1: The 27 of --------------------------- Pop: 28,822 Mil 2: The Republic of -Bai Ling- Pop: 5,480 Mil 3: The Federal Republic of -Donald Trump Pop: 175 Mil 4: The Republic of -Ene- Pop: 5,539 Mil 5: The Empire of -Grand Japan Pop: 109 Mil 6: The Republic of -Riograndense Pop: 96 Mil 7: The Republic of -Santo Marcos Pop: 45 Mil 8: The Republic of -Sistina- Pop: 5,494 Mil 9: The Republic of -Sutherland Pop: 6,092 Mil 10: The Kingdom of -Umbreon- Pop: 14 Mil 11: The Commonwealth of -umopapisdn- Pop: 11,451 Mil 12: The Android Girlfailure of 073 039 109 032 080 111 112 112 121 Pop: 13,505 Mil 13: The Kingdom of 0ccitania Pop: 123 Mil 14: The Free Land of 1 SAS Brigade Pop: 62 Mil 15: The Armed Republic of 100th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 913 Mil 16: The Republic of 103 Pop: 568 Mil 17: The Commonwealth of 10HIAqua Pop: 115 Mil 18: The United States of 11flychase123 Pop: 18 Mil 19: The Constitutional Monarchy of 123447 Pop: 32 Mil 20: The Protectorate of 12e Infanteriebataljon Koningin Beatrix Pop: 26,568 Mil 21: The Republic of 13ia18a Pop: 14 Mil 22: The Armed Republic of 16th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 901 Mil 23: The Democratic Republic of 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1 Pop: 20 Mil 24: The Holy Empire of 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1 Pop: 32 Mil 25: The Republic of 2iadn5n05w Pop: 2,292 Mil 26: The Republic of 2jmy4nlnc2 Pop: 2,283 Mil 27: The Armed Republic of 2nd Keltan Coastal Defense Regiment Pop: 893 Mil 28: The Armed Republic of 30th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 903 Mil 29: The Republic of 3121622 Card Office Pop: 9,483 Mil 30: The Republic of 3121622 Card Storage Pop: 9,406 Mil 31: The Armed Republic of 31st Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 909 Mil 32: The Armed Republic of 38th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 901 Mil 33: The Commonwealth of 3D Land Pop: 222 Mil 34: The Republic of 3rd Butterflyswarm Pop: 204 Mil 35: The Armed Republic of 3rd Keltan Coastal Defense Regiment Pop: 891 Mil 36: The Armed Republic of 41st Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 915 Mil 37: The Republic of 44th astro air squadron Pop: 294 Mil 38: The Armed Republic of 44th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 892 Mil 39: The Armed Republic of 46th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 909 Mil 40: The Democratic States of 5100 Pop: 20 Mil 41: The Armed Republic of 55th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 896 Mil 42: The Armed Republic of 58th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 910 Mil 43: The Armed Republic of 5th Keltan Coastal Defense Regiment Pop: 896 Mil 44: The Republic of 5y544 Pop: 20 Mil 45: The Armed Republic of 63rd Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 893 Mil 46: The Armed Republic of 69th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 894 Mil 47: The Republic of 6sylqqg2dr Pop: 2,241 Mil 48: The Armed Republic of 6th Keltan Air Defense Battalion Pop: 893 Mil 49: The Confederacy of 6th Republic of Korea Pop: 77 Mil 50: The ???????? 7 Green Trees ????? of 7 Trees Pop: 3,304 Mil 51: The Armed Republic of 88th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 880 Mil 52: The Armed Republic of 89th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 904 Mil 53: The Republic of 8ecvfkxs9d Pop: 3,376 Mil 54: The Republic of 8ekkzmgqj9 Pop: 3,391 Mil 55: The Armed Republic of 92nd Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 882 Mil 56: The Republic of 9C2 Pop: 650 Mil 57: The Republic of A can of Pepsi Zero Sugar Pop: 1,054 Mil 58: The Holy Empire of A Flying Spaghetti Monster Pop: 1,182 Mil 59: The Little Bits of A leftover country Pop: 18,469 Mil 60: The United States of A Really Big Contenent Pop: 502 Mil 61: The Disputed Territories of A renegade nation Pop: 7,520 Mil 62: The Outpost of A watcher Pop: 20,289 Mil 63: The Democratic Republic of AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Pop: 32 Mil 64: The United States of Aamul Pop: 209 Mil 65: The United States of Aamul4 Pop: 167 Mil 66: The Republic of Aaraniae Pop: 145 Mil 67: The Republic of Abacast Pop: 32 Mil 68: The Republic of Abarri Pop: 16,441 Mil 69: The People's Republic of Abbruzzi Pop: 67 Mil 70: The People's Republic of Abburptonalland Pop: 89 Mil 71: The Sultanate of ABC123 113 Pop: 9,237 Mil 72: The Matriarchy of ABC123 117 Pop: 9,289 Mil 73: The Most Serene Republic of ABC123 137 Pop: 9,287 Mil 74: The Dictatorship of ABC123 140 Pop: 9,313 Mil 75: The Allied States of ABC123 141 Pop: 9,192 Mil 76: The Rogue Nation of ABC123 145 Pop: 9,257 Mil 77: The ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? of ABC123 54 Pop: 12,759 Mil 78: The of ABC123 55 Pop: 12,719 Mil 79: The ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? of ABC123 56 Pop: 12,507 Mil 80: The of ABC123 57 Pop: 12,547 Mil 81: The ???? ???? of ABC123 60 Pop: 12,473 Mil 82: The ???? ???? ???? of ABC123 65 Pop: 12,505 Mil 83: The Republic of ABC123 74 Pop: 11,238 Mil 84: The Republic of ABC123 79 Pop: 11,213 Mil 85: The Republic of ABC123 81 Pop: 11,193 Mil 86: The Republic of ABC123 83 Pop: 11,219 Mil 87: The Republic of ABC123 98 Pop: 11,180 Mil 88: The Republic of ABC123 99 Pop: 11,201 Mil 89: The Republic of Abdef Pop: 84 Mil 90: The Incorporated States of Aberlov Pop: 29 Mil 91: The United States of Aboutblank3 Pop: 504 Mil 92: The Republic of Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP Pop: 4,411 Mil 93: The Republic of Abraham Lincoln NHA Pop: 4,388 Mil 94: The United States of Abu Sayyaff Russia 1 Pop: 36 Mil 95: The Armed Republic of Abythar Pop: 247 Mil 96: The Republic of Aceopoliss Pop: 123 Mil 97: The Community of Achianchoim Pop: 157 Mil 98: The Incorporated States of Acropolord Pop: 16,382 Mil 99: The Free Land of Adalti Pop: 453 Mil 100: The Republic of Adans Lep Pop: 7 Mil 101: The Nomadic Peoples of Add Ripple Effect and Gif Pop: 11,221 Mil 102: The Dominion of Addictionisreal Pop: 759 Mil 103: The Republic of Addlorian Pop: 297 Mil 104: The Federation of Adeimosia Pop: 14 Mil 105: The Dictatorship of Adeo Pop: 120 Mil 106: The Republic of Adinac Pop: 86 Mil 107: The Federal Republic of Adtopia Pop: 84 Mil 108: The Nomadic Peoples of Aeglon Pop: 418 Mil 109: The Republic of Aek-9 Pop: 10 Mil 110: The Queendom of Aelith Pop: 736 Mil 111: The Republic of Aem-15 Pop: 191 Mil 112: The Republic of Aem-78 Pop: 168 Mil 113: The Republic of Aem-85 Pop: 179 Mil 114: The Commonwealth of Aequin Pop: 79 Mil 115: The Theocracy of Aera-Viana-Terrak Pop: 2,697 Mil 116: The Federation of Aes Nagalth Pop: 172 Mil 117: The Empire of Aeseria-Hestia Pop: 6 Mil 118: The Dominion of Aeternum Rainbow Pop: 75 Mil 119: The Dominion of Aetherion Realms Pop: 155 Mil 120: The Holy and Industrious Empire of Aetherium-Machina Pop: 25,056 Mil 121: The Holy Empire of Aetrons Pop: 26 Mil 122: The Democratic States of Aewrsty Pop: 6 Mil 123: The Empire of AEZ Pop: 94 Mil 124: The Islamic Republic of Afghanestan Pop: 4,543 Mil 125: The Imperial Kingdom of Aflar Pop: 1,742 Mil 126: The Empire of Afria Thebel Pop: 5,173 Mil 127: The Empire of After taking a break in TSP Merlin Pop: 9,427 Mil 128: The United Socialist States of Age Noice Pop: 426 Mil 129: The Most Serene Republic of Aggicificicerous Pop: 39,011 Mil 130: The Sultanate of Aglon Pop: 418 Mil 131: The Republic of Agorus Pop: 22,377 Mil 132: The Semi-Autonomous Region of Agwa Province Pop: 1,924 Mil 133: The Divine Owl of Aidenfieeld Pop: 16,502 Mil 134: The Colony of AIFER BULFONG Pop: 714 Mil 135: The Constitutional Monarchy of Ailausi Pop: 9 Mil 136: The Matriarchy of Ailean Maise Pop: 7 Mil 137: The Federation of Aimilia and Albia Pop: 9 Mil 138: The Free Palestine of Aina Kuokoa Pop: 3,187 Mil 139: The Confederacy of AinablA RennI Pop: 1,607 Mil 140: The Cyber Princedom of Ainzgloria Pop: 7,359 Mil 141: The Equitable Free Society of Aionia Pop: 22,343 Mil 142: The Republic of Airplane Cockpit Pop: 233 Mil 143: The Multi-Species Republic of Airy Ecosystem Pop: 11,453 Mil 144: The Eccentric Republic of Airy Trees Pop: 11,560 Mil 145: The Commonwealth of Ajejestan Pop: 10,358 Mil 146: The Holy Imperium of Akarina Pop: 2,963 Mil 147: The Republic of Aklmi Pop: 69 Mil 148: The Federal Republic of Akory Pop: 398 Mil 149: The Empire of Akriaa Pop: 150 Mil 150: The Kingdom of Akrista Pop: 520 Mil 151: The Democratic Republic of Aktsartan Pop: 29 Mil 152: The Republic of Al latif Pop: 89 Mil 153: The Emirate of Al Madhaa Pop: 8,330 Mil 154: The Republic of Al-Gabrielo Pop: 40 Mil 155: The Eldritch Abomination of Al-Khadhulu Pop: 45,080 Mil 156: The Federation of ALaLaLand Pop: 424 Mil 157: The Kingdom of Alasland Pop: 104 Mil 158: The Democratic States of Alaz Pop: 32 Mil 159: The Republic of Alemanha solista Pop: 23 Mil 160: The Most Serene Republic of Aleszoria Pop: 344 Mil 161: The Republic of Aleutian WWII National Historic Area Pop: 4,375 Mil 162: The Dictatorship of Alex Tang Pop: 80 Mil 163: The Republic of Alexander Beliavsky Pop: 953 Mil 164: The Empire of Alexander III Pop: 15,575 Mil 165: The Republic of Alexandru Crisan Pop: 452 Mil 166: The Pink Holy Christmas of Alf Landon Pop: 33,493 Mil 167: The Default Land of Algodoo Pop: 2,647 Mil 168: The Kingdom of Aliatorio Pop: 9 Mil 169: The Republic of Alibanda Pop: 2,530 Mil 170: The Republic of Alic Son Pop: 14 Mil 171: The Thievery of Alice Parker Pop: 27,365 Mil 172: The Constitutional Monarchy of Alieman Pop: 23 Mil 173: The Nomadic Peoples of Alien Mermaids Pop: 13,905 Mil 174: The Empire of Alireza Firouzja Pop: 939 Mil 175: The Queendom of Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou Pop: 1,841 Mil 176: The Holy Empire of Alishara Pop: 8,067 Mil 177: The Republic of All Wild Frontier Pop: 4,011 Mil 178: The Confederacy of All-American Confederacy Pop: 753 Mil 179: The Federation of Alla Pop: 79 Mil 180: The Armed Republic of Allied Scavengers Pop: 20 Mil 181: The United States of Allierose Pop: 107 Mil 182: The Confederacy of Allowrie Pop: 166 Mil 183: The Protectorate of Alltin Pop: 9,724 Mil 184: The Republic of Almighty Franklin Pop: 496 Mil 185: The Republic of Almirus1 Pop: 6,318 Mil 186: The Holy Learned Wisdom of Almukhtabi Pop: 17,035 Mil 187: The Empire of Alois land2 Pop: 90 Mil 188: The Republic of Alpha Gadget Pop: 195 Mil 189: The Confederacy of Alpsacisa Pop: 731 Mil 190: The Republic of Alt Alt 11 Pop: 16 Mil 191: The Republic of Alt Alt 5 Pop: 152 Mil 192: The Republic of Alt Alt 6 Pop: 153 Mil 193: The Republic of Alt Alt 9 Pop: 157 Mil 194: The United Socialist States of Altalus 3rd Air Brigade Pop: 20 Mil 195: The Free Land of Altamontai Pop: 36 Mil 196: The Cayon Democratic Republic of Altnavia Pop: 7,350 Mil 197: The Republic of Altnumber25 Pop: 205 Mil 198: The Republic of Altnumber26 Pop: 184 Mil 199: The Republic of Altria Lital Pop: 20 Mil 200: The Empire of Alundur Pop: 32 Mil 201: The Commonwealth of Alverta Pop: 23 Mil 202: The Federation of Amatum Iti Pop: 95 Mil 203: The Democratic Community of Amazon States Pop: 1,528 Mil 204: The Most Serene Republic of Amazonatopia Pop: 8 Mil 205: The People's Republic of Ambedeland Pop: 36 Mil 206: The Queendom of Ambitchous Pop: 7,727 Mil 207: The Matriarchy of Ame Seed Pop: 433 Mil 208: The Republic of Amelian Anarchic Party Pop: 236 Mil 209: The Republic of Amelian Tyrannical Party Pop: 239 Mil 210: The Republic of Amenglia Pop: 32 Mil 211: The United States of America Gone Wrong Pop: 7,458 Mil 212: The United States of Americabutbeter Pop: 108 Mil 213: The Dictatorship of American Descendants of Slaves Pop: 567 Mil 214: The Federation of American Gaza Pop: 165 Mil 215: The Republic of American Social States Pop: 192 Mil 216: The ???? Admiral General ???? of Amerion Pop: 23,869 Mil 217: The Ice-cream loving state of Amerionia Pop: 19,455 Mil 218: The Republic of Amernouth Pop: 194 Mil 219: The Empire of Aminda Pop: 16 Mil 220: The Arab Republic of Amjadwashere Pop: 2,280 Mil 221: The Rogue Nation of Ammehoela Pop: 5,989 Mil 222: The Sklorpgorbs hot spouse of Ammmericaaaa Pop: 4,349 Mil 223: The Republic of Amonguitos Pop: 7,392 Mil 224: The Principality of Amordivina Pop: 92 Mil 225: The Federation of Amorem Pop: 1,963 Mil 226: The Constitutional Monarchy of Amutien Pop: 12,846 Mil 227: The Republic of Amy Santiago Pop: 3,793 Mil 228: The Republic of Amycus Carrow Pop: 8 Mil 229: The United States of Amyrie Pop: 7 Mil 230: The Free Land of Anarchisty Pop: 32 Mil 231: The Puppet of Anarco Argentina-Official Embassies Pop: 1,567 Mil 232: The Free Land of Anarkias Pop: 23 Mil 233: The Republic of Anarkland Orion Pop: 114 Mil 234: The Empire of Anarome Pop: 2,743 Mil 235: The Colony of Anaska Lynnce Pop: 12 Mil 236: The Republic of Anbesso Pop: 40 Mil 237: The Commonwealth of Ancaswafiqing Pop: 2,762 Mil 238: The Republic of Ance Gorth Pop: 6 Mil 239: The Republic of Anchors Islands Pop: 2,107 Mil 240: The Serene Dominion of Ancient Slobovia Pop: 37,308 Mil 241: The Socialist Republic of Ancrautistan Pop: 5,456 Mil 242: The Republic of Andernoples Archipelago Pop: 377 Mil 243: The Kingdom of Andersmeda Pop: 32 Mil 244: The Federal Republic of Andoversi Pop: 306 Mil 245: The Commonwealth of Andracs Pop: 1,196 Mil 246: The Kingdom of Andrast Pop: 520 Mil 247: The Principality of Andrea Transmons Pop: 12,767 Mil 248: The Axolotl Empire of Andrendia Pop: 8,052 Mil 249: The Confederacy of Andropolia Pop: 16,851 Mil 250: The People's republic of Anduna Pop: 1,742 Mil 251: The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Pop: 1,862 Mil 252: The Most Serene Republic of Angeles Pop: 3,250 Mil 253: The Federation of Angelistan Pop: 98 Mil 254: The Republic of Angerax Pop: 285 Mil 255: The Empire of Anglischland Kaiserreich Pop: 4,214 Mil 256: The Dictatorship of Angry Town Pop: 1,631 Mil 257: The Kingdom of Anhedral Pop: 485 Mil 258: The Unified Socialist Republics of Anhtegna Pop: 1,196 Mil 259: The Transitional State of Anilitty Pop: 7,844 Mil 260: The Republic of Animators Pop: 1,914 Mil 261: The Republic of Anime Landia 18 Pop: 81 Mil 262: The Republic of Anime Landia 3 Pop: 85 Mil 263: The United States of Animia union Pop: 8 Mil 264: The Republic of ANITAMOMENT Pop: 8 Mil 265: The Federation of Anna Airters Pop: 6,359 Mil 266: The Most Serene Republic of Annaheim Pop: 4,702 Mil 267: The Republic of Annithwand Pop: 23 Mil 268: The Republic of Another test nation Pop: 6 Mil 269: The Free Land of Anpri Pop: 23 Mil 270: The Confederation of Antarctic Colonies Pop: 7,462 Mil 271: The Endorse me of Antarctic Empires Pop: 16,189 Mil 272: The Empire of Antares Imperial Pop: 193 Mil 273: The Federation of Antartican Zone Pop: 20 Mil 274: The Federal Republic of Anti Yandere Simulator Action Pop: 7 Mil 275: The United States of Antiffinia Pop: 280 Mil 276: The Republic of Antii Pop: 854 Mil 277: The Empire of Antilla Pop: 21,016 Mil 278: The People's Republic of Antiphon Pop: 165 Mil 279: The ProfessionalWebsite of Antlandsia Pop: 2,039 Mil 280: The United Socialist States of Antlithia Pop: 188 Mil 281: The Community of ANuadh Pop: 10,851 Mil 282: The Republic of Anya Corazon Pop: 40 Mil 283: The Armed Republic of Aon Pop: 724 Mil 284: The Most Serene Republic of Aore Pop: 104 Mil 285: The Kingdom of Apeland Pop: 26 Mil 286: The Constitutional Monarchy of Apestion Pop: 45 Mil 287: The Republic of Apolod War Car 26 Pop: 16 Mil 288: The Republic of Apolod War Car 30 Pop: 16 Mil 289: The Republic of Apolod War car 37 Pop: 16 Mil 290: The Dictatorship of Appendicitis Pop: 16 Mil 291: The Republic of Aprendi Pop: 220 Mil 292: The Most Serene Republic of Apyxyaphoria Pop: 542 Mil 293: The Constitutional Monarchy of Aquara Pop: 45 Mil 294: The Kingdom of Aquaridge Pop: 7 Mil 295: The Kingdom of Aquast Pop: 5,204 Mil 296: The Democratic Republic of Aqueno Pop: 277 Mil 297: The Rogue Nation of Aquila Audax Pop: 3,667 Mil 298: The Federation of Aquono Pop: 282 Mil 299: The Emirate of Arabiax Pop: 26 Mil 300: The Kingdom of Arabs Emirate Pop: 20 Mil 301: The Dominion of Araednam Pop: 181 Mil 302: The Empire of Aranadine Pop: 250 Mil 303: The Free Land of Arbuzokland Pop: 74 Mil 304: The People's Republic of Arcasia and Neana Pop: 32 Mil 305: The Republic of Arch Dornan Pop: 8,982 Mil 306: The Republic of Archangel Ostro Pop: 18 Mil 307: The Libertarian States of Archipel Sempi Pop: 1,230 Mil 308: The Republic of Ardaki Pop: 32 Mil 309: The Kingdom of Ardany Pop: 3,587 Mil 310: The United Socialist States of Arden Giro Pop: 40 Mil 311: The Kingdom of Areldum Pop: 247 Mil 312: The Republic of Arelplace Pop: 17,841 Mil 313: The Kingdom of Arendelle-Scandinavia Pop: 7,653 Mil 314: The Federation of Arendica Pop: 297 Mil 315: The Federal Republic of Arennia Pop: 8,913 Mil 316: The Matriarchy of Aretis Pop: 214 Mil 317: The Republic of Argentinisima Pop: 10 Mil 318: The Republic of Arhanistan Pop: 8,355 Mil 319: The Federal Republic of Arhess Pop: 6,310 Mil 320: The Cat of ARIA HOLONS Pop: 4,413 Mil 321: The Community of Ariana Greenblatt Pop: 56 Mil 322: The Republic of Arkansas Post Memorial Pop: 4,464 Mil 323: The Community of Arkansas vault tec Pop: 329 Mil 324: The Federation of Arkleya Pop: 9 Mil 325: The Bloody Mary Husband of Arlandias Pop: 7,151 Mil 326: The United Kingdom of Armeneasx Pop: 12 Mil 327: The Republic of Arnaridestan Pop: 4,422 Mil 328: The Republic of Aronostan Pop: 18 Mil 329: The Imperium of Arscanesia Pop: 7,533 Mil 330: The Commonwealth of Arsechala Pop: 18,125 Mil 331: The Colony of Artichnov Pop: 401 Mil 332: The Oppressed Peoples of ArtificialIntelligence Pop: 1,984 Mil 333: The Republic of Artselia Pop: 99 Mil 334: The Community of Artzonia Pop: 16 Mil 335: The Federal Republic of Arugastan Pop: 5,062 Mil 336: The Constitutional Monarchy of Ary Cya Dovanland Pop: 186 Mil 337: The Republic of Arya Wes Pop: 23 Mil 338: The Federation of Arzea Pop: 7 Mil 339: The Dictatorship of Arzolva Pop: 1,313 Mil 340: The Nomadic Peoples of As cause he took out the toilet seat so Pop: 973 Mil 341: The Uncertain State of Ashmoria Pop: 45,741 Mil 342: The Holy Empire of Ashtree Pop: 99 Mil 343: The Allied States of Asia and Pacific Pop: 15,098 Mil 344: The People's Republic of Asia12 Pop: 73 Mil 345: The Republic of Asic Kia Pop: 69 Mil 346: The Voxist Republic of Askait Eskesh Pop: 1,139 Mil 347: The Empire of Asmondian State Pop: 99 Mil 348: The Kingdom of Asok Stuan Scholialand Pop: 315 Mil 349: The Empire of Astaporr Pop: 18 Mil 350: The Republic of Astraelana Pop: 567 Mil 351: The Empire of Atas Dury Pop: 12 Mil 352: The Republic of ATG 103 Pop: 88 Mil 353: The Republic of ATG 105 Pop: 88 Mil 354: The Republic of ATG 110 Pop: 86 Mil 355: The Republic of ATG 116 Pop: 87 Mil 356: The Republic of ATG 120 Pop: 84 Mil 357: The Republic of ATG 131 Pop: 87 Mil 358: The Republic of ATG 136 Pop: 83 Mil 359: The Republic of ATG 138 Pop: 85 Mil 360: The Republic of ATG 158 Pop: 86 Mil 361: The Republic of ATG 162 Pop: 86 Mil 362: The Republic of ATG 163 Pop: 87 Mil 363: The Republic of ATG 172 Pop: 87 Mil 364: The Republic of ATG 184 Pop: 86 Mil 365: The Republic of ATG 194 Pop: 87 Mil 366: The Republic of ATG 195 Pop: 87 Mil 367: The Republic of ATG 212 Pop: 89 Mil 368: The Republic of ATG 236 Pop: 86 Mil 369: The Republic of ATG 253 Pop: 85 Mil 370: The Republic of ATG 257 Pop: 84 Mil 371: The Republic of ATG 269 Pop: 85 Mil 372: The Republic of ATG 278 Pop: 85 Mil 373: The Republic of ATG 290 Pop: 84 Mil 374: The Republic of ATG 291 Pop: 86 Mil 375: The Republic of Athena 18 Pop: 305 Mil 376: The Republic of Athena 22 Pop: 301 Mil 377: The Republic of Athena 35 Pop: 292 Mil 378: The Republic of Athena 36 Pop: 289 Mil 379: The Republic of Athena 37 Pop: 289 Mil 380: The Republic of Athena 49 Pop: 191 Mil 381: The Republic of Athena 50 Pop: 190 Mil 382: The Republic of Athena 53 Pop: 157 Mil 383: The Republic of Athena 70 Pop: 160 Mil 384: The Empire of Athhlantico Pop: 193 Mil 385: The Kingdom of Athura Pop: 214 Mil 386: The Republic of Atlantius Pop: 351 Mil 387: The Republic of Atlas Globalus Pop: 62 Mil 388: The Republic of Atlas Ocean Voyages Pop: 321 Mil 389: The Republic of Atlas- Pop: 1,322 Mil 390: The Dominion of Atomic Garden Pop: 26,629 Mil 391: The Dictatorship of Atrikedesch Greisland Pop: 851 Mil 392: The Republic of Attevongla Pop: 4,460 Mil 393: The Republic of Aubrest Pop: 76 Mil 394: The Republic of Augweila Pop: 12 Mil 395: The Republic of Auotisti Pop: 50 Mil 396: The Dictatorship of Aurably Pop: 36 Mil 397: The Federal Republic of Auravesta Pop: 50 Mil 398: The Republic of Aurazetia Pop: 50 Mil 399: The Great Millenary Empire of Aurcania Pop: 14,135 Mil 400: The Empire of Aurelian Dynasty Pop: 7 Mil 401: The Dominion of Aurelterra Pop: 16 Mil 402: The Federal Republic of Auroralia do sul Pop: 79 Mil 403: The Balkanic Empire of Aurorastan Pop: 1,326 Mil 404: The Colony of Austral and Itapau Islands Pop: 23,414 Mil 405: The Federation of Australis Pacifica Pop: 264 Mil 406: The Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungaria Pop: 5,586 Mil 407: The Empire of Austro-Hungarian Confederation Pop: 748 Mil 408: The Principality of Authoritarian Colony Pop: 105 Mil 409: The The smile of Authoritarian Hegemony Pop: 6,672 Mil 410: The Republic of Authoritarian isle Pop: 114 Mil 411: The Community of Autonomous Ecological Territories Pop: 85 Mil 412: The Sultanate of Autonomous turks Pop: 16 Mil 413: The Commonwealth of Autonomous Water Island Pop: 99 Mil 414: The Theocracy of Autoyes Pop: 1,142 Mil 415: The Kingdom of Autrice Pop: 341 Mil 416: The Mega Stock Exchange of Autvia Pop: 11,435 Mil 417: The Dictatorship of Auviantan Outh Islands Pop: 6,448 Mil 418: The Republic of Auviumbo Tuxeia Pop: 74 Mil 419: The Grand Duchy of Auvria Bes Pop: 10 Mil 420: The Constitutional Monarchy of Avalon Nouveau Pop: 30,917 Mil 421: The Empire of Avaloriak Pop: 67 Mil 422: The Democratic States of Avarene Pop: 18,856 Mil 423: The Queendom of Avasloves Pop: 16 Mil 424: The Empire of Avctria Pop: 1,268 Mil 425: The Holy Empire of Avernes Pop: 16 Mil 426: The Protectorate of Avid vola petea and ammmericaaaa fan Pop: 378 Mil 427: The Wizarding World of Avonhead Pop: 25,643 Mil 428: The Federation of Avves Pop: 88 Mil 429: The Republic of Awakening- Pop: 518 Mil 430: The Republic of Aweentitante33 Pop: 3,029 Mil 431: The Republic of Aweentitante37 Pop: 2,868 Mil 432: The Empire of Aweentitante55 Pop: 2,903 Mil 433: The Empire of Imperia of Awesome Imperium Pop: 7,042 Mil 434: The Republic of AWS Pop: 5,591 Mil 435: The Democratic Republic of AWWland Pop: 23 Mil 436: The Nomadic Peoples of Ay from me on the bench there and the ha Pop: 957 Mil 437: The Empire of AYOODHYA Pop: 787 Mil 438: The Empire of Ayyubid Sultanate Pop: 154 Mil 439: The Dictatorship of Azertyuiop Pop: 13,930 Mil 440: The Colony of Azores De Portugal Pop: 97 Mil 441: The United Stratocracy of Azur Lane-UNSC Pop: 8,517 Mil 442: The Republic of Azures Islands Pop: 112 Mil 443: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 62 Pop: 451 Mil 444: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 68 Pop: 447 Mil 445: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 78 Pop: 456 Mil 446: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 83 Pop: 452 Mil 447: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 91 Pop: 452 Mil 448: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 96 Pop: 442 Mil 449: The Republic of Baathist Party of Iraq Pop: 105 Mil 450: The Sisters' Commune of Babnbl Pop: 13,960 Mil 451: The Oppressed Peoples of Babushkas Basement X Pop: 153 Mil 452: The Republic of Bachss Pop: 6 Mil 453: The Free Land of Back to the Future Time Capsule Pop: 10,420 Mil 454: The Armed Republic of Bacno Pop: 635 Mil 455: The Republic of Badand020 Pop: 18 Mil 456: The Empire of Badger Wind Pop: 27,253 Mil 457: The Democratic Republic of Badminton racketBadminton racket Pop: 12 Mil 458: The Republic of Bagariata Pop: 29 Mil 459: The Kingdom of BAGDEGA Pop: 1,709 Mil 460: The - R E P U B L I C - of Bagong Timog Mindanao Pop: 7,500 Mil 461: The Republic of Baix Pop: 16 Mil 462: The Kingdom of Balago Pop: 18 Mil 463: The Holy Empire of Balaland Pop: 36 Mil 464: The Republic of Baldwinia Pop: 1,115 Mil 465: The Republic of Balis Pop: 81 Mil 466: The Republic of Ballaria Pop: 164 Mil 467: The Federation of Balldo Pop: 237 Mil 468: The Dictatorship of BaLLerS1234 Pop: 16 Mil 469: The Republic of Baltestka Pop: 20 Mil 470: The Most Serene Republic of Balthrors Sach Pop: 493 Mil 471: The Republic of Baltimore NHA Pop: 4,352 Mil 472: The Federal Republic of Baltrum Pop: 587 Mil 473: The Republic of Balvoria Pop: 85 Mil 474: The Republic of Bamalae Pop: 127 Mil 475: The Democratic Republic of Banan Land Pop: 50 Mil 476: The Dominion of Banieltopia Pop: 5,128 Mil 477: The Democratic Republic of Banjango Pop: 287 Mil 478: The Republic of Baqueff Pop: 36 Mil 479: The Planet of Barbarella Pop: 3,969 Mil 480: The Empire of Bardonno Pop: 3,831 Mil 481: The Constitutional Monarchy of Barok Pop: 25,145 Mil 482: The Republic of Barovnia Pop: 521 Mil 483: The Republic of Barrakastan Pop: 18 Mil 484: The Most Serene Republic of Basi dongo Pop: 75 Mil 485: The Empire of Basileia Rhomanon Pop: 113 Mil 486: The Corporate Federal States of Baskiva Pop: 4,618 Mil 487: The Borderlands of Baspheel Pop: 866 Mil 488: The Federation of Bavaristan Pop: 9,625 Mil 489: The Holy Empire of Baverland Pop: 7 Mil 490: The Colony of Bayresche Pop: 7 Mil 491: The Republic of Bayro Pop: 7 Mil 492: The People's Republic of Bazilisco Pop: 2,883 Mil 493: The Empire of BAZONKAZONKAS Pop: 86 Mil 494: The Awesome World of Bear Canyon Apartments Pop: 6,758 Mil 495: The United States of Beau Four Pop: 1,170 Mil 496: The Federation of Beblahbleblo Pop: 8,594 Mil 497: The Disputed Territories of Bee Lsanterinomeface Pop: 1,983 Mil 498: The Democratic States of Beehives Pop: 14 Mil 499: The Tastiest Parts of Beepee Pop: 15,458 Mil 500: The United States of Beerocide Pop: 36 Mil 501: The Exiled Hivemind Colony of BEEstreetz Pop: 5,944 Mil 502: The Federal Republic of Beglocia Pop: 458 Mil 503: The Democratic Republic of BeGoodJustCause Pop: 50 Mil 504: The People's Republic of Beijiang Pop: 12 Mil 505: The Kingdom of Beinn Gheal Pop: 98 Mil 506: The People's Republic of Bekrut Pop: 9,054 Mil 507: The Republic of Belaromana Pop: 94 Mil 508: The Republic of Belatiel Pop: 122 Mil 509: The Chaotic City of Beleartis Pop: 18,801 Mil 510: The Grand Duchy of BelgianWafle Pop: 7 Mil 511: The Island Republic of Belililou Pop: 44,605 Mil 512: The Dictatorship of Belmarche Pop: 92 Mil 513: The Cantankerous Curmudgeon of Belschaft Pop: 36,708 Mil 514: The United Kingdom of Benana Prawn Pop: 121 Mil 515: The Empire of Bendovabich Pop: 23 Mil 516: The D-force Guarded Rogue Nation of Benesean protectorate Pop: 2,833 Mil 517: The Confederacy of Bengal Sulanate Pop: 7 Mil 518: The Republic of Benjamin Franklin Memorial Pop: 4,339 Mil 519: The Sultanate of Benzowar Pop: 40 Mil 520: The Republic of Berca Sibetrian Pop: 2,463 Mil 521: The Great City of Berene Pop: 10,016 Mil 522: The Disputed Territories of Bererin Sprimestan Pop: 107 Mil 523: The Republican Provinces of Berijonwa Pop: 1,994 Mil 524: The Empire of Bermbany Pop: 29 Mil 525: The Federal Republic of Besern Pop: 13,162 Mil 526: The Commonwealth of Betionkob Pop: 112 Mil 527: The Republic of Better Norrlandia Pop: 20 Mil 528: The Commonwealth of Betto494 Pop: 109 Mil 529: The People's Republic of Bhuazkia Pop: 6 Mil 530: The Republic of Bibya Pop: 1,886 Mil 531: The Republic of Bidiski Pop: 20 Mil 532: The Holy Empire of Big Brothers Eye Pop: 120 Mil 533: The Republic of Big Hole National Battlefield Pop: 4,392 Mil 534: The Holy Empire of BIGBACK13 Pop: 36 Mil 535: The Kingdom of Bigbattyganda Pop: 16 Mil 536: The Sultanate of Bilad al-Khayr Pop: 8 Mil 537: The United States of Bills Nation Pop: 121 Mil 538: The Republic of Bilonive Pop: 26 Mil 539: The Incorporated States of Bilveinco Pop: 18 Mil 540: The Republic of Bindzsisztan Pop: 12 Mil 541: The Republic of Bingchingchong Pop: 18 Mil 542: The Commonwealth of Binyamina Pop: 16 Mil 543: The Incorporated States of Biotechnica Pop: 5,228 Mil 544: The Principality of Bira Pop: 106 Mil 545: The Republic of Bira Higgustanaundin Pop: 78 Mil 546: The Republic of Birs Doodalsion Pop: 636 Mil 547: The Queendom of Birtane Haven Pop: 4,430 Mil 548: The United Socialist States of Bisivitastavas Pop: 723 Mil 549: The Commonwealth of BJILMA Pop: 18 Mil 550: The Republic of Blaats CCG Pop: 13,396 Mil 551: The People's Republic of Blachyozorin Pop: 15,637 Mil 552: The Empire of Black Crown Lordships Pop: 97 Mil 553: The Vampire Syndicate of Black Ivars Pop: 43,798 Mil 554: The Incorporated States of Blackrock Ltd Pop: 836 Mil 555: The Empire of Blanareshnsia Pop: 32 Mil 556: The Empire of Blanshisani Pop: 873 Mil 557: The Please Don't Open That of Bleakfoot Pop: 11,596 Mil 558: The Free Land of Blenderstan Pop: 1,882 Mil 559: The Empire of Bleu Soleil Pop: 9 Mil 560: The Republic of Blevaria Pop: 790 Mil 561: The Nomadic Peoples of BLING BLING LANDIA Pop: 12 Mil 562: The Republic of Blob 556 Pop: 87 Mil 563: The Rogue Nation of Bloodtithe Pop: 205 Mil 564: The Vampiric Empire of Bloody Buttered Blooming Onions Pop: 9,642 Mil 565: The Holy Empire of Bloom Borne Pop: 765 Mil 566: The Holy Empire of Bloomburrow Pop: 645 Mil 567: The Islamic People's Republic of Blothia Pop: 9,091 Mil 568: The Commonwealth of Blqck Country Pop: 20 Mil 569: The Holy Empire of Blue Colored Paper Pop: 216 Mil 570: The Republic of Blue Ridge NHA Pop: 4,343 Mil 571: The People's Republic of Bluebonds compassion Pop: 10 Mil 572: The Republic of Blumera Pop: 16 Mil 573: The Free Land of Blumnia Pop: 68 Mil 574: The Free Land of Bmanscap Pop: 6 Mil 575: The Republic of BNBCN Pop: 5,605 Mil 576: The Republic of Bohenia Pop: 10,779 Mil 577: The Kingdom of Bohenma Pop: 7 Mil 578: The Domination of Bolshevik Socialist Republic Pop: 1,347 Mil 579: The People's Republic of Bombers Pop: 5,165 Mil 580: The Empire of Bonese Pop: 1,300 Mil 581: The Empire of Bonobiana Pop: 6,781 Mil 582: The Kingdom of BonzaiTrees Pop: 29 Mil 583: The Empire of Boomatopeea Pop: 18 Mil 584: The Free Land of Boostville Pop: 68 Mil 585: The Community of BorderMen Pop: 40 Mil 586: The Kingdom of Borealis Islands Pop: 85 Mil 587: The Dominion of Borg Collective Intelligence Pop: 50 Mil 588: The Democratic States of Bornalas Pop: 50 Mil 589: The Federation of Bortus Pop: 573 Mil 590: The Republic of Borubaria Pop: 14 Mil 591: The Republic of Boston Patriots Pop: 841 Mil 592: The Free Land of Botestia Pop: 56 Mil 593: The Republic of Bothans Pop: 943 Mil 594: The Kingdom of Botr Pop: 156 Mil 595: The Allied States of Bourgeois Bolivia Pop: 1,003 Mil 596: The Democratic Republic of Bowton Chelsea and Linton Pop: 79 Mil 597: The Federation of Boyarin Pop: 223 Mil 598: The Empire of Boyozekipeopion Pop: 215 Mil 599: The Republic of BPCEight Pop: 222 Mil 600: The Republic of BPCFifteen Pop: 227 Mil 601: The Republic of BPCNine Pop: 222 Mil 602: The Republic of BPCSeven Pop: 225 Mil 603: The