotfish Pop: 4,707 Mil 111: The Community of Paso Fino Pop: 4,546 Mil 112: The Community of Peccary Pop: 1,380 Mil 113: The Community of Pelican Pop: 5,451 Mil 114: The Community of Percheron Pop: 4,532 Mil 115: The Community of Peruvian Paso Pop: 4,549 Mil 116: The Community of Piranha Pop: 5,536 Mil 117: The Commonwealth of Port Jackson Shark Pop: 4,194 Mil 118: The Community of Possum Pop: 5,527 Mil 119: The Community of Pufferfish Pop: 5,109 Mil 120: The Community of Puma Pop: 913 Mil 121: The Commonwealth of Requiem Shark Pop: 4,184 Mil 122: The Community of Rheas Pop: 1,407 Mil 123: The Community of Rhino Pop: 5,515 Mil 124: The Free Land of Safari Pop: 3,549 Mil 125: The Community of Sailfish Pop: 4,706 Mil 126: The Commonwealth of Salmon Shark Pop: 4,153 Mil 127: The Commonwealth of Sand Tiger Shark Pop: 4,176 Mil 128: The Commonwealth of Sandbar Shark Pop: 4,181 Mil 129: The Community of Sawfish Pop: 1,385 Mil 130: The Community of Seal Pop: 5,498 Mil 131: The Community of Selle Francais Pop: 4,534 Mil 132: The Community of Shark Pop: 5,527 Mil 133: The Community of Sifaka Pop: 1,390 Mil 134: The Commonwealth of Silky Shark Pop: 4,183 Mil 135: The Community of Starfish Pop: 4,834 Mil 136: The Community of Stingray Pop: 5,505 Mil 137: The Community of Suffolk Punch Pop: 4,586 Mil 138: The Community of Tamarin Pop: 5,509 Mil 139: The Community of Tapir Pop: 5,546 Mil 140: The Community of Tarsier Pop: 3,399 Mil 141: The Community of Tennessee Walker Pop: 4,551 Mil 142: The Community of Terrapin Pop: 5,524 Mil 143: The Commonwealth of Thresher Shark Pop: 4,192 Mil 144: The Community of Trakehner Pop: 4,538 Mil 145: The Community of Warlander Pop: 4,502 Mil 146: The Community of Watervole Pop: 4,205 Mil 147: The Community of Wedgefish Pop: 1,380 Mil 148: The Community of Whale Shark Pop: 1,490 Mil 149: The Commonwealth of Whitetip Reef Shark Pop: 4,179 Mil 150: The Community of Wildebeest Pop: 5,504 Mil 151: The Community of Woodpecker Pop: 4,883 Mil 152: The Commonwealth of Zebra Shark Pop: 4,152 Mil |