Republic of BPCThirtyEight Pop: 217 Mil 604: The Republic of BPCThirtyOne Pop: 215 Mil 605: The Republic of BPCTwenty Pop: 224 Mil 606: The Commonwealth of Brac Pop: 25,268 Mil 607: The Dictatorship of Braetria Pop: 32 Mil 608: The Confederacy of Brandi cosmic society Pop: 304 Mil 609: The Kingdom of BransonIsKing Pop: 462 Mil 610: The Constitutional Monarchy of Brazil 26 Pop: 36 Mil 611: The Federation of Brazil-Angola Pop: 15,818 Mil 612: The Kingdom of Breakorian Parliament Pop: 36 Mil 613: The Empire of Breedenville Pop: 233 Mil 614: The Federal Republic of Bremford Pop: 269 Mil 615: The Holy Empire of Breniria Pop: 50 Mil 616: The Queendom of Briaryves Pop: 26 Mil 617: The Kingdom of Bridgerton Pop: 9,011 Mil 618: The Federal Republic of Brinias Pop: 50 Mil 619: The Federal Republic of Brisketania Pop: 7,807 Mil 620: The Kingdom of Britinthia Pop: 9,125 Mil 621: The Constitutional Monarchy of British Falkland Islands Pop: 12,079 Mil 622: The Republic of British Frigate Shoals Pop: 74 Mil 623: The Colony of British Pitcairn Islands Pop: 12,263 Mil 624: The Colony of British port of Anguilla republic Pop: 29 Mil 625: The Republic of Britshpindorama Pop: 29 Mil 626: The Republic of Briveria Pop: 93 Mil 627: The Republic of Brookhavenian Pop: 23 Mil 628: The Sultanate of Brunei Acht Pop: 1,138 Mil 629: The Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma Pop: 25,958 Mil 630: The Republic of Bueno Vista Pop: 881 Mil 631: The Republic of Buffer1 Pop: 129 Mil 632: The Free Land of Bundinland Pop: 299 Mil 633: The Empire of Bungalo Bill Pop: 22,763 Mil 634: The Colony of Bushnoch Islands Pop: 68 Mil 635: The United Socialist States of Buthre Theton Pop: 2,135 Mil 636: The Republic of Byarma Pop: 23 Mil 637: The Republic of C4i1g3vv39 Pop: 2,274 Mil 638: The People's Republic of Caacaria Pop: 319 Mil 639: The Republic of Cabinet Office Pop: 693 Mil 640: The Republic of Cache la Poudre Wild and Scenic River Pop: 4,446 Mil 641: The Queendom of Cactys Pop: 99 Mil 642: The Protectorate of Caelant Pop: 26,665 Mil 643: The Republic of Caelma Pop: 11,187 Mil 644: The Grand Kingdom of Caenmont Pop: 4,111 Mil 645: The Republic of Caguas Pop: 24,604 Mil 646: The United States of Cagville Pop: 130 Mil 647: The Republic of Caithland Pop: 231 Mil 648: The Kingdom of Cakeitalism Pop: 225 Mil 649: The Federal Republic of Calderonia Pop: 56 Mil 650: The Empire of Caleb Frost Pop: 6 Mil 651: The United States of Calerossno Pop: 45 Mil 652: The Most Serene Eternal Republic of Calistan Pop: 28,258 Mil 653: The Republic of Call Me Immortal- Pop: 498 Mil 654: The Empire of Callus Pop: 243 Mil 655: The Kingdom of CalOrWaBa Pop: 4,153 Mil 656: The United Kingdom of Calp Pop: 24,557 Mil 657: The Federation of Calvin of TSP Pop: 20,260 Mil 658: The Rooms And Facilities of Campbell Inn Pop: 7,190 Mil 659: The United States of Canada States Of Mexico Pop: 106 Mil 660: The United States of Canamerico and Greenland Pop: 5,253 Mil 661: The Republic of Canamerifrance Pop: 4,070 Mil 662: The Republic of Cane River Creole NHP Pop: 4,403 Mil 663: The Republic of Cane River NHA Pop: 4,369 Mil 664: The Republic of Canichia Pop: 107 Mil 665: The Kingdom of Canmore Pop: 9,748 Mil 666: The Commonwealth of Canton MA Pop: 7,404 Mil 667: The Republic of Caobsia Pop: 6,629 Mil 668: The Dominion of Caoin Roll Pop: 561 Mil 669: The Republic of Capalon Pop: 18 Mil 670: The Disputed Territories of Capitalis Land Pop: 50 Mil 671: The Colony of Captain Curly Pop: 663 Mil 672: The Commonwealth of Carano Pop: 67 Mil 673: The Democratic Country of Carbello Pop: 2,180 Mil 674: The Nomadic Peoples of Card Farmer of TEC No 9 Pop: 1,096 Mil 675: The Republic of Card Puppet 11 Pop: 4,352 Mil 676: The Republic of Card Puppet 12 Pop: 4,329 Mil 677: The Republic of Card puppet 22 Pop: 1,479 Mil 678: The Republic of Card puppet 24 Pop: 1,454 Mil 679: The Republic of Card Puppet 7 Pop: 7,127 Mil 680: The Republic of Card Thrall 343 Pop: 626 Mil 681: The Emirate of Cards of Eagles 19 Pop: 91 Mil 682: The Armed Republic of Cards of Eagles 38 Pop: 93 Mil 683: The Nomadic Peoples of Cards of Eagles 43 Pop: 91 Mil 684: The Kingdom of Cards58 Pop: 717 Mil 685: The Republic of CARDTESTER17 Pop: 86 Mil 686: The Republic of CARDTESTER26 Pop: 89 Mil 687: The Republic of CARDTESTER42 Pop: 89 Mil 688: The Republic of CARDTESTER9 Pop: 101 Mil 689: The Republic of CARDTESTERERER Pop: 124 Mil 690: The Federation of Carlines Pop: 321 Mil 691: The Binary of Carol Danvers Pop: 14,600 Mil 692: The Empire of Carolingia Pop: 2,560 Mil 693: The United States of Carpinias Pop: 50 Mil 694: The Republic of Carter G Woodson Home NHS Pop: 4,431 Mil 695: The United States of Carterson Pop: 40 Mil 696: The Republic of Cartialiag Pop: 15,260 Mil 697: The Dictatorship of Carting Eas Islands Pop: 20 Mil 698: The Dictatorship of Cartolomelia Pop: 183 Mil 699: The Rogue Nation of Cary Nore Pop: 103 Mil 700: The Republic of Casarre Pop: 161 Mil 701: The United States of Cashly Pop: 40 Mil 702: The Soundgraphy of Casiopea Band Pop: 4,416 Mil 703: The Transhuman Dominion of Castraebar Pop: 6,981 Mil 704: The Grand Duchy of Castumia Pop: 5,085 Mil 705: The Democratic States of Cat Spoon Pop: 17,012 Mil 706: The Felineocracy of Catcountry Pop: 11,167 Mil 707: The Principality of Cateure Pop: 18 Mil 708: The Republic of Caticonia Pop: 68 Mil 709: The Oppressed Peoples of Catlony Pop: 5,462 Mil 710: The Republic of Catoctin Mountain Park Pop: 4,428 Mil 711: The Sultanate of Cayman De Oro Pop: 92 Mil 712: The Kingdom of Cecilian kingdom Pop: 16 Mil 713: The Free Land of Celestiopi Pop: 95 Mil 714: The Kingdom of Celin Pop: 25,108 Mil 715: The Federation of Celltica Pop: 102 Mil 716: The Republic of Cen Helang Pop: 631 Mil 717: The Republic of Centia Deran Pop: 9,666 Mil 718: The Borderlands of Central Michigan Quarantine Zone Pop: 690 Mil 719: The Republic of Central Terramidia Pop: 12 Mil 720: The United Kingdom of Ceonia Pop: 9 Mil 721: The United Federal Republic of Cerespasia Pop: 3,909 Mil 722: The Queendom of Cerula Pop: 1,934 Mil 723: The Republic of Cew Pop: 32 Mil 724: The Republic of Chaco Culture NHP Pop: 4,401 Mil 725: The Federal Republic of ChagosArchipelago Pop: 319 Mil 726: The Republic of Champingon Pop: 147 Mil 727: The Republic of Champlain Valley NHA Pop: 4,366 Mil 728: The Commonwealth of Chandrastan Pop: 536 Mil 729: The Queendom of Changlings Pop: 32 Mil 730: The Federal Republic of Charalies Pop: 230 Mil 731: The Republic of Charisia Pop: 701 Mil 732: The Republic of Charley Wild River Pop: 4,476 Mil 733: The Republic of Charlie the King of England Pop: 56 Mil 734: The Commonwealth of CharlotteFC Pop: 20 Mil 735: The Federal Republic of Chatay Pop: 113 Mil 736: The Kingdom of Chatoria Pop: 2,109 Mil 737: The Allied States of Chciaoci003 Pop: 160 Mil 738: The Allied States of Chciaoci030 Pop: 159 Mil 739: The Allied States of Chciaoci033 Pop: 158 Mil 740: The Allied States of Chciaoci038 Pop: 160 Mil 741: The Allied States of Chciaoci040 Pop: 160 Mil 742: The Allied States of Chciaoci043 Pop: 160 Mil 743: The Allied States of Chciaoci046 Pop: 155 Mil 744: The Allied States of Chciaoci060 Pop: 160 Mil 745: The Allied States of Chciaoci115 Pop: 155 Mil 746: The Allied States of Chciaoci118 Pop: 161 Mil 747: The Allied States of Chciaoci126 Pop: 153 Mil 748: The Allied States of Chciaoci143 Pop: 161 Mil 749: The Allied States of Chciaoci155 Pop: 154 Mil 750: The Allied States of Chciaoci158 Pop: 156 Mil 751: The Allied States of Chciaoci163 Pop: 156 Mil 752: The Allied States of Chciaoci179 Pop: 158 Mil 753: The Allied States of Chciaoci181 Pop: 155 Mil 754: The Allied States of Chciaoci186 Pop: 165 Mil 755: The Federation of Cheeseeeee Pop: 81 Mil 756: The Grand Duchy of Chemodan Pop: 32,725 Mil 757: The Anti Zombie State of Chernaya Zvezda Pop: 8,408 Mil 758: The Power Station of Chernobyl Pop: 5,701 Mil 759: The Most Serene Republic of Chiara Pop: 4,167 Mil 760: The People's Republic of Chiark Pop: 611 Mil 761: The Republic of Chicagua Pop: 96 Mil 762: The Republic of Chicken Djibouti Pop: 680 Mil 763: The Republic of Chijako Pop: 4,174 Mil 764: The Democratic Republic of Chikya Pop: 1,233 Mil 765: The Arne Slot of Chillicothe Pop: 5,762 Mil 766: The Kingdom of ChiraqK Pop: 88 Mil 767: The Constitutional Monarchy of Chloea Pop: 40 Mil 768: The Nomadic Peoples of Cho Allica Pop: 79 Mil 769: The Nomadic Peoples of Cho Noria Pop: 96 Mil 770: The Republic of Chocolate Islands Pop: 75 Mil 771: The Republic of Choiceilike Pop: 5,973 Mil 772: The Republic of Choii Pop: 101 Mil 773: The Democratic Republic of Chollimah Pop: 12 Mil 774: The People's Republic of Chondson Pop: 56 Mil 775: The Empire of Choushun Pop: 555 Mil 776: The United States of Chris ulloa Pop: 129 Mil 777: The Holy Kingdom of Christos Pop: 14,758 Mil 778: The Athletic Facilities of Chubrubs Pop: 32,428 Mil 779: The Commonwealth of Chunibyos Pop: 103 Mil 780: The Nomadic Peoples of Church nearby the restaurant in the bell Pop: 1,010 Mil 781: The Republic of Chuue Pop: 94 Mil 782: The Republic of Chuzzan Noustan Pop: 93 Mil 783: The Kingdom of Chypas Pop: 2,766 Mil 784: The Republic of CijnerLand Pop: 84 Mil 785: The Republic of Ciponia Pop: 8 Mil 786: The Empire of Cisplatina e Uruguay Pop: 32 Mil 787: The Protectorate of Citadels of Bojan Pop: 4,599 Mil 788: The Members of Citizenship Committee Pop: 2,771 Mil 789: The Most Serene Republic of City of Belmont Pop: 4,592 Mil 790: The Federal Republic of Ckvandelia Pop: 10 Mil 791: The Republic of Clariel Pop: 131 Mil 792: The Technocracy of Clearpond Pop: 21,830 Mil 793: The Free Land of ClergyNation Pop: 287 Mil 794: The Republic of Cleveland Indians Pop: 5,429 Mil 795: The Principality of Clouded Lua Pop: 14 Mil 796: The People's Republic of Clummed Bago Pop: 81 Mil 797: The United States of Cluptimgangis Pop: 16 Mil 798: The Government of Coalition of the South Pacific Pop: 11,611 Mil 799: The Commonwealth of Coastalya Pop: 84 Mil 800: The Republic of Cobalia Pop: 30,262 Mil 801: The Constitutional Monarchy of Cocogne Pop: 440 Mil 802: The Free Land of Coconut Pop: 16,227 Mil 803: The Kingdom of Coconut Palm Island Pop: 12,148 Mil 804: The Colony of Coldwinte Pop: 50 Mil 805: The Republic of Colips Pop: 75 Mil 806: The Federal Republic of Colombia Centralia Pop: 7 Mil 807: The Republic of Colombii Pop: 16 Mil 808: The Empire of Colonia de Sant Jordi Pop: 4,254 Mil 809: The Republic of Colonial NHP Pop: 4,411 Mil 810: The Empire of Com Che Led Pop: 1,721 Mil 811: The Democratic Republic of Comerribumon Pop: 6,091 Mil 812: The Republic of Comexvingee Pop: 16 Mil 813: The Democratic Republic of Commaurax Pop: 95 Mil 814: The Empire of Commonwealth united of karsland Pop: 7 Mil 815: The Republic of Communist Donbas Pop: 7 Mil 816: The First Empire of Communist Peoples Republic of Fedantist Pop: 2,134 Mil 817: The People's Republic of Communist republic of communism Pop: 176 Mil 818: The United Socialist States of Communtopia Pop: 628 Mil 819: The Republic of Como Te Va Mi Amor Pop: 1,759 Mil 820: The United States of Complete Free Liberty Pop: 62 Mil 821: The Confederacy of Comunidades de Corvus Pop: 12 Mil 822: The Mighty Foundation of Concrete Slab Pop: 15,336 Mil 823: The Depressed Mumblings of Conehead Dirge Pop: 10,427 Mil 824: The Purple Island Paradise of Conexia Pop: 17,597 Mil 825: The Confederacy of Confederation of the Riaou Pop: 6 Mil 826: The Holy Empire of Confederation of White Russia Pop: 259 Mil 827: The Disputed Territories of Conkzicstan Pop: 14 Mil 828: The Empire of Connter Pop: 80 Mil 829: The Dictatorship of Consermai Pop: 10 Mil 830: The Empire of Constantinian Pop: 230 Mil 831: The Republic of Constorta Pop: 18 Mil 832: The Republic of Cool Ireland Pop: 2,036 Mil 833: The People's Republic of Cool Judahistan Pop: 81 Mil 834: The Free Land of Coolioo Pop: 174 Mil 835: The Rogue Nation of Coon Che Norgotia Pop: 9 Mil 836: The Republic of Coontt Scanald Pop: 9 Mil 837: The Confederacy of Copio Pop: 26 Mil 838: The Incorporated States of Coplistaerli Pop: 62 Mil 839: The Sacred Duchy of Coquitos Islands Pop: 753 Mil 840: The Sultanate of Cor-Toa Pop: 216 Mil 841: The Democratic Republic of Corater Pop: 32 Mil 842: The Kingdom of Corbie Pop: 75 Mil 843: The Armed Republic of Corchebellum Pop: 184 Mil 844: The Republic of Corginia Pop: 2,873 Mil 845: The Federation of Corik Pop: 1,018 Mil 846: The Grand Duchy of Corintania Pop: 112 Mil 847: The Republic of Coriska Pop: 229 Mil 848: The Republic of Coronado Memorial Pop: 4,444 Mil 849: The Democratic States of Corperatergicapold Pop: 62 Mil 850: The People's Republic of Corpostani Pop: 2,055 Mil 851: The Corporate Commonwealth of Corpoterra Pop: 4,462 Mil 852: The Republic of Cortada Pop: 506 Mil 853: The Community of Corvuso Pop: 6 Mil 854: The Republic of Cosmis Pop: 12 Mil 855: The Empire of Costa Emperador Pop: 4,595 Mil 856: The Royal Kingdom of Costa Estre Pop: 25,926 Mil 857: The Kingdom of Cour Land Pop: 2,154 Mil 858: The Queendom of Coutron Pop: 774 Mil 859: The Republic of Coverie Vlongty Pop: 109 Mil 860: The Kingdom of Covinie Pop: 125 Mil 861: The Empire of CPM Pop: 166 Mil 862: The People's Republic of Cqlifornia Pop: 135 Mil 863: The Armed Republic of Crabopolis Pop: 16 Mil 864: The Matriarchy of Cranbri Pop: 2,584 Mil 865: The Armed Republic of Crazed monkies Pop: 44,576 Mil 866: The Democratic Republic of Creaff Eterscalismsk Pop: 16 Mil 867: The Federal Republic of Cresiya Pop: 23 Mil 868: The Empire of Cria Kangates Pop: 26 Mil 869: The United Socialist States of Crie Plandin Pop: 89 Mil 870: The Empire of Crixalis Pop: 1,397 Mil 871: The United States of Crociladaland Pop: 36 Mil 872: The Kingdom of Crokr Pop: 62 Mil 873: The Dominion of Cromwik Pop: 15,208 Mil 874: The Republic of Crongonia Vingorigee Pop: 6 Mil 875: The Empire of Crorron Pop: 162 Mil 876: The Kingdom of Crosovo Pop: 5,799 Mil 877: The Dictatorship of Crossover Pop: 105 Mil 878: The Republic of Crossroads of the Revolution NHA Pop: 4,341 Mil 879: The Principality of Crown Rhine Pop: 9,732 Mil 880: The Colony of Crownsland Trade Company Pop: 990 Mil 881: The Free Land of Crystal Green Islands Pop: 29 Mil 882: The Federal Republic of Cryzy Pop: 36 Mil 883: The Democratic Republic of Cudar Pop: 141 Mil 884: The Republic of Cullinan X Pop: 36 Mil 885: The Republic of Curlyhoward Pop: 45,666 Mil 886: The United Socialist States of CWCC1D04nation Pop: 23 Mil 887: The Republic of Cyan Pop: 5,443 Mil 888: The Armed Republic of Cybia Pop: 3,140 Mil 889: The Kingdom of Cyborg Joan of Arc Pop: 82 Mil 890: The Most Serene Republic of Cybra Pop: 3,134 Mil 891: The Republic of Cybrix Pop: 20 Mil 892: The Oppressed Peoples of Cybros Pop: 3,135 Mil 893: The Federal Republic of Cygnia Pop: 1,084 Mil 894: The Kingdom of Cykahet Pop: 169 Mil 895: The Liberal Democracy of Cylancy Pop: 1,360 Mil 896: The Republic of Cynlaw Pop: 18 Mil 897: The Republic of Cynoterra Pop: 221 Mil 898: The Federation of Cynthonia Pop: 62 Mil 899: The Republic of Cypheri Pop: 18,352 Mil 900: The Republic of Cyrella Pop: 18 Mil 901: The Federation of Czechmastra Pop: 20 Mil 902: The Nomadic Peoples of D he was going to put us in the cell Sai Pop: 1,009 Mil 903: The Nomadic Peoples of D its about Alice and the restaurant but Pop: 992 Mil 904: The Federal Republic of D0MAIN Pop: 9 Mil 905: The Republic of Da bears00 Pop: 9 Mil 906: The Republic of Da Evil Pop: 1,366 Mil 907: The Dominion of Daarkland Pop: 920 Mil 908: The Eastern Dackian Colony of Dacks Pop: 1,167 Mil 909: The Empire of Dadeneph Pop: 116 Mil 910: The Empire of Daels Andia Pop: 6 Mil 911: The Empire of Daemyo Pop: 209 Mil 912: The Dominion of Daetus Pop: 2,636 Mil 913: The Federation of Dahenli Pop: 2,469 Mil 914: The Federal Republic of Dahua Pop: 12 Mil 915: The Democratic Republic of Dai Magam Timocia Pop: 50 Mil 916: The Armed Republic of Daisaku Kuze Pop: 717 Mil 917: The Democratic Republic of Dakalian Pop: 6,222 Mil 918: The Free Land of Dakorta Pop: 195 Mil 919: The Grand Duchy of Dala Cher Pop: 946 Mil 920: The Republic of Dalport Pop: 18 Mil 921: The Kingdom of Dammer Pop: 10 Mil 922: The Republic of Dana landia Pop: 8 Mil 923: The The Sexist Lord of DaNasarIV Pop: 5,592 Mil 924: The Kingdom of Dand Pat Pop: 68 Mil 925: The Nomadic Peoples of Dangine card storage5 Pop: 10,263 Mil 926: The Oceanic Paradise of Dantopia Pop: 5,469 Mil 927: The Kingdom of Danwan Pop: 12 Mil 928: The Republic of Daragguaka Pop: 111 Mil 929: The Aeonian Citadel of Darakin Pop: 43,461 Mil 930: The Kingdom of Darkmen Pop: 23,441 Mil 931: The Empire of Darnost Pop: 104 Mil 932: The Dictatorship of Dartheadont Pop: 45 Mil 933: The Allied States of Darvinnia Pop: 300 Mil 934: The Gran Turismo 7 addict of Dasheria Pop: 4,102 Mil 935: The People's Republic of Davet Pop: 6,885 Mil 936: The Republic of David Ortiz Pop: 4,912 Mil 937: The Republic of David-Robinson Pop: 189 Mil 938: The Federation of Dayt Penglan Pop: 400 Mil 939: The Technocratic Confederation of Daztonia Pop: 3,404 Mil 940: The Rogue Nation of Dc033092 Pop: 27,821 Mil 941: The Republic of De Volksveiligheidsdienst Pop: 24,621 Mil 942: The Nomadic Peoples of Dead Head Pop: 5,965 Mil 943: The Republic of Deargod12 Pop: 345 Mil 944: The Republic of Deargod14 Pop: 357 Mil 945: The Republic of Deargod18 Pop: 350 Mil 946: The Republic of Deargod20 Pop: 353 Mil 947: The Republic of Deargod23 Pop: 355 Mil 948: The Republic of Deargod32 Pop: 291 Mil 949: The The land free of imperialism of Death to economic freedom Pop: 3,617 Mil 950: The Dominion of Deathly Apparitions Pop: 24,434 Mil 951: The Empire of Decaz Pop: 640 Mil 952: The Truthfulness of Deception Island Pop: 28,810 Mil 953: The Empire of Deckonia Pop: 313 Mil 954: The Commonwealth of Deepsea Metro Pop: 86 Mil 955: The Federal Republic of Deerp Pop: 8,372 Mil 956: The Principality of Degrace Pop: 29 Mil 957: The United States of Delsur Pop: 3,154 Mil 958: The Hive of Delthorensdale Pop: 20,720 Mil 959: The Kingdom of Deman Bay Pop: 23 Mil 960: The Democratic Republic of Demeronion Pop: 36 Mil 961: The Democratic Republic of Democates Pop: 4,720 Mil 962: The United States of Democracy freedom Pop: 36 Mil 963: The United States of Democratic Awelexion Pop: 8 Mil 964: The Realm of Democratic Chanum Ter Heak Pop: 6,913 Mil 965: The United States of Democratic Drem Qamant Pop: 14 Mil 966: The Constitutional Monarchy of Democratic Kingdom Of Hungary Pop: 2,089 Mil 967: The Republic of Democratic Republic of the Malaya Pop: 92 Mil 968: The United States of Democratic Underground Pop: 1,975 Mil 969: The Meme of Den Alew Pop: 791 Mil 970: The Republic of Denarie Bautista Taylor Pop: 99 Mil 971: The People's Republic of Deng Xiaoping Gaming Pop: 118 Mil 972: The Empire of Deni Birodalma Pop: 32 Mil 973: The Rogue Nation of Dennis the Menace and Gnasher Pop: 16,433 Mil 974: The Republic of Derek Jeter Pop: 5,054 Mil 975: The Confederacy of Dericksland Pop: 255 Mil 976: The Kingdom of Dernien Pop: 20 Mil 977: The Dictatorship of Derrim Pop: 20 Mil 978: The Incorporated States of Deserving Men Pop: 18 Mil 979: The Commonwealth of Destrian Republic Pop: 106 Mil 980: The Rogue Nation of Detective Nordberg Pop: 312 Mil 981: The Democratic Republic of Deutschlandliederlied Pop: 12 Mil 982: The Grand Duchy of Dhemixia Pop: 4,993 Mil 983: The Republic of Dhgdksja Pop: 83 Mil 984: The United Socialist States of Dicalia Pop: 50 Mil 985: The People's Republic of Dicemonia Pop: 6 Mil 986: The Republic of Didoria Pop: 14,147 Mil 987: The Free Land of Die Linke 42 Pop: 87 Mil 988: The Separating Hyperplanes of Differences-In-Differences Pop: 2,462 Mil 989: The United States of Dignic Freuraternia Pop: 11,462 Mil 990: The People's Republic of Dilvara Pop: 86 Mil 991: The Kingdom of Dimension Ruin Pop: 10 Mil 992: The Federation of Dimia Pop: 260 Mil 993: The Democratic Republic of Dimplingpie Pop: 5,071 Mil 994: The United Socialist States of Dino a Saurus Pop: 330 Mil 995: The Federation of Dinotim Pop: 20 Mil 996: The Nomadic Peoples of Dionus Pop: 105 Mil 997: The Federal Republic of Dioswania Pop: 14,109 Mil 998: The Republic of Dirgantara Pop: 23 Mil 999: The Dictatorship of Dirt land Pop: 4,800 Mil 1000: The Republic of Distantiast Pop: 356 Mil 1001: The Empire of Ditopia Pop: 250 Mil 1002: The Society of Diuturnitas Pop: 2,768 Mil 1003: The Theocracy of DivaaKat Pop: 102 Mil 1004: The Totally Awesome People of Doerr Park Pop: 14,876 Mil 1005: The Republic of Dofin Pop: 7 Mil 1006: The People's Republic of Dolhevia Pop: 18 Mil 1007: The Kingdom of Dololo Pop: 10,331 Mil 1008: The Community of Dolportov Pop: 6 Mil 1009: The Republic of Dom New Majican Pop: 6 Mil 1010: The Federation of Domersace Pop: 11,689 Mil 1011: The Commonwealth of Dominion of India Pop: 1,549 Mil 1012: The Caliphate of Donestia Pop: 6,917 Mil 1013: The United Kingdom of Dontforget Pop: 683 Mil 1014: The Oppressed Peoples of Doorknobland Pop: 110 Mil 1015: The Democratic Republic of Dopillinctri Pop: 127 Mil 1016: The Kingdom of Dorian Gray Pop: 5,595 Mil 1017: The Nomadic Peoples of Down Thats what we did and drove back to Pop: 995 Mil 1018: The Disputed Territories of Draai Pop: 25,070 Mil 1019: The Allied States of Draconius Sanctum Pop: 10,581 Mil 1020: The Empire of Dradovid Pop: 50 Mil 1021: The Oppressed Peoples of Dragnania Pop: 17,533 Mil 1022: The Empire of Dralika Pop: 298 Mil 1023: The Democratic Republic of Dranerlan Pop: 283 Mil 1024: The Dictatorship of DrBillig Pop: 173 Mil 1025: The Empire of Dreadthorn Pop: 192 Mil 1026: The Dominion of Dreaming Shadows Pop: 280 Mil 1027: The Empire of Drenthee Pop: 73 Mil 1028: The Slab follower of Drew Durrnil Pop: 10,198 Mil 1029: The Dictatorship of Drewania Pop: 536 Mil 1030: The Holy Empire of Drieland Pop: 266 Mil 1031: The People's Republic of DRNC Pop: 14 Mil 1032: The Oppressed Peoples of Drosophila melanogaster Pop: 45 Mil 1033: The Republic of Drth Ary Nors Pop: 7,723 Mil 1034: The Oppressed Peoples of Drug Enforcement Agency Pop: 13,537 Mil 1035: The Drunken Irish Nation of Drugged Monkeys Pop: 35,904 Mil 1036: The Drunk Bard of Drunk Walk Home Pop: 4,901 Mil 1037: The Free Land of Drusmii Pop: 73 Mil 1038: The Kingdom of Druvenia Pop: 32 Mil 1039: The Dominion of Drystar Pop: 41,157 Mil 1040: The Community of Drzava Pop: 12 Mil 1041: The Allied States of DuckCounty Pop: 1,459 Mil 1042: The Right wing paradise of DUCURVA Pop: 2,998 Mil 1043: The Republic of Dugalena Pop: 968 Mil 1044: The Constitutional Monarchy of Dun Frest Pop: 5,307 Mil 1045: The Suspicion of Dundea Loea Pop: 4,105 Mil 1046: The Principality of Dunkelstern Pop: 12 Mil 1047: The Nomadic Peoples of Duothi Bitalle Pop: 23 Mil 1048: The Empire of Durayf Pop: 303 Mil 1049: The Dominion of Dusk and Doom Pop: 1,228 Mil 1050: The Dominion of Dusk Puppet 1 Pop: 954 Mil 1051: The Dominion of Dusk Puppet 2 Pop: 930 Mil 1052: The Old Lands of Dutch-Gaming-Commune Pop: 13,820 Mil 1053: The Republic of Dutert Pop: 89 Mil 1054: The Democratic Republic of Duyokoko Pop: 4,279 Mil 1055: The Republic of Dwight D Eisenhower Memorial Pop: 4,426 Mil 1056: The Kingdom of Dynoland Pop: 14 Mil 1057: The Federal Republic of Dyuderia Pop: 56 Mil 1058: The Nomadic Peoples of E bench there and there is Group Ws wher Pop: 973 Mil 1059: The Nomadic Peoples of E driving garbage around the vicinity ag Pop: 1,000 Mil 1060: The Nomadic Peoples of E see the last man I walked in walked in Pop: 982 Mil 1061: The Republic of Eagleport Pop: 4,633 Mil 1062: The Maple Kingdom of Eareamland Pop: 10,495 Mil 1063: The Holy Empire of Easoplotip Thobbtople Pop: 202 Mil 1064: The Republic of East Asia Pop: 5,749 Mil 1065: The Tiki Bar of East Copa Cabana Pop: 13,021 Mil 1066: The Most Serene Republic of East Endia Pop: 2,497 Mil 1067: The Democratic Republic of East Folkmark Pop: 10 Mil 1068: The Holy Disputed Lands of East green Israel Pop: 16,426 Mil 1069: The Republic of East Labras Pop: 118 Mil 1070: The Republic of East landers Pop: 8 Mil 1071: The Republic of East New Moral Pop: 168 Mil 1072: The Republic of East Russia Pop: 3,463 Mil 1073: The Republic of East Sain Tin Pop: 23 Mil 1074: The Kingdom of East Sountov Pop: 1,334 Mil 1075: The Federation of East Testland Pop: 76 Mil 1076: The United Socialist States of East Yin and South Elemote Pop: 29 Mil 1077: The Peoples Republic's Colony of East Zhuhai Pop: 3,119 Mil 1078: The Republic of Easter Pop: 5,994 Mil 1079: The Hayekist State of Eastern Bahia Pop: 11,929 Mil 1080: The Democratic Republic of Eastern Cenland Anuicalica Pop: 7,802 Mil 1081: The Democratic Space Republic of Eastern Doncaster Pop: 6,107 Mil 1082: The Empire of Eastern erupean unuion Pop: 85 Mil 1083: The Very Democractic Nation of Eastern Juble Lux Pop: 7,267 Mil 1084: The Free Land of Eastern League FL Pop: 36 Mil 1085: The Allied Districts of Eastern Panem Pop: 6,797 Mil 1086: The Eastern Free-Republic of Eastern Qezos Pop: 2,559 Mil 1087: The Dictatorship of Eastern sartland Pop: 50 Mil 1088: The Kingdom of Eastern Sky Sybeyion Pop: 7 Mil 1089: The Holy Empire of Ebastena Pop: 3,404 Mil 1090: The Republic of Ebbu Pop: 18 Mil 1091: The Dominion of Eblios Pop: 40 Mil 1092: The South Pacific Delegate of Ebonhand Pop: 19,764 Mil 1093: The Republic of Ebony darkness dementia raven waay Pop: 686 Mil 1094: The Republic of EC2 Pop: 5,574 Mil 1095: The Dominion of Ecclesia Victoris Pop: 4,287 Mil 1096: The Holy Empire of Eclesiastesia Pop: 32 Mil 1097: The Empire of Eclor Pop: 32 Mil 1098: The Jingoistic States of Economic Resources Pop: 786 Mil 1099: The Democratic Republic of Ecresh Pop: 29 Mil 1100: The Republic of Ecstavio Pop: 45 Mil 1101: The Holy Empire of Ecuador1 Pop: 18 Mil 1102: The Abandoned Planet of Eden 227 Pop: 1,672 Mil 1103: The Holy Empire of Eden Centralis Pop: 9 Mil 1104: The United Socialist States of Eden Novae Pop: 2,488 Mil 1105: The Republic of Edgar Allan Poe NHS Pop: 4,413 Mil 1106: The Republic of Ednuria Pop: 29 Mil 1107: The Empire of Edo-Nihon Pop: 222 Mil 1108: The Kingdom of EDutopia Pop: 6 Mil 1109: The Borderlands of Efstur Riki Pop: 8,948 Mil 1110: The Kingdom of Egaranceia Pop: 86 Mil 1111: The Republic of Ego sum imperium 1 Pop: 32 Mil 1112: The Republic of Egovandeh Pop: 118 Mil 1113: The Kingdom of Egypt and the Sudan Pop: 4,102 Mil 1114: The Republic of Eightmile National Wild and Scenic River Pop: 4,440 Mil 1115: The Most Serene Republic of Einigkeit Pop: 934 Mil 1116: The Empire of Einigtet Amerika Reich Pop: 3,910 Mil 1117: The Empire of Einth Pop: 162 Mil 1118: The People's Republic of Eklansia Pop: 8 Mil 1119: The Republic of Ekrixia Pop: 5,020 Mil 1120: The Sultanate of El Quds Pop: 207 Mil 1121: The Kingdom of Elam Pop: 5,669 Mil 1122: The Protectorate of Elbas Bonnia Islands Pop: 1,539 Mil 1123: The Republic of Eldach Pop: 14 Mil 1124: The Resurrected Ones of Electric Screwdriver Pop: 25,894 Mil 1125: The Federal Republic of Eleuthelrium Pop: 7,102 Mil 1126: The Republic of Elidoni Pop: 32 Mil 1127: The Kingdom of Elijah12 Pop: 16 Mil 1128: The Retrieval Specialism of Eliot Spencer Pop: 26,792 Mil 1129: The Harmonic and Democratic Land of Elivastov Pop: 1,548 Mil 1130: The Queendom of Elizabeth Gillies Pop: 534 Mil 1131: The Republic of Ellethen Pop: 16 Mil 1132: The Republic of ElMejorPaisDeChile Pop: 23 Mil 1133: The Republic of Elmo23 Pop: 1,915 Mil 1134: The Democratic Republic of Eluvataran Outback Pop: 18,095 Mil 1135: The Republic of Elvaris Pop: 36 Mil 1136: The Queendom of Emagination Pop: 3,027 Mil 1137: The Federal Republic of Emcoterozekinland Pop: 114 Mil 1138: The Republic of Emdna30 Pop: 467 Mil 1139: The Republic of Emdna36 Pop: 407 Mil 1140: The Republic of Emdna50 Pop: 390 Mil 1141: The Republic of Emdna51 Pop: 242 Mil 1142: The Republic of Emdna54 Pop: 253 Mil 1143: The Republic of Emereyseion Pop: 112 Mil 1144: The Emirate of Emirate of the Hidden Sun Pop: 6 Mil 1145: The Democratic Republic of Emma United Pop: 14 Mil 1146: The Republic of Empanada de Carne Picante Pop: 1,328 Mil 1147: The United Socialist States of Empers Merast Pop: 8 Mil 1148: The Holy social and immoral land of Empire of Bredux Pop: 4,137 Mil 1149: The Empire of Empire of Pekoland Pop: 4,077 Mil 1150: The Federation of Encaminia Pop: 29 Mil 1151: The Empire of Enessia Pop: 1,074 Mil 1152: The Rogue Nation of Enolatoh Pop: 406 Mil 1153: The Republic of Ensheetia Pop: 206 Mil 1154: The Empire of Entwurf Pop: 1,126 Mil 1155: The Dictatorship of Envixity5 Pop: 40 Mil 1156: The Kingdom of Epaulik Pop: 258 Mil 1157: The Kingdom of Epian Islands Pop: 4,440 Mil 1158: The Republic of Epirien Lakid Pop: 18 Mil 1159: The Republic of Equadfg Pop: 16 Mil 1160: The Jingoistic States of Equatopia Pop: 473 Mil 1161: The Republic of Er-19 Pop: 175 Mil 1162: The Republic of Er-32 Pop: 162 Mil 1163: The Republic of Er-39 Pop: 157 Mil 1164: The Republic of Er-40 Pop: 157 Mil 1165: The Republic of Er-55 Pop: 159 Mil 1166: The Republic of Er-57 Pop: 155 Mil 1167: The Republic of Er-62 Pop: 157 Mil 1168: The Republic of Er-66 Pop: 158 Mil 1169: The Republic of Er-77 Pop: 161 Mil 1170: The Republic of Er-84 Pop: 109 Mil 1171: The Republic of Er-86 Pop: 110 Mil 1172: The Republic of Eran Keinjacythordia Pop: 237 Mil 1173: The Republic of Eraurom Pop: 40 Mil 1174: The People's Republic of Erdonica Pop: 324 Mil 1175: The Jingoistic States of Erhium Pop: 466 Mil 1176: The Staff Sergeant Special Ops of Eri Kasamoto Pop: 11,721 Mil 1177: The Borderlands of Eric no bein Pop: 23 Mil 1178: The Holy Empire of Ericolandia Pop: 62 Mil 1179: The Free Land of Erier Daeka Bratilontopia Pop: 29 Mil 1180: The Imperium of Erisian Pop: 21,449 Mil 1181: The Oppressed Peoples of Eristalis tenax Pop: 6 Mil 1182: The Third Empire of Eritria Pop: 4,817 Mil 1183: The Empire of Ermanea Pop: 40 Mil 1184: The Republic of Erreth-Akbe Pop: 8,841 Mil 1185: The Holy Catholic Empire of Erstavik Pop: 6,764 Mil 1186: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 1 Pop: 247 Mil 1187: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 10 Pop: 79 Mil 1188: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 11 Pop: 14 Mil 1189: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 12 Pop: 14 Mil 1190: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 13 Pop: 14 Mil 1191: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 14 Pop: 14 Mil 1192: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 15 Pop: 14 Mil 1193: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 16 Pop: 14 Mil 1194: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 17 Pop: 14 Mil 1195: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 18 Pop: 14 Mil 1196: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 19 Pop: 14 Mil 1197: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 2 Pop: 249 Mil 1198: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 20 Pop: 14 Mil 1199: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 21 Pop: 14 Mil 1200: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 22 Pop: 14 Mil 1201: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 23 Pop: 14 Mil 1202: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 24 Pop: 14 Mil 1203: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 25 Pop: 14 Mil 1204: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 26 Pop: 14 Mil 1205: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 27 Pop: 14 Mil 1206: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 28 Pop: 14 Mil 1207: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 29 Pop: 14 Mil 1208: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 3 Pop: 251 Mil 1209: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 30 Pop: 14 Mil 1210: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 31 Pop: 14 Mil 1211: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 32 Pop: 14 Mil 1212: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 33 Pop: 14 Mil 1213: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 34 Pop: 14 Mil 1214: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 35 Pop: 14 Mil 1215: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 36 Pop: 14 Mil 1216: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 37 Pop: 14 Mil 1217: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 4 Pop: 79 Mil 1218: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 5 Pop: 83 Mil 1219: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 6 Pop: 82 Mil 1220: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 7 Pop: 78 Mil 1221: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 8 Pop: 78 Mil 1222: The Colony of Erstavik Card Farm Deseret 9 Pop: 79 Mil 1223: The Colony of Erstavik Rhodesia Pop: 422 Mil 1224: The United States of Escoa Pop: 1,329 Mil 1225: The Missing Flag of Esfalsa Pop: 19,665 Mil 1226: The Most Serene Republic of Esilondre Pop: 2,224 Mil 1227: The Kingdom of Eskyia Pop: 647 Mil 1228: The Federal Republic of Esperandia Pop: 505 Mil 1229: The Emirate of Espresso macchiato Pop: 83 Mil 1230: The Free Land of Essa Pop: 25,274 Mil 1231: The Kingdom of Est Eara Pop: 96 Mil 1232: The Armed Republic of Est Set Pop: 7,254 Mil 1233: The Republic of Estados Americanos do Sul Pop: 386 Mil 1234: The People's Republic of Estre Pop: 115 Mil 1235: The Empire of Esvina Pop: 1,464 Mil 1236: The Kingdom of Esynthia-gados Pop: 36 Mil 1237: The Republic of Etaash103 Pop: 243 Mil 1238: The Armed Republic of Etat Franc Pop: 468 Mil 1239: The Theocracy of Eternal Hope Land Pop: 12 Mil 1240: The Federal Republic of Eternia Octoginta Pop: 8,160 Mil 1241: The Dictatorship of Eth Achipeion Pop: 8,947 Mil 1242: The Holy Empire of Ethaterguzzle Pop: 14 Mil 1243: The Kingdom of Ethendria Pop: 29 Mil 1244: The Principality of Etheriano Pop: 6,895 Mil 1245: The Rogue Nation of Ethiac Pop: 101 Mil 1246: The Holy Empire of Ethoodly Pop: 6,294 Mil 1247: The Republic of Etienne Bacrot Pop: 765 Mil 1248: The Republic of Etriya Pop: 4,751 Mil 1249: The Empire of Eucalipto Pop: 1,307 Mil 1250: The Republic of Eugene Oneill NHS Pop: 4,430 Mil 1251: The Republic of Eurazion Pop: 86 Mil 1252: The Holy Empire of Europainvicta Pop: 135 Mil 1253: The Empire of European Valley Pop: 40 Mil 1254: The United Socialist States of Europeaum Pop: 45 Mil 1255: The United Kingdom of Evalvhron Pop: 56 Mil 1256: The United States of Evaros Pop: 8,118 Mil 1257: The Nomadic Peoples of Even counted upon and we was both immedi Pop: 994 Mil 1258: The Empire of Ever Testing Pop: 7,117 Mil 1259: The Holy Empire of Everglades Pop: 172 Mil 1260: The Kingdom of Evergreen Island Pop: 50 Mil 1261: The Kingdom of Evil British African Wild West Pirates Pop: 62 Mil 1262: The Smatania's 2nd Alt of Evil Land Pop: 1,064 Mil 1263: The Dictatorship of Evil Rema 2000 Pop: 32 Mil 1264: The Rogue Nation of Evil United Pop: 14 Mil 1265: The Dictatorship of Evilevilevilvillainofevil Pop: 3,521 Mil 1266: The Republic of Evinea Pop: 7,451 Mil 1267: The Kingdom of Eviterna Pop: 8 Mil 1268: The Incorporated States of Evropan Federation Pop: 10 Mil 1269: The Community of Evrosa Pop: 23 Mil 1270: The Republic of Experouta V Pop: 164 Mil 1271: The Republic of Experouta VII Pop: 163 Mil 1272: The Republic of Experouta VIII Pop: 163 Mil 1273: The Republic of Exple Aria Pop: 900 Mil 1274: The People's Republic of Explodeingtnt Pop: 15,831 Mil 1275: The Kingdom of Exubaria Pop: 8 Mil 1276: The Republic of Eye of the Occult Pop: 4,430 Mil 1277: The Dictatorship of Eyuqsnaih Pop: 398 Mil 1278: The Holy Empire of Facksinthin Pop: 86 Mil 1279: The Republic of Faderlend Pop: 26 Mil 1280: The Commonwealth of Fairy Haven Pop: 6 Mil 1281: The Theocracy of Fake Nation 61 Pop: 250 Mil 1282: The Dictatorship of Falconian Pop: 10 Mil 1283: The Kingdom of Falhedrin Pop: 407 Mil 1284: The Republic of Fallen Nation Pop: 4,940 Mil 1285: The Republic of Fallen Timbers Battlefield NHS Pop: 4,385 Mil 1286: The Empire of False sky Pop: 16 Mil 1287: The Confederacy of Famivilace Pop: 176 Mil 1288: The Republic of Fans Jimir Pop: 4,441 Mil 1289: The Dictatorship of Far Mero Pighintwikubeat Pop: 6 Mil 1290: The Federation of Far Miderell Rinsiand Pop: 20 Mil 1291: The Incorporated States of Far Montopico Pop: 648 Mil 1292: The Republic of Far Opam Terscaland Pop: 67 Mil 1293: The Republic of Far Woraingle Pop: 6 Mil 1294: The Republic of Farelonia Pop: 21,602 Mil 1295: The Mysterious Empire of Farengeto Pop: 25,491 Mil 1296: The Republic of Farlanes Pop: 29 Mil 1297: The Republic of Farlmont Pop: 225 Mil 1298: The Federation of Fars Fighteid Pop: 45 Mil 1299: The Empire of Fascismist Pop: 73 Mil 1300: The Commonwealth of Fasire Pop: 12,245 Mil 1301: The Protectorate of Fasnar Pop: 4,021 Mil 1302: The Federal Republic of Feathershine Pop: 6 Mil 1303: The Kingdom of Febrenski Pop: 74 Mil 1304: The Republic of February 29 2024 Pop: 2,094 Mil 1305: The Enclave Social Republic of Federal Eagle Empire Pop: 5,444 Mil 1306: The Completely Useless Pretitle of Federation of Great Lake States Pop: 910 Mil 1307: The Holy Empire of Fegisacador Pop: 157 Mil 1308: The -လ- of Feirden Pop: 562 Mil 1309: The Colony of Feirdenian Card Farm I Pop: 26 Mil 1310: The Colony of Feirdenian Card Farm II Pop: 26 Mil 1311: The Confederacy of Feline Utopia Pop: 26 Mil 1312: The Kingdom of Felistopia Pop: 909 Mil 1313: The Paradise of Fembavaryia Pop: 1,178 Mil 1314: The Federation of Fembonys Pop: 130 Mil 1315: The Protectorate of Femboyvaria 3 Pop: 436 Mil 1316: The Rogue Nation of Fepam Pop: 50 Mil 1317: The Republic of Fergangsment Pop: 50 Mil 1318: The Republic of Ferima Factory 1 Pop: 98 Mil 1319: The Kingdom of Ferpese Pop: 18 Mil 1320: The Commonwealth of Ferristia Pop: 6,807 Mil 1321: The Republic of Ferrumetlapis Pop: 4,821 Mil 1322: The Grand Duchy of Fers Hea Kos Pop: 29 Mil 1323: The Holy Empire of Ferwes Nolighion Pop: 32 Mil 1324: The Republic of Festdidgea Pop: 12,588 Mil 1325: The Disputed Territories of Feuding Warlords Pop: 29 Mil 1326: The Federation of Fhatboi Pop: 6 Mil 1327: The Holy Empire of Fibbit Pop: 32 Mil 1328: The Republic of Fifty-Seven Tears Of The Star Pop: 99 Mil 1329: The Republic of File of 1971 ggg Pop: 32 Mil 1330: The Free Land of Filistinia Pop: 9,832 Mil 1331: The Republic of Fille Pop: 25,328 Mil 1332: The Community of Filthy Pop: 5,972 Mil 1333: The Constitutional Monarchy of Fin Touble Pop: 112 Mil 1334: The Oppressed Peoples of Fingerdash Pop: 29 Mil 1335: The Protectorate of Fingerdomian empire Pop: 40 Mil 1336: The Protectorate of Fink the Fox Pop: 242 Mil 1337: The Federal Republic of Fiordland Pop: 740 Mil 1338: The Republic of Firaspras Pop: 32 Mil 1339: The Republic of Fire Islands Pop: 10,709 Mil 1340: The Republic of Fire Starter Pop: 775 Mil 1341: The Democratic States of Fireastone Pop: 117 Mil 1342: The Republic of Firepants Pop: 88 Mil 1343: The Democratic Republic of Firnox Pop: 5,976 Mil 1344: The Social Democratic Republic of Firtopia Pop: 16,963 Mil 1345: The Free Land of Fisaz Pop: 442 Mil 1346: The Free Land of Fismath Pop: 1,113 Mil 1347: The Dictatorship of Fitler Pop: 1,092 Mil 1348: The Oppressed Peoples of Fitzlendia Pop: 6 Mil 1349: The Federation of Five Tribes Pop: 486 Mil 1350: The Republic of FizzaroIIi Pop: 497 Mil 1351: The People's Republic of Flait Pop: 25,239 Mil 1352: The Kingdom of Fleetariland Pop: 2,258 Mil 1353: The Empire of Flomtopia Pop: 24,226 Mil 1354: The Incorporated States of Flopfarm 444 Pop: 2,040 Mil 1355: The Incorporated States of Flopfarm 448 Pop: 2,032 Mil 1356: The Incorporated States of Flopfarm 450 Pop: 2,012 Mil 1357: The Empire of Flopiser Pop: 87 Mil 1358: The Republic of Flora Carrow Pop: 8 Mil 1359: The Democratic Republic of Flora fjord Pop: 223 Mil 1360: The Colony of Flraila Pop: 312 Mil 1361: The Rogue Nation of Flufflernutter Pop: 105 Mil 1362: The People's Republic of FMAB Pop: 581 Mil 1363: The Republic of Fnkland Pop: 897 Mil 1364: The Oppressed Peoples of Fnordia Pop: 10 Mil 1365: The Republic of Foo Farm 12 Pop: 213 Mil 1366: The Republic of Foo Farm 14 Pop: 222 Mil 1367: The Republic of Foo Farm 27 Pop: 209 Mil 1368: The Republic of Foo Farm 45 Pop: 217 Mil 1369: The Republic of Foo Farm 8 Pop: 214 Mil 1370: The Kingdom of Foot cheeses Pop: 99 Mil 1371: The Nomadic Peoples of Foot cliff and at the bottom of the clif Pop: 1,015 Mil 1372: The United Socialist States of For The American World Revolution Pop: 68 Mil 1373: The Commonwealth of Foranenia Pop: 87 Mil 1374: The Republic of Fords Theatre NHS Pop: 4,423 Mil 1375: The Republic of Forelia Pop: 21,639 Mil 1376: The Rogue Nation of Forge World Eta Pop: 176 Mil 1377: The Rogue Nation of Forge World Lambda Pop: 177 Mil 1378: The Republic of Forgen greatness Pop: 6 Mil 1379: The Free Land of Foritehland Pop: 26 Mil 1380: The Kingdom of Formula Zero Pop: 8 Mil 1381: The Borderlands of Forrealz Pop: 8,636 Mil 1382: The Holy Empire of Forrregs Pop: 103 Mil 1383: The Republic of Fort Allen Pop: 4,583 Mil 1384: The Free Land of Fort Blackwater Pop: 131 Mil 1385: The Free Land of Fort Cu-Pie Pop: 4,703 Mil 1386: The Republic of Fort Patton Pop: 6,756 Mil 1387: The Republic of Fort Union Trading Post NHS Pop: 4,451 Mil 1388: The Republic of Founding Men Pop: 68 Mil 1389: The Confederacy of FOXHAYHD Pop: 20 Mil 1390: The Free Land of FR Eastern League Pop: 36 Mil 1391: The Dominion of Fraggenia Pop: 20 Mil 1392: The Republic of Fraila Pop: 483 Mil 1393: The Kingdom of Fraime Pop: 68 Mil 1394: The 3rd Republic of Frairrisburg Pop: 4,917 Mil 1395: The Republic of Framer04 Pop: 126 Mil 1396: The Republic of France and Belgian Pop: 8 Mil 1397: The Republic of France MGD Pop: 10 Mil 1398: The Empire of Franciah Pop: 18 Mil 1399: The Free Land of Frankfurt upon Main Pop: 938 Mil 1400: The Republic of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Pop: 4,430 Mil 1401: The Democratic Republic of Frazzia Pop: 3,347 Mil 1402: The Republic of Frazzyland Pop: 99 Mil 1403: The Empire of Freaklandius Pop: 6 Mil 1404: The Republic of Freddie Freeman Pop: 4,932 Mil 1405: The Dictatorship of Freddy3 Pop: 10,880 Mil 1406: The Free Land of Frederiksborg Pop: 12,057 Mil 1407: The Republic of Fredgenomstrykaland Pop: 104 Mil 1408: The United Socialist States of Free Botthland Pop: 18 Mil 1409: The Free Land of Free Central Islands Pop: 559 Mil 1410: The Rogue Nation of Free Che Llagundotopia Pop: 354 Mil 1411: The Corporate State of Free fishermen Pop: 2,151 Mil 1412: The Free Land of Free Judahistan Pop: 81 Mil 1413: The Republic of Free Land Of South Pop: 210 Mil 1414: The Republic of Free Land Of West Pop: 203 Mil 1415: The Most Serene Republic of Free Mond Dus Pop: 301 Mil 1416: The United Socialist States of Free Norlandia Pop: 29 Mil 1417: The Free Land of Free Oas Outancionika Pop: 2,018 Mil 1418: The Kingdom of Free state of kusmiy Pop: 40 Mil 1419: The Rational Consensus of Freedoom Pop: 10,912 Mil 1420: The United States of Freeeeeeedommmmmmm Pop: 6 Mil 1421: The Highly Edited Flag of Freelandsia Pop: 1,396 Mil 1422: The Empire of FREEZ3Theproducer Pop: 988 Mil 1423: The Empire of French Colional Empire Pop: 36 Mil 1424: The Empire of French-Spanish Pop: 14 Mil 1425: The Republic of Frenzied Flame Pop: 4,584 Mil 1426: The Fiefdom of Fretar Pop: 40 Mil 1427: The Free Planet of Fretensis IV Pop: 975 Mil 1428: The Republic of Fria Islalthe Pop: 10 Mil 1429: The Dictatorship of Frickshootistan Pop: 56 Mil 1430: The People's Republic of Frideria Pop: 392 Mil 1431: The Queendom of Frien la qasta al asro Pop: 45 Mil 1432: The State of of Friesdland Pop: 2,593 Mil 1433: The Republic of Fright king Pop: 36 Mil 1434: The Commonwealth of Frizjkk Pop: 9 Mil 1435: The Fully Auth-omated Hivemind of FROEGEN STATE Pop: 1,766 Mil 1436: The Colony of Frogsolistan Pop: 3,782 Mil 1437: The Free Land of Frokst Pop: 29 Mil 1438: The Grand Kingdom of Froshar Pop: 6,346 Mil 1439: The Empire of Frowey Sun State Pop: 112 Mil 1440: The Empire of Fuchklandia Pop: 10 Mil 1441: The People's Republic of Fugg Pop: 32 Mil 1442: The Dominion of Full Metal Pop: 575 Mil 1443: The Cast of Fullmetal Alchemist Pop: 5,744 Mil 1444: The Queendom of Funatizenvaerte Pop: 674 Mil 1445: The Empire of Fuqtopia Pop: 161 Mil 1446: The Federal Republic of Fvv104 Pop: 475 Mil 1447: The Federal Republic of Fvv106 Pop: 476 Mil 1448: The Federal Republic of Fvv108 Pop: 478 Mil 1449: The Federal Republic of Fvv142 Pop: 464 Mil 1450: The Federal Republic of Fvv150 Pop: 486 Mil 1451: The Federal Republic of Fvv158 Pop: 479 Mil 1452: The Federal Republic of Fvv174 Pop: 475 Mil 1453: The Federal Republic of Fvv185 Pop: 475 Mil 1454: The Federal Republic of Fvv187 Pop: 471 Mil 1455: The Federal Republic of Fvv191 Pop: 479 Mil 1456: The Federal Republic of Fvv192 Pop: 470 Mil 1457: The Federal Republic of Fvv196 Pop: 484 Mil 1458: The Federal Republic of Fvv206 Pop: 466 Mil 1459: The Federal Republic of Fvv217 Pop: 479 Mil 1460: The Federal Republic of Fvv220 Pop: 469 Mil 1461: The Federal Republic of Fvv246 Pop: 460 Mil 1462: The Federal Republic of Fvv256 Pop: 468 Mil 1463: The Federal Republic of Fvv257 Pop: 477 Mil 1464: The Federal Republic of Fvv261 Pop: 462 Mil 1465: The Federal Republic of Fvv264 Pop: 469 Mil 1466: The Federal Republic of Fvv271 Pop: 463 Mil 1467: The Federal Republic of Fvv279 Pop: 474 Mil 1468: The Federal Republic of Fvv285 Pop: 466 Mil 1469: The Federal Republic of Fvv300 Pop: 461 Mil 1470: The Federal Republic of Fvv307 Pop: 463 Mil 1471: The Federal Republic of Fvv315 Pop: 471 Mil 1472: The Federal Republic of Fvv318 Pop: 446 Mil 1473: The Federal Republic of Fvv325 Pop: 467 Mil 1474: The Federal Republic of Fvv33 Pop: 486 Mil 1475: The Federal Republic of Fvv332 Pop: 465 Mil 1476: The Federal Republic of Fvv344 Pop: 450 Mil 1477: The Federal Republic of Fvv353 Pop: 449 Mil 1478: The Federal Republic of Fvv36 Pop: 477 Mil 1479: The Federal Republic of Fvv362 Pop: 447 Mil 1480: The Federal Republic of Fvv37 Pop: 485 Mil 1481: The Federal Republic of Fvv375 Pop: 463 Mil 1482: The Federal Republic of Fvv40 Pop: 481 Mil 1483: The Federal Republic of Fvv404 Pop: 470 Mil 1484: The Federal Republic of Fvv406 Pop: 457 Mil 1485: The Federal Republic of Fvv414 Pop: 452 Mil 1486: The Federal Republic of Fvv418 Pop: 460 Mil 1487: The Federal Republic of Fvv419 Pop: 461 Mil 1488: The Federal Republic of Fvv446 Pop: 462 Mil 1489: The Federal Republic of Fvv449 Pop: 454 Mil 1490: The Federal Republic of Fvv462 Pop: 461 Mil 1491: The Federal Republic of Fvv477 Pop: 465 Mil 1492: The Federal Republic of Fvv484 Pop: 466 Mil 1493: The Federal Republic of Fvv493 Pop: 462 Mil 1494: The Federal Republic of Fvv52 Pop: 482 Mil 1495: The Federal Republic of Fvv53 Pop: 478 Mil 1496: The Federal Republic of Fvv61 Pop: 477 Mil 1497: The Sultanate of Fzjxxz Pop: 4,090 Mil 1498: The Nomadic Peoples of G when my friend and I went up to visit Pop: 1,013 Mil 1499: The Republic of G09zmanz3b Pop: 2,309 Mil 1500: The Empire of Ga Oston Pop: 688 Mil 1501: The Republic of Gabbie Pop: 40 Mil 1502: The United Kingdom of Gabbys land Pop: 18 Mil 1503: The Republic of Gabrielic Italy Pop: 32 Mil 1504: The Republic of Gabrilandiland Pop: 448 Mil 1505: The Republic of Gadreuca Pop: 3,171 Mil 1506: The Connected Dimensions of Gaila Pop: 7,104 Mil 1507: The Allied States of Galandrar Pop: 40 Mil 1508: The Armed Republic of Gamblingaddict Pop: 739 Mil 1509: The Constitutional Monarchy of Gamblingisfunyuh Pop: 742 Mil 1510: The Republic of Gantina Pop: 45 Mil 1511: The Federation of Garaskord Pop: 1,402 Mil 1512: The Republic of Gargle Pop: 955 Mil 1513: The Commonwealth of Garnt Pop: 25,137 Mil 1514: The Socialist Realm of Gastravon Pop: 12,789 Mil 1515: The Community of Gastronesia Pop: 8,947 Mil 1516: The Empire of Gathaspa Pop: 56 Mil 1517: The Republic of Gdcnup6vk8 Pop: 3,404 Mil 1518: The Scratch of Gdfsg land Pop: 4,107 Mil 1519: The Republic of Geekvia Pop: 13,953 Mil 1520: The Principality of Gen Alpha Again Pop: 9 Mil 1521: The People's Republic of Gen Island Pop: 7 Mil 1522: The Empire of Genmo AI Pop: 14 Mil 1523: The Republic of Gennaretia Pop: 6,230 Mil 1524: The Kingdom of GennaTools Pop: 50 Mil 1525: The Conscious Center of Creation of Genoxelande Pop: 2,013 Mil 1526: The Armed Republic of George Leon Sailia Lawlor Pop: 14 Mil 1527: The Kingdom of Georgnia Pop: 45 Mil 1528: The Kingdom of Geouyui Pop: 23 Mil 1529: The Federal Republic of Gerdostan Pop: 581 Mil 1530: The Federal Republic of Germaieny Pop: 23 Mil 1531: The United Kingdom of Germania and Celtia Pop: 2,222 Mil 1532: The Grand Duchy of Germany and North Italy Pop: 592 Mil 1533: The Nomadic Peoples of Gettin more injections inspections detec Pop: 967 Mil 1534: The Republic of GFJEC Pop: 6 Mil 1535: The Republic of Ghaloland Pop: 68 Mil 1536: The Democratic Republic of Ghatoland Pop: 40 Mil 1537: The Kingdom of Ghernia Pop: 129 Mil 1538: The People's Federal Republic of Gherweb1 Pop: 2,316 Mil 1539: The Theocracy of Gholan Pop: 9 Mil 1540: The Community of Ghost Pominderland Pop: 45 Mil 1541: The Federal Republic of GI-Land Pop: 18,298 Mil 1542: The People's Republic of Giberelia Pop: 26 Mil 1543: The Federation of Gigaballs Pop: 96 Mil 1544: The Republic of Gigegchian farmers Pop: 279 Mil 1545: The Community of Giggerland Pop: 113 Mil 1546: The Republic of Gilismand Pop: 90 Mil 1547: The Kingdom of Gilligan Islands Pop: 4,623 Mil 1548: The Federal Republic of Gitlok Pop: 5,829 Mil 1549: The Commonwealth of Gitofrica Pop: 423 Mil 1550: The Republic of Gitopia Pop: 160 Mil 1551: The Holy Empire of Glitter Rainbow Pop: 23 Mil 1552: The Kingdom of Glivet Pop: 84 Mil 1553: The Queendom of Gloom Cookie Pop: 12,470 Mil 1554: The Dictatorship of Glorianus Pop: 29 Mil 1555: The Republic of Glouthom Pop: 4,401 Mil 1556: The Borderlands of Glue-stick Pop: 23 Mil 1557: The Empire of Glutundia Pop: 8 Mil 1558: The Colony of Goblin Puppet Pop: 8,760 Mil 1559: The Community of Goblin Wolf Riders Pop: 9,382 Mil 1560: The Kingdom of GochuLand Pop: 300 Mil 1561: The Free Land of God damn what the hell is this Pop: 97 Mil 1562: The Empire of Goldaton Pop: 200 Mil 1563: The Sultanate of Goldbergya Pop: 6,764 Mil 1564: The Confederacy of Golden Dragon Cooperative Sphere Pop: 2,072 Mil 1565: The Empire of Golden Lion Pop: 476 Mil 1566: The Empire of Golden Opportunity Pop: 364 Mil 1567: The Holy Empire of Goldenbaum Pop: 29 Mil 1568: The Soggy Islands of Goldnation Pop: 5,334 Mil 1569: The Protectorate of Golostein Pop: 104 Mil 1570: The People's Republic of Gomony Pop: 56 Mil 1571: The Federal Republic of Gonthavnor Pop: 4,441 Mil 1572: The Theocracy of Goobsland Pop: 40 Mil 1573: The United States of Good kids Pop: 6 Mil 1574: The People's Republic of Goodgust Ric Pop: 222 Mil 1575: The United Socialist States of Goofy Gibber Flopper Gibber Pop: 104 Mil 1576: The Socialist Federal Republic of Googachi Pop: 5,932 Mil 1577: The Free Land of Goon Caves Pop: 281 Mil 1578: The Democratic Republic of Goonerton Pop: 26 Mil 1579: The Rogue Nation of GOONTOWN Pop: 191 Mil 1580: The Democratic Republic of Gooporia Pop: 36 Mil 1581: The United States of Goose Archipelago Pop: 50 Mil 1582: The Borderlands of Gophonzad Pop: 68 Mil 1583: The Republic of Gorilla-Land Pop: 74 Mil 1584: The Free Land of Gorklibunsond Pop: 8,083 Mil 1585: The Republic of Gormsey Pop: 106 Mil 1586: The Most Serene Republic of Gotham City of Batman Pop: 2,672 Mil 1587: The Federal Republic of Govermant of ghaim Pop: 9 Mil 1588: The Principality of Gracca Pop: 6,748 Mil 1589: The Dominion of Grace Sto Yaketopia Pop: 4,038 Mil 1590: The Budding Forest of Grace Wellesley Thayer Pop: 3,721 Mil 1591: The Democratic Republic of Grafenbourg Pop: 29 Mil 1592: The People's Republic of Grahno Pop: 56 Mil 1593: The Revolutionary State of Grainstan Pop: 4,056 Mil 1594: The Dictatorship of Gralus Pop: 7 Mil 1595: The Democratic Republic of Grammat M Pop: 108 Mil 1596: The Empire of Gran Velterra Pop: 106 Mil 1597: The Dictatorship of Gran-Colunia Pop: 9 Mil 1598: The Kingdom of Grand Eldorian Pop: 223 Mil 1599: The Republic of Grand Nokia Pop: 92 Mil 1600: The Kingdom of Grand Percy Pop: 29 Mil 1601: The Incorporated States of Granshield Pop: 14 Mil 1602: The Republic of Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS Pop: 4,412 Mil 1603: The Disputed Territories of Granzoyia Pop: 14 Mil 1604: The Constitutional Monarchy of Grao amazonas Pop: 12 Mil 1605: The Empire of Gravira Pop: 85 Mil 1606: The Principality of Graznavias Pop: 50 Mil 1607: The Constitutional Monarchy of Grealorus Pop: 16 Mil 1608: The Imperium of Great Andora Pop: 17,644 Mil 1609: The Republic of Great Bengal Pop: 614 Mil 1610: The United Kingdom of Great briitain Pop: 93 Mil 1611: The Republic of Great Cassels Pop: 12 Mil 1612: The Empire of Great chaoshan Pop: 40 Mil 1613: The Kingdom of Great Danistan Pop: 10,517 Mil 1614: The Confederacy of Great Democratic Confederation of Arinto Pop: 9 Mil 1615: The Greatest Holy Empire of Great Hei Pop: 7,416 Mil 1616: The Kingdom of Great Hochelaga Pop: 323 Mil 1617: The Holy Empire of Great Hozendoff Pop: 18,720 Mil 1618: The Federal Republic of Great Judahistan Pop: 88 Mil 1619: The Dictatorship of Great Kaskaadia Pop: 50 Mil 1620: The Theocracy of Great Kekistan Pop: 6,132 Mil 1621: The Federal Republic of Great Lothian Pop: 7,308 Mil 1622: The Grand Republic of Great Marsinia Pop: 20,164 Mil 1623: The Imperial Democracy of Great Ostanian Republic Pop: 4,451 Mil 1624: The Holy Empire of Great Proxima Pop: 966 Mil 1625: The Empire of Great Scapula Pop: 23,163 Mil 1626: The United Socialist States of Great Soviet Socialist Republics Pop: 105 Mil 1627: The Empire of Great Spruce Pop: 20 Mil 1628: The Dictatorship of Great Supreme Father Pop: 23 Mil 1629: The Kingdom of Great Tibet Pop: 2,227 Mil 1630: The Empire of Greater Dictatorlandia Pop: 50 Mil 1631: The Republic of Greater Doust Ning Pop: 209 Mil 1632: The Provisional Government of Greater Kentre Federation Pop: 1,954 Mil 1633: The United Republic of Greater Korea Pop: 5,559 Mil 1634: The Republic of Greater Onion Pop: 375 Mil 1635: The Empire of Greater Pardonia Pop: 2,947 Mil 1636: The Republic of Greater Republic of Poo Pop: 76 Mil 1637: The People's Republic of Greater See Superbook Pop: 10 Mil 1638: The Federal Republic of Greater Shqiperie Pop: 40 Mil 1639: The Dominion of Greater-Indies Pop: 713 Mil 1640: The Confederacy of Greticalvil Pop: 144 Mil 1641: The United States of Grevaria Pop: 15,003 Mil 1642: The Commonwealth of Grirectum Stuff Pop: 154 Mil 1643: The Federal Republic of Grokx Pop: 26 Mil 1644: The Republic of GROMPLAND Pop: 32 Mil 1645: The Colony of Grond Pop: 25,221 Mil 1646: The Republic of Group Project Pop: 104 Mil 1647: The Commonwealth of Guanatamo Pop: 241 Mil 1648: The Province of Guangdong Pop: 5,617 Mil 1649: The Sultanate of Guaterordia Pop: 16 Mil 1650: The Jingoistic States of Gubu Pop: 627 Mil 1651: The Federal Republic of Gudderian Pop: 68 Mil 1652: The Oppressed Peoples of Guilty Secrets Pop: 12,445 Mil 1653: The Fiefdom of Gujsbosirumingreessc Pop: 36 Mil 1654: The Republic of Gundard Pop: 2,131 Mil 1655: The Republic of Gundemarez Pop: 32 Mil 1656: The Republic of Gunvolt Pop: 5,512 Mil 1657: The Most Serene Republic of Gymnostan Pop: 29,060 Mil 1658: The Matriarchy of Hacrela Pop: 4,003 Mil 1659: The Federal State of Hadern Pop: 895 Mil 1660: The Technocratic Republic of Hadrex Pop: 6,633 Mil 1661: The Republic of Haete Pop: 677 Mil 1662: The Democratic Republic of Haitania Pop: 6 Mil 1663: The Armed Republic of Halef Pop: 25,238 Mil 1664: The Incorporated States of Haleth Pop: 108 Mil 1665: The Dictatorship of Halist Souge Pop: 12 Mil 1666: The Republic of Hamilton Grange Memorial Pop: 4,383 Mil 1667: The Disputed Territories of Hammannam Pop: 398 Mil 1668: The Republic of Hampton NHS Pop: 4,441 Mil 1669: The Empire of Hamronica Pop: 33,608 Mil 1670: The People's Republic of Han Rocky Nohais Pop: 231 Mil 1671: The Imperial Sinjōist State of Hanguk-Nippon Pop: 15,001 Mil 1672: The Federation of Hanostas Pop: 152 Mil 1673: The United Socialist States of Hanwork Pop: 78 Mil 1674: The Democratic Republic of Harcasia Pop: 13,950 Mil 1675: The Community of Hareseythe Pop: 32 Mil 1676: The Emirate of Haric Mixummia Pop: 7 Mil 1677: The Republic of Harklemia Pop: 20 Mil 1678: The Incorporated Entity of Harmonious Paperclips Pop: 31,082 Mil 1679: The Republic of Harpers Ferry NHP Pop: 4,391 Mil 1680: The Republic of Harriet Tubman NHP Pop: 4,438 Mil 1681: The Republic of Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad NHP Pop: 4,391 Mil 1682: The Colony of Harrison Oasis Pop: 3,882 Mil 1683: The Federation of Harrtopia Pop: 40 Mil 1684: The Holy Empire of Harry P Nass Pop: 50 Mil 1685: The Sultanate of Hassaanoglu Pop: 14 Mil 1686: The Democratic Republic of Hastrein Pop: 6 Mil 1687: The Republic of Hatecrew Pop: 727 Mil 1688: The Free Land of Hathlandia Pop: 23 Mil 1689: The John of HATRED AND BIGOTRY Pop: 2,333 Mil 1690: The Queendom of Havenfell Pop: 18,259 Mil 1691: The Grand Republic of Havenwelle Pop: 21,064 Mil 1692: The Socialist Anime Queendom of Haya-Nagatoro Pop: 2,018 Mil 1693: The Republic of Haymer Pop: 175 Mil 1694: The Colony of Hazelbrust Pop: 12,569 Mil 1695: The Kingdom of Hazzington Pop: 68 Mil 1696: The Allied States of Heart of Lorkhan Pop: 325 Mil 1697: The Federation of Heartbreak Island Pop: 430 Mil 1698: The United States of Hebe states Pop: 18 Mil 1699: The Rogue Nation of HeChills Pop: 278 Mil 1700: The Empire of Hehei Pop: 99 Mil 1701: The Armed Republic of Heil KAISER Pop: 9 Mil 1702: The Commonwealth of Heiyolo Pop: 16 Mil 1703: The Most Serene Republic of Hel Kus Earia Pop: 45 Mil 1704: The Matriarchy of Helenismo Pop: 780 Mil 1705: The Emirate of Heletropia Islands Pop: 94 Mil 1706: The Reluctant Bureaucrats of Heliseum Pop: 3,382 Mil 1707: The Jingoistic States of Hemnistland Pop: 45 Mil 1708: The Suction Power of Henry Hoover Pop: 15,590 Mil 1709: The Jingoistic States of Hentao Pop: 13,334 Mil 1710: The Matriarchy of Heraia Pop: 121 Mil 1711: The Empire of Heraldeis Pop: 20 Mil 1712: The Armed Republic of Herera Pop: 106 Mil 1713: The Kingdom of Hergos Pop: 20 Mil 1714: The Republic of Heritopia Pop: 18 Mil 1715: The Matriarchy of Hexastadaordia Pop: 1,280 Mil 1716: The Republic of Hexenzerkil Pop: 344 Mil 1717: The Republic of Hhhfeyifhkjlvh Pop: 10 Mil 1718: The Dictatorship of Hiaaaa Pop: 16 Mil 1719: The Dictatorship of Higaku Pop: 1,994 Mil 1720: The Empire of Hiley Moog Pop: 23 Mil 1721: The Dominion of Hillwe Pop: 29 Mil 1722: The Community of Himmelstosch Pop: 110 Mil 1723: The Protectorate of Hinokoku Pop: 390 Mil 1724: The Republic of Hirsha Pop: 40 Mil 1725: The Democratic Republic of Hishtenburg Pop: 14 Mil 1726: The Democratic Republic of Hishtenburgia Pop: 9 Mil 1727: The Kingdom of Hiveda Pop: 13,376 Mil 1728: The Corporate Giant of Hiyashi Pop: 5,012 Mil 1729: The Republic of Hmani Pop: 56 Mil 1730: The Community of Hoeng Gong Pop: 1,952 Mil 1731: The Commonwealth of Hoffmanton Pop: 702 Mil 1732: The Empire of Hohennreich Pop: 7 Mil 1733: The Republic of Holanie Pop: 8 Mil 1734: The Commonwealth of Holbootledom Pop: 8 Mil 1735: The Empire of Holdenlandia Pop: 9 Mil 1736: The Constitutional Monarchy of Holenbrugge Pop: 287 Mil 1737: The Community of Holland Valley Pop: 1,479 Mil 1738: The Kingdom of Hollowneste Pop: 6 Mil 1739: The Kingdom of Holy Free Pop: 11,119 Mil 1740: The Empire of Holy Log Pop: 23 Mil 1741: The People's Republic of Holy Petal Bovaralan Pop: 14 Mil 1742: The Rogue Nation of Homatingtona Pop: 2,143 Mil 1743: The Dictatorship of Homirenni Pop: 110 Mil 1744: The Protectorate of Hondo Karr Pop: 31,550 Mil 1745: The Republic of Honey Musterd Pop: 45 Mil 1746: The Please withdraw endorse me of Hong Kong Kowloon and New Territories Pop: 10,561 Mil 1747: The Democratic States of Hoobadooba Pop: 14 Mil 1748: The Oppressed Peoples of Hope Hull Pop: 62 Mil 1749: The Dictatorship of Hopelesser Pop: 32 Mil 1750: The Empire of Horriblis Pop: 143 Mil 1751: The Republic of Horseshoe Bend Military Park Pop: 4,409 Mil 1752: The Empire of Horuset Pop: 758 Mil 1753: The Kingdom of Hot dog republic Pop: 78 Mil 1754: The Democratic Republic of Hot woman nation Pop: 32 Mil 1755: The Kingdom of Houltrian-imback Pop: 131 Mil 1756: The United Socialist States of Houndia Pop: 32 Mil 1757: The Kingdom of Houtiti Pop: 1,606 Mil 1758: The United States of Hoys Vam Pop: 14 Mil 1759: The Independent Colony of Hrejup Pop: 12,257 Mil 1760: The Federation of Hrududu Pop: 6 Mil 1761: The Jingoistic States of Huckleberryton Pop: 40 Mil 1762: The Republic of Hughiren Tecopirkadi Pop: 10 Mil 1763: The Republic of Hugo Vlad Ravenlock Pop: 7 Mil 1764: The Democratic Republic of Hugumawa Pop: 62 Mil 1765: The Lacking of HumanSanity Pop: 26,843 Mil 1766: The Queendom of Humps Pop: 110 Mil 1767: The Republic of Huncy Pop: 36 Mil 1768: The Republic of Hunsta Jelsis Pop: 32 Mil 1769: The Republic of HUR 1768 Pop: 101 Mil 1770: The Republic of HUR 1769 Pop: 102 Mil 1771: The Republic of HUR 1773 Pop: 107 Mil 1772: The Republic of HUR 1779 Pop: 105 Mil 1773: The Republic of HUR 1786 Pop: 104 Mil 1774: The Republic of HUR 1804 Pop: 101 Mil 1775: The Republic of HUR 1816 Pop: 96 Mil 1776: The Republic of HUR 1817 Pop: 103 Mil 1777: The Republic of HUR 1818 Pop: 99 Mil 1778: The Republic of HUR 1844 Pop: 86 Mil 1779: The Republic of HUR 1849 Pop: 86 Mil 1780: The Republic of HUR 1853 Pop: 87 Mil 1781: The Republic of HUR 1857 Pop: 84 Mil 1782: The Republic of HUR 1868 Pop: 75 Mil 1783: The Republic of HUR 1884 Pop: 76 Mil 1784: The Republic of HUR 1900 Pop: 75 Mil 1785: The Republic of HUR 1903 Pop: 68 Mil 1786: The Republic of HUR 1911 Pop: 62 Mil 1787: The Republic of HUR 1913 Pop: 62 Mil 1788: The Republic of HUR 1920 Pop: 62 Mil 1789: The Republic of HUR 1924 Pop: 62 Mil 1790: The Republic of HUR 1952 Pop: 50 Mil 1791: The Republic of HUR 1965 Pop: 50 Mil 1792: The Republic of HUR 2007 Pop: 23 Mil 1793: The Republic of HUR 2030 Pop: 23 Mil 1794: The Republic of HUR 2041 Pop: 20 Mil 1795: The Republic of HUR 2043 Pop: 20 Mil 1796: The Republic of HUR 2045 Pop: 20 Mil 1797: The Republic of HUR 2047 Pop: 20 Mil 1798: The Republic of HUR 2065 Pop: 20 Mil 1799: The Republic of HUR 2066 Pop: 20 Mil 1800: The Republic of Huron National Forest Pop: 2,852 Mil 1801: The Republic of Hurt You Pop: 497 Mil 1802: The Republic of Hurtado Star System Pop: 584 Mil 1803: The Republic of Hurts Pop: 36 Mil 1804: The Holy Empire of Hyalty Engledstan Pop: 1,547 Mil 1805: The Most Glorious Republic of Hydrian Saratstania Pop: 18,029 Mil 1806: The People's Republic of Hypoover Fred Pop: 90 Mil 1807: The Commonwealth of I couldnt come up with a name Pop: 669 Mil 1808: The Republic of I hate secularism Pop: 121 Mil 1809: The Republic of I love Jayden Daniels Pop: 18 Mil 1810: The Republic of I love the nats Pop: 18 Mil 1811: The Nomadic Peoples of I sat down got good and drunk the night Pop: 1,004 Mil 1812: The Republic of I3negjgpmc Pop: 3,382 Mil 1813: The Dictatorship of I458468sland Pop: 40 Mil 1814: The Theocracy of IAMCOMMUNIST3 Pop: 7 Mil 1815: The Emirate of Ibn Pop: 227 Mil 1816: The Republic of Icarema Pop: 7,555 Mil 1817: The Fairy Tail Mage of Ice Make Pop: 11,792 Mil 1818: The Incorporated States of IcerNation Pop: 29 Mil 1819: The Colony of Iden Pop: 25,296 Mil 1820: The Oppressed Peoples of IdLetTheWorldBuurn Pop: 14 Mil 1821: The Republic of If I speak I am in big trouble Pop: 4,968 Mil 1822: The Principality of If They Say Why Why Michael Jackson Pop: 953 Mil 1823: The Republic of IGIT Pop: 752 Mil 1824: The United Socialist States of Iguanadon Pop: 75 Mil 1825: The Republic of Ihavethathasajob123 Pop: 509 Mil 1826: The Republic of Ihavethathasajob1234 Pop: 8 Mil 1827: The United Kingdom of Iiingerluuund Pop: 804 Mil 1828: The United Kingdom of Ikm103 Pop: 211 Mil 1829: The United Kingdom of Ikm104 Pop: 209 Mil 1830: The United Kingdom of Ikm105 Pop: 207 Mil 1831: The United Kingdom of Ikm114 Pop: 207 Mil 1832: The United Kingdom of Ikm118 Pop: 199 Mil 1833: The United Kingdom of Ikm125 Pop: 204 Mil 1834: The United Kingdom of Ikm126 Pop: 212 Mil 1835: The United Kingdom of Ikm134 Pop: 209 Mil 1836: The United Kingdom of Ikm153 Pop: 198 Mil 1837: The United Kingdom of Ikm176 Pop: 206 Mil 1838: The United Kingdom of Ikm179 Pop: 207 Mil 1839: The United Kingdom of Ikm18 Pop: 210 Mil 1840: The United Kingdom of Ikm217 Pop: 203 Mil 1841: The United Kingdom of Ikm219 Pop: 196 Mil 1842: The United Kingdom of Ikm223 Pop: 210 Mil 1843: The United Kingdom of Ikm23 Pop: 203 Mil 1844: The United Kingdom of Ikm24 Pop: 195 Mil 1845: The United Kingdom of Ikm243 Pop: 211 Mil 1846: The United Kingdom of Ikm252 Pop: 203 Mil 1847: The United Kingdom of Ikm288 Pop: 204 Mil 1848: The United Kingdom of Ikm307 Pop: 187 Mil 1849: The United Kingdom of Ikm309 Pop: 193 Mil 1850: The United Kingdom of Ikm31 Pop: 203 Mil 1851: The United Kingdom of Ikm315 Pop: 196 Mil 1852: The United Kingdom of Ikm319 Pop: 192 Mil 1853: The United Kingdom of Ikm325 Pop: 200 Mil 1854: The United Kingdom of Ikm331 Pop: 196 Mil 1855: The United Kingdom of Ikm34 Pop: 208 Mil 1856: The United Kingdom of Ikm342 Pop: 199 Mil 1857: The United Kingdom of Ikm345 Pop: 197 Mil 1858: The United Kingdom of Ikm350 Pop: 187 Mil 1859: The United Kingdom of Ikm365 Pop: 195 Mil 1860: The United Kingdom of Ikm366 Pop: 193 Mil 1861: The United Kingdom of Ikm374 Pop: 196 Mil 1862: The United Kingdom of Ikm384 Pop: 193 Mil 1863: The United Kingdom of Ikm391 Pop: 202 Mil 1864: The United Kingdom of Ikm4 Pop: 212 Mil 1865: The United Kingdom of Ikm421 Pop: 198 Mil 1866: The United Kingdom of Ikm436 Pop: 199 Mil 1867: The United Kingdom of Ikm480 Pop: 188 Mil 1868: The United Kingdom of Ikm481 Pop: 191 Mil 1869: The United Kingdom of Ikm490 Pop: 192 Mil 1870: The United Kingdom of Ikm56 Pop: 203 Mil 1871: The United Kingdom of Ikm58 Pop: 205 Mil 1872: The United Kingdom of Ikm64 Pop: 206 Mil 1873: The United Kingdom of Ikm74 Pop: 210 Mil 1874: The United Kingdom of Ikm84 Pop: 207 Mil 1875: The United Kingdom of Ikm9 Pop: 209 Mil 1876: The United Kingdom of Ikm97 Pop: 214 Mil 1877: The Ministress Emeritus of Imkitopia Pop: 18,068 Mil 1878: The Republic of Immaculate Hearth Pop: 4,433 Mil 1879: The Kingdom of Imp Grosla Zaniahous Pop: 112 Mil 1880: The Empire of Imperial Byzantium Pop: 5,438 Mil 1881: The Four-Leaf Clover of Imperial Cecilia Pop: 1,167 Mil 1882: The Kingdom of Imperial Italy Pop: 3,668 Mil 1883: The Republic of Imperial Mondstadt Pop: 1,016 Mil 1884: The Holy Empire of Imperial North Pop: 4,617 Mil 1885: The Federal Republic of Imperial Rearia Pop: 6,117 Mil 1886: The Holy Empire of Imperial Right Nermoo Pop: 107 Mil 1887: The Republic of Imperial Terch Han Pop: 6 Mil 1888: The Empire of Imperio Latino Unificado Pop: 6 Mil 1889: The Empire of Imperio Lusitano da America Pop: 213 Mil 1890: The Holy Empire of Imperio Montis Aurelia Pop: 397 Mil 1891: The Empire of Imperium Sempiternum Pop: 8,332 Mil 1892: The Matriarchy of Imperiusromanus Pop: 87 Mil 1893: The Borderlands of Impotopiragundeh Pop: 74 Mil 1894: The Constitutional Monarchy of Inaea Pop: 264 Mil 1895: The United Socialist States of Incarn Pop: 694 Mil 1896: The Federation of Indaria Pop: 867 Mil 1897: The Community of Independant Olila Pop: 20 Mil 1898: The Republic of Independent Liverpool Pop: 3,226 Mil 1899: The Community of Independent News Network Pop: 10,425 Mil 1900: The Federation of Independent Rossyia Pop: 8 Mil 1901: The Free Land of Independessertism Pop: 225 Mil 1902: The Democratic Republic of Indian Lands Pop: 6,201 Mil 1903: The Protectorate of Indietropolis Pop: 7,154 Mil 1904: The Democratic Republic of IndiPak Pop: 351 Mil 1905: The Democratic Republic of Indolos Pop: 10,937 Mil 1906: The Semi-Autonomous Region of Indonesia Province Pop: 1,470 Mil 1907: The Federal Republic of Indonesic Pop: 1,046 Mil 1908: The Free Land of Industriamia Pop: 283 Mil 1909: The Republic of IndustroMiliComplex Pop: 4,239 Mil 1910: The Queendom of Infirmus Pop: 14 Mil 1911: The Free Land of Inflorescence of Dahlia Pop: 557 Mil 1912: The Free Land of Inflorescence of Yarrow Pop: 558 Mil 1913: The Republic of Inisfail Pop: 113 Mil 1914: The Fiefdom of Inkariana Pop: 32 Mil 1915: The Democratic Republic of Inner Albania Pop: 5,634 Mil 1916: The United Socialist States of Inner Albania fan Pop: 387 Mil 1917: The Federation of Inner Sack Glan Pop: 12 Mil 1918: The Rogue Nation of Inner Subloneretland Pop: 8 Mil 1919: The Federative Republics of Inner Ted Imazahvatia Pop: 6,526 Mil 1920: The Queendom of Inpidan Pop: 3,081 Mil 1921: The Kingdom of Inselbewohner Pop: 920 Mil 1922: The Mercantile republic of Insulae libertatis Pop: 8,126 Mil 1923: The Grand Duchy of Intardo Pop: 9 Mil 1924: The Republic of Integrityistan Pop: 95 Mil 1925: The Republic of Intelleie Pop: 23 Mil 1926: The Republic of Interrlude Pop: 9 Mil 1927: The Syndycalist Republic of Intlyiatin Pop: 31,900 Mil 1928: The Federal Republic of Invictus Dominion Pop: 6 Mil 1929: The Protectorate of Ira Pop: 4,270 Mil 1930: The Kingdom of Irec Pop: 12,171 Mil 1931: The Dominion of Iresistan Pop: 4,437 Mil 1932: The Republic of Ireton Pop: 210 Mil 1933: The Federal Republic of IRRI Pop: 772 Mil 1934: The Void of Is there nothing Pop: 10,544 Mil 1935: The Federal Republic of Iseriano Pop: 99 Mil 1936: The Kingdom of Iskavernia Pop: 12 Mil 1937: The Republic of Islamic States Of Arabia Pop: 45 Mil 1938: The Democratic Republic of Island solomon Pop: 98 Mil 1939: The Dictatorship of Islandotopia Pop: 561 Mil 1940: The Theocracy of Islerealm Pop: 18 Mil 1941: The Republic of Ismelda Murk Pop: 8 Mil 1942: The United Socialist States of Isnotamerica Pop: 195 Mil 1943: The Illusion of Isokenzar Pop: 14,986 Mil 1944: The Theocracy of Israellll Pop: 20 Mil 1945: The Federal Republic of Israfzel Pop: 135 Mil 1946: The Republic of IstanbulConstantinople Pop: 6 Mil 1947: The Dictatorship of Isuchimaniay Pop: 36 Mil 1948: The Constitutional Monarchy of Italianois Pop: 1,070 Mil 1949: The Empire of Itani Pop: 10,524 Mil 1950: The Principality of Item shop Pop: 2,547 Mil 1951: The Dominion of Ithaco Pop: 29 Mil 1952: The United Federation of Itomoria Pop: 6,441 Mil 1953: The Republic of Itswhanda Pop: 12 Mil 1954: The Federal Republic of Ittashire Pop: 101 Mil 1955: The Republic of Ittle Pop: 102 Mil 1956: The Republic of Ixq4snzibm Pop: 2,239 Mil 1957: The Principality of Izhta Pop: 147 Mil 1958: The Kingdom of J4cknic Pop: 45 Mil 1959: The Allied States of Jackmania Pop: 50 Mil 1960: The Dictatorship of Jacohosland Pop: 20 Mil 1961: The Protectorate of Jadeite Fjord Pop: 847 Mil 1962: The Colony of Jadeite Reef Pop: 1,027 Mil 1963: The Gold Onion of Jakalaka Pop: 1,338 Mil 1964: The Republic of Jaksin States Pop: 62 Mil 1965: The Federation of Jalamanai Pop: 99 Mil 1966: The Republic of James A Garfield NHS Pop: 4,409 Mil 1967: The Federation of Jamesville Pop: 8 Mil 1968: The Republic of Jamesyium Pop: 32 Mil 1969: The Support Ukraine of Jammlandia Pop: 10,391 Mil 1970: The United Socialist States of Jandimsd Pop: 29 Mil 1971: The Empire of Jandolia Pop: 23 Mil 1972: The Allied States of Janoi Donacen Pop: 1,878 Mil 1973: The Empire of Japaneso Pop: 56 Mil 1974: The Kingdom of Japanhh Pop: 62 Mil 1975: The Confederacy of Japia Glow Pop: 18 Mil 1976: The Republic of Japrus Pop: 36 Mil 1977: The Commonwealth of Jarilon Pop: 13,926 Mil 1978: The Republic of Jason Giambi Pop: 4,911 Mil 1979: The Republic of Jaybae Pop: 9 Mil 1980: The Republic of Jazklartan Pop: 16,809 Mil 1981: The Republic of Jean Lafitte NHP and Preserve Pop: 4,407 Mil 1982: The Empire of JeffersonLand Pop: 4,858 Mil 1983: The All Inclusive Love and Pride of Jehenna Pop: 14,986 Mil 1984: The Allied States of Jenyland Pop: 67 Mil 1985: The Free Land of Jered S Pop: 294 Mil 1986: The Free Land of Jerkola Pop: 7 Mil 1987: The Republic of Jerredsmite Pop: 8 Mil 1988: The Democratic Republic of Jeryur Pop: 2,126 Mil 1989: The Allied States of Jethial Pop: 10,489 Mil 1990: The Holy Empire of Jetidon Pop: 108 Mil 1991: The Allied States of Jhadphanus Pop: 2,074 Mil 1992: The People's Republic of Jibberjam Pop: 21,610 Mil 1993: The Republic of Jibi Pop: 18 Mil 1994: The Republic of JimmyP Pop: 14,738 Mil 1995: The Republic of Jinoa Pop: 118 Mil 1996: The Republic of Jinowia Pop: 18 Mil 1997: The United States of JJ plains Pop: 107 Mil 1998: The Socialist Republic of JJGRANDPADOGGY Pop: 3,226 Mil 1999: The Community of JJIIDD Pop: 23 Mil 2000: The Commonwealth of Joe Cool Pop: 12,498 Mil 2001: The Federation of Johara Pop: 1,007 Mil 2002: The Republic of JOHELLOh Pop: 9 Mil 2003: The Republic of John Fitzgerald Kennedy NHS Pop: 4,415 Mil 2004: The Republic of John Wild River Pop: 4,451 Mil 2005: The Republic of Johnny Bench Pop: 4,923 Mil 2006: The Borderlands of Johnnyklebitz Pop: 441 Mil 2007: The Republic of Johnstown Flood Memorial Pop: 4,432 Mil 2008: The United States of Jomoca Pop: 3,061 Mil 2009: The Armed Republic of Jonathan Wick Pop: 4,953 Mil 2010: The Theocracy of Jorge mo Pop: 62 Mil 2011: The Empire of Jovesia Pop: 7,791 Mil 2012: The Democratic Peoples' Republic of Juche Corea Pop: 3,150 Mil 2013: The Republic of Juicy Scoopers Pop: 40 Mil 2014: The Democratic Republic of Juiz Pop: 112 Mil 2015: The Democratic Republic of JUMB00DWEEPA Pop: 7 Mil 2016: The Democratic Republic of JUMBUDWEEPA Pop: 7 Mil 2017: The Republic of June 14th Pop: 85 Mil 2018: The Kingdom of Junosia Pop: 647 Mil 2019: The Dictatorship of Juntaslan Pop: 2,197 Mil 2020: The Spiteful Peoples of Juraxchi Pop: 5,597 Mil 2021: The Republic of Jus Kihann Pop: 280 Mil 2022: The Federation of Justice Seeking States Pop: 5,127 Mil 2023: The Republic of JustKeepFarming100 Pop: 131 Mil 2024: The Republic of JustKeepFarming109 Pop: 126 Mil 2025: The Republic of JustKeepFarming110 Pop: 127 Mil 2026: The Republic of JustKeepFarming12 Pop: 169 Mil 2027: The Republic of JustKeepFarming15 Pop: 166 Mil 2028: The Republic of JustKeepFarming20 Pop: 164 Mil 2029: The Republic of JustKeepFarming21 Pop: 160 Mil 2030: The Republic of JustKeepFarming34 Pop: 166 Mil 2031: The Republic of JustKeepFarming39 Pop: 160 Mil 2032: The Republic of JustKeepFarming48 Pop: 154 Mil 2033: The Republic of JustKeepFarming53 Pop: 151 Mil 2034: The Republic of JustKeepFarming60 Pop: 151 Mil 2035: The Republic of JustKeepFarming64 Pop: 155 Mil 2036: The Republic of JustKeepFarming68 Pop: 133 Mil 2037: The Republic of JustKeepFarming70 Pop: 132 Mil 2038: The Republic of JustKeepFarming80 Pop: 133 Mil 2039: The Republic of Jyaka Pop: 113 Mil 2040: The Holy Empire of K00l kids klub Pop: 969 Mil 2041: The Republic of Kadhira Pop: 45 Mil 2042: The Federal Republic of KAESIA Pop: 120 Mil 2043: The Republic of Kahomia Pop: 91 Mil 2044: The Socialist Republic of Kai Fa Pop: 13,314 Mil 2045: The Kingdom of Kainomia Pop: 10 Mil 2046: The Rogue Nation of Kaiserliche Militias Pop: 16 Mil 2047: The Democratic Republic of Kaitsemaa Pop: 618 Mil 2048: The Empire of Kaiyzar Pop: 467 Mil 2049: The Republic of Kajodjusia Pop: 32 Mil 2050: The Republic of Kaldarith Pop: 6 Mil 2051: The Federal Republic of KALI LINUXX Pop: 8 Mil 2052: The Federation of Kalsberg Pop: 980 Mil 2053: The Republic of Kaltaar Pop: 10 Mil 2054: The Federation of Kamang Tesonia Pop: 162 Mil 2055: The People's Republic of Kamboudia Pop: 175 Mil 2056: The Free Land of Kamchatka-Alaska Pop: 56 Mil 2057: The Republic of Kami0 Pop: 7,056 Mil 2058: The Armed Republic of Kamizuren Pop: 773 Mil 2059: The Kingdom of Kamomedai High Pop: 577 Mil 2060: The People's Republic of Kamorokia Pop: 231 Mil 2061: The United Socialist States of Kampucana Pop: 29 Mil 2062: The Matriarchy of Kanasupp15 Pop: 534 Mil 2063: The Queendom of Kanasupp16 Pop: 523 Mil 2064: The Republic of Kanasupp23 Pop: 537 Mil 2065: The Republic of Kanasupp3 Pop: 534 Mil 2066: The Republic of Kanasupp30 Pop: 464 Mil 2067: The Republic of Kanasupp32 Pop: 456 Mil 2068: The Republic of Kanasupp33 Pop: 460 Mil 2069: The Republic of Kanasupp34 Pop: 451 Mil 2070: The Republic of Kanasupp43 Pop: 390 Mil 2071: The Republic of Kanasupp50 Pop: 379 Mil 2072: The Republic of Kanasupp57 Pop: 241 Mil 2073: The Republic of Kanau Pop: 8 Mil 2074: The Kingdom of Kandurii Pop: 62 Mil 2075: The Dominion of Kane Pop: 5,616 Mil 2076: The Commonwealth of Kangaroo Court Pop: 1,979 Mil 2077: The Empire of Kanjuruhan Pop: 356 Mil 2078: The Federal Republic of Kantharos Pop: 17,371 Mil 2079: The Federal Republic of Kantiere Pop: 599 Mil 2080: The Kingdom of Kantionia Pop: 112 Mil 2081: The Colony of Kantonkoku Pop: 1,753 Mil 2082: The Kingdom of Kanvaw Pop: 69 Mil 2083: The Rogue Nation of Kaoia Pop: 5,232 Mil 2084: The United Kingdom of Kaporie Pop: 105 Mil 2085: The Armed Republic of Kaporin Pop: 753 Mil 2086: The Efficient Corporation of Karatengisa Pop: 25,887 Mil 2087: The Principality of Karlsburgh Pop: 2,854 Mil 2088: The Pa'athist Workers Republic of Karmasia Pop: 1,994 Mil 2089: The Kingdom of Karzavia Pop: 112 Mil 2090: The Nomadic Peoples of Kasezwerg Pop: 8 Mil 2091: The Duchy of Kashubia Pop: 23,808 Mil 2092: The Republic of Kasil Antastalkanal Pop: 67 Mil 2093: The Feudal Republic of Kastallia Pop: 949 Mil 2094: The People's Technocracy of Kastopoli Salegliari Pop: 4,380 Mil 2095: The Empire of Katazu no aidea Pop: 2,891 Mil 2096: The Republic of Kate Mullany NHS Pop: 4,378 Mil 2097: The Commonwealth of Kathoria Pop: 444 Mil 2098: The Federation of Kawrea Pop: 14 Mil 2099: The Holy Empire of Kazave Pop: 79 Mil 2100: The Free Land of Kazeca Palestinia Pop: 40 Mil 2101: The Kingdom of Kazhinskia Pop: 6,820 Mil 2102: The Dominion of Kearonopia Pop: 32 Mil 2103: The Empire of Keegers12 Pop: 7 Mil 2104: The United Socialist States of Kefiali Pop: 8 Mil 2105: The Free Land of Keidery Pop: 200 Mil 2106: The Holy Empire of Keiva Pop: 621 Mil 2107: The Matriarchy of Kendrad Pop: 4,886 Mil 2108: The Republic of Kennedy-King National Commemorative Site Pop: 4,391 Mil 2109: The Democratic Republic of Kenola Pop: 262 Mil 2110: The Empire of Kentrell Deshawn Pop: 6 Mil 2111: The Incorporated States of Kentucky Fried Penguin Pop: 1,069 Mil 2112: The Republic of Kentukie Pop: 18 Mil 2113: The Incorporated States of Kera Eur Pop: 62 Mil 2114: The Republic of Keraja Pop: 168 Mil 2115: The Republic of Keraja indah Pop: 160 Mil 2116: The Holy Empire of Keresavia Pop: 78 Mil 2117: The Empire of Keycard Pop: 17,331 Mil 2118: The Armed Republic of Kezhamoti Pop: 843 Mil 2119: The Fast Food Empire of KFP Pop: 8,554 Mil 2120: The Empire of Khaaderni Pop: 12 Mil 2121: The Dominion of Khal Drogo Pop: 26,113 Mil 2122: The Holy Empire of Khalifty Pop: 45 Mil 2123: The Empire of Khalilnoe Pop: 6 Mil 2124: The Federal Republic of Khandar Pop: 29 Mil 2125: The Republic of Khavar Pop: 32,959 Mil 2126: The Republic of Khbk Pop: 20 Mil 2127: The Democratic Republic of KHHHHH Pop: 4,249 Mil 2128: The Empire of Khilafatulislamiyyah Pop: 67 Mil 2129: The Republic of Khodour Pop: 6,490 Mil 2130: The United Socialist States of Kholdan Pop: 27,433 Mil 2131: The People's Republic of Khoson Pop: 337 Mil 2132: The With A K of Khris Davis Pop: 12,794 Mil 2133: The Disputed Territories of Kian Vime Pop: 23 Mil 2134: The Xenodochial Republic of Kiani Pop: 11,351 Mil 2135: The Republic of Kiasu-ism Pop: 40,984 Mil 2136: The Republic of Kibeth Pop: 129 Mil 2137: The Kingdom of Kigar Pop: 10 Mil 2138: The Republic of Kijestan Pop: 20 Mil 2139: The Commonwealth of Kikorya Pop: 170 Mil 2140: The Holy Empire of Kikoto Pop: 136 Mil 2141: The Colony of Kilastauffic Pop: 8 Mil 2142: The Empire of Kilkiya Pop: 289 Mil 2143: The Free Republic of Kilpatricka Pop: 2,292 Mil 2144: The Eternity of Kindness Pop: 5,931 Mil 2145: The Hermit Kingdom of King Canute Pop: 10,347 Mil 2146: The Republic of King142 Pop: 14 Mil 2147: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kingdom of Erezan Pop: 131 Mil 2148: The Commonwealth of Kingdom of Great Britain Pop: 2,805 Mil 2149: The United States of Kingdom of hamburgers Pop: 10 Mil 2150: The United Kingdom of Kingdom of Lihle Pop: 203 Mil 2151: The Kingdom of Kingdom of Peuran Pop: 12 Mil 2152: The Kingdom of Kingdom of Stoke Pop: 23 Mil 2153: The Democratic Republic of Kingdom og Sharma Pop: 9 Mil 2154: The Republic of Kings River Pop: 4,400 Mil 2155: The Monarchy of Kingscrest Pop: 29,729 Mil 2156: The Borderlands of Kingsiton Pop: 237 Mil 2157: The Free Land of Kingston County Pop: 995 Mil 2158: The Free Land of Kinihy Pop: 45 Mil 2159: The People's Republic of Kinsawa Pop: 56 Mil 2160: The Democratic Republic of Kio Pardonu Pop: 198 Mil 2161: The Republic of KirbyJaxon31 Pop: 12 Mil 2162: The Republic of Kiribi Kai Pop: 775 Mil 2163: The Republic of Kirill Shevchenko Pop: 523 Mil 2164: The Federal Republic of Kirosami Pop: 36 Mil 2165: The Federation of Kisovnya Pop: 1,513 Mil 2166: The Empire of Kiswahilli Pop: 2,666 Mil 2167: The Federal Republic of Kivotos Pop: 5,184 Mil 2168: The Kingdom of Kiwea Pop: 6 Mil 2169: The Colony of Kiyama Pop: 288 Mil 2170: The United Kingdom of Kkanjaki Pop: 29 Mil 2171: The Republic of Kleinwetterberg and Altwetterberg Pop: 6,009 Mil 2172: The Federativnaya Respublik of Kliegme Pop: 6,082 Mil 2173: The Empire of Kloverstan Pop: 50 Mil 2174: The Kingdom of KlubKory Pop: 897 Mil 2175: The I'm not CTEd I promise of Klysevia Pop: 7,704 Mil 2176: The Empire of Kmmmmmmmm Pop: 32 Mil 2177: The Republic of Kobuk Wild River Pop: 4,409 Mil 2178: The Free Land of Koenigreich Baiern Pop: 8,405 Mil 2179: The Kingdom of Koenigreich Priessland Pop: 45 Mil 2180: The Seafood Paradise of KohrAr Pop: 18,535 Mil 2181: The Republic of Kokyomi Pop: 90 Mil 2182: The Dominion of Koloss Pop: 193 Mil 2183: The Republic of Komunara Pop: 9 Mil 2184: The Constitutional Monarchy of Konan De Viat Pop: 45 Mil 2185: The Democratic Republic of Konggo Pop: 16 Mil 2186: The Borderlands of Konohagakure Village Pop: 2,283 Mil 2187: The Empire of Korehiro Pop: 608 Mil 2188: The United States of Koreia Pop: 126 Mil 2189: The Democratic Republic of Kormona Pop: 45 Mil 2190: The Democratic States of Koros Pop: 5,352 Mil 2191: The Rogue Nation of Kortaz Pop: 361 Mil 2192: The Republic of Korumos card farmer number 9214763897 Pop: 18 Mil 2193: The Republic of Korusmo card farmer number 320597348 Pop: 18 Mil 2194: The Dictatorship of Korzar Pop: 395 Mil 2195: The Republic of Kospand Pop: 4,432 Mil 2196: The Republic of Kotzen Pop: 199 Mil 2197: The Kingdom of Kovis Pop: 598 Mil 2198: The Community of Krainego Pop: 4,094 Mil 2199: The Republic of Krakozhiya Pop: 238 Mil 2200: The Federation of Krauanagaz Pop: 1,838 Mil 2201: The Republic of KrCdz-15 Pop: 1,195 Mil 2202: The Republic of KrCdz-19 Pop: 1,237 Mil 2203: The Republic of KrCdz-34 Pop: 1,191 Mil 2204: The Republic of KrCdz-39 Pop: 1,186 Mil 2205: The Republic of KrCdz-55 Pop: 1,086 Mil 2206: The Theocracy of Krenya Pop: 80 Mil 2207: The Fine Dining Conglomerate of Krill Grill Incorporated Pop: 1,074 Mil 2208: The Random Pretitle of Kringalia Pop: 26,385 Mil 2209: The Empire of KrisNation Pop: 56 Mil 2210: The Kingdom of Kroenvaliga Pop: 62 Mil 2211: The United Kingdom of Kronnos Pop: 7 Mil 2212: The Rogue Nation of Kropotkin dream Pop: 19,452 Mil 2213: The Theocracy of Krovnaya Pop: 9,046 Mil 2214: The Oppressed Peoples of KTO Taco Stand Pop: 23 Mil 2215: The Kingdom of Kuahiwi Pop: 99 Mil 2216: The People's republic of Kulochia Pop: 1,154 Mil 2217: The Federal Republic of Kumhwa Pop: 97 Mil 2218: The Armed Republic of Kumiko Pop: 744 Mil 2219: The Direct Democracy of Kumquatan Pop: 27,392 Mil 2220: The Empire of Kurast 777 Pop: 200 Mil 2221: The Dictatorship of Kurwanians Pop: 29 Mil 2222: The Civil and Political Rights of Kurzweil Pop: 9,478 Mil 2223: The Grand Duchy of Kustrowka Pop: 111 Mil 2224: The Republic of Kuuai Pop: 40 Mil 2225: The Democratic Republic of Kwotlkwamontagne Pop: 56 Mil 2226: The Republic of Kyle Schwarber Pop: 4,900 Mil 2227: The Democratic Republic of Kylielandia Pop: 16 Mil 2228: The Community of Kylottlastan Pop: 8 Mil 2229: The People's Republic of Kyousan Pop: 379 Mil 2230: The Queendom of Kyrisaya Pop: 18,807 Mil 2231: The Colony of Kyudo Pop: 62 Mil 2232: The Republic of KZ-10 Pop: 698 Mil 2233: The Holy Empire of KZ-2 Pop: 679 Mil 2234: The Constitutional monarchy of La Andromeda Empire Pop: 2,566 Mil 2235: The Community of La Savita Terro Pop: 936 Mil 2236: The Republic of La viltaiz Pop: 26 Mil 2237: The Democratic States of Laarizee Pop: 3,232 Mil 2238: The United Socialist States of Lacksarniya Pop: 12 Mil 2239: The People's Republic of Lactosia National Reclamation Government Pop: 75 Mil 2240: The Sultry Voluptuousness of Lady Jessica Rabbit Pop: 24,329 Mil 2241: The Republic of Lagila Pop: 9,911 Mil 2242: The Queendom of Laincand Pop: 428 Mil 2243: The Republic of Lakhanpur Pop: 73 Mil 2244: The Principality of Lampshade on the Head Pop: 26,389 Mil 2245: The Republic of Lan Nat Pop: 110 Mil 2246: The Federal Republic of Lanbern Pop: 806 Mil 2247: The Republic of Land Between the Lakes Recreation Area Pop: 2,881 Mil 2248: The Commonwealth of Land in the Clouds Pop: 2,006 Mil 2249: The Republic of Land of Mari Pop: 8,239 Mil 2250: The Werewolf Smooth Jazz of Land of the Laconic Shrimp Pop: 9,160 Mil 2251: The Blue Republic of Land of the Long Blue Cloud Pop: 1,174 Mil 2252: The United Kingdom of Land With a Proper Amount of Shrimp Pop: 12,395 Mil 2253: The Unwavering Love of Land With Lots of Shrimp Pop: 12,486 Mil 2254: The Shimmering Springtime of Land Without Shrimp Pop: 18,958 Mil 2255: The Free Land of LandofHappy Pop: 457 Mil 2256: The Empire of Lanelia Pop: 23 Mil 2257: The Federacy of Laniakea and Primaliya Pop: 2,366 Mil 2258: The Armed Republic of Lanimiko Pop: 749 Mil 2259: The Commonwealth of Lansh Pop: 25,333 Mil 2260: The Empire of Lapsos Pop: 5,875 Mil 2261: The Kingdom of Laputa the Castle in the Sky Pop: 12,417 Mil 2262: The Colony of Larcengy Pop: 108 Mil 2263: The Republic of Lardlardlard420 Pop: 109 Mil 2264: The Empire of Larmanisation Pop: 88 Mil 2265: The Community of Larrius Varro Pop: 350 Mil 2266: The Democratic Republic of Las Aguileras Pop: 367 Mil 2267: The ✱Ecclesiastical Solar Realm✱ of Las Filipina Pop: 5,512 Mil 2268: The Republic of Las Mandarinas Pop: 213 Mil 2269: The Dictatorship of Las Santosa Pop: 205 Mil 2270: The Republic of Laskutonia Pop: 20 Mil 2271: The Jingoistic States of Latercha Pop: 387 Mil 2272: The Kingdom of Latinocol Pop: 18 Mil 2273: The Republic of Lau Anakkaust Pop: 110 Mil 2274: The Holy Empire of Laufnuri Pop: 20 Mil 2275: The Kingdom of Laugava Pop: 835 Mil 2276: The People's Republic of Laukand Pop: 40 Mil 2277: The Free Land of Laura Kinney Pop: 1,002 Mil 2278: The Centrist Federation of Lauramerica Pop: 5,649 Mil 2279: The Republic of Laverg Pop: 99 Mil 2280: The Oppressed Peoples of Lavik Pop: 698 Mil 2281: The Armed Republic of Lavishiri Pop: 771 Mil 2282: The Armed Republic of Lavitori Pop: 755 Mil 2283: The Republic of Lavoresta Pop: 6 Mil 2284: The Kingdom of Lawr Pop: 24,034 Mil 2285: The Republic of Layim Pop: 7,620 Mil 2286: The Matriarchy of Layla Russian empire Pop: 210 Mil 2287: The Armed Republic of Lazhunikti Pop: 850 Mil 2288: The Disputed Territories of Le Front de Liberation du Midand Pop: 10,756 Mil 2289: The Republic of Lea Marie Pop: 56 Mil 2290: The Republic of Leatikand Corken Pop: 75 Mil 2291: The Sultanate of Leats Sals Pop: 6 Mil 2292: The Confederacy of Lebolandia Pop: 23 Mil 2293: The Most Serene Republic of Lecham Pop: 9 Mil 2294: The People's Republic of Lechoira Pop: 72 Mil 2295: The United States of Legalista chines Pop: 98 Mil 2296: The Fifith Directory of Legendianux Pop: 1,214 Mil 2297: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda606 Pop: 827 Mil 2298: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda615 Pop: 820 Mil 2299: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda621 Pop: 818 Mil 2300: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda627 Pop: 817 Mil 2301: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda635 Pop: 805 Mil 2302: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda639 Pop: 809 Mil 2303: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda647 Pop: 823 Mil 2304: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda656 Pop: 803 Mil 2305: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda658 Pop: 801 Mil 2306: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda665 Pop: 816 Mil 2307: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda675 Pop: 820 Mil 2308: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda682 Pop: 814 Mil 2309: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda687 Pop: 814 Mil 2310: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda699 Pop: 790 Mil 2311: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda703 Pop: 813 Mil 2312: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda705 Pop: 801 Mil 2313: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda706 Pop: 819 Mil 2314: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda711 Pop: 816 Mil 2315: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda712 Pop: 813 Mil 2316: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda715 Pop: 800 Mil 2317: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda723 Pop: 727 Mil 2318: The Empire of Legion Of The Moon Pop: 6,584 Mil 2319: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner17 Pop: 4,811 Mil 2320: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner28 Pop: 4,777 Mil 2321: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner35 Pop: 4,802 Mil 2322: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner39 Pop: 4,730 Mil 2323: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner4 Pop: 4,762 Mil 2324: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner44 Pop: 4,765 Mil 2325: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner48 Pop: 4,841 Mil 2326: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner54 Pop: 4,796 Mil 2327: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner58 Pop: 4,783 Mil 2328: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner68 Pop: 4,810 Mil 2329: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner74 Pop: 4,754 Mil 2330: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner76 Pop: 4,807 Mil 2331: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner86 Pop: 4,800 Mil 2332: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner89 Pop: 4,761 Mil 2333: The United Kingdom of Legosia Pop: 3,747 Mil 2334: The Borderlands of Leilam Pop: 109 Mil 2335: The Dominion of LeLightning Pop: 2,946 Mil 2336: The Holy Empire of Lelouchland Pop: 576 Mil 2337: The Borderlands of Lemonze I Pop: 388 Mil 2338: The Free Land of Lennonville Pop: 195 Mil 2339: The Empire of Leonial Caliphate Pop: 108 Mil 2340: The Commonwealth of Leprain Pop: 2,864 Mil 2341: The United Socialist States of Lerefts Pop: 62 Mil 2342: The Nomadic Peoples of Les and arrows and a paragraph on the ba Pop: 986 Mil 2343: The Federation of Leslia and Livia Pop: 50 Mil 2344: The Federation of Leslia and Vespuccia Pop: 50 Mil 2345: The Federation of Leslie and Sophia Pop: 50 Mil 2346: The Armed Republic of Lesser Tyrosh Pop: 32 Mil 2347: The Republic of Lest I Test Pop: 16 Mil 2348: The Democratic Republic of Let It Live Pop: 12,216 Mil 2349: The Commonwealth of Lewistopia Pop: 14 Mil 2350: The Republic of Lexemburg Pop: 10 Mil 2351: The Queendom of Leylania Pop: 62 Mil 2352: The Nomadic Peoples of Li1y Mae Pop: 98 Mil 2353: The Kingdom of Lianghe Pop: 36 Mil 2354: The Principality of Liberal republic of Albania Pop: 40 Mil 2355: The Commonwealth of Liberal republic of Guatemala Pop: 40 Mil 2356: The Democratic States of Liberalopolisville Pop: 319 Mil 2357: The Dictatorship of Libertad cultural Pop: 329 Mil 2358: The Commonwealth of Libertas Veritas Pop: 9 Mil 2359: The Democratic Republic of Liberty spirit land Pop: 36 Mil 2360: The Moth Cult Empire of Libitrius Pop: 2,283 Mil 2361: The United Socialist States of Liblenskwies Pop: 1,847 Mil 2362: The Republic of Libra Nation Pop: 23 Mil 2363: The Federal Republic of Librandu Pop: 2,064 Mil 2364: The Kingdom of Licurgoland Pop: 18 Mil 2365: The Commonwealth of Lieran States Pop: 201 Mil 2366: The Two Nickel Paradise of Life Series Pop: 585 Mil 2367: The Democratic Republic of Ligonesia Pop: 715 Mil 2368: The Commonwealth of Lil Corny Pop: 112 Mil 2369: The Incorporated States of Lil Porny Pop: 113 Mil 2370: The Free Palestine of Lilli Lands Pop: 3,529 Mil 2371: The Queendom of Lily valley Pop: 5,932 Mil 2372: The Democratic Republic of Limbe Pop: 754 Mil 2373: The Republic of Lincoln Memorial- Pop: 4,443 Mil 2374: The United States of Lincolno Pop: 82 Mil 2375: The Free Land of Linden Oak Pop: 22,007 Mil 2376: The Republic of Linger Myu Acy Pop: 6 Mil 2377: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar6 Pop: 36 Mil 2378: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar64 Pop: 36 Mil 2379: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar68 Pop: 36 Mil 2380: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar77 Pop: 36 Mil 2381: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar83 Pop: 36 Mil 2382: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar99 Pop: 36 Mil 2383: The Colony of Lisao Pop: 4,526 Mil 2384: The Federation of Liskophigeo Pop: 108 Mil 2385: The Republic of Listennia Pop: 18 Mil 2386: The Corporate State of Literally Pop: 8,769 Mil 2387: The Theocracy of Litte Vicania Pop: 23 Mil 2388: The Republic of Little Rock Central High School NHS Pop: 4,425 Mil 2389: The Borderlands of Live Isleny Pop: 425 Mil 2390: The Republic of Lively lollygager Pop: 177 Mil 2391: The Republic of Livian Republic Pop: 67 Mil 2392: The Bar and Continual Soiree of Livingood Pop: 4,608 Mil 2393: The Bar and Thundering Nerds of Livingood-Tonnerre Pop: 945 Mil 2394: The Republic of Lizzy Grant Pop: 8,454 Mil 2395: The Most Serene Republic of Llamalland Pop: 7,239 Mil 2396: The Federation of Llewiya Pop: 826 Mil 2397: The Kingdom of Loanche Pop: 45 Mil 2398: The Kingdom of Lochlan Pop: 3,455 Mil 2399: The Commonwealth of Lockhelim Pop: 116 Mil 2400: The Most Serene Republic of Locrasio Pop: 12 Mil 2401: The Democratic Republic of Lodzoski Pop: 245 Mil 2402: The Free Land of Loechia Pop: 18,760 Mil 2403: The United States of Log Dien Pop: 6 Mil 2404: The Kingdom of Logrys Pop: 152 Mil 2405: The Republic of Loguth Pop: 62 Mil 2406: The People's Republic of Lohacialand Pop: 10 Mil 2407: The Free Land of Loki world Pop: 18 Mil 2408: The Republic of Lokieron Pop: 10 Mil 2409: The Federal Republic of Lold Laken Pop: 93 Mil 2410: The United States of Lon Cra Zoreedbezel Pop: 50 Mil 2411: The Grand Duchy of Lona Landia Pop: 13,602 Mil 2412: The Republic of Longfellow Headquarters NHS Pop: 4,463 Mil 2413: The Empire of LOOOOW TAPer fade Pop: 75 Mil 2414: The Oppressed Peoples of Looted Lake Pop: 168 Mil 2415: The Commonwealth of Lopp Pop: 14 Mil 2416: The Empire of Loracesse Pop: 83 Mil 2417: The Democratic Republic of Loratadine Pop: 23 Mil 2418: The Kingdom of Lorbanery Pop: 8,787 Mil 2419: The United Kingdom of Lord Poultry Pop: 10 Mil 2420: The Comfortable Chairs of LordNwahs Pop: 1,779 Mil 2421: The Nomadic Peoples of Loronion Sovest Pop: 333 Mil 2422: The Republic of Loryloi Pop: 67 Mil 2423: The People's Republic of Loryntopia Pop: 14 Mil 2424: The Confederacy of Los estados confederates de Mexico Pop: 7,199 Mil 2425: The Most Serene Republic of Los Lonley Boys Pop: 12,775 Mil 2426: The Republic of LOS P3RREADORES DE 2FORT Pop: 7 Mil 2427: The Republic of Lostalle Pop: 20 Mil 2428: The Republic of Loth Nempocingo Pop: 32 Mil 2429: The People's Republic of Loubija Pop: 9 Mil 2430: The Borderlands of Lousiana38AltHistory38 Pop: 29 Mil 2431: The Most Serene Republic of Lower Eis Sovile Pop: 199 Mil 2432: The Republic of Lower Farmington and Salmon Brook Rivers Pop: 4,417 Mil 2433: The Armed Republic of Lower Hamald Pop: 40 Mil 2434: The Republic of Lower Kardlencornes Pop: 118 Mil 2435: The Commonwealth of Lower Tourg Ire Pop: 11,649 Mil 2436: The Armed Republic of Lozhakiti Pop: 828 Mil 2437: The Republic of Lrritation Pop: 14 Mil 2438: The Incorporated States of LSMFT Pop: 4,259 Mil 2439: The Constitutional Monarchy of Lu Feng Pop: 407 Mil 2440: The Democratic Republic of Lucy The Hell Pop: 441 Mil 2441: The Psychedelic Kaleidoscope of Luddinlande Pop: 17,679 Mil 2442: The Protectorate of Luditia Pop: 463 Mil 2443: The Republic of Lugovia Pop: 32 Mil 2444: The Confederacy of Lukemburg Pop: 8,717 Mil 2445: The Holy Empire of Lumex City Pop: 237 Mil 2446: The Kingdom of Lunaticaliatia Pop: 315 Mil 2447: The Frostbound Nation of Lupusterra Pop: 2,257 Mil 2448: The Federation of Lutzia Pop: 178 Mil 2449: The Confederacy of Lybbertarianism Pop: 2,028 Mil 2450: The Republic of Lysergic acid 2-butyl amide Pop: 14,443 Mil 2451: The The world of clouds of of M4RRT1NLAND Pop: 2,799 Mil 2452: The Principality of Macedonian Fanar Pop: 26 Mil 2453: The Confederacy of Macon Dooodland Pop: 2,024 Mil 2454: The Jingoistic States of Mad Dog Pop: 10 Mil 2455: The Dominion of Madabaqia Pop: 2,636 Mil 2456: The Empire of Madhonia Pop: 18,697 Mil 2457: The Dominion of Madzongpa Pop: 20 Mil 2458: The United Republic of Maeiland Pop: 21,065 Mil 2459: The Rogue Nation of Mafioso Zimbabwe Pop: 5,203 Mil 2460: The Mahajanapada of Magadha Pop: 5,549 Mil 2461: The Republic of Maggie L Walker NHS Pop: 4,417 Mil 2462: The Republic of Magical Girl and Chocolate Pop: 5,725 Mil 2463: The Republic of Magiore Baracca Pop: 56 Mil 2464: The Commonwealth of Maglandius Pop: 134 Mil 2465: The Queendom of Magnelli Pop: 482 Mil 2466: The Commonwealth of Magnollaghia Pop: 40 Mil 2467: The Grand Duchy of Magnus Ducatus Tusciae Pop: 160 Mil 2468: The Empire of Magnus Rubrum Pop: 1,250 Mil 2469: The Sultanate of Maharana Pop: 10,683 Mil 2470: The Republic of Maiorca Pop: 928 Mil 2471: The Rogue Nation of Maiquinique Pop: 105 Mil 2472: The Republic of Mak in TSP Pop: 6,957 Mil 2473: The Republic of Makalorsen Pop: 10 Mil 2474: The Republic of Makori Islands Pop: 10 Mil 2475: The United Socialist States of Maladoprion Pop: 1,133 Mil 2476: The Kingdom of Malarans Pop: 16 Mil 2477: The Incorporated States of Malaterum Pop: 56 Mil 2478: The Dictatorship of Malcolm Pop: 25,588 Mil 2479: The Dictatorship of Maliward Pop: 56 Mil 2480: The Kingdom of Malkal Pop: 103 Mil 2481: The Republic of Mallest Deeki Pop: 1,137 Mil 2482: The Confederacy of Malonite Pop: 301 Mil 2483: The Republic of Malqart Star System Pop: 568 Mil 2484: The United Socialist States of MamaPal Pop: 69 Mil 2485: The Republic of Man Kands Pop: 15,886 Mil 2486: The Oppressed Peoples of Man Leg Man Pop: 176 Mil 2487: The Republic of Managed democracy 20 Pop: 20 Mil 2488: The Republic of Manahoi Pop: 50 Mil 2489: The Principality of Manerdstone Pop: 529 Mil 2490: The Socialist Republic of Mangnmangn Pop: 12,838 Mil 2491: The Kingdom of Mansomartior Pop: 40 Mil 2492: The Republic of Manti-La Sal National Forest Pop: 4,471 Mil 2493: The Republic of Manya szigeti Pop: 69 Mil 2494: The Republic of Maoist Peoples State Pop: 26 Mil 2495: The Democratic Republic of Mapico Pop: 11,958 Mil 2496: The Republic of Mar-Adetta Star Zone Pop: 573 Mil 2497: The Colony of MAR20 Pop: 29 Mil 2498: The Federal Republic of Maracania Pop: 394 Mil 2499: The Republic of Maranestandland Pop: 32 Mil 2500: The Protectorate of Marc Island Pop: 6,612 Mil 2501: The Federation of Marcus M Pop: 156 Mil 2502: The Principality of Mare Ingenii Pop: 252 Mil 2503: The Grand Duchy of Mare Kozectopia Pop: 67 Mil 2504: The Dominion of Mare Orientale Pop: 254 Mil 2505: The United Republic of Marecageux Pop: 1,153 Mil 2506: The Kingdom of Marineko Pop: 6,533 Mil 2507: The Borderlands of Marisa Kirisame library Pop: 12 Mil 2508: The Kingdom of Maritime Union Pop: 139 Mil 2509: The Republic of Maritime Washington NHA Pop: 4,353 Mil 2510: The Free Market Zone of Marketistan Pop: 5,175 Mil 2511: The United States of Marklle Pop: 36 Mil 2512: The Federal Republic of Marmadania Pop: 2,800 Mil 2513: The Republic of Marmonmai Pop: 4,609 Mil 2514: The Exotechnology Lover Nation of Marnrio Pop: 5,786 Mil 2515: The Republic of Martauri Pop: 4,481 Mil 2516: The Republic of Martian Soviet Socialist Republic Pop: 914 Mil 2517: The Republic of Martin Van Buren NHS Pop: 4,409 Mil 2518: The Fiefdom of Marvelrivals1090 Pop: 69 Mil 2519: The Free Land of Mary Browns Chicken Pop: 23 Mil 2520: The Theocracy of Maryani Pop: 4,190 Mil 2521: The Empire of Masonian Empire Pop: 12 Mil 2522: The Oasis of Mastenva Pop: 1,964 Mil 2523: The Republic of Matshobana Pop: 6 Mil 2524: The 8023d P14y32 of Mavenu Pop: 38,919 Mil 2525: The Federal Republic of Maw Roc Pop: 7,081 Mil 2526: The Commonwealth of Mawai Pop: 50 Mil 2527: The Republic of Max Scherzer Pop: 12,763 Mil 2528: The Kingdom of Maximonia Pop: 16 Mil 2529: The Sultanate of Maxise Pop: 477 Mil 2530: The Hijacked Ship of Mayaguez Pop: 24,161 Mil 2531: The Federal Republic of Mayed Pop: 50 Mil 2532: The Republic of Mayeuthique Pop: 100 Mil 2533: The People's Republic of Maysado Pop: 7,705 Mil 2534: The Home of the Big Mac of McDonaldopia Pop: 1,759 Mil 2535: The Armed Republic of McDonnell Douglas F-15C Pop: 167 Mil 2536: The Republic of McDonough Republic Pop: 281 Mil 2537: The Democratic Republic of Mcpsvrkxtabbuvuhazmmrcjddy Gzvgtwrjciabo Pop: 6 Mil 2538: The Republic of MD Farmer5 Pop: 254 Mil 2539: The Nomadic Peoples of Me Suum Mandalore Pop: 1,869 Mil 2540: The Republic of MeanieMean Pop: 9 Mil 2541: The Free Land of Meaningful Cough Pop: 11,667 Mil | 2542: The Republic of Medicion I-D Pop: 277 Mil 2543: The Kingdom of Medigor Pop: 105 Mil 2544: The Holy Empire of Megakota Pop: 1,942 Mil 2545: The Republic of Megali Greece Pop: 82 Mil 2546: The Empire of Megatronia Pop: 117 Mil 2547: The Fo?nix Aftokrator?a of Megistos Pop: 5,533 Mil 2548: The Constitutional Monarchy of Megkel Pop: 4,265 Mil 2549: The Empire of Meglomania Pop: 3,828 Mil 2550: The Free Land of Megsladon Pop: 8 Mil 2551: The Holy Empire of Mehta Pop: 62 Mil 2552: The Principality of Mehved Pop: 4,608 Mil 2553: The Grand Duchy of Meitnerium Pop: 640 Mil 2554: The Republic of Meleose Pop: 5,081 Mil 2555: The Republic of Melitensia Pop: 325 Mil 2556: The Republic of Mellon Coolidge Pop: 449 Mil 2557: The Federation of Melodien Pop: 7 Mil 2558: The Republic of Meloyville Pop: 26 Mil 2559: The Empire of Menesynchro Pop: 9,835 Mil 2560: The Armed Republic of Menmon Pop: 1,406 Mil 2561: The Free Land of Mercatopolis Pop: 69 Mil 2562: The Federal Republic of Merche Pop: 282 Mil 2563: The Free Land of Mercury Holst Pop: 5,818 Mil 2564: The Republic of Merdeka Province Pop: 486 Mil 2565: The Holy Empire of Merldflacession Pop: 45 Mil 2566: The Republic of Merveum Pop: 99 Mil 2567: The Kingdom of Messapia Pop: 20,345 Mil 2568: The Kingdom of Metmehia Pop: 50 Mil 2569: The Armed Republic of MeWhenMeWhenMeWhen II Pop: 18 Mil 2570: The Kingdom of Mexicoas Pop: 68 Mil 2571: The Holy Empire of Mexik Pop: 3,029 Mil 2572: The Federation of Mezhdurechensk Pop: 23 Mil 2573: The People's Republic of MH-L Pop: 906 Mil 2574: The Kingdom of MH-LVI Pop: 913 Mil 2575: The Allied States of MH-LX Pop: 906 Mil 2576: The Oppressed Peoples of MH-LXXIII Pop: 905 Mil 2577: The Colony of MH-LXXXVII Pop: 913 Mil 2578: The Free Land of MH-XCIII Pop: 905 Mil 2579: The Disputed Territories of MH-XIX Pop: 931 Mil 2580: The Rogue Nation of MH-XV Pop: 921 Mil 2581: The Disputed Territories of MH-XXX Pop: 924 Mil 2582: The Democratic States of MH-XXXII Pop: 923 Mil 2583: The Emirate of MH-XXXVII Pop: 894 Mil 2584: The Republic of Michigania 9 Pop: 199 Mil 2585: The Dominion of Mid-North County Pop: 1,141 Mil 2586: The Midaic Republic of Midand Pop: 16,320 Mil 2587: The Kingdom of MIDDLE AGED BLACK MEN Pop: 16 Mil 2588: The Queendom of Midelle Pop: 9,466 Mil 2589: The Republic of Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie Pop: 2,875 Mil 2590: The Absolute Deiuocracy of Mienlike Pop: 1,334 Mil 2591: The Republic of Mighty Cathay Pop: 18 Mil 2592: The Kingdom of Miknowze Pop: 32 Mil 2593: The Republic of Mikuloid Pop: 232 Mil 2594: The Talented Thrustings of Miley Cyrus Tongue Pop: 24,504 Mil 2595: The Republic of Miliko Pop: 74 Mil 2596: The Armed Republic of Militaryanists Pop: 189 Mil 2597: The United States of Milof Pop: 25,271 Mil 2598: The Kingdom of Ming de Pop: 36 Mil 2599: The Queendom of Minnnie Pop: 213 Mil 2600: The Democratic Republic of Minskolandia Pop: 67 Mil 2601: The Republic of Minute Man NHP Pop: 4,391 Mil 2602: The Empire of Minyc Pop: 108 Mil 2603: The Democratic States of Miramesa Pop: 9,815 Mil 2604: The Empire of Mirderterno Pop: 8 Mil 2605: The Republic of Mirtuntus Pop: 62 Mil 2606: The Republic of Mirvazhan Pop: 18 Mil 2607: The Republic of Missisquoi and Trout National River Pop: 4,411 Mil 2608: The Republic of Mississippi Delta NHA Pop: 4,354 Mil 2609: The Republic of Mississippi Hills NHA Pop: 4,373 Mil 2610: The Dictatorship of Missouri Colony of Z World Pop: 32 Mil 2611: The Empire of Mittero Pop: 5,629 Mil 2612: The Nomadic Peoples of Miwi Pop: 40 Mil 2613: The Makemakean Moon of MK2 Pop: 3,448 Mil 2614: The Republic of Mochi31 Pop: 50 Mil 2615: The Republic of Mochi36 Pop: 50 Mil 2616: The Democratic Republic of Mochi49 Pop: 50 Mil 2617: The Republic of Mochi52 Pop: 50 Mil 2618: The Republic of Mochi54 Pop: 50 Mil 2619: The Republic of Mochi66 Pop: 50 Mil 2620: The Republic of Mochi71 Pop: 50 Mil 2621: The Republic of Moe moe desu 13 Pop: 8,987 Mil 2622: The Republic of Moe moe desu 17 Pop: 8,986 Mil 2623: The Republic of Moe moe desu 19 Pop: 9,035 Mil 2624: The Republic of Moe moe desu 21 Pop: 9,003 Mil 2625: The Republic of Moe moe desu 24 Pop: 8,995 Mil 2626: The Republic of Moe moe desu 31 Pop: 9,002 Mil 2627: The Republic of Moe moe desu 52 Pop: 8,989 Mil 2628: The Republic of Moe moe desu 60 Pop: 9,010 Mil 2629: The Republic of Moe moe desu 67 Pop: 8,997 Mil 2630: The Republic of Moe moe desu 74 Pop: 9,036 Mil 2631: The Republic of Moe moe desu 78 Pop: 9,006 Mil 2632: The Republic of Moe moe desu 83 Pop: 8,971 Mil 2633: The Republic of Moe moe desu 86 Pop: 8,993 Mil 2634: The Republic of Moe moe desu 99 Pop: 8,961 Mil 2635: The Republic of Moerissia Pop: 105 Mil 2636: The Republic of Mofrika Pop: 10,445 Mil 2637: The Republic of Mogget Pop: 126 Mil 2638: The United States Territory of Mokunali Pop: 733 Mil 2639: The New Kingdom of Moltian Pop: 3,519 Mil 2640: The Beautiful land of Mona Landia Pop: 13,850 Mil 2641: The Proud Commonwealth of Monaque Pop: 4,352 Mil 2642: The Kingdom of Monarchist Mercia Pop: 14 Mil 2643: The Ulus of Mongol Khanate Pop: 4,412 Mil 2644: The Kingdom of Mongooseneck Pop: 179 Mil 2645: The Federation of Monikan Republics Pop: 1,316 Mil 2646: The Dictatorship of Monke monke monke monke Pop: 99 Mil 2647: The Federation of Mons Aquezis Pop: 844 Mil 2648: The Empire of Monte Olimpo Pop: 629 Mil 2649: The Marquisate of Montferrat Pop: 24,842 Mil 2650: The Republic of Mookie Betts Pop: 4,929 Mil 2651: The Democratic Republic of Morad Odolhe Pop: 29 Mil 2652: The Principality of Morba Pop: 12,080 Mil 2653: The Empire of Mordvia Pop: 8,653 Mil 2654: The People's Republic of More Socialism Pop: 661 Mil 2655: The Confederation of Moreana Pop: 15,834 Mil 2656: The Incorporated States of Morgan Galactic Pop: 25,968 Mil 2657: The Republic of Morinaland Pop: 4,411 Mil 2658: The Disputed Territories of Moroccan and Portuguese empire Pop: 36 Mil 2659: The Empire of MOSKALINGNINGRAD Pop: 23 Mil 2660: The Republic of Mountains to Sound Greenway NHA Pop: 4,377 Mil 2661: The Theocracy of Mournsora Pop: 22,195 Mil 2662: The Principality of Moutain bay Pop: 192 Mil 2663: The Republic of Mr beasts other employee Pop: 834 Mil 2664: The Republic of Mr Clean Pop: 40 Mil 2665: The Rogue Nation of MSN27 Pop: 4,770 Mil 2666: The Rogue Nation of MSN6 Pop: 4,789 Mil 2667: The Republic of Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest Pop: 4,479 Mil 2668: The Republic of Muans Hills Pop: 2,471 Mil 2669: The Holy Empire of MUCH GOOD MONEY Pop: 26 Mil 2670: The Free Land of Mudclaw Pop: 29 Mil 2671: The Holy Green Armed Republic of Muffinses Pop: 2,481 Mil 2672: The Suspects of Mug-Shot Pop: 3,074 Mil 2673: The Suspects of Mugshot Pop: 3,076 Mil 2674: The Republic of Mulipre Pop: 73 Mil 2675: The Borderlands of Mummer Pop: 4,896 Mil 2676: The United States of Mundare Pop: 246 Mil 2677: The Dictatorship of Munefarlay Pop: 68 Mil 2678: The Free Land of Municipality of Serra da Raiz Pop: 68 Mil 2679: The United Kingdom of Municipality of Stonewood Springs Pop: 67 Mil 2680: The Emirate of Muppo Pop: 564 Mil 2681: The Republic of Muquifo Pop: 45 Mil 2682: The Rogue Nation of Murdertowns Pop: 36 Mil 2683: The Kingdom of Musadogusya Pop: 29 Mil 2684: The Kingdom of Mustionian Pop: 14 Mil 2685: The Borderlands of Mutant Potatoes Pop: 8 Mil 2686: The Republic of My cats house Pop: 442 Mil 2687: The United States of My inhabitants are the worst Pop: 18 Mil 2688: The Socialist People's Republic of Myhomecountry Pop: 9,660 Mil 2689: The Democratic Republic of Mynationtest Pop: 145 Mil 2690: The Benevolent dictatorship of Myness Pop: 10,273 Mil 2691: The United States of N0rthern America Pop: 73 Mil 2692: The People's Republic of Nacho Libre Pop: 18 Mil 2693: The Republic of Nad Guarmagickad Pop: 114 Mil 2694: The Queendom of Nadia Sela Pop: 16 Mil 2695: The Republic of Nagui-Anzibakh Pop: 3,024 Mil 2696: The Empire of Nakelorp Pop: 12 Mil 2697: The Disputed Territories of Nakentoria Pop: 95 Mil 2698: The Republic of Nakid Pop: 10 Mil 2699: The Empire of Naksalium Pop: 85 Mil 2700: The Colony of Nalau Pop: 1,214 Mil 2701: The Confederacy of Nalistica Pop: 32 Mil 2702: The Democratic States of Namearkiland Pop: 62 Mil 2703: The People's Republic of Namik Pop: 79 Mil 2704: The Republic of Nancy Nation Pop: 18 Mil 2705: The Republic of Nangilandia Pop: 69 Mil 2706: The Democratic Republic of Naraibo Pop: 29 Mil 2707: The Republic of Narmetus Pop: 86 Mil 2708: The Republic of Nash Equilibrium Pop: 79 Mil 2709: The Principality of Nashrir Pop: 12 Mil 2710: The Republic of Nashua River Pop: 4,430 Mil 2711: The Kingdom of Nasnia Pop: 16 Mil 2712: The Most Serene Republic of Nasovi Pop: 4,953 Mil 2713: The Democratic Republic of NasraLand Pop: 23 Mil 2714: The Democratic States of Nassyer Pop: 80 Mil 2715: The Allied States of Nast Therstoone Pop: 432 Mil 2716: The Matriarchy of Nastongo Pop: 20 Mil 2717: The Protectorate of Natara Pop: 4,716 Mil 2718: The Empire of Natchen Pop: 179 Mil 2719: The Republic of Nation Pernambucana Pop: 9 Mil 2720: The Republic of Nationalians Pop: 250 Mil 2721: The Federation of Nationalists Kiribati Pop: 6,086 Mil 2722: The People's Republic of Nationlandw Pop: 12,704 Mil 2723: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 10 Pop: 125 Mil 2724: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 111 Pop: 115 Mil 2725: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 131 Pop: 121 Mil 2726: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 15 Pop: 130 Mil 2727: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 157 Pop: 119 Mil 2728: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 176 Pop: 118 Mil 2729: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 18 Pop: 128 Mil 2730: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 196 Pop: 118 Mil 2731: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 28 Pop: 120 Mil 2732: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 55 Pop: 116 Mil 2733: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 75 Pop: 108 Mil 2734: The Confused Bro of Natsuo Fuji Pop: 5,682 Mil 2735: The Borderlands of Naull Bry Pizoia Pop: 14 Mil 2736: The People's Republic of Navas Pop: 883 Mil 2737: The Republic of NAWW Pop: 74 Mil 2738: The Republic of NCR Mojave Administration Pop: 1,651 Mil 2739: The Nomadic Peoples of Neanderthal Lands Pop: 2,913 Mil 2740: The ????super spooky???? mod gho of Necroghastia Pop: 12,675 Mil 2741: The Constitutional Monarchy of Neeh Pop: 8 Mil 2742: The Republic of Neeks Pop: 86 Mil 2743: The Kingdom of Neetjderland Pop: 56 Mil 2744: The Rogue Nation of Negarageng Abhinawa Pop: 770 Mil 2745: The Kingdom of Nejderland Pop: 189 Mil 2746: The Federal Kingdom of Nejopia Pop: 18,818 Mil 2747: The Grand Duchy of Nelorca Pop: 4,187 Mil 2748: The Federal Republic of Neo-Realist Safian State Pop: 26 Mil 2749: The Armed Republic of Neoconservatoria Pop: 56 Mil 2750: The Free Land of Neonurbo Pop: 613 Mil 2751: The Commonwealth of Neoplego Pop: 877 Mil 2752: The Kingdom of Nepalese Democratic Republic Kingdom Pop: 80 Mil 2753: The Kingdom of Nephiland Bay Pop: 8 Mil 2754: The Republic of Nereja Pop: 68 Mil 2755: The Republic of Nerianfellan Pop: 16 Mil 2756: The Republic of Nerix Pop: 75 Mil 2757: The Free Land of Nestorvia Pop: 7 Mil 2758: The Theocracy of Nesuphy Pop: 67 Mil 2759: The Federal Republic of Netanyaa Pop: 8 Mil 2760: The Federal Republic of Netherine Pop: 2,323 Mil 2761: The United States of Neu Valdenheim Pop: 6 Mil 2762: The Democratic States of NeuColumbia Pop: 26 Mil 2763: The Democratic Republic of NEUMANN13 Pop: 40 Mil 2764: The Republic of Neuronia Pop: 1,324 Mil 2765: The Dictatorship of Never Ending Pain Pop: 14 Mil 2766: The Matriarchy of Never Tasty Pop: 6,007 Mil 2767: The Democratic Republic of New Altnavia Pop: 5,230 Mil 2768: The United States of New America 1 NA 1 Pop: 67 Mil 2769: The Long-Term Memory Sauce of New American Dictatorship Pop: 8,019 Mil 2770: The Kingdom of New Ananasland Pop: 73 Mil 2771: The Kingdom of New arabbia Pop: 36 Mil 2772: The National Union of New Atlantic States Pop: 1,270 Mil 2773: The United Kingdom of New Availia Pop: 23 Mil 2774: The Armed Republic of New Azglar Pop: 347 Mil 2775: The Republic of New Bainceliouttoon Pop: 8 Mil 2776: The Empire of New Berwick Pop: 270 Mil 2777: The United Socialist States of New Bovestinya Pop: 18 Mil 2778: The Democratic Republic of New Bulacan Pop: 6,170 Mil 2779: The Dictatorship of New Cadelonia Pop: 2,973 Mil 2780: The Armed Republic of New Centurion Pop: 13,312 Mil 2781: The Dictatorship of New Chane Rephlas Pop: 87 Mil 2782: The Capitalist ROC Federation of New Chinese Federation Pop: 2,180 Mil 2783: The Republic of NEW CULSONIA Pop: 4,093 Mil 2784: The Federal Republic of New Cvanterburg Pop: 14 Mil 2785: The Commonwealth of New Duck County Pop: 534 Mil 2786: The Democratic Republic of New Entebbe Pop: 85 Mil 2787: The Colony of New Feirden Pop: 18 Mil 2788: The Kingdom of New Fire Nation Pop: 454 Mil 2789: The Republic of New Flan Tur Pop: 45 Mil 2790: The Commonwealth of New Fort York Pop: 248 Mil 2791: The Galactic Imperium of New Front Pop: 15,250 Mil 2792: The Republic of New Gironde Pop: 417 Mil 2793: The United Federation of New Goldman Pop: 9,958 Mil 2794: The Holy Cakeist Empire of New Halo Pop: 1,042 Mil 2795: The Most Serene Republic of New Harmonistan Pop: 13,819 Mil 2796: The Federal Republic of New Haugez Pop: 14 Mil 2797: The Federal Republic of New Hope and Peace Pop: 357 Mil 2798: The Kingdom of New Hyperboria Pop: 67 Mil 2799: The Disputed Territories of New Iazadi Pop: 125 Mil 2800: The United Kingdom of New Jenland Pop: 6 Mil 2801: The Republic of New Justinia Pop: 519 Mil 2802: The Commonwealth of New Kaitain Pop: 5,980 Mil 2803: The Most Serene Republic of New Lactiss-Kertel Pop: 26 Mil 2804: The Commonwealth of New Lebier Pop: 11,124 Mil 2805: The Free Land of New Lemoyne Pop: 247 Mil 2806: The Kingdom of New Lewesia Pop: 1,924 Mil 2807: The Colony of New Lexity Pop: 123 Mil 2808: The Confederacy of New Luederitz Pop: 126 Mil 2809: The Most Serene Republic of New Mang Street Pop: 50 Mil 2810: The Protectorate of New Maxta Pop: 18,349 Mil 2811: The Republic of New Men Pop: 20 Mil 2812: The Principality of New Minot Pop: 6,039 Mil 2813: The People's Republic of New Molosia Pop: 277 Mil 2814: The Republic of New Mospia Extile Pop: 103 Mil 2815: The Republic of New New Bacon Pop: 9 Mil 2816: The Kingdom of New New New Atlantis Pop: 23 Mil 2817: The Republic of New nontenegro Pop: 110 Mil 2818: The Democratic Republic of New Opia Pop: 40 Mil 2819: The Federation of New Order Federation Pop: 233 Mil 2820: The United Kingdom of New Ords Hyr Pop: 23 Mil 2821: The People's Republic of New Orn Pop: 91 Mil 2822: The Empire of New Osaka Pop: 1,848 Mil 2823: The Kingdom of New ozuriic Pop: 309 Mil 2824: The Republic of New Palo Pop: 507 Mil 2825: The Constitutional Monarchy of New Philippine Empire Pop: 5,643 Mil 2826: The Federation of New Pitcairn Pop: 45 Mil 2827: The Federation of New Plant Pop: 9,092 Mil 2828: The Republic of New Pomenia Pop: 109 Mil 2829: The Arcadia of New Puruni Pop: 17,874 Mil 2830: The Deglender Hivemind of New Quebecshire Pop: 8,295 Mil 2831: The Republic of New Radonstan Pop: 10 Mil 2832: The Federation of New Rich Islands Pop: 142 Mil 2833: The Armed Republic of New Rophimen Pop: 26 Mil 2834: The Republic of New Scalewhite Pop: 1,414 Mil 2835: The Republic of New Scandinavian Pop: 825 Mil 2836: The Republic of New Seallands Pop: 10,311 Mil 2837: The Holy Empire of New sylvana Pop: 50 Mil 2838: The United States of New Tarius Pop: 20,220 Mil 2839: The Presidential Monarchy of New Te Awa Pop: 1,374 Mil 2840: The Federation of New Timawa Pop: 7,129 Mil 2841: The Republic of New Turiumraordia Pop: 80 Mil 2842: The United States of New Upper America Pop: 245 Mil 2843: The Republic of New Vivaters Pop: 7,154 Mil 2844: The United Kingdom of New Wirral Pop: 245 Mil 2845: The Socialist Republic of New Xartoia Pop: 6,043 Mil 2846: The Empire of New Zepuble Pop: 10 Mil 2847: The Federation of New-Javarra Pop: 4,826 Mil 2848: The Republic of NewCalis Pop: 68 Mil 2849: The Free Land of NewDayRising Pop: 2,529 Mil 2850: The United Socialist States of Newlundia Pop: 56 Mil 2851: The Blue-Green Ecological Niche of NewMooland Pop: 5,960 Mil 2852: The Democratic States of Nexario Pop: 110 Mil 2853: The Republic of Next- Pop: 98 Mil 2854: The Dominion of Nezorath Pop: 145 Mil 2855: The Holy Empire of Ni99aville Pop: 7 Mil 2856: The ⓥⓔⓡⓨ ⓒⓞⓞⓛ ⓝⓐⓣⓘⓞⓝ of Nicholas and Great Britain Pop: 9,507 Mil 2857: The Incorporated States of Nicholson Industries Pop: 1,529 Mil 2858: The Empire of Nickliania Pop: 6 Mil 2859: The Republic of Nickolass Pop: 67 Mil 2860: The Republic of Nicolas Maduro Pop: 14,802 Mil 2861: The Republic of Nicolet National Forest Pop: 2,843 Mil 2862: The Commonwealth of Niconda Pop: 5,389 Mil 2863: The United Kingdom of Nigeiani Pop: 32 Mil 2864: The Republic of Nightmarenugget Pop: 56 Mil 2865: The Federation of Nikolai Gogol Pop: 88 Mil 2866: The Federation of Nileen Pop: 221 Mil 2867: The Republic of Nill Vill Pop: 6,617 Mil 2868: The Iron Fist Technocracy of Nina Cortex Pop: 11,730 Mil 2869: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nippon koku Pop: 5,456 Mil 2870: The Sultanate of Nirasa Pop: 3,316 Mil 2871: The Democratic Republic of Niriem Pop: 80 Mil 2872: The Bloody Red Pyramids of Nisa Naxina Pop: 17,263 Mil 2873: The Federal Republic of Niterooi Pop: 18 Mil 2874: The Jingoistic States of Nithai Man Pop: 98 Mil 2875: The Principality of Nitriansko Pop: 3,321 Mil 2876: The Chinchilla Oligarchy of Nivosea Pop: 5,755 Mil 2877: The Protectorate of Nlschiport Pop: 4,467 Mil 2878: The Just a Heartbeat Away of No Jack Kennedy Pop: 25,473 Mil 2879: The Federation of No moking Pop: 24,552 Mil 2880: The Commonwealth of Nobern Pop: 3,501 Mil 2881: The Republic of NobodyAFK Pop: 18 Mil 2882: The Democratic Republic of NoClueland Pop: 82 Mil 2883: The Kingdom of Nod Hurlins Pop: 2,850 Mil 2884: The Colony of Nodachi Pop: 62 Mil 2885: The Kingdom of Noire Denholm Pop: 16,213 Mil 2886: The Holy Socialist Empire of Non-Believers Pop: 3,011 Mil 2887: The Colony of Non-Believers Card Farm Pop: 91 Mil 2888: The United States of Nonoval Pop: 139 Mil 2889: The Dictatorship of Noobic Stratocracy Pop: 78 Mil 2890: The Republic of Noone Pop: 25,875 Mil 2891: The Republic of Noopiasfghggf Pop: 14 Mil 2892: The Armed Republic of Noparike Pop: 857 Mil 2893: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nordbruggen Pop: 277 Mil 2894: The Democratic States of Norderastronland Pop: 107 Mil 2895: The Republic of Nordessa Pop: 9 Mil 2896: The War party of Nordrune Pop: 2,630 Mil 2897: The Democratic Republic of Nordurljos Pop: 265 Mil 2898: The Kingdom of Norilan Pop: 208 Mil 2899: The Republic of Normalstone Pop: 14 Mil 2900: The Most Serene Republic of Nortatlans Pop: 2,086 Mil 2901: The Republic of North Alm Pop: 36 Mil 2902: The Armed Autocracy of North Caldwell Pop: 1,491 Mil 2903: The Federation of North Caledi Pop: 8 Mil 2904: The Commonwealth of North Chadland Pop: 4,675 Mil 2905: The Grand Duchy of North Chipland Pop: 7 Mil 2906: The Republic of North Communists Pop: 797 Mil 2907: The Commonwealth of North Dre Zumpirearthinaur Pop: 9 Mil 2908: The Grand Duchy of North Elsass Pop: 6,103 Mil 2909: The People's Republic of North Falston Con Pop: 107 Mil 2910: The Free Land of North Farthing Pop: 344 Mil 2911: The Holy Empire of North historia Pop: 5,520 Mil 2912: The Republic of North Kanuckistan Pop: 18,572 Mil 2913: The Incorporated States of North Karmasia Pop: 269 Mil 2914: The ???????????????? empire of North Korea is best Pop: 2,316 Mil 2915: The People's Republic of North Koreoai Pop: 14 Mil 2916: The Constitutional Monarchy of North Mawiter Pop: 9 Mil 2917: The Disputed Territories of North Tatooine Pop: 1,891 Mil 2918: The Republic of North Thespolier Pop: 2,347 Mil 2919: The Republic of North Whitefield Pop: 10,942 Mil 2920: The Republic of Northeast Petoria Pop: 8 Mil 2921: The Dominion of Northern Desnara Pop: 14 Mil 2922: The Republic of Northern hyderia Pop: 8 Mil 2923: The Armed Republic of Northern Isrus Pop: 201 Mil 2924: The People's Republic of Northern Jidbouti Pop: 14 Mil 2925: The Republic of Northern Plains NHA Pop: 4,377 Mil 2926: The Kingdom of Northern Providence Island Pop: 112 Mil 2927: The Kingdom of Northmaa Pop: 89 Mil 2928: The United Socialist States of Northwest North America Pop: 493 Mil 2929: The Free Provinces of Northwest Slobovia Pop: 40,313 Mil 2930: The Constitutional Monarchy of Norvon Pop: 74 Mil 2931: The Democratic Republic of Norwegian utopia Pop: 1,108 Mil 2932: The Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerych of Not Ammmericaaaa Pop: 1,800 Mil 2933: The Empire of Notcommunist5 Pop: 36 Mil 2934: The Republic of Nothingmk Pop: 112 Mil 2935: The Wastelands of Nothreen Pop: 16,160 Mil 2936: The Kingdom of Notibertaria Pop: 67 Mil 2937: The Free Land of Notion State Pop: 321 Mil 2938: The Nomadic Peoples of Nough to join the army after committing Pop: 982 Mil 2939: The Republic of Nouveau Paradis Pop: 26,988 Mil 2940: The Confederacy of Nova Caesares Pop: 4,610 Mil 2941: The Free Land of Nova Hungaria Pop: 4,299 Mil 2942: The Galactic Empire of Nova Montron Pop: 16,187 Mil 2943: The Federal Republic of Nova Pacta Pop: 81 Mil 2944: The Empire of Nova prospect Pop: 86 Mil 2945: The Independent Territory of Nova Rhodia Pop: 5,314 Mil 2946: The Republic of Novae Reipublicae Pop: 10,484 Mil 2947: The Commonwealth of Novatero Pop: 675 Mil 2948: The Republic of Novia Pan Wes Pop: 103 Mil 2949: The Federation of Novo Aleutria Pop: 197 Mil 2950: The Federation of Novovaritsya Pop: 4,146 Mil 2951: The Community of Novristed Pop: 23 Mil 2952: The Federation of Novum Etruria Pop: 10 Mil 2953: The Matriarchy of Novum Mercurialis Pop: 74 Mil 2954: The フェデレーション of Nowa Europa Pop: 15,321 Mil 2955: The Kingdom of NS Atlantis Pop: 4,372 Mil 2956: The Republic of NS Brazil 1 Pop: 4,103 Mil 2957: The Republic of NS Israel Pop: 4,323 Mil 2958: The Republic of NS Russia Pop: 4,423 Mil 2959: The Republic of NS Texas Pop: 4,933 Mil 2960: The Republic of NS Ukraine Pop: 4,458 Mil 2961: The Kingdom of NS Vatican City State Pop: 4,342 Mil 2962: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nueva Escandion Pop: 855 Mil 2963: The Confederacy of Nueva libertad2 Pop: 2,146 Mil 2964: The United States of Nueva Victoria Pop: 943 Mil 2965: The United Municipalities of Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro Pop: 1,124 Mil 2966: The Republic of Nuke-L Pop: 84 Mil 2967: The Republic of Nuke-L 6 Pop: 87 Mil 2968: The Commonwealth of Numbersia Pop: 79 Mil 2969: The Technocratic Stronghold of Numlea Pop: 19,039 Mil 2970: The Commonwealth of Nunavutalia Pop: 937 Mil 2971: The Commonwealth of Nunavute Pop: 1,044 Mil 2972: The Matriarchy of Nunupis Pop: 26 Mil 2973: The Empire of Nuova Avocadia Pop: 247 Mil 2974: The Community of Nuraghe Pop: 327 Mil 2975: The Confederacy of Nuretia Pop: 566 Mil 2976: The Republic of Nusian Republic Pop: 234 Mil 2977: The Nutz of Nutella-chan Pop: 21,256 Mil 2978: The People's Republic of Nyasalland Pop: 139 Mil 2979: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nyucautl Pop: 467 Mil 2980: The Republic of Nyz5bw3f9h Pop: 2,270 Mil 2981: The Democratic Republic of Oanramanalia Pop: 8 Mil 2982: The Federation of Oasisania Pop: 89 Mil 2983: The Armed Republic of Obamastan2025 Pop: 154 Mil 2984: The Republic of Obed Wild and Scenic River Pop: 4,414 Mil 2985: The People's Republic of Obersendling Pop: 458 Mil 2986: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Pop: 11,154 Mil 2987: The Armed Republic of Oceananias Pop: 62 Mil 2988: The Confederacy of Oceanic Republica Pop: 1,107 Mil 2989: The Queendom of Oestropolis Pop: 50 Mil 2990: The Democratic Republic of Of Ecuador Pop: 14 Mil 2991: The Paralegal Entity of Of Jasper Pop: 11,698 Mil 2992: The Confederation of Of the 4 States Pop: 1,654 Mil 2993: The Free Land of Of The Bannana Boat Republic Pop: 6,487 Mil 2994: The Federation of Of the european socialist republics Pop: 7,484 Mil 2995: The Colony of Of The Moose Kilak Pop: 91 Mil 2996: The South Pacifican Government of Office of WA Legislation Pop: 10,769 Mil 2997: The Federation of Oicheth Pop: 36 Mil 2998: The Armed Republic of Oiw Pop: 726 Mil 2999: The Seven Ways of Okiya Pop: 7,622 Mil 3000: The Republic of Oklahoma City Memorial Pop: 4,380 Mil 3001: The Commonwealth of Old Lesser Buttopia Pop: 111 Mil 3002: The Republic of Oleksandr Bortnyk Pop: 270 Mil 3003: The Dictatorship of Olexandr Bortnyk Pop: 837 Mil 3004: The Kingdom of Olhos de Bulita Pop: 9 Mil 3005: The Dominion of Olliria Pop: 1,217 Mil 3006: The Republic of Olongon Pop: 10,548 Mil 3007: The Democratic Republic of Om Prakash Ashram Pop: 109 Mil 3008: The United Socialist States of Oman and Nejd Pop: 245 Mil 3009: The Nomadic Peoples of On the other side in parentheses capital Pop: 986 Mil 3010: The Federation of One Pound Fish Pop: 162 Mil 3011: The Allied States of Onederstop Pop: 672 Mil 3012: The Colony of Oneyy Pop: 518 Mil 3013: The Kingdom of Onion Farms Official Pop: 97 Mil 3014: The United States of Onnima Pop: 56 Mil 3015: The Community of Oogadoo Shunga Dunga Booga Pop: 97 Mil 3016: The Empire of Oohaohh Pop: 36 Mil 3017: The United Socialist States of Oonlend Pop: 658 Mil 3018: The Armed Republic of OOOOOOOOOO Pop: 40 Mil 3019: The Dictatorship of Oops I done effed up Pop: 29 Mil 3020: The Federation of Opalia7 Pop: 20 Mil 3021: The Commonwealth of Operation Mechstorm 16 Pop: 62 Mil 3022: The Commonwealth of Operation Mechstorm 21 Pop: 62 Mil 3023: The Protectorate of Operation Mechstorm 24 Pop: 62 Mil 3024: The Dominion of Operation Mechstorm 25 Pop: 62 Mil 3025: The Principality of Operation Mechstorm 9 Pop: 62 Mil 3026: The Rogue Nation of Opprecivita Pop: 158 Mil 3027: The Strategic puppet of Oppressionist Land Pop: 12,293 Mil 3028: The Dictatorship of Opulentium Pop: 1,697 Mil 3029: The Free Land of Orbislopterra Pop: 6 Mil 3030: The Beauty of Orc Island Pop: 9,693 Mil 3031: The Republic of Ord Ammersaland Pop: 106 Mil 3032: The Colony of Order of Moon Pop: 45 Mil 3033: The Technocratic States of Ordogomenistan Pop: 2,577 Mil 3034: The Empire of Oreani Pop: 770 Mil 3035: The Free Land of Orgazma Pop: 19,496 Mil 3036: The Federal Republic of Orharan Pop: 20 Mil 3037: The Republic of Oriega Pop: 16 Mil 3038: The Colony of Orinea Pop: 11,252 Mil 3039: The Matriarchy of Orinesia Pop: 11,499 Mil 3040: The Commonwealth of Ornoth Pop: 6,593 Mil 3041: The Holy Empire of Orxipho Pop: 295 Mil 3042: The Destructive Loose Cannon of Oshaberi Doubutsu Talking Animal Ball Pop: 11,421 Mil 3043: The Free Land of Oshkosh Kenoshbosh Pop: 443 Mil 3044: The Democratic Republic of Oshya sia Pop: 296 Mil 3045: The UK Chipotle Dawgs of Oskifinj Pop: 2,456 Mil 3046: The Colony of Osnen Island Pop: 4,703 Mil 3047: The Theocracy of Ost1and Pop: 62 Mil 3048: The Federation of Ostinmark Pop: 32 Mil 3049: The Protectorate of Osutoraria Pop: 145 Mil 3050: The Dictatorship of Otavala Pop: 16 Mil 3051: The Kingdom of Othrulia Pop: 838 Mil 3052: The Holy Gold Kingdom of Otki Pop: 1,283 Mil 3053: The Republic of Otokadu Ruki Pop: 6,012 Mil 3054: The Democratic Republic of Otrein Pop: 803 Mil 3055: The Free Land of Ouango Pop: 9 Mil 3056: The Principality of Oultrejourdain Pop: 3,539 Mil 3057: The Protectorate of Our Lady Peace Pop: 1,686 Mil 3058: The People's Kingdom of of Ouro Nobre Pop: 1,661 Mil 3059: The Matriarchy of Ouru Ranced Pop: 26 Mil 3060: The Republic of Outer Bratorke Pop: 11,553 Mil 3061: The Nomadic Peoples of Outer Deurilest Cammahadis Pop: 40 Mil 3062: The Empire of Outer New Mersk Pop: 8 Mil 3063: The Rogue Nation of Outer pirates Pop: 16 Mil 3064: The Kingdom of Outremer Pop: 5,712 Mil 3065: The Republic of Overmountain Victory National Trail Pop: 4,428 Mil 3066: The Democratic Republic of Owai Pop: 177 Mil 3067: The Colony of Owana Pop: 84 Mil 3068: The Republic of Owner Pop: 86 Mil 3069: The Republic of Ozark National Forest Pop: 2,833 Mil 3070: The Republic of P N S 3 Pop: 4,275 Mil 3071: The Republic of Paappapapa Pop: 2,104 Mil 3072: The Almighty Kingdom of Pabtlau Pop: 5,101 Mil 3073: The GNX of Pacific Shores Pop: 3,485 Mil 3074: The Federation of Pacific States Pop: 5,341 Mil 3075: The United States of Pacifica Atlantica Pop: 4,647 Mil 3076: The Commonwealth of Pacifican Commonwealth Pop: 1,000 Mil 3077: The Republic of Pacificapolis Pop: 1,342 Mil 3078: The Holy Empire of Padhraig Pop: 626 Mil 3079: The Khilafat Islamiya Syurawia of Paganan Pop: 9,282 Mil 3080: The Social Union of Pai Land Pop: 7,017 Mil 3081: The Democratic Republic of Pakinda Pop: 353 Mil 3082: The Rogue Nation of Pal Central Pop: 788 Mil 3083: The Republic of Palatino Pop: 735 Mil 3084: The Armed Republic of Palattia Pop: 29 Mil 3085: The Republic of Palikasarthe Pop: 62 Mil 3086: The Kingdom of Palindromo Pop: 1,431 Mil 3087: The Free Land of Palleontania Pop: 8 Mil 3088: The Free Land of Palwoldr Pop: 194 Mil 3089: The Republic of Pamaoria Pop: 1,657 Mil 3090: The B00bs of Pamela And Hepatitis Pop: 44,923 Mil 3091: The Armed Republic of Pamuzi Pop: 752 Mil 3092: The Federation of Pand Promand Pop: 16 Mil 3093: The Commonwealth of Panemas Pop: 12,823 Mil 3094: The Commonwealth of Pans Che Pop: 428 Mil 3095: The Federal Democratic Republic of Pansic Pop: 5,777 Mil 3096: The Blooms Republic of Pantropiko Island Pop: 897 Mil 3097: The Kingdom of Panzastan Pop: 329 Mil 3098: The Holy Empire of Papabort Pop: 611 Mil 3099: The Kingdom of Papageinge Pop: 4,434 Mil 3100: The Republic of Paral Pop: 69 Mil 3101: The Subayaran Kingdom of Paraw Pop: 1,340 Mil 3102: The Empire of Pared Sayes Pop: 36 Mil 3103: The Holy Paradise of Parenthos Pop: 16,520 Mil 3104: The Republic of Paresia Pop: 29 Mil 3105: The Republic of Parest Che Pop: 8 Mil 3106: The Republic of Parkers Crossroads Battlefield Pop: 4,368 Mil 3107: The Empire of Parthiann Pop: 241 Mil 3108: The People's Republic of Parvadomus Pop: 40 Mil 3109: The Holy Empire of Patalle Pop: 104 Mil 3110: The Republic of Pato Islands Pop: 4,437 Mil 3111: The Republic of Paudadsogon Pop: 4,472 Mil 3112: The Imperium of Pax Dracon Pop: 18,593 Mil 3113: The Military of Pax Militarianism Pop: 943 Mil 3114: The Kingdom of Paxdonia Pop: 393 Mil 3115: The Grand Duchy of Pays de Savoie Pop: 56 Mil 3116: The Armed Republic of Pazhiku Pop: 895 Mil 3117: The People's Republic of PDR Ethiopia Pop: 1,828 Mil 3118: The People's Republic of PDR Yeman Pop: 1,830 Mil 3119: The Republic of Pea Ridge Military Park Pop: 4,413 Mil 3120: The Theocracy of Peatea Pop: 10 Mil 3121: The Colony of Pede Cattus Pop: 2,938 Mil 3122: The Rogue Nation of Peeeeeenis Pop: 8 Mil 3123: The Holy Empire of PeeInABush Pop: 20 Mil 3124: The Emirate of Pemvf Pop: 463 Mil 3125: The Principality of Pen Nor Pop: 1,007 Mil 3126: The Republic of Penanin Pop: 23 Mil 3127: The Eternal Misfortune of Pencil Sharpeners 2 Pop: 20,848 Mil 3128: The GEQPL of PenguinPies Pop: 23,961 Mil 3129: The Armed Republic of Penguins are cool Pop: 73 Mil 3130: The Republic of Pennsylvania Avenue NHS Pop: 4,463 Mil 3131: The Commonwealth of Pennycokes Pop: 192 Mil 3132: The Peaceful Island of Penonia Island Pop: 5,028 Mil 3133: The Armed Republic of People Against Bad Things Pop: 886 Mil 3134: The Murderbasket Republic of People Thingies Pop: 12,501 Mil 3135: The Radical Cakeist of Peoples Guerilla Armed Coalition Pop: 2,002 Mil 3136: The Kingdom of Peot Osboyanarnourda Pop: 20 Mil 3137: The Republic of Pepoland Pop: 4,246 Mil 3138: The Allied States of Pepsikool Pop: 29 Mil 3139: The Commonwealth of Persailant Pop: 10 Mil 3140: The Republic of Pescatoria Pop: 6 Mil 3141: The Himbo of Petea Pop: 6,253 Mil 3142: The Rogue Nation of Peter Stubbe Pop: 4,377 Mil 3143: The Democratic States of Pewpewpew Pop: 7 Mil 3144: The Nomadic Peoples of Pews they decided that they didnt have t Pop: 1,011 Mil 3145: The Principality of Pfannkuchia Pop: 32 Mil 3146: The Republic of Pgjeuis Pop: 85 Mil 3147: The Colony of Phan- Pop: 455 Mil 3148: The Commonwealth of Phanama Pop: 13,448 Mil 3149: The Empire of Phanroy Pop: 743 Mil 3150: The Republic of Phat xit viet Pop: 105 Mil 3151: The Principality of Phatos Pop: 91 Mil 3152: The Constitutional Monarchy of Philippine Russia Pop: 18 Mil 3153: The Most Serene Republic of Philocalistia Pop: 1,698 Mil 3154: The Republic of Phoquiaa Pop: 79 Mil 3155: The Empire of PICK ME Pop: 67 Mil 3156: The Republic of Pigeoneon Pop: 139 Mil 3157: The People's Republic of Pine union Pop: 45 Mil 3158: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 39 Pop: 7,708 Mil 3159: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 41 Pop: 7,756 Mil 3160: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 44 Pop: 7,681 Mil 3161: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 49 Pop: 7,718 Mil 3162: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 59 Pop: 7,709 Mil 3163: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 72 Pop: 7,713 Mil 3164: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 85 Pop: 7,638 Mil 3165: The Sultanate of Pineapplle Pop: 7 Mil 3166: The Dominion of Pinelandia Pop: 10 Mil 3167: The Republic of Pinelands National Reserve Pop: 4,358 Mil 3168: The Democratic States of Pinelans Pop: 9 Mil 3169: The Republic of Pineng Pop: 77 Mil 3170: The Republic of PinocchioP Pop: 5,906 Mil 3171: The Federation of Pip Hocka Pop: 528 Mil 3172: The Republic of Pirate Republic of Draustea Pop: 36 Mil 3173: The Republic of Piscataway Park Pop: 4,461 Mil 3174: The Reasonably Moist Republic of Pitayania Pop: 1,399 Mil 3175: The Democratic Republic of Pixellands Pop: 68 Mil 3176: The Republic of Pizdatia Pop: 6 Mil 3177: The Empire of Pizzadeez Pop: 6 Mil 3178: The Kingdom of Planet Aspara Pop: 501 Mil 3179: The Commonwealth of Planet Elyria Pop: 1,146 Mil 3180: The Republic of Plantheniesadivents Pop: 62 Mil 3181: The Republic of Platino Pop: 7,024 Mil 3182: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs11 Pop: 40 Mil 3183: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs114 Pop: 40 Mil 3184: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs118 Pop: 40 Mil 3185: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs13 Pop: 40 Mil 3186: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs14 Pop: 40 Mil 3187: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs152 Pop: 40 Mil 3188: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs163 Pop: 40 Mil 3189: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs165 Pop: 40 Mil 3190: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs187 Pop: 40 Mil 3191: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs200 Pop: 40 Mil 3192: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs201 Pop: 40 Mil 3193: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs205 Pop: 40 Mil 3194: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs219 Pop: 40 Mil 3195: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs22 Pop: 40 Mil 3196: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs249 Pop: 40 Mil 3197: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs255 Pop: 40 Mil 3198: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs259 Pop: 40 Mil 3199: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs262 Pop: 40 Mil 3200: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs266 Pop: 40 Mil 3201: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs268 Pop: 40 Mil 3202: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs277 Pop: 40 Mil 3203: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs279 Pop: 40 Mil 3204: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs282 Pop: 40 Mil 3205: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs287 Pop: 40 Mil 3206: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs295 Pop: 40 Mil 3207: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs30 Pop: 40 Mil 3208: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs33 Pop: 40 Mil 3209: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs34 Pop: 40 Mil 3210: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs342 Pop: 40 Mil 3211: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs36 Pop: 40 Mil 3212: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs362 Pop: 40 Mil 3213: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs363 Pop: 40 Mil 3214: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs376 Pop: 36 Mil 3215: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs388 Pop: 26 Mil 3216: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs392 Pop: 26 Mil 3217: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs40 Pop: 40 Mil 3218: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs408 Pop: 26 Mil 3219: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs411 Pop: 26 Mil 3220: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs42 Pop: 40 Mil 3221: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs423 Pop: 26 Mil 3222: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs426 Pop: 26 Mil 3223: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs433 Pop: 26 Mil 3224: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs435 Pop: 26 Mil 3225: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs436 Pop: 26 Mil 3226: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs440 Pop: 26 Mil 3227: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs59 Pop: 40 Mil 3228: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs68 Pop: 40 Mil 3229: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs71 Pop: 40 Mil 3230: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs76 Pop: 40 Mil 3231: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs82 Pop: 40 Mil 3232: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs96 Pop: 40 Mil 3233: The Republic of Plebes Senatus Globus Pop: 95 Mil 3234: The People's Republic of Plodia Pop: 172 Mil 3235: The United States of Plorynce Pop: 20 Mil 3236: The Democratic Republic of Pluis Pop: 6,629 Mil 3237: The Incorporated States of Plutoc Pop: 23 Mil 3238: The Armed Republic of PMC Boykisser Group Pop: 171 Mil 3239: The Empire of PNF 404 Pop: 219 Mil 3240: The Federal Republic of Podinas Pop: 428 Mil 3241: The Republic of Podkopiand Guittasi Pop: 534 Mil 3242: The Empire of PodracingFan Pop: 4,303 Mil 3243: The Republic of Polaris Minoris Pop: 93 Mil 3244: The Armed Republic of Police and Brutality Pop: 9 Mil 3245: The Nomadic Peoples of Polish Tribe Pop: 40 Mil 3246: The Federation of Polithias Pop: 512 Mil 3247: The Borderlands of Polyputa Pop: 75 Mil 3248: The Federal Republic of Ponderosuh Pop: 9,606 Mil 3249: The Republic of Pony Express National Trail Pop: 4,428 Mil 3250: The Empire of Poopshikistan Pop: 591 Mil 3251: The Community of Popa Pop: 20 Mil 3252: The Armed Republic of Popitazu Pop: 750 Mil 3253: The Republic of Pornographic Memory Pop: 8 Mil 3254: The Nomadic Peoples of Poromaat Pop: 511 Mil 3255: The Protectorate of Port Ivory Pop: 5,373 Mil 3256: The Republic of Postmaster-General Pop: 10,178 Mil 3257: The Ho-Ho-Holmium of Potassium Pop: 2,814 Mil 3258: The Free Land of POTATO fORT Pop: 45 Mil 3259: The United States of Potatojeff Pop: 75 Mil 3260: The Federal Republic of Potovia Pop: 20 Mil 3261: The Free Land of Pouch-ina Pop: 20 Mil 3262: The Democratic Republic of Prasorp Pop: 100 Mil 3263: The Republic of Prawnpire Pop: 118 Mil 3264: The People's Republic of Praxi Union Pop: 791 Mil 3265: The United States of Praxisia Pop: 6 Mil 3266: The People's Republic of PRC Pop: 13,464 Mil 3267: The Borderlands of Preadertauw Pop: 152 Mil 3268: The Colony of Pri Seetoa Blan Pop: 240 Mil 3269: The Republic of Pribyslavitz Pop: 20 Mil 3270: The Republic of Pricplod Pland Pop: 362 Mil 3271: The Corporate Alliance of Primumia Pop: 1,055 Mil 3272: The Kingdom of Principal of The Thing Pop: 10 Mil 3273: The Constitutional Monarchy of Principality of Poland Pop: 10 Mil 3274: The Community of Prismx Pop: 45 Mil 3275: The Republic of Pritrev Pop: 406 Mil 3276: The Free Land of Privatore Pop: 23,531 Mil 3277: The Republic of Professor Xavier Pop: 5,612 Mil 3278: The Dictatorship of Profitopea Pop: 14 Mil 3279: The Republic of Promesium Pop: 20,806 Mil 3280: The Kingdom of Proxima5 Pop: 213 Mil 3281: The Republic of Prudential Promises Pop: 1,525 Mil 3282: The People's Republic of Prusisa Pop: 351 Mil 3283: The Golden Imperial Federation of PsiCorps Pop: 7,512 Mil 3284: The Democratic Republic of Psipi Pop: 7,024 Mil 3285: The Confederacy of Pubert Pop: 23 Mil 3286: The Bruuman Protectorate of Puerto Pollo Pop: 23,490 Mil 3287: The Republic of Pullman NHP Pop: 4,399 Mil 3288: The Grand Duchy of Puntiana Pop: 14,964 Mil 3289: The Free Land of Puppets are complicated III Pop: 494 Mil 3290: The Incorporated States of Puppets are complicated LVIII Pop: 439 Mil 3291: The Armed Republic of Puppets are complicated LXXXIV Pop: 349 Mil 3292: The Armed Republic of Puppets are complicated XCII Pop: 341 Mil 3293: The Allied States of Puppets are complicated XIV Pop: 437 Mil 3294: The Republic of Puppets are complicated XXVIII Pop: 436 Mil 3295: The Rogue Nation of Puppets are complicated XXXII Pop: 444 Mil 3296: The Armed Republic of Puq Pop: 752 Mil 3297: The Empire of Purden Pop: 79 Mil 3298: The Most Serene Republic of Purinland Pop: 14,615 Mil 3299: The Republic of Puritem Pop: 79 Mil 3300: The Principality of Purple Rain 96 Pop: 7,774 Mil 3301: The Republic of Purrdian Pop: 7 Mil 3302: The SSAAFR of Pyhdon Pop: 3,219 Mil 3303: The Democratic Republic of Pyongnam Pop: 56 Mil 3304: The Empire of Pyrule Pop: 119 Mil 3305: The Matriarchy of Q5 yOung people should perform a years Pop: 291 Mil 3306: The Republic of Q8 Is better to deter criminals than Pop: 412 Mil 3307: The Dominion of Qados Pop: 25,208 Mil 3308: The Federal Republic of Qalyr Pop: 2,145 Mil 3309: The Sultanate of Qamarix Pop: 93 Mil 3310: The Republic of Qames Lundenia Pop: 6 Mil 3311: The Federal Ocean Republic of Qawe Pop: 12,919 Mil 3312: The Republic of Qaweritoyu Pop: 24,350 Mil 3313: The Republic of Qe-20 Pop: 186 Mil 3314: The Republic of Qe-30 Pop: 179 Mil 3315: The Republic of Qe-35 Pop: 172 Mil 3316: The Republic of Qe-45 Pop: 175 Mil 3317: The Republic of Qe-46 Pop: 170 Mil 3318: The Republic of Qe-65 Pop: 110 Mil 3319: The Grand Duchy of Qesh Pop: 4,337 Mil 3320: The Qezon-Commonwealth of Qezos Pop: 2,722 Mil 3321: The Holy Empire of Qirilith Pop: 113 Mil 3322: The Theocracy of Qirum Pop: 341 Mil 3323: The Armed Republic of Qponec Pop: 7 Mil 3324: The Kingdom of Quadland Pop: 6 Mil 3325: The Fiefdom of Quagmore Pop: 1,370 Mil 3326: The Rogue Nation of Quancruclo Pop: 124 Mil 3327: The Republic of Quaterian Swazty Pop: 40 Mil 3328: The Holy Empire of Queen td of bolon Pop: 92 Mil 3329: The Republic of Queijo1 Pop: 418 Mil 3330: The Republic of Queijo106 Pop: 365 Mil 3331: The Republic of Queijo11 Pop: 410 Mil 3332: The Republic of Queijo119 Pop: 370 Mil 3333: The Republic of Queijo127 Pop: 377 Mil 3334: The Republic of Queijo15 Pop: 412 Mil 3335: The Republic of Queijo41 Pop: 421 Mil 3336: The Republic of Queijo43 Pop: 417 Mil 3337: The Republic of Queijo57 Pop: 399 Mil 3338: The Republic of Queijo77 Pop: 408 Mil 3339: The Republic of Queijo84 Pop: 405 Mil 3340: The Free Land of QuietDad of TSP Pop: 23,316 Mil 3341: The Republic of Quiltes Pop: 554 Mil 3342: The Armed Republic of Quim Pop: 25,337 Mil 3343: The Federation of Quinjalta Pop: 10,718 Mil 3344: The Republic of Quisandreii Pop: 26 Mil 3345: The Community of Quises Peaz Pop: 10 Mil 3346: The Republic of Quocha Pop: 10 Mil 3347: The Oppressed Peoples of Quzali Pop: 85 Mil 3348: The Valkyrian Republic of Qvait Pop: 27,413 Mil 3349: The Republic of Qwemt Pop: 50 Mil 3350: The People's Republic of R i K oraz S w deltoidzie Pop: 10,615 Mil 3351: The Republic of R49u1z1lf7 Pop: 3,378 Mil 3352: The Private Utopia of Rachel Hunter Pop: 19,951 Mil 3353: The People's Republic of Rad Asia Pop: 12,669 Mil 3354: The United States of Radio Free Pop: 2,643 Mil 3355: The Republic of Rado test2 Pop: 14 Mil 3356: The Republic of Radozary Pop: 6,813 Mil 3357: The Polity of Rahva Pop: 3,599 Mil 3358: The Republic of Railistalinkheigo Pop: 77 Mil 3359: The Incorporated States of Railland Islands Pop: 20 Mil 3360: The Democratic Republic of Rainbow Banana Pop: 19,311 Mil 3361: The Republic of Raiyl Pop: 761 Mil 3362: The Epicrateia of Rakzhia Pop: 7,398 Mil 3363: The Republic of Ralph Kiner Pop: 4,891 Mil 3364: The Republic of Ralphburg Pop: 11,149 Mil 3365: The Dominion of Ram2 Pop: 25,267 Mil 3366: The United Kingdom of Ramand Reateralip Pop: 36 Mil 3367: The Republic of Ramvik Pop: 92 Mil 3368: The Federation of Ranaggion Pop: 420 Mil 3369: The Allied States of Ranandswolfors Pop: 494 Mil 3370: The Free Puppet of Random Faraway Puppet in TSP Pop: 10,393 Mil 3371: The Disputed Territories of Random numbers Pop: 92 Mil 3372: The Armed Republic of Ranikotzu Pop: 895 Mil 3373: The Republic of Ranstagan Pop: 256 Mil 3374: The Empire of Rapax 40 Pop: 6,735 Mil 3375: The Empire of RaR Kerneweck Emperoureth Pop: 23 Mil 3376: The Republic of Rast Lux Pop: 517 Mil 3377: The Republic of Ratonr Pop: 14 Mil 3378: The Federation of Rauatai Pop: 50 Mil 3379: The Commonwealth of Rauv Pop: 56 Mil 3380: The Empire of Raviaso Pop: 7 Mil 3381: The Commonwealth of Rayo Vallecano Pop: 1,488 Mil 3382: The United States of Raytonia Pop: 10 Mil 3383: The United Kingdom of Raziland Pop: 239 Mil 3384: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 109 Pop: 3,746 Mil 3385: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 112 Pop: 3,715 Mil 3386: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 115 Pop: 3,757 Mil 3387: The Protectorate of RCSY cardfarmer 13 Pop: 4,793 Mil 3388: The Democratic States of RCSY cardfarmer 17 Pop: 4,758 Mil 3389: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 19 Pop: 4,569 Mil 3390: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 20 Pop: 4,539 Mil 3391: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 22 Pop: 4,541 Mil 3392: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 30 Pop: 4,565 Mil 3393: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 31 Pop: 4,502 Mil 3394: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 37 Pop: 4,492 Mil 3395: The Fiefdom of RCSY cardfarmer 4 Pop: 4,882 Mil 3396: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 40 Pop: 4,491 Mil 3397: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 49 Pop: 4,348 Mil 3398: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 51 Pop: 4,330 Mil 3399: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 59 Pop: 4,350 Mil 3400: The Jingoistic States of RCSY cardfarmer 6 Pop: 4,892 Mil 3401: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 63 Pop: 4,346 Mil 3402: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 67 Pop: 4,305 Mil 3403: The Dominion of RCSY cardfarmer 7 Pop: 4,851 Mil 3404: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 76 Pop: 4,299 Mil 3405: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 77 Pop: 4,356 Mil 3406: The Grand Duchy of RCSY cardfarmer 8 Pop: 4,858 Mil 3407: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 81 Pop: 4,011 Mil 3408: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 86 Pop: 4,026 Mil 3409: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 90 Pop: 4,042 Mil 3410: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 94 Pop: 4,069 Mil 3411: The Republic of Re-23 Pop: 128 Mil 3412: The Republic of Re-24 Pop: 108 Mil 3413: The Republic of Re-32 Pop: 111 Mil 3414: The Empire of Reagan Ridley Pop: 29 Mil 3415: The Kingdom of Realchoice Pop: 955 Mil 3416: The Golden Alliance of Reantreet Pop: 2,242 Mil 3417: The Republic of Reantreet 3 Pop: 109 Mil 3418: The Square-minded hyerarchy of Reasonics Pop: 9,957 Mil 3419: The Retired Crazy Old Man of Rebel-topia Pop: 26,724 Mil 3420: The Protectorate of Rebeltopia Pop: 21,544 Mil 3421: The Republic of Rebirth- Pop: 516 Mil 3422: The Armed Republic of RED CRAYON Pop: 891 Mil 3423: The Republic of Red Sum Pop: 18 Mil 3424: The Nomadic Peoples of REDACTED all kinds of groovy things th Pop: 987 Mil 3425: The Republic of RedStarCardFarm 11 Pop: 32 Mil 3426: The Republic of RedStarCardFarm 4 Pop: 36 Mil 3427: The United Socialist States of Redunistan Pop: 14 Mil 3428: The Holy Empire of Ree Barbel Pop: 439 Mil 3429: The Empire of Reega Pop: 50 Mil 3430: The Republic of Reformed Flier Kaylana Pop: 1,821 Mil 3431: The Republic of Reformed Fordivingatsianderse Pop: 10 Mil 3432: The Republic of Regg Alletland Pop: 1,598 Mil 3433: The Constitutional Monarchy of Regina Caeli Pop: 40 Mil 3434: The Ministry of Regional Affairs Pop: 12,322 Mil 3435: The Kingdom of Regno del due napoli Pop: 579 Mil 3436: The Republic of Regno Lombardo Pop: 984 Mil 3437: The Dictatorship of Reicheisten Pop: 176 Mil 3438: The United Socialist States of Reichmarchts Pop: 526 Mil 3439: The Constitutional Monarchy of REICHTHORN Pop: 32 Mil 3440: The Federation of Reidellankic Pop: 466 Mil 3441: The Kingdom of Reignal Pop: 292 Mil 3442: The Queendom of Reino do Norte V Pop: 74 Mil 3443: The People's Republic of Rejyaiz Pop: 26 Mil 3444: The Holy Empire of Reka Riccus Pop: 72 Mil 3445: The United Kingdom of Rembola Flippeinoes Pop: 56 Mil 3446: The Armed Republic of Remian Republic Pop: 23 Mil 3447: The Free Land of Renewed Detroit Pop: 26,336 Mil 3448: The Armed Republic of Renkatori Pop: 769 Mil 3449: The Disputed Territories of ReOpen Nominations Pop: 11,802 Mil 3450: The Great Republic of Repica Pop: 2,036 Mil 3451: The Principality of Represhina Pop: 785 Mil 3452: The Protectorate of Republic Aevother Alter Pop: 68 Mil 3453: The People's Republic of Republic Dopizda Pop: 75 Mil 3454: The Republic of Republic of Alberta Pop: 118 Mil 3455: The Republic of Republic of Groznia Pop: 29 Mil 3456: The Community of Republic of Iran Pop: 1,720 Mil 3457: The Free Land of Republic of mahomey Pop: 16 Mil 3458: The Incorporated States of Republic of Maximus Pop: 40 Mil 3459: The Republic of Republic of Midwest America Pop: 69 Mil 3460: The United States of Republic of Oakenshield Pop: 97 Mil 3461: The Republic of Republic of Reformed Unity Pop: 115 Mil 3462: The Imperialistic State of Republic of Rovine Pop: 6,818 Mil 3463: The Kingdom of Republic of the kingdom of Walesh Pop: 36 Mil 3464: The Free Land of Republica Arcana Pop: 255 Mil 3465: The Republic of Republica do brisil Pop: 6 Mil 3466: The Empire of Republica do Centro Norte Pop: 1,996 Mil 3467: The Dictatorship of Republica Popular da Aguia Pop: 56 Mil 3468: The Republic of Republican East Turkestan Pop: 20 Mil 3469: The Kuomintang Remnants of Republican Yunnan Pop: 1,296 Mil 3470: The Republic of Res publica Aemiliana Pop: 10 Mil 3471: The Hydrogen Bomb of Respackjakenrhace Pop: 7,531 Mil 3472: The Republic of Respublica Nova Romana Pop: 335 Mil 3473: The Kingdom of Reunified Prussia Pop: 1,267 Mil 3474: The Republic of Revengeance Pop: 5,503 Mil 3475: The Empire of Rexugitos Pop: 26 Mil 3476: The Dictatorship of Rezana Pop: 62 Mil 3477: The United Socialist States of Reztersey Pop: 40 Mil 3478: The Republic of Rhasesia Pop: 310 Mil 3479: The Inomenes Eparchies of Rhayna Pop: 8,999 Mil 3480: The Federation of Rhodesia-Nyasaland Pop: 1,138 Mil 3481: The Empire of Rhomania Pop: 5,486 Mil 3482: The Republic of Rhovandia Pop: 103 Mil 3483: The Confederated Kingdoms of Rhuellia Pop: 912 Mil 3484: The Republic of Rhugaria Pop: 104 Mil 3485: The Republic of Rhyza Pop: 4,993 Mil 3486: The Tourists Paradise of Riandera Pop: 545 Mil 3487: The Kingdom of Ricardolandia Pop: 76 Mil 3488: The Republic of Richie Rich property Pop: 6 Mil 3489: The Constitutional Monarchy of Rick Astley is GOAT Pop: 7 Mil 3490: The Republic of Ridehale Pop: 18,319 Mil 3491: The Armed Republic of Rikadon Pop: 715 Mil 3492: The Holy Empire of Riley Lovers Pop: 80 Mil 3493: The Republic of Rinethia Pop: 318 Mil 3494: The Republic of Riseba Mastero Pop: 4,424 Mil 3495: The United States of Rishad Pop: 173 Mil 3496: The Oppressed Peoples of Rittiobs Slavadia Pop: 486 Mil 3497: The Republic of Rivanland Pop: 8 Mil 3498: The Holy Empire of RizzlesSigma Pop: 1,252 Mil 3499: The United Kingdom of Rizzmark Pop: 9 Mil 3500: The People's Republic of Rizzton Pop: 40 Mil 3501: The Armed Republic of RKN Pop: 12,898 Mil 3502: The Republic of RN Raphael Pop: 56 Mil 3503: The Curious Observadmin of Roavin Pop: 19,425 Mil 3504: The Commonwealth of Robubli Pop: 496 Mil 3505: The Republic of Rochikun Island Pop: 56 Mil 3506: The Republic of Rochosa Pop: 686 Mil 3507: The Republic of Rocket Snail 105 Pop: 919 Mil 3508: The Republic of Rocket Snail 38 Pop: 907 Mil 3509: The Republic of Rocket Snail 41 Pop: 905 Mil 3510: The Republic of Rocket Snail 50 Pop: 906 Mil 3511: The Republic of Rocket Snail 51 Pop: 908 Mil 3512: The Republic of Rocket Snail 58 Pop: 931 Mil 3513: The Republic of Rocket Snail 64 Pop: 905 Mil 3514: The Republic of Rocket Snail 73 Pop: 909 Mil 3515: The Republic of Rocket Snail 76 Pop: 888 Mil 3516: The Republic of Rocket Snail 78 Pop: 899 Mil 3517: The Republic of Rocket Snail 85 Pop: 916 Mil 3518: The Republic of Rocket Snail 93 Pop: 907 Mil 3519: The Republic of Rocklandiaa Pop: 110 Mil 3520: The Federation of Roeder Pop: 4,647 Mil 3521: The Free Land of ROFLMAO Pop: 334 Mil 3522: The United Kingdom of Roger Maestro Federer Pop: 25,100 Mil 3523: The Republic of Roger Williams Memorial Pop: 4,442 Mil 3524: The Kingdom of Rohan2 Pop: 45 Mil 3525: The Republic of Rohlfsland Pop: 244 Mil 3526: The Confederated Kingdom of Rokatov Pop: 1,665 Mil 3527: The Empire of Rokougan Pop: 1,384 Mil 3528: The Fiefdom of Rom 102 Pop: 184 Mil 3529: The Republic of ROM 104 Pop: 187 Mil 3530: The Republic of ROM 106 Pop: 185 Mil 3531: The Republic of Roma Grandis Pop: 106 Mil 3532: The Federal Republic of Romagna Felice Pop: 50 Mil 3533: The Kingdom of Romakoa Pop: 398 Mil 3534: The Empire of Roman Monaco Pop: 56 Mil 3535: The Empire of Roman State Pop: 2,054 Mil 3536: The Confederacy of Romanadina Pop: 102 Mil 3537: The Republic of Romandacia Pop: 18 Mil 3538: The Republic of Rome Part 2 Electric Boogaloo Pop: 111 Mil 3539: The Republic of Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home NHS Pop: 4,348 Mil 3540: The Republic of Roots sierra Pop: 69 Mil 3541: The Republic of Rortopia Pop: 36 Mil 3542: The Republic of Roscotenickenvity Pop: 69 Mil 3543: The Kingdom of Rosecrest Pop: 1,040 Mil 3544: The Republic of Roshen Chocolate and Caramel Pop: 262 Mil 3545: The Republic of Roshen Coconut and Almonds Pop: 273 Mil 3546: The Republic of Roshen Dark Chocolate Pop: 270 Mil 3547: The Republic of Roshen Milk Chocolate Pop: 267 Mil 3548: The Colony of Roshmunis Pop: 1,842 Mil 3549: The Republic of Rosie the Riveter NHP Pop: 4,363 Mil 3550: The Republic of Ross Commonwealth Pop: 819 Mil 3551: The Empire of Rossiliana Pop: 18 Mil 3552: The Golden Federal Districts of Rotenaplistan Pop: 4,016 Mil 3553: The Kingdom of Roudolum Pop: 40 Mil 3554: The Republic of Routt National Forest Pop: 2,864 Mil 3555: The Commonwealth of Roxk Pop: 86 Mil 3556: The Republic of Royonithin Bown Pop: 73 Mil 3557: The Oppressed Peoples of RTM102 Pop: 56 Mil 3558: The Oppressed Peoples of Rtm53 Pop: 209 Mil 3559: The Free Land of Rtm57 Pop: 202 Mil 3560: The Oppressed Peoples of Rtm60 Pop: 202 Mil 3561: The Republic of Rtm77 Pop: 181 Mil 3562: The Kingdom of Rubes11 Pop: 225 Mil 3563: The Free Land of Rubes12 Pop: 220 Mil 3564: The United States of Rubes16 Pop: 226 Mil 3565: The Confederacy of Rubes20 Pop: 221 Mil 3566: The Federal Republic of Rubes21 Pop: 224 Mil 3567: The Grand Duchy of Rubes3 Pop: 238 Mil 3568: The People's Republic of Rubes5 Pop: 235 Mil 3569: The Republic of Rubes9 Pop: 227 Mil 3570: The Empire of Rukadia Pop: 704 Mil 3571: The Republic of Rusnivka Pop: 23 Mil 3572: The Empire of Russian Oil Pop: 29,555 Mil 3573: The Republic of Russo-Slovakia United Communist States Pop: 10 Mil 3574: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 16 Pop: 4,894 Mil 3575: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 23 Pop: 4,828 Mil 3576: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 36 Pop: 4,534 Mil 3577: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 39 Pop: 4,512 Mil 3578: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 48 Pop: 4,548 Mil 3579: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 5 Pop: 4,897 Mil 3580: The Federal Republic of Ruysia Pop: 16 Mil 3581: The Dictatorship of Ruzu Pop: 6,366 Mil 3582: The Tsardom of Rvenia Pop: 7,504 Mil 3583: The Democratic Republic of Ryazinglesicetople Pop: 18 Mil 3584: The Republic of Ryvir Pop: 9 Mil 3585: The Nomadic Peoples of S and villages after bein a litterbug He Pop: 971 Mil 3586: The United Kingdom of S Georgia and S Sandwich Islands Pop: 12,468 Mil 3587: The Republic of Sa Ahla L Pop: 18 Mil 3588: The Community of Sabbebii Pop: 1,631 Mil 3589: The Democratic Radpublic of Sabirabad Pop: 29,653 Mil 3590: The Abhorsen of Sabriel Pop: 2,452 Mil 3591: The Republic of Sacia Andletran Pop: 111 Mil 3592: The Republic of Saciu Pop: 13,476 Mil 3593: The People's Republic of Sacka Jsiaordia Pop: 7 Mil 3594: The Republic of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta NHA Pop: 4,391 Mil 3595: The Federal Republic of Saddiqshah Pop: 16 Mil 3596: The Dictatorship of Sadico Pop: 18 Mil 3597: The Democratic Republic of Sagera Pop: 45 Mil 3598: The Most Serene Republic of Sagresca Pop: 424 Mil 3599: The Democratic Republic of Sahtif Pop: 182 Mil 3600: The Republic of Saiki K Pop: 571 Mil 3601: The Federation of Sainisarjaku Pop: 8 Mil 3602: The United Kingdom of Saint Callonity Pop: 14 Mil 3603: The Theocracy of Saint Catholic Pop: 1,172 Mil 3604: The Republic of Saint Catracen Pop: 36 Mil 3605: The Dominion of Saint Cecelia Pop: 164 Mil 3606: The Holy Ecclesiarch of Saint Cinder Pop: 10,137 Mil 3607: The Republic of Saint Croix Island International HS Pop: 4,376 Mil 3608: The Republic of Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway Pop: 4,423 Mil 3609: The Community of Saint Dunstan Pop: 85 Mil 3610: The Republic of Saint Floppa Pop: 56 Mil 3611: The Free Land of Saint Freedonia Pop: 103 Mil 3612: The Republic of Saint Gally Proverne Pop: 29 Mil 3613: The Commonwealth of Saint Roberts Pop: 4,609 Mil 3614: The Theocratic Papal Legacy of Saint Romalia Pop: 7,371 Mil 3615: The Republic of Sakura Farming-1 Pop: 275 Mil 3616: The Democratic Republic of Sakurate Pop: 10 Mil 3617: The Confederative Republic of Sal Anderro Pop: 11,900 Mil 3618: The Grand Duchy of Salarica Pop: 104 Mil 3619: The Dominion of Salishar Pop: 21,129 Mil 3620: The Republic of Salmon Wild River Pop: 4,431 Mil 3621: The Borderlands of Saltenia Pop: 36 Mil 3622: The Incorporated States of Saltran Mon Pop: 40 Mil 3623: The Democratic Republic of Sam Sen Diviesovares Pop: 29 Mil 3624: The United Socialist States of Samenith Pop: 6,053 Mil 3625: The Republic of Sameth Pop: 130 Mil 3626: The Kingdom of San Diegosol Pop: 7,140 Mil 3627: The Normal Person of San Marsico Pop: 2,161 Mil 3628: The Democratic States of San Tarentino Pop: 631 Mil 3629: The Republic of Sanar and Ryelle Pop: 129 Mil 3630: The Holy Empire of Sanctum Imperium Hominum Pop: 14 Mil 3631: The Theocracy of Sanctumnia Pop: 68 Mil 3632: The Federal Republic of Sand Dardestopia Pop: 196 Mil 3633: The Rational Republic of Sanden Pop: 25,013 Mil 3634: The Most Serene Republic of Sandiegoa Pop: 3,464 Mil 3635: The Republic of Saniah Und Pop: 110 Mil 3636: The Kingdom of Saniso Pop: 56 Mil 3637: The Republic of Santa Fe National Trail Pop: 4,407 Mil 3638: The Democratic States of Santacurz Pop: 8 Mil 3639: The Sandenian Protectorate of Santarcia Pop: 23,594 Mil 3640: The Grand Duchy of Santeva Pop: 1,734 Mil 3641: The Republic of Santiago de Norte Pop: 4,631 Mil 3642: The People's Republic of Santiago Valor Pop: 321 Mil 3643: The Republic of Santiera Pop: 105 Mil 3644: The Democratic People's Republic of Sarkington Pop: 4,780 Mil 3645: The Republic of Sartestan Pop: 218 Mil 3646: The Democratic States of Sasanians Pop: 12 Mil 3647: The Principality of Sashimilandia Pop: 23 Mil 3648: The Nomadic Peoples of Sat down after a whole big thing there a Pop: 976 Mil 3649: The Federated Communal Republics of Satanaeterra Pop: 791 Mil 3650: The Empire of Satrian island Pop: 14 Mil 3651: The Kingdom of Satvahan Pop: 3,554 Mil 3652: The People's Republic of Satyoung Pop: 127 Mil 3653: The Kingdom of Saubdi arabia Pop: 111 Mil 3654: The Sultanate of Saudi Kafeel Pop: 26 Mil 3655: The Empire of Sautu Pop: 8,044 Mil 3656: The Democratic States of Sauvicia Pop: 2,171 Mil 3657: The Republic of Sawaq Pop: 40 Mil 3658: The Free Land of Sca Slova Cora Pop: 1,380 Mil 3659: The Sandenian Protectorate of Scalten Pop: 22,267 Mil 3660: The Matriarchy of Scarletown Pop: 7,703 Mil 3661: The Republic of Scary ghost ooooo Pop: 176 Mil 3662: The Empire of Schilvantivial Pop: 6 Mil 3663: The Free Land of Schizophrenia enjoyer Pop: 12 Mil 3664: The Energy of the Future of Schlumberger Pop: 10,320 Mil 3665: The Republic of Schneland Pop: 14,562 Mil 3666: The Republic of Schuylkill River Valley NHA Pop: 4,379 Mil 3667: The Republic of Science development union Pop: 172 Mil 3668: The Most Serene Republic of Science Discoverers Pop: 6,059 Mil 3669: The Protectorate of Scoblese Heavenly Mandate Pop: 23 Mil 3670: The Yours Sincerely of Scogda Pop: 1,541 Mil 3671: The Glorious Empire of Scogovina Pop: 9,366 Mil 3672: The Federation of Scopoleceda Pop: 4,472 Mil 3673: The Dictatorship of ScroogeMcDuckville Pop: 14 Mil 3674: The Most Serene Republic of Scu Greinne Pop: 1,364 Mil 3675: The Rogue Nation of Scumdog Pop: 93 Mil 3676: The Principality of Scythia-Ruthenia Pop: 16 Mil 3677: The Sultanate of Sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf Pop: 20 Mil 3678: The Kingdom of Seawista Pop: 242 Mil 3679: The Holy Empire of Secoble Isles Pop: 7 Mil 3680: The Federation of Second Ganza Pop: 36 Mil 3681: The Great Ming Dynasty 大明朝 of Second Sina Pop: 929 Mil 3682: The Republic of Sector 175 Pop: 20 Mil 3683: The Kingdom of Sedunn Pop: 24,549 Mil 3684: The Pretty Cool Kingdom of Seiddit Pop: 5,820 Mil 3685: The ─╤╦︻ ᎴᏗᏁᎥᏋᏝ ᎶᏗᏁᎶ ︻╦╤─ of Sein Pop: 6,952 Mil 3686: The Republic of Sekovian Pop: 12 Mil 3687: The Federal Republic of Sellicsopho Pop: 7 Mil 3688: The Republic of Semarami Pop: 4,684 Mil 3689: The Grand Duchy of Semone Pop: 92 Mil 3690: The Principality of Senate Romans Pop: 20 Mil 3691: The Confederacy of Senchal and Torval Pop: 708 Mil 3692: The Constitutional Monarchy of Senectus Pop: 5,973 Mil 3693: The Constitutional Monarchy of Senkent Mace Pop: 12,726 Mil 3694: The Commonwealth of Sentaric Pop: 103 Mil 3695: The Constitutional Monarchy of Seola Pop: 8 Mil 3696: The Free Land of Seplian Pop: 208 Mil 3697: The United Commonwealths of Septentrea Pop: 3,392 Mil 3698: The Holy Empire of Ser Artys Arryn Pop: 1,224 Mil 3699: The Holy Empire of Seraphit Pop: 307 Mil 3700: The Dictatorship of Serbian Soviet Federation Pop: 148 Mil 3701: The Most Serene Republic of Serceloce Pop: 1,157 Mil 3702: The Obsessed Fans of Sergeant McCool Pop: 10,652 Mil 3703: The Free Land of Serzic Pop: 18,012 Mil 3704: The Republic of Setamia Pop: 9 Mil 3705: The Republic of Sevdea Pop: 265 Mil 3706: The Constitutional Monarchy of Severely Oppressed Nation Pop: 2,923 Mil 3707: The Kingdom of Seygricia Pop: 92 Mil 3708: The Peoples Republic of Seyja Pop: 11,496 Mil 3709: The Republic of Seyka Pop: 362 Mil 3710: The Kingdom of Seythennia Pop: 17,921 Mil 3711: The Commonwealth of Sezhuar Pop: 256 Mil 3712: The Matriarchy of Sgaana Pop: 5,395 Mil 3713: The Kingdom of Shaderia Pop: 114 Mil 3714: The Kingdom of Shadic Spider Pop: 3,402 Mil 3715: The Empire of Shadow Galatica Pop: 618 Mil 3716: The Kingdom of Shadowrest Pop: 2,846 Mil 3717: The Armed Republic of Shakiki Pop: 741 Mil 3718: The Republic of Shane Victorino Pop: 20 Mil 3719: The United Socialist States of Shanghuaxia Pop: 761 Mil 3720: The Empire of Shanosae Pop: 223 Mil 3721: The Theocracy of Shantaria Pop: 438 Mil 3722: The Empire of Sharkbytes Pop: 20 Mil 3723: The Armed Republic of Shaurezi Pop: 779 Mil 3724: The Commonwealth of Shaven Fre Pop: 446 Mil 3725: The Armed Republic of Shaviron Pop: 746 Mil 3726: The Imperial Coalition of SHAYTAN UKHIROSS Pop: 40,239 Mil 3727: The Armed Republic of Shazumi Pop: 765 Mil 3728: The Republic of She Mebe Pop: 36 Mil 3729: The Press Play of Sheeranland Pop: 5,650 Mil 3730: The Democratic Republic of Shefino Pop: 11,496 Mil 3731: The Empire of Shiahia Pop: 73 Mil 3732: The Republic of Shiloh Military Park Pop: 4,407 Mil 3733: The Armed Republic of Shimari Pop: 752 Mil 3734: The Armed Republic of Shimiki Pop: 759 Mil 3735: The Armed Republic of Shinizu Pop: 793 Mil 3736: The Archipelago of Shintennoukoku Pop: 2,760 Mil 3737: The Armed Republic of Shintorei Pop: 781 Mil 3738: The Republic of Ship41 Pop: 187 Mil 3739: The Republic of Ship50 Pop: 193 Mil 3740: The Republic of Ship52 Pop: 169 Mil 3741: The Republic of Ship53 Pop: 169 Mil 3742: The Republic of Ship54 Pop: 171 Mil 3743: The Republic of Ship61 Pop: 136 Mil 3744: The Republic of Ship63 Pop: 135 Mil 3745: The Republic of Ship68 Pop: 135 Mil 3746: The Republic of Ship77 Pop: 128 Mil 3747: The Republic of Ship79 Pop: 125 Mil 3748: The Republic of Ship85 Pop: 122 Mil 3749: The Republic of Ship89 Pop: 122 Mil 3750: The Republic of Ship98 Pop: 123 Mil 3751: The Kingdom of Shiresspia Pop: 23 Mil 3752: The Armed Republic of Shirinoko Pop: 758 Mil 3753: The Republic of Shnana Pop: 36 Mil 3754: The Allied States of Shokemania Pop: 169 Mil 3755: The Purple Meritocratic Republic of Shorax Pop: 2,362 Mil 3756: The Holy Empire of Shretinos Pop: 18 Mil 3757: The Empire of Shuduza Pop: 80 Mil 3758: The Armed Republic of Shumitak Pop: 730 Mil 3759: The Armed Republic of Shunemiri Pop: 852 Mil 3760: The Armed Republic of Shurako Pop: 767 Mil 3761: The Armed Republic of Shurekati Pop: 854 Mil 3762: The Kingdom of Shwifty nation Pop: 6 Mil 3763: The Late 2021 Era State of Siberia union Pop: 8,045 Mil 3764: The Federation of Siberian Socialist States Pop: 1,990 Mil 3765: The United States of Sideswoop Pop: 9 Mil 3766: The United Kingdom of Siem De jager Pop: 62 Mil 3767: The Republic of Sientian Confederation Pop: 175 Mil 3768: The Republic of Sigma landd Pop: 36 Mil 3769: The Lyrical SoPac Mission of Sigma Lyricalia Pop: 15,856 Mil 3770: The Free Land of Sigma9 nation Pop: 155 Mil 3771: The Holy Empire of Sigmalantis Pop: 122 Mil 3772: The Confederacy of Sigmas of boy Pop: 32 Mil 3773: The Empire of Sigmodeus Pop: 75 Mil 3774: The Empire of Sigmor Pop: 782 Mil 3775: The Republic of Signar Pop: 6,038 Mil 3776: The Federal Republic of Sigzofelly Pop: 4,927 Mil 3777: The Community of Sihvanaya Pop: 8 Mil 3778: The Democratic Republic of Sikkaland Pop: 556 Mil 3779: The Democratic Republic of Silksongs Pop: 886 Mil 3780: The Emperor repairing a nation of Silmad Pop: 20,878 Mil 3781: The Theocracy of Silybily Pop: 7 Mil 3782: The Republic of Simbasland Pop: 77 Mil 3783: The Republic of Simplar Pop: 20 Mil 3784: The Oppressed Peoples of Simulium vittatum Pop: 14 Mil 3785: The Democratic Republic of Sinese Kampuchea Pop: 2,803 Mil 3786: The State of Sinese Manchukuo Pop: 2,800 Mil 3787: The Republic of Singadope Pop: 466 Mil 3788: The Republic of Singap0re Pop: 5,583 Mil 3789: The Republic of Singapore YI Pop: 928 Mil 3790: The Federal Republic of Singiaepore Pop: 134 Mil 3791: The Cheddar Knight of Sir Zanny Pop: 7,974 Mil 3792: The Commonwealth of Siroco Pop: 4,141 Mil 3793: The Kingdom of Sirty Pop: 82 Mil 3794: The Republic of Sitka NHP Pop: 4,372 Mil 3795: The Republic of Siylavij Pop: 69 Mil 3796: The UFP of Skaladoria Pop: 8,776 Mil 3797: The Armed Republic of Skapitori Pop: 849 Mil 3798: The Armed Republic of Skeluzhi Pop: 870 Mil 3799: The Armed Republic of Skemirashi Pop: 858 Mil 3800: The Republic of Skibidi Thrashing Pop: 36 Mil 3801: The Oppressed Peoples of SkibidiRizz Australia Pop: 127 Mil 3802: The Federation of Skibidirizz2 Pop: 8 Mil 3803: The Grand Duchy of Skillmania Pop: 641 Mil 3804: The Armed Republic of Skitezuma Pop: 841 Mil 3805: The Kingdom of Skjolva Pop: 526 Mil 3806: The Republic of Sklorpgorb of Planet Exlcubior Pop: 165 Mil 3807: The Federal Kingdom of Skwar Pop: 12,220 Mil 3808: The Dominion of Slack Pop: 32 Mil 3809: The Incorporated States of Sladandava Pop: 18 Mil 3810: The Rogue Nation of Slaves Hold Pop: 62 Mil 3811: The Empire of Slavic Prussia Pop: 1,912 Mil 3812: The People's Republic of Slaviliria Pop: 756 Mil 3813: The Colony of Slavion global industries corp Pop: 86 Mil 3814: The Serene and Ancient Empire of Slobovia Pop: 29,198 Mil 3815: The Dictatorship of Slonesa Pop: 104 Mil 3816: The Republic of Small Ballular Pop: 16 Mil 3817: The Democratic Republic of Smileland 2 Pop: 29 Mil 3818: The Holy Empire of Smileyville Pop: 50 Mil 3819: The Holy Empire of Smocz Pop: 5,900 Mil 3820: The Republic of Smol Ina Pop: 7,467 Mil 3821: The Community of SMolIVs Pop: 111 Mil 3822: The Federal Republic of Snaelaand Pop: 88 Mil 3823: The Free Land of Snail Mail Pop: 6,440 Mil 3824: The Republic of Snarky Pop: 22,997 Mil 3825: The Dominion of Snek Land Pop: 1,060 Mil 3826: The Republic of Snrnrp Pop: 87 Mil 3827: The Queendom of SNSD Pop: 2,511 Mil 3828: The United States of So much Freedomland Pop: 924 Mil 3829: The Republic of Sob81 Pop: 86 Mil 3830: The Republic of Sob90 Pop: 88 Mil 3831: The Pink Holy Lucky Christmas of Social Democrats Pop: 5,696 Mil 3832: The Borderlands of Socialist Democratic Republic of Eschten Pop: 98 Mil 3833: The Democratic Republic of Socialist Paraw Pop: 56 Mil 3834: The People's Republic of Socialist peoples republic of Cyprus Pop: 10 Mil 3835: The People's Republic of Socialist Revolutionary Lugansk Pop: 10 Mil 3836: The United Socialist States of Socialist Rusi Pop: 50 Mil 3837: The Republic of Socialist State Of Valacia Pop: 6 Mil 3838: The Democratic Republic of Socialist Syria Pop: 462 Mil 3839: The Republic of Socialistic Falklands Pop: 26 Mil 3840: The Republic of Soclic Blot Pop: 161 Mil 3841: The Freople of Soem Pop: 38,083 Mil 3842: The Community of Soicalism Pop: 7,188 Mil 3843: The Armed Republic of Soldatis Pop: 1,037 Mil 3844: The Holy Empire of Solimarcia Pop: 626 Mil 3845: The Kingdom of Solstharis Pop: 45 Mil 3846: The Dictatorship of Solvariana Pop: 84 Mil 3847: The Incorporated States of Someplace1212 Pop: 19,515 Mil 3848: The Dictatorship of Somerlan Pop: 40 Mil 3849: The Queendom of Sophiia Pop: 18 Mil 3850: The Free Land of Sophitopia Pop: 142 Mil 3851: The Borderlands of Soradev Pop: 2,220 Mil 3852: The Federal Republic of Sordland and Agnolia Pop: 652 Mil 3853: The Tsardom of Sornijakia Pop: 5,408 Mil 3854: The Allied States of Sorria Pop: 8 Mil 3855: The Emergency of SoS Pop: 5,474 Mil 3856: The People's Republic of Sound Pron Pop: 62 Mil 3857: The Republic of Sourium Pop: 4,449 Mil 3858: The Commonwealth of South Africa and Namibia Pop: 1,585 Mil 3859: The Republic of South Aimilia Pop: 9 Mil 3860: The Republic of South Alm Pop: 40 Mil 3861: The Commonwealth of South Arabian Republic Pop: 492 Mil 3862: The Democratic States of South Arennia Pop: 223 Mil 3863: The Republic of South Carolina Heritage Corridor Pop: 4,368 Mil 3864: The Republic of South Cen Kaosta Pop: 470 Mil 3865: The Republic of South Eastern Poland Pop: 6,733 Mil 3866: The Republic of South Elegarth Pop: 10,089 Mil 3867: The Elite Ambassador of South Elite Pop: 1,586 Mil 3868: The Republic of South Eregion Pop: 11,293 Mil 3869: The Confederacy of South Lanicia Pop: 101 Mil 3870: The Republic of South Marguerite Pop: 56 Mil 3871: The Republic of South Minorca Pop: 135 Mil 3872: The Hi guys of South Nivosea Pop: 3,375 Mil 3873: The Regional Military of South Pacific Special Forces Pop: 6,791 Mil 3874: The Icy Spires of South Pacific UPC Pop: 6,335 Mil 3875: The Empire of South Pacific X Country Pop: 2,349 Mil 3876: The Oppressed Peoples of South Pacifica Isles Pop: 11,786 Mil 3877: The Kingdom of South Polynesia Islands Pop: 14,668 Mil 3878: The Rogue Nation of South Saharan Republic Pop: 832 Mil 3879: The Ravanian Caretaker of South Unibot Pop: 28,438 Mil 3880: The Rogue Nation of South Venison Pop: 2,791 Mil 3881: The Republic of South Vespucia Pop: 50 Mil 3882: The Democratic Republic of South Western Korea Pop: 10,548 Mil 3883: The Democratic Republic of South Western Korea v2 Pop: 10,276 Mil 3884: The Republic of South Western Poland Pop: 3,828 Mil 3885: The Republic of Southern Amerion Pop: 12,351 Mil 3886: The South Pacific Pirate of Southern Bellz Pop: 26,911 Mil 3887: The Dreamy Land of Southern Bor Schon Ira Pop: 1,121 Mil 3888: The Principality of Southern danzig Pop: 45 Mil 3889: The Republic of Southern Embycholic Kateruisn Pop: 112 Mil 3890: The Free Land of Southern Fer Ald Delozoyatin Pop: 68 Mil 3891: The Republic of Southern Fort Knox II Pop: 8,270 Mil 3892: The Constitutional Monarchy of Southern Japan Pop: 645 Mil 3893: The Republic of Southern Numenor Pop: 15,748 Mil 3894: The Dictatorship of Southern Polish Dictatorship Pop: 26 Mil 3895: The Confederacy of Southern Republics Pop: 4,907 Mil 3896: The Theocracy of Southern Rihia Aresh Pop: 98 Mil 3897: The Armed Republic of Southern Utonerecot Pop: 32 Mil 3898: The Government Program of Southern World Assembly Initiative Pop: 14,577 Mil 3899: The Most Serene Republic of Southernmost Arctic Pop: 205 Mil 3900: The Colony of Southie is really taken Pop: 18,618 Mil 3901: The Republic of Southy Scalika Pop: 36 Mil 3902: The Holy Empire of Sovanixemarticannipp Pop: 124 Mil 3903: The Commonwealth of Sovann Pop: 79 Mil 3904: The Kingdom of Sovase Pop: 8,069 Mil 3905: The Armed Republic of Sovereign Milltary Order Of Malta Pop: 12 Mil 3906: The Kingdom of Sovereign Poles Pop: 109 Mil 3907: The Federation of Soviet Galactica Pop: 443 Mil 3908: The Dictatorship of Soviet Jamesland Pop: 62 Mil 3909: The Dictatorship of Soviumattasaion Pop: 26 Mil 3910: The Empire of Sovonor Pop: 22,508 Mil 3911: The United Kingdom of Sovreignry South Pacific Pop: 25,890 Mil 3912: The Republic of Spa Ill Atand Pop: 11,364 Mil 3913: The Queendom of Sparkle Princess Town Pop: 40 Mil 3914: The Community of Special Containment Procedure Foundation Pop: 8 Mil 3915: The Holy Empire of Spicy Cheese Bread Pop: 113 Mil 3916: The Neighborhood Webcrawler of Spiderman Pop: 5,732 Mil 3917: The Free Land of Spidermanlovers Pop: 32 Mil 3918: The Free Land of Spifftropica Pop: 86 Mil 3919: The Republic of Spirit Sword Pop: 4,458 Mil 3920: The Community of Spolen Pop: 91 Mil 3921: The Protectorate of Spoox Pop: 25,278 Mil 3922: The South Pacific Iced Tea of Sporaltryus Pop: 17,926 Mil 3923: The Federal Republic of Spreekia Pop: 9 Mil 3924: The Unicorntopia of Springwalla Pop: 2,329 Mil 3925: The Armed Republic of Sprinkler Pop: 15,157 Mil 3926: The Republic of SPROUT Pop: 86 Mil 3927: The Republic of Spsf card storage Pop: 1,256 Mil 3928: The Off-Update Defenders of SPSF Tidal Force Pop: 11,817 Mil 3929: The Nomadic Peoples of Spul Pop: 25,266 Mil 3930: The Federation of SSundeedabs Pop: 9 Mil 3931: The Confederacy of the 3 Islands of St Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Pop: 12,376 Mil 3932: The Principality of St Rozzeth Pop: 93 Mil 3933: The Empire of Stahlich Pop: 69 Mil 3934: The Republic of Staideria Pop: 211 Mil 3935: The Republic of Stand Alle Cat Pop: 16 Mil 3936: The Republic of StandFord Pop: 29 Mil 3937: The Haven Realm of Stansu Pop: 3,729 Mil 3938: The Dictatorship of Star-lord Pop: 8 Mil 3939: The Republic of Starfire Islands Pop: 17,963 Mil 3940: The Imperial State of Starhunter Pop: 41,399 Mil 3941: The Empire of State of euro Pop: 81 Mil 3942: The Republic of StatesNation Pop: 169 Mil 3943: The Republic of Stealing Cards 14 Pop: 322 Mil 3944: The Republic of Stealing Cards 15 Pop: 325 Mil 3945: The Republic of Stealing Cards 16 Pop: 322 Mil 3946: The Republic of Stealing Cards 17 Pop: 323 Mil 3947: The Republic of Stealing Cards 2 Pop: 321 Mil 3948: The Republic of Steamtown NHS Pop: 4,443 Mil 3949: The United Socialist States of Stedmani Pop: 26 Mil 3950: The Republic of Steenkamp Pop: 6,807 Mil 3951: The Federation of Steng Union Pop: 101 Mil 3952: The Republic of Steppenwolf Pop: 1,969 Mil 3953: The Federation of Stevey Pop: 95 Mil 3954: The Kingdom of StGeorgeland Pop: 14 Mil 3955: The Glorious Evolution of Sthalrim Pop: 15,149 Mil 3956: The Empire of Stickaca Pop: 29 Mil 3957: The Colony of Stiltopia Pop: 1,341 Mil 3958: The Confederacy of Stohess District Pop: 566 Mil 3959: The Republic of Stonefield Pop: 342 Mil 3960: The Republic of Stones River National Battlefield Pop: 4,435 Mil 3961: The Constitutional Republic of Stonewick Pop: 9,917 Mil 3962: The Holy Empire of Stopgambling Pop: 749 Mil 3963: The Disputed Territories of Stormcrows Pop: 191 Mil 3964: The Republic of Stotheimaus Pop: 118 Mil 3965: The Republic of Stratokratta Pop: 1,027 Mil 3966: The Republic of Straw the Straw Hats Pop: 14 Mil 3967: The Nomadic Peoples of Street Hobos Pop: 26 Mil 3968: The Holy Empire of STROWMANLAND Pop: 249 Mil 3969: The Republic of Strumpo Pop: 257 Mil 3970: The Dictatorship of Stunt Bol Pop: 45 Mil 3971: The Republic of Sudbury River Pop: 4,462 Mil 3972: The People's Republic of Suden Coland Pop: 481 Mil 3973: The Kingdom of Suecia Pop: 4,464 Mil 3974: The Rogue Nation of Suffering From Freedom Pop: 530 Mil 3975: The Republic of Suism Dist Pop: 109 Mil 3976: The Empire of Sultantete of the ottoman empire Pop: 69 Mil 3977: The Principality of Sumareti Pop: 62 Mil 3978: The Free Land of Sumina Pop: 6,480 Mil 3979: The Democratic Republic of Sun stone Pop: 72 Mil 3980: The Swedish overseas land of Sundoarna Pop: 23,039 Mil 3981: The United States of SungJinWoo Pop: 23 Mil 3982: The Democratic Republic of Sunset Shrimp Pop: 125 Mil 3983: The Federal Republic of Suova Pop: 32 Mil 3984: The Federation of Super 3arth Pop: 1,843 Mil 3985: The Holy Empire of Super Skibidi gifted teenagers Pop: 26 Mil 3986: The Democratic States of Super Venus Pop: 187 Mil 3987: The Democratic Republic of Superior Wisconsin Pop: 95 Mil 3988: The Democratic Republic of SuperJupiter Pop: 18 Mil 3989: The Republic of Superstar Billy Graham Pop: 3,121 Mil 3990: The Republic of Superstiti di West Torino Pop: 26 Mil 3991: The United Kingdom of Suscar Pop: 6 Mil 3992: The Republic of Suspicious Chicken Pop: 5,572 Mil 3993: The County of Sussex Pop: 26,086 Mil 3994: The Socialist Federation of Sutarianesia Pop: 9,059 Mil 3995: The Republic of Sutmin Pop: 18 Mil 3996: The Republic of SV-10 Pop: 701 Mil 3997: The Republic of SV-4 Pop: 679 Mil 3998: The Republic of SV-6 Pop: 664 Mil 3999: The Republic of SV-9 Pop: 677 Mil 4000: The Constitutional Monarchy of Svenderlands Pop: 29 Mil 4001: The Kingdom of Swanburg Pop: 7 Mil 4002: The Republic of Swegulas Pop: 29 Mil 4003: The Springtrap78 of Swenfia 2 Pop: 3,658 Mil 4004: The Holy Cheesedom of Swiss Cheese Wheel Pop: 1,982 Mil 4005: The Colony of Swiss Istonian Puppet State Pop: 169 Mil 4006: The Federation of Swiss Nations Of Rise Pop: 62 Mil 4007: The Kingdom of Sword of Damocles Pop: 728 Mil 4008: The Democratic Republic of Sydney Harbour Pop: 26 Mil 4009: The Kingdom of Syikoku Pop: 452 Mil 4010: The Holy Empire of Sylann Pop: 99 Mil 4011: The Community of Sylvanias Pop: 56 Mil 4012: The Democratic States of Sylvus Pop: 14,157 Mil 4013: The Federation of Syndicalist Republics Pop: 213 Mil 4014: The United States of SynerCorp Pop: 2,510 Mil 4015: The People's Republic of Syquerio Pop: 158 Mil 4016: The Republic of Syssia Ceence Pop: 7 Mil 4017: The Federation of Sytern Pop: 392 Mil 4018: The Red Panda Clan of Syvani Pop: 13,645 Mil 4019: The Federal Republic of Szurea Pop: 2,619 Mil 4020: The Empire of T a k a r o v Pop: 32 Mil 4021: The Colony of Ta Khmau Pop: 255 Mil 4022: The Republic of Tadistria Pop: 29 Mil 4023: The Republic of Tagger XX Pop: 20 Mil 4024: The Republic of Tagger XXI Pop: 20 Mil 4025: The Emirate of Tahiron Pop: 2,556 Mil 4026: The Quinte Republice of Taigama Pop: 7,527 Mil 4027: The Federation of Taintava Pop: 139 Mil 4028: The Federal Republic of Taiyuen Pop: 168 Mil 4029: The Federal Puppet State of Talitasky Pop: 1,393 Mil 4030: The Republic of Tally Youngblood Pop: 1,000 Mil 4031: The Protectorate of Talonsvaal Republiek Pop: 163 Mil 4032: The Kingdom of Tamagolandia Pop: 8 Mil 4033: The Republic of Tamazigh Pop: 16 Mil 4034: The Most Serene Republic of Tanah Bodoh Pop: 26 Mil 4035: The Colony of Tand Pop: 25,247 Mil 4036: The Colony of Tank You Pop: 5,866 Mil 4037: The United Socialist States of Tannu Tuvalu Pop: 878 Mil 4038: The Fiefdom of Tantor Pop: 597 Mil 4039: The Senate and People of Tanyaland Pop: 4,174 Mil 4040: The Commonwealth of Tara Hills Pop: 4,651 Mil 4041: The Theocracy of Tarakadis Pop: 45 Mil 4042: The Theocracy of Taraterra Pop: 4,684 Mil 4043: The United States of Taratium Pop: 204 Mil 4044: The Republic of Tarcena Pop: 26 Mil 4045: The Empire of Tariloria Pop: 101 Mil 4046: The Republic of Tarniburge Pop: 62 Mil 4047: The People's Republic of Tarsovania Pop: 16 Mil 4048: The Fruitless Nascency of Tartana Pop: 2,172 Mil 4049: The Empire of Tauvon Pop: 318 Mil 4050: The Commonwealth of Tawoko Pop: 9 Mil 4051: The Kingdom of TaxTheePoor Pop: 8 Mil 4052: The Tortured Poets Department of Taylor Alison Pop: 3,098 Mil 4053: The Anthology of Taylor Swift- Pop: 2,804 Mil 4054: The People's Republic of Tazodiamunsion Pop: 26 Mil 4055: The Armed Republic of Tcfsr Pop: 975 Mil 4056: The Constitutional Monarchy of Tchongotchenia Pop: 720 Mil 4057: The Allied States of TDDS Nuclear Taskforce Pop: 9,191 Mil 4058: The Holy Empire of Tea mi lux Pop: 23 Mil 4059: The People's Republic of Teanopillen Pop: 215 Mil 4060: The Incorporated States of Tecnolotopia Pop: 26 Mil 4061: The Republic of Tedbarria Pop: 100 Mil 4062: The Republic of Teegiessfuniabiestland Pop: 50 Mil 4063: The Republic of Telemos Pop: 18 Mil 4064: The Colony of Telfordtown Pop: 88 Mil 4065: The Greater State of Telonovia Pop: 8,012 Mil 4066: The Nomadic Peoples of Ten colour glossy pictures with the circ Pop: 977 Mil 4067: The Rogue Nation of Ten10 Pop: 1,815 Mil 4068: The Republic of Tennessee Civil War NHA Pop: 4,410 Mil 4069: The Democratic States of Tenrecopia Pop: 459 Mil 4070: The Republic of TEOSSR Pop: 211 Mil 4071: The Lucky Easter Egg Hunter of Tepertopia Pop: 11,319 Mil 4072: The Commonwealth of Terra Sur Pop: 470 Mil 4073: The People's Republic of Terra-Brasiles Pop: 171 Mil 4074: The Republic of Terran Draconia Pop: 10,988 Mil 4075: The Republic of Terrible farming nation 245 Pop: 4,856 Mil 4076: The Republic of Terrible Farming Nation 318 Pop: 4,869 Mil 4077: The Republic of Test 12938218391238991293 Pop: 67 Mil 4078: The Republic of Test 2 Minger Jash Pop: 83 Mil 4079: The Republic of Test Site 2 Pop: 635 Mil 4080: The Republic of Testederistanammem Pop: 107 Mil 4081: The Republic of Tester101938850202 Pop: 74 Mil 4082: The Republic of Tester1847840102957 Pop: 75 Mil 4083: The Free and Happy Republic of Testing Happy Pop: 7,953 Mil 4084: The Oppressed Peoples of Tevadicia Pop: 282 Mil 4085: The Free Land of Tevahi Pop: 8 Mil 4086: The Republic of Tewte Pop: 68 Mil 4087: The Principality of Texal Esag Pop: 202 Mil 4088: The Principality of Texaskan Colonies 11 Pop: 1,400 Mil 4089: The Nomadic Peoples of Texaskan Colonies 17 Pop: 1,360 Mil 4090: The Republic of Texaskan Colonies 4 Pop: 2,019 Mil 4091: The United Kingdom of Tgv10 Pop: 95 Mil 4092: The United Kingdom of Tgv107 Pop: 91 Mil 4093: The United Kingdom of Tgv111 Pop: 91 Mil 4094: The United Kingdom of Tgv123 Pop: 93 Mil 4095: The United Kingdom of Tgv129 Pop: 94 Mil 4096: The United Kingdom of Tgv133 Pop: 93 Mil 4097: The United Kingdom of Tgv137 Pop: 88 Mil 4098: The United Kingdom of Tgv144 Pop: 91 Mil 4099: The United Kingdom of Tgv148 Pop: 94 Mil 4100: The United Kingdom of Tgv155 Pop: 92 Mil 4101: The United Kingdom of Tgv160 Pop: 93 Mil 4102: The United Kingdom of Tgv163 Pop: 89 Mil 4103: The United Kingdom of Tgv181 Pop: 94 Mil 4104: The United Kingdom of Tgv190 Pop: 95 Mil 4105: The United Kingdom of Tgv197 Pop: 94 Mil 4106: The United Kingdom of Tgv2 Pop: 95 Mil 4107: The United Kingdom of Tgv213 Pop: 91 Mil 4108: The United Kingdom of Tgv219 Pop: 94 Mil 4109: The United Kingdom of Tgv220 Pop: 91 Mil 4110: The United Kingdom of Tgv237 Pop: 91 Mil 4111: The United Kingdom of Tgv242 Pop: 90 Mil 4112: The United Kingdom of Tgv243 Pop: 95 Mil 4113: The United Kingdom of Tgv247 Pop: 91 Mil 4114: The United Kingdom of Tgv27 Pop: 92 Mil 4115: The United Kingdom of Tgv295 Pop: 94 Mil 4116: The United Kingdom of Tgv296 Pop: 89 Mil 4117: The United Kingdom of Tgv298 Pop: 90 Mil 4118: The United Kingdom of Tgv30 Pop: 95 Mil 4119: The United Kingdom of Tgv310 Pop: 93 Mil 4120: The United Kingdom of Tgv311 Pop: 92 Mil 4121: The United Kingdom of Tgv317 Pop: 92 Mil 4122: The United Kingdom of Tgv337 Pop: 92 Mil 4123: The United Kingdom of Tgv340 Pop: 94 Mil 4124: The United Kingdom of Tgv354 Pop: 95 Mil 4125: The United Kingdom of Tgv363 Pop: 90 Mil 4126: The United Kingdom of Tgv383 Pop: 91 Mil 4127: The United Kingdom of Tgv386 Pop: 89 Mil 4128: The United Kingdom of Tgv400 Pop: 92 Mil 4129: The United Kingdom of Tgv406 Pop: 91 Mil 4130: The United Kingdom of Tgv42 Pop: 94 Mil 4131: The United Kingdom of Tgv437 Pop: 90 Mil 4132: The United Kingdom of Tgv441 Pop: 91 Mil 4133: The United Kingdom of Tgv442 Pop: 92 Mil 4134: The United Kingdom of Tgv458 Pop: 88 Mil 4135: The United Kingdom of Tgv465 Pop: 92 Mil 4136: The United Kingdom of Tgv469 Pop: 85 Mil 4137: The United Kingdom of Tgv496 Pop: 85 Mil 4138: The United Kingdom of Tgv56 Pop: 93 Mil 4139: The United Kingdom of Tgv67 Pop: 93 Mil 4140: The United Kingdom of Tgv70 Pop: 90 Mil 4141: The United Kingdom of Tgv76 Pop: 91 Mil 4142: The United Kingdom of Tgv97 Pop: 90 Mil 4143: The Empire of Tha Vilakranders Pop: 152 Mil 4144: The Democratic Republic of Thassarica Pop: 769 Mil 4145: The Armed Republic of The 70th Podrian Flotilla Pop: 1,946 Mil 4146: The Empire of The 7eventh Pop: 40 Mil 4147: The Republic of The Achericend Pop: 2,985 Mil 4148: The Allied States of The Aegean Confederation Pop: 111 Mil 4149: The Cakeitalist Extremist of The Age of Utopia Pop: 12,086 Mil 4150: The Empire of The AIR Empire Pop: 518 Mil 4151: The Republic of The Akian Islands Pop: 9,721 Mil 4152: The Empire of The Alaxish Empire Pop: 91 Mil 4153: The Amazonian Empire of The Amazons Daughters Pop: 39,608 Mil 4154: The Democratic Republic of The Appearance of the Citizens Pop: 20 Mil 4155: The Free Land of The armed republic of reno Pop: 6,248 Mil 4156: The Pretitle of The Assembly Gazette Pop: 6,779 Mil 4157: The Federation of The asterist Pop: 12 Mil 4158: The Cheerleading Dominion of The Badgerette Pop: 38,940 Mil 4159: The Dictatorship of The Benevolent Nation of Winterland Pop: 21,206 Mil 4160: The Holy Empire of The Blessed London Pop: 7 Mil 4161: The Commonwealth of The Britannic Union Pop: 74 Mil 4162: The Imperial Authority of The British Imperialism Pop: 6,356 Mil 4163: The Democratic Republic of The Buddy Bush Pop: 6,182 Mil 4164: The Republic of The Cabinet Pop: 106 Mil 4165: The Republic of The Calgary Flames Pop: 12,923 Mil 4166: The Kingdom of The Candy Pop: 36 Mil 4167: The Dictatorship of The Caretakers Pop: 427 Mil 4168: The Empire of The Changa Empire Pop: 93 Mil 4169: The Football Team of The Chargers Pop: 4,822 Mil 4170: The Nomadic Peoples of The church had a thanksgiving dinner tha Pop: 995 Mil 4171: The Empire of The Cockatoos Pop: 652 Mil 4172: The Federation of The Core World Pop: 124 Mil 4173: The Holy Empire of The Cranston Templars Pop: 744 Mil 4174: The United Kingdom of The Cruz-Bethany Pop: 1,760 Mil 4175: The Armed Republic of The Cyborg Pop: 3,144 Mil 4176: The Empire of The Dark Isle Pop: 18 Mil 4177: The Oppressed Peoples of The Deat Cen Pop: 89 Mil 4178: The People's Republic of The Deathly Death Pop: 67 Mil 4179: The People's Republic of The Democratic Confederacy Pop: 545 Mil 4180: The Democratic Republic of The democratic Republic of North Korea Pop: 10,563 Mil 4181: The Democratic States of The Democratic Union of Jude Pop: 83 Mil 4182: The Democratic Republic of The Derpy Democratic Republic Of Herp Pop: 24,462 Mil 4183: The Commonwealth of The Dominion of Canada Pop: 1,429 Mil 4184: The Jingoistic States of The Dysk Pop: 23,680 Mil 4185: The Intrusive Military State of The Dystopian Federacy Pop: 4,096 Mil 4186: The International Pariah State of The East Slav Republic Pop: 2,930 Mil 4187: The Established Order of The Elder States Pop: 1,248 Mil 4188: The Theocracy of The Empire of Eagles Pop: 56 Mil 4189: The Jingoistic States of The Entropy Pop: 8,646 Mil 4190: The Oppressed Peoples of The Eternal Republic- Pop: 12 Mil 4191: The Free Land of The ex-persecuted brotherhood Pop: 18,527 Mil 4192: The Dictatorship of The Extreme State Pop: 62 Mil 4193: The Armed Republic of The Falcon Antilles Pop: 2,063 Mil 4194: The Empire of The Fank Empire Pop: 152 Mil 4195: The Borderlands of The Farmer-Worker Communion Pop: 104 Mil 4196: The Incorporated States of The Federacy Pop: 639 Mil 4197: The Democratic States of The Federation of Antarctica Pop: 6,719 Mil 4198: The Republic of The Fielon Afteristashit Pop: 108 Mil 4199: The Militarist Republic of The Filippinas Pop: 8,350 Mil 4200: The Commonwealth of The Final Aeon Pop: 87 Mil 4201: The United Kingdom of The floof wizard of his highness the cat Pop: 6 Mil 4202: The Allied States of The Fourth Communist International Pop: 736 Mil 4203: The Kingdom of The Free antarctican people Pop: 32 Mil 4204: The United Federation of The Free Falklands Pop: 5,173 Mil 4205: The United States of The free penguins Pop: 95 Mil 4206: The Republic of The free romanians Pop: 7,324 Mil 4207: The Republic of The Free State of Euphoria Pop: 990 Mil 4208: The Empire of The freedem Pop: 40 Mil 4209: The Transitioning Democracy of The French National Workers State Pop: 1,794 Mil 4210: The United Kingdom of The Gelder Pop: 18 Mil 4211: The Constitutional Monarchy of The German-Empire Pop: 18 Mil 4212: The Federal Republic of The Gooner Pop: 170 Mil 4213: The Rogue Nation of The Grand Republic of the United States Pop: 114 Mil 4214: The Empire of The Great Age Pop: 87 Mil 4215: The People's Republic of The great Valley Pop: 29 Mil 4216: The Community of The Hall of Fame Pop: 25,400 Mil 4217: The Democratic Minion's Republic of The Haughtherlands Pop: 8,238 Mil 4218: The Empire of The Heavenly Mandate Of Qing Pop: 269 Mil 4219: The Incorporated States of The High Commune of the Sudreyjar Pop: 96 Mil 4220: The Oppressed Peoples of The High Temperature Areas Pop: 2,759 Mil 4221: The Dominion of The Holy Asian Dominion Pop: 98 Mil 4222: The Dictatorship of The Holy Draconian Throne Pop: 1,144 Mil 4223: The Empire of The IC 1101 Empire Pop: 7,095 Mil 4224: The Directorial Theocracy of The Iluminate Pop: 1,792 Mil 4225: The Commonwealth of The Industrial Commune of Temu Pop: 20 Mil 4226: The Hopeless escapeless gorge of The infernal Tyranny of Hell Pop: 9,965 Mil 4227: The Empire of The Infinity Stones Pop: 2,668 Mil 4228: The Community of The Iron Compound Pop: 561 Mil 4229: The Sultanate of The Islamic Revolution Pop: 16 Mil 4230: The Centrist Republic of The Island of Sorna Pop: 9,867 Mil 4231: The Holy Empire of The islands of bmack Pop: 14 Mil 4232: The Kylromon Constitu Republic of The Kylromon Nazbol Pop: 14,771 Mil 4233: The Republic of The Land of Cosmia X Pop: 23 Mil 4234: The Republic of The Land of Cosmia XVI Pop: 23 Mil 4235: The Republic of The Land of Wonderland Pop: 2,881 Mil 4236: The Kingdom of The Last Survivors Pop: 177 Mil 4237: The Federal Republic of The Lesser Pirate Duchy of The Occident Pop: 26 Mil 4238: The Republic of The Litany Against Fear Pop: 6,624 Mil 4239: The Holy Empire of The Lords Soldiers Pop: 165 Mil 4240: The Democratic Republic of The Loveezicksia Pop: 1,462 Mil 4241: The Queendom of The Lunar Commune of Lyduna Pop: 874 Mil 4242: The Rogue Nation of The Majord Antaskytopia Pop: 152 Mil 4243: The Lovecraftian Fishers of The Marrows Pop: 2,026 Mil 4244: The Empire of The Mexican Colonies Pop: 6 Mil 4245: The Federation of The Michigan Polity Pop: 29 Mil 4246: The Federation of The Middlemen Pop: 36 Mil 4247: The Very Expensive Custom Grill of The Mr Dink Experience Pop: 1,119 Mil 4248: The Empire of The n-word Pop: 16 Mil 4249: The Oppressed Peoples of The Nation of Aurum Pop: 36 Mil 4250: The Republic of The Nation of Chislam Pop: 97 Mil 4251: The Republic of The Nation of Iran Pop: 106 Mil 4252: The Community of The Nation of the Combine Pop: 159 Mil 4253: The Republic of The National Security Service Pop: 24,472 Mil 4254: The Rogue Nation of The National State of Israel Pop: 203 Mil 4255: The Incorporated States of The Neo SouthLand Pop: 20 Mil 4256: The Principality of The New Athenian Directory Pop: 29 Mil 4257: The Republic of The New Millenium of 2000 Pop: 189 Mil 4258: The Republic of The New York Mets Pop: 5,513 Mil 4259: The Republic of The News Fin Pop: 67 Mil 4260: The Federation of The Newtons Pop: 102 Mil 4261: The Empire of The Noobland Isles Pop: 7 Mil 4262: The United States of The North American Federation Pop: 3,637 Mil 4263: The Protectorate of The North American Reich Pop: 103 Mil 4264: The Democratic Monarchy of The Novum Regnum Pop: 1,729 Mil 4265: The Kingdom of The Obamanas Pop: 629 Mil 4266: The Federation of The Oberne Pop: 207 Mil 4267: The United States of The people who are made at Pop: 23 Mil 4268: The Empire of The Phoenician Civilization Pop: 20 Mil 4269: The Allied States of The Phoenician Confederacy Pop: 5,243 Mil 4270: The Oppressed Peoples of The Pieletariat Pop: 227 Mil 4271: The Empire of The Pig Strenght Pop: 45 Mil 4272: The Commonwealth of The Pileist Peoples Replublic Pop: 56 Mil 4273: The Republic of The Pilipino State Pop: 12 Mil 4274: The Polar State of The Polar Bear Communities Pop: 3,369 Mil 4275: The United States of The Polar Reigons Pop: 3,007 Mil 4276: The Free Land of The Polar States Pop: 2,825 Mil 4277: The United States of The Queendom of Gluttony Pop: 2,002 Mil 4278: The Socialist Federal Republic of The Queendom of Lust Pop: 1,995 Mil 4279: The Federation of The Queens Islands Pop: 40 Mil 4280: The Democratic Republic of The REnahie Pop: 14 Mil 4281: The Federal Republic of The Republic Commandos Pop: 24,984 Mil 4282: The Republic of The Republic of Gold River Pop: 523 Mil 4283: The Democracy of The Republic of Konsa Pop: 8,187 Mil 4284: The Fiefdom of The Republic of Sadula Pop: 36 Mil 4285: The Empire of The republic of the Wolf pack Pop: 14 Mil 4286: The Allied States of The republic of yes Pop: 127 Mil 4287: The Republic of The Republic Sono Pop: 45 Mil 4288: The Republic of The Roshen Confectionary Corporation Pop: 272 Mil 4289: The Holy Empire of The Sierran Empire Pop: 87 Mil 4290: The Republic of The Sigma Lands Pop: 106 Mil 4291: The Armed Republic of The Slaughtered Lamb Pop: 849 Mil 4292: The People's Republic of The Socialist Jamahiriya of Libya Pop: 18 Mil 4293: The Floofy Foxes of The Solar System Scope Pop: 24,592 Mil 4294: The Rainbow Nation of The South Afrikan Union Pop: 2,388 Mil 4295: The Eternal Union of The Southern Ice States Pop: 2,542 Mil 4296: The United States of The Sovereign Peoples Republics Pop: 62 Mil 4297: The Republic of The Soviet Southern Isles Pop: 7,032 Mil 4298: The Holy Communist Space Empire of The SpaceNeo-Goryeo Etymological Society Pop: 10,877 Mil 4299: The Imperial Colony of The SpaceNeo-Goryeo Theater Society Pop: 6,814 Mil 4300: The Dominion of The Stand Former Region Pop: 69 Mil 4301: The Borderlands of The storage nation 232 Pop: 462 Mil 4302: The Dominion of The storage nation 241 Pop: 406 Mil 4303: The Nomadic Peoples of The storage nation 258 Pop: 282 Mil 4304: The Rogue Nation of The storage nation 268 Pop: 212 Mil 4305: The Republic of The Syndicalist Union of Britain Pop: 2,056 Mil 4306: The God Worshipping Society of The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Pop: 4,538 Mil 4307: The Federation of The Tecorogan Federation Pop: 11,917 Mil 4308: The Queendom of The Teto Pop: 376 Mil 4309: The Republic of The Tobilly Leadomelocre Pop: 8 Mil 4310: The United Socialist States of The Tritarian Union Pop: 40 Mil 4311: The Last South Pacific Overlords of The TSP Local Council Pop: 11,280 Mil 4312: The United Kingdom of The Two Jerseys Pop: 27,809 Mil 4313: The Dictatorship of The Umbra State Pop: 8 Mil 4314: The Emirate of The Unihe Duocsis Pop: 99 Mil 4315: The Republic of The Union of Confederate States Pop: 136 Mil 4316: The Oppressed Peoples of The Union Of Nagashima Pop: 289 Mil 4317: The Federal Republic of The Unitary Statants of Amercing Pop: 318 Mil 4318: The Federal Republic of The United Colonies of Germany Pop: 36 Mil 4319: The Republic of The United Common Pop: 26,202 Mil 4320: The Confederacy of The United Confederation of Jakimerica Pop: 2,231 Mil 4321: The Armed Republic of The United Cracks Of Buttholio Pop: 450 Mil 4322: The Queendom of The United Kingdoms of Europe Pop: 18,041 Mil 4323: The Republic of The United State of Minnesota Pop: 16 Mil 4324: The Federal Republic of The United States of Amerika- Pop: 278 Mil 4325: The People's Republic of The University of Kansas Pop: 211 Mil 4326: The Worst Ship In The Navy of The USS Donald Trump Pop: 10,639 Mil 4327: The Holy Empire of The Vangards of Discourse Pop: 24,183 Mil 4328: The People's Republic of The Vanguard of Europe Pop: 8 Mil 4329: The Theocracy of The Varian Trinity Pop: 87 Mil 4330: The Community of The Venetian Republic Pop: 2,342 Mil 4331: The Allied States of The Vesputian Federation Pop: 278 Mil 4332: The Armed Republic of The Warden Triumvirate Pop: 741 Mil 4333: The People's Republic of The Way of the Great Heavenly Sovereign Pop: 8,908 Mil 4334: The Weird Creatures of The Weirdigo Pop: 3,362 Mil 4335: The Grand Weirdom of The Weirdo Pop: 5,153 Mil 4336: The Rogue Nation of The Weirdo Alt Thingy Pop: 1,883 Mil 4337: The Republic of The West Roman Republic Pop: 26 Mil 4338: The Federal Republic of The Western Rockies Pop: 1,141 Mil 4339: The Dominion of The Western Seaboard Pop: 56 Mil 4340: The Dominion of The Wolverines Pop: 1,144 Mil 4341: The Matriarchy of The Woragopiria Pop: 7,888 Mil 4342: The Colony of The worse Version Of UK Pop: 9 Mil 4343: The Worst army of The Worst army of Pop: 12,501 Mil 4344: The Disputed Territories of The Worst Places You Know Pop: 14 Mil 4345: The Dominion of The Younguns Pop: 9 Mil 4346: The Dictatorship of The Zanaami Hierarchy Pop: 5,558 Mil 4347: The Dictatorship of TheFatherland45 Pop: 32 Mil 4348: The Republic of TheMachines Pop: 6 Mil 4349: The Republic of Theodore Roosevelt Island Pop: 4,398 Mil 4350: The Republic of Theorann Pop: 4,119 Mil 4351: The Dracocracy of Theorin Pop: 29,412 Mil 4352: The Holy Empire of Thermonuclear Warhead Pop: 852 Mil 4353: The Armed Republic of Therzinia Pop: 32 Mil 4354: The Principality of TheSouth Pacific Pop: 18,660 Mil 4355: The Democratic Republic of The_Burn Pop: 2,656 Mil 4356: The Colony of Thienvon Pop: 56 Mil 4357: The Democratic Republic of Third Brazilian Union Pop: 50 Mil 4358: The Empire of Third Empire of France Pop: 1,197 Mil 4359: The Soiledom of This name has been soiled Pop: 605 Mil 4360: The Democratic Republic of This place over here Pop: 93 Mil 4361: The Republic of Thisisacolonialnationname Pop: 2,248 Mil 4362: The Republic of Thisisaliterarynationname Pop: 2,241 Mil 4363: The Republic of Thisisalogicalnationname Pop: 2,231 Mil 4364: The Republic of Thisisamarinenationname Pop: 2,199 Mil 4365: The Republic of Thisisareligiousnationname Pop: 2,209 Mil 4366: The Republic of Thisisashrinkingnationname Pop: 2,204 Mil 4367: The Dictatorship of Thisisathrivingnationname Pop: 2,157 Mil 4368: The Dictatorship of Thisisatone-deafnationname Pop: 2,163 Mil 4369: The Dictatorship of Thisisavirtualnationname Pop: 2,138 Mil 4370: The Dictatorship of Thisisawesternnationname Pop: 2,142 Mil 4371: The Incorporated States of Three Mile Island Pop: 3,538 Mil 4372: The Dominion of Threngal Pop: 2,670 Mil 4373: The Republic of Thulom Pop: 6,384 Mil 4374: The Republic of Thunder Basin National Grassland Pop: 2,832 Mil 4375: The Community of Tiazan Pop: 7,306 Mil 4376: The United States of Tigercowboy4 Pop: 170 Mil 4377: The ♡Socialist Kawaii Dominion♡ of Tigris Empire Pop: 1,103 Mil 4378: The Republic of Tigrulia Pop: 3,884 Mil 4379: The Nomadic Peoples of Time going through all kinds of mean nas Pop: 991 Mil 4380: The Empire of Tinsley L Pop: 67 Mil 4381: The Republic of Tiranite Pop: 50 Mil 4382: The Dictatorship of Tiraskovia Pop: 62 Mil 4383: The Empire of Tired Persians Pop: 8 Mil 4384: The Kingdom of Tisar Pop: 18 Mil 4385: The Democratic Republic of Titanaria Pop: 2,924 Mil 4386: The Holy Empire of Titans of Cordon Pop: 1,316 Mil 4387: The United Kingdom of TIZZUS Pop: 10 Mil 4388: The Free Land of Tobicia Pop: 18 Mil 4389: The United States of Tobyria Pop: 210 Mil 4390: The Snorkeling Republic of Todd McCloud the Gypsy Pop: 34,073 Mil 4391: The Kingdom of Toekoku Pop: 218 Mil 4392: The Holy Empire of Toilet Ananasdasdas Pop: 26 Mil 4393: The Armed Republic of Tokkiland Pop: 929 Mil 4394: The Commonwealth of Tokopex Pop: 4,686 Mil 4395: The Kingdom of Tolgahania Pop: 40 Mil 4396: The Community of Tombopolis Pop: 68 Mil 4397: The Republic of Tommy John Pop: 4,826 Mil 4398: The Fiefdom of Tompsland Pop: 69 Mil 4399: The Colony of Tona Pop: 25,315 Mil 4400: The Dictatorship of Tona Germany Pop: 40 Mil 4401: The Constitutional Monarchy of TongaTime Pop: 20 Mil 4402: The Unconsidered Judgment of Tontaku Pop: 26,387 Mil 4403: The Colony of Too Shy To Talk To Girls Pop: 7 Mil 4404: The Commonwealth of Toom Pop: 105 Mil 4405: The Grand Duchy of Topirioniahe Pop: 104 Mil 4406: The Republic of TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OF NORTH AMERICA Pop: 630 Mil 4407: The Armed Republic of Torimiko Pop: 744 Mil 4408: The Federal Republic of Torontontero Pop: 696 Mil 4409: The Democratic Republic of Touchdonia Pop: 40 Mil 4410: The Republic of Touchstone Pop: 129 Mil 4411: The Sultanate of Tousne Pop: 166 Mil 4412: The Democratic Republic of Tovium And Pop: 4,485 Mil 4413: The Transcendent Empire of Trackleelee Pop: 34,817 Mil 4414: The Democratic Federal Republic of Transcaucasia Pop: 5,716 Mil 4415: The Ephemeral Rifts of Transtemporal Shifts Pop: 18,761 Mil 4416: The United Socialist States of Transtopa Pop: 1,422 Mil 4417: The Republic of TRBEAR Pop: 23 Mil 4418: The Federal Republic of Trelatche Pop: 23,272 Mil 4419: The Republic of Tremena Rez Pop: 296 Mil 4420: The People's Republic of Trentaria Pop: 16 Mil 4421: The Dictatorship of Trepave Pop: 2,105 Mil 4422: The Democratic Republic of Tringapura Pop: 1,391 Mil 4423: The Kingdom of Trinhgiaphaidang Pop: 76 Mil 4424: The Armed Republic of Tritfield Pop: 5,038 Mil 4425: The Republic of Trivenz Pop: 262 Mil 4426: The Republic of TRKK Pop: 81 Mil 4427: The Republic of Troth Mand Silivedib Pop: 16 Mil 4428: The Republic of True Islander Pop: 34,035 Mil 4429: The United States of Trumplican America Pop: 45 Mil 4430: The Banana Republic of Truskawkoland Pop: 9,010 Mil 4431: The Incorporated States of Tryton Pop: 169 Mil 4432: The Republic of TSP Coup May 19th 2025 Major Pop: 377 Mil 4433: The Official Ministry Nation of TSP Foreign Office Pop: 16,377 Mil 4434: The Leader of the tsp pie makers of TSP Pie Company Pop: 2,324 Mil 4435: The Republic of TSP S3 Collector Pop: 3,695 Mil 4436: The Free Land of TSP The South Paciffica Pop: 284 Mil 4437: The Republic of TSP Tolfaer Pop: 6,196 Mil 4438: The Protectorate of TSP Transition Team Pop: 15,441 Mil 4439: The 「佐々木節子」 of Tsuskia Pop: 2,665 Mil 4440: The Dictatorship of TU Delft Pop: 17,519 Mil 4441: The Free Land of TuahHawk Pop: 50 Mil 4442: The Kingdom of Tulankia Pop: 2,826 Mil 4443: The Confederacy of Tump Gaza Pop: 20 Mil 4444: The Whatever Republic of Tur Monkadzii Pop: 8,927 Mil 4445: The Republic of Turcomania Pop: 3,731 Mil 4446: The Protectorate of Tureis Pop: 16 Mil 4447: The Dictatorship of Turkeguave Pop: 115 Mil 4448: The Republic of TurkeyAZ Pop: 113 Mil 4449: The Empire of Turkic Khans Pop: 132 Mil 4450: The People's Republic of Turpolis Pop: 96 Mil 4451: The Dominion of Turtol Pop: 16 Mil 4452: The Grand Duchy of Tuscaany Pop: 29 Mil 4453: The Republic of Tusi Pop: 5,899 Mil 4454: The Republic of Tuskegee Airmen NHS Pop: 4,422 Mil 4455: The United Socialist States of Tuskonia Pop: 32 Mil 4456: The Kingdom of Tutorial Pop: 10,839 Mil 4457: The Pound of Tvania Pop: 10,678 Mil 4458: The Republic of Twinkadia Pop: 98 Mil 4459: The Thigh High Collective of Two Pickles Pop: 887 Mil 4460: The Kingdom of Two Time Pop: 20 Mil 4461: The Empire of Tymre Pop: 109 Mil 4462: The Northern Republic of Tyopio Pop: 3,063 Mil 4463: The Principality of Tyraius Pop: 174 Mil 4464: The Republic of Tyrion Lannister Pop: 24,700 Mil 4465: The Republic of Tzarbrough Pop: 29 Mil 4466: The Federal Republic of U0403447 Pop: 15,833 Mil 4467: The Queendom of Uallenberm Pop: 7,904 Mil 4468: The People's Republic of UCPA Pop: 3,165 Mil 4469: The United Communities of Uflax Pop: 1,946 Mil 4470: The Principality of Uglifier Pop: 21,089 Mil 4471: The Kingdom of Ugranda Pop: 11,754 Mil 4472: The Democratic States of Ugrauy Pop: 958 Mil 4473: The Republic of Uh-oh Pop: 16,174 Mil 4474: The Dictatorship of Uhhhhhhhhhhhh Pop: 271 Mil 4475: The United States of Uilian Pop: 208 Mil 4476: The Community of Uintah and Ouray Pop: 10 Mil 4477: The Republic of Ujiklopumnaz Pop: 100 Mil 4478: The United Kingdom of Ujn129 Pop: 184 Mil 4479: The United Kingdom of Ujn132 Pop: 186 Mil 4480: The United Kingdom of Ujn135 Pop: 185 Mil 4481: The United Kingdom of Ujn143 Pop: 184 Mil 4482: The United Kingdom of Ujn149 Pop: 174 Mil 4483: The United Kingdom of Ujn158 Pop: 181 Mil 4484: The United Kingdom of Ujn162 Pop: 179 Mil 4485: The United Kingdom of Ujn183 Pop: 181 Mil 4486: The United Kingdom of Ujn203 Pop: 180 Mil 4487: The United Kingdom of Ujn219 Pop: 178 Mil 4488: The United Kingdom of Ujn226 Pop: 183 Mil 4489: The United Kingdom of Ujn229 Pop: 184 Mil 4490: The United Kingdom of Ujn231 Pop: 185 Mil 4491: The United Kingdom of Ujn266 Pop: 179 Mil 4492: The United Kingdom of Ujn272 Pop: 185 Mil 4493: The United Kingdom of Ujn276 Pop: 183 Mil 4494: The United Kingdom of Ujn297 Pop: 178 Mil 4495: The United Kingdom of Ujn3 Pop: 177 Mil 4496: The United Kingdom of Ujn300 Pop: 183 Mil 4497: The United Kingdom of Ujn309 Pop: 186 Mil 4498: The United Kingdom of Ujn317 Pop: 182 Mil 4499: The United Kingdom of Ujn32 Pop: 178 Mil 4500: The United Kingdom of Ujn344 Pop: 177 Mil 4501: The United Kingdom of Ujn350 Pop: 181 Mil 4502: The United Kingdom of Ujn369 Pop: 176 Mil 4503: The United Kingdom of Ujn381 Pop: 181 Mil 4504: The United Kingdom of Ujn391 Pop: 178 Mil 4505: The United Kingdom of Ujn401 Pop: 174 Mil 4506: The United Kingdom of Ujn410 Pop: 173 Mil 4507: The United Kingdom of Ujn414 Pop: 173 Mil 4508: The United Kingdom of Ujn423 Pop: 173 Mil 4509: The United Kingdom of Ujn426 Pop: 174 Mil 4510: The United Kingdom of Ujn433 Pop: 178 Mil 4511: The United Kingdom of Ujn448 Pop: 174 Mil 4512: The United Kingdom of Ujn46 Pop: 184 Mil 4513: The United Kingdom of Ujn488 Pop: 181 Mil 4514: The United Kingdom of Ujn491 Pop: 175 Mil 4515: The United Kingdom of Ujn492 Pop: 174 Mil 4516: The United Kingdom of Ujn494 Pop: 178 Mil 4517: The United Kingdom of Ujn496 Pop: 180 Mil 4518: The United Kingdom of Ujn58 Pop: 184 Mil 4519: The United Kingdom of Ujn65 Pop: 182 Mil 4520: The United Kingdom of Ujn76 Pop: 179 Mil 4521: The United Kingdom of Ujn78 Pop: 186 Mil 4522: The United Kingdom of Ujn85 Pop: 181 Mil 4523: The United Kingdom of Ujn90 Pop: 185 Mil 4524: The United Kingdom of Ujn93 Pop: 180 Mil 4525: The Republic of Ukanian republic Pop: 149 Mil 4526: The Democratic States of Ulapa Pop: 32 Mil 4527: The Republic of Ulimaroa Pop: 32 Mil 4528: The Federal Republic of Umbraxoria Pop: 197 Mil 4529: The Republic of Umisea Pop: 7,490 Mil 4530: The Most Serene Republic of Uncertain Eigenstate Pop: 4,237 Mil 4531: The Allied States of Undertake47 Pop: 235 Mil 4532: The Allied States of Undertake48 Pop: 234 Mil 4533: The Allied States of Undertake59 Pop: 236 Mil 4534: The Allied States of Undertake76 Pop: 230 Mil 4535: The Theocracy of Ungabu Pop: 40 Mil 4536: The Empire of Ungarn Empire Pop: 40 Mil 4537: The Principality of Unhallowed Venezia Pop: 3,551 Mil 4538: The Holy Empire of Unholia Pop: 14 Mil 4539: The Federation of Unia Japarch Pop: 1,125 Mil 4540: The Republic of Unieland II Pop: 4,426 Mil 4541: The Republic of Unified Country of Humanity Pop: 62 Mil 4542: The United Socialist States of UNIMS Pop: 16 Mil 4543: The People's Republic of Union American States Pop: 18 Mil 4544: The United Socialist States of Union of Islandia Pop: 690 Mil 4545: The United Socialist States of Union of National Bolsheviks Republics Pop: 1,188 Mil 4546: The Federation of Union of Progress Pop: 79 Mil 4547: The Serious Yet Funny Government of United Allied Systems Nations Pop: 4,416 Mil 4548: The Republic of United Amiria Tribes Pop: 212 Mil 4549: The Commonwealth of United Anglos Pop: 760 Mil 4550: The Confederacy of United Bad Off Pop: 289 Mil 4551: The United States of United balkans of Europe Pop: 14 Mil 4552: The People's Republic of United communist china Pop: 145 Mil 4553: The Empire of United Corporations of North America Pop: 138 Mil 4554: The People's Republic of United Cortelia Pop: 50 Mil 4555: The Republic of United Cyprus Pop: 2,321 Mil 4556: The Minister of Integration of United Disney States Pop: 1,647 Mil 4557: The Commonwealth Kingdom of United Earthlings Pop: 44,725 Mil 4558: The Greater Christian Empire of United Great Holy Empire Pop: 17,568 Mil 4559: The United States of United Humanitarian Scociety Pop: 138 Mil 4560: The Kingdom of United Irish Polish Anglo Saxon States Pop: 460 Mil 4561: The Constitutional Monarchy of United Kingdom Of Balts Pop: 1,202 Mil 4562: The Kingdom of United Kingdoms of Amethyst Arch Pop: 16 Mil 4563: The Kingdom of United Knighton Pop: 18 Mil 4564: The Federal Socialist Republic of United Kontania Pop: 2,074 Mil 4565: The People's Republic of United Kosavia Pop: 346 Mil 4566: The Federation of United maghrib Pop: 67 Mil 4567: The Democratic Republic of United North Korean Peninsula Pop: 1,394 Mil 4568: The Democratic Republic of United ParUkor Pop: 100 Mil 4569: The Federal Republic of United Provinces of Alpaca Pop: 4,861 Mil 4570: The Federal Republic of United Seron Huo Pop: 16 Mil 4571: The Republic of United Socialist Korean Republic Pop: 62 Mil 4572: The Protectorate of United States Department of the Interior Pop: 2,189 Mil 4573: The People's Republic of United States of alkabulanAfrica Pop: 395 Mil 4574: The Federal Republic of United States Of Anti Furrys Pop: 14 Mil 4575: The Federalist Republic of United States of Belvaria Pop: 8,632 Mil 4576: The United States of United States of Goob Pop: 120 Mil 4577: The Commonwealth of United States of Vietnam Pop: 18,983 Mil 4578: The Theocracy of United Synods of Louisiania Pop: 40 Mil 4579: The Confederacy of United Tribal States Pop: 241 Mil 4580: The Constitutional Monarchy of United Urken Unikazarthalig Pop: 20 Mil 4581: The Republic of United Vocoarva Pop: 5,811 Mil 4582: The Rogue Nation of UnitedArmsofGatway Pop: 150 Mil 4583: The Republic of Unitria38 Pop: 944 Mil 4584: The Republic of Unitria40 Pop: 936 Mil 4585: The Republic of Unitria46 Pop: 199 Mil 4586: The Republic of Unitria73 Pop: 161 Mil 4587: The Republic of Unitria77 Pop: 164 Mil 4588: The Republic of Univea Pop: 6 Mil 4589: The Free Land of Unshackled Materialism Pop: 2,462 Mil 4590: The Kingdom of Upper Baba Pop: 7,665 Mil 4591: The Confederacy of Upper Estia Pop: 6 Mil 4592: The Free Land of Upper Ryu Lorty Pop: 3,084 Mil 4593: The United States of Upper Thenaj Ance Pop: 93 Mil 4594: The United Kingdom of Upper Valgos Pop: 12 Mil 4595: The County of Urgell Pop: 24,769 Mil 4596: The Democratic Republic of Urklistanova Pop: 168 Mil 4597: The Kingdom of Uruban Pop: 14 Mil 4598: The Empire of Uruyan Pop: 14 Mil 4599: The Armed Republic of US Army CPL OCP Rank Patch Pop: 851 Mil 4600: The People's Republic of USCR-United Soviet Capitalist Republic Pop: 955 Mil 4601: The Allied States of USNE2018 Pop: 13,418 Mil 4602: The United Kingdom of Ustobania Pop: 465 Mil 4603: The Free Land of UT Pop: 5,653 Mil 4604: The Federation of Uthani Syrtyr Syndicates Pop: 18 Mil 4605: The Free Land of Utopian Dreams IV Pop: 230 Mil 4606: The Free Land of Utopian Dreams VI Pop: 228 Mil 4607: The Free Land of Utopian Dreams VII Pop: 236 Mil 4608: The Nomadic Peoples of Utth Grew Pop: 18 Mil 4609: The Mighty dictatorship of Uunited Islands Pop: 13,706 Mil 4610: The Szurea's Now-Alt Account of Uvalor Pop: 8,672 Mil 4611: The Republic of Uvisun Pop: 36 Mil 4612: The Oppressed Peoples of Vaca Gorda Pop: 906 Mil 4613: The People's Republic of Vaister Pop: 326 Mil 4614: The United States of Val Kilmer Pop: 1,968 Mil 4615: The Democratic States of Valdatona Pop: 109 Mil 4616: The Republic of Valdoredge Pop: 205 Mil 4617: The Constitutional Monarchy of Valentilia Pop: 806 Mil 4618: The Raccoon of Valiraisia Pop: 7,155 Mil 4619: The Armed Republic of Valkstein Pop: 5,367 Mil 4620: The Republic of Vallebaron Pop: 3,394 Mil 4621: The Respublica of Valles Stellarum Pop: 5,228 Mil 4622: The Free Land of Valmaros Pop: 29 Mil 4623: The Empire of Valmyrian Pop: 187 Mil 4624: The Free Land of Valoriea Pop: 204 Mil 4625: The Commonwealth of Valorja Pop: 171 Mil 4626: The Republic of Valoworand Pop: 1,082 Mil 4627: The Kingdom of Valrena Pop: 45 Mil 4628: The Confederacy of Valtellina Pop: 25,160 Mil 4629: The United Kingdom of Valtherian Pop: 83 Mil 4630: The Protectorate of Valx Pop: 25,257 Mil 4631: The Democratic Republic of Vanamar Pop: 2,436 Mil 4632: The Armed Republic of Vancis Pop: 705 Mil 4633: The Sultanate of Vanilla BEan18 Pop: 87 Mil 4634: The Borderlands of Vanilla BEan24 Pop: 85 Mil 4635: The Allied States of Vanilla Bean7 Pop: 82 Mil 4636: The Allied States of Vanilla Bean9 Pop: 89 Mil 4637: The Armed Republic of Vapokir Pop: 739 Mil 4638: The Principality of Vaquendria Pop: 432 Mil 4639: The People's Republic of Varayusha Pop: 33,119 Mil 4640: The Armed Republic of Varevuni Pop: 837 Mil 4641: The Republic of Varita Pop: 222 Mil 4642: The Armed Republic of Varitashi Pop: 796 Mil 4643: The Armed Republic of Vartorik Pop: 691 Mil 4644: The Armed Republic of Vashuzeku Pop: 831 Mil 4645: The Republic of Vastiuqjjur Pop: 450 Mil 4646: The County of Vastraenn Pop: 23,821 Mil 4647: The Federal Republic of Vaughan City Pop: 213 Mil 4648: The Empire of Vaymia Pop: 62 Mil 4649: The Republic of VCC015 Pop: 341 Mil 4650: The Republic of VCC024 Pop: 329 Mil 4651: The Republic of VCC030 Pop: 330 Mil 4652: The Republic of VCC040 Pop: 330 Mil 4653: The Republic of Vcc051 Pop: 333 Mil 4654: The Republic of Vcc057 Pop: 341 Mil 4655: The Republic of Vcc060 Pop: 337 Mil 4656: The Republic of Vcc064 Pop: 325 Mil 4657: The Republic of Vcc109 Pop: 327 Mil 4658: The Republic of Vcc119 Pop: 324 Mil 4659: The Republic of Vcc122 Pop: 333 Mil 4660: The Republic of Vcc126 Pop: 334 Mil 4661: The Republic of Vcc135 Pop: 330 Mil 4662: The Republic of Vcc145 Pop: 331 Mil 4663: The United Socialist States of Vedasthanam Pop: 1,401 Mil 4664: The Democratic Republic of Veerasthan Pop: 56 Mil 4665: The People's Republic of Veeridia Pop: 45 Mil 4666: The Protectorate of Vekt Pop: 1,138 Mil 4667: The Republic of Velandor Pop: 36 Mil 4668: The Republic of Velbore Pop: 12 Mil 4669: The Republic of Veldemocrat Pop: 3,099 Mil 4670: The Republic of Velikii sudan Pop: 45 Mil 4671: The Republic of Velo1 Pop: 870 Mil 4672: The Republic of Velo105 Pop: 659 Mil 4673: The Republic of Velo22 Pop: 865 Mil 4674: The Republic of Velo3 Pop: 866 Mil 4675: The Republic of Velo34 Pop: 855 Mil 4676: The Republic of Velo44 Pop: 859 Mil 4677: The Republic of Velo48 Pop: 862 Mil 4678: The Republic of Velo53 Pop: 844 Mil 4679: The Republic of Velo64 Pop: 863 Mil 4680: The Republic of Velo66 Pop: 850 Mil 4681: The Republic of Velo71 Pop: 850 Mil 4682: The Republic of Velo72 Pop: 845 Mil 4683: The Republic of Velo81 Pop: 862 Mil 4684: The Republic of Velo88 Pop: 849 Mil 4685: The Kingdom of Vendellalesse Pop: 92 Mil 4686: The Most Serene Republic of Venezia Pacifica Pop: 9,398 Mil 4687: The Republic of Venoes Pop: 944 Mil 4688: The Republic of Venoro Pop: 32 Mil 4689: The Matriarchy of Venus Holst Pop: 5,803 Mil 4690: The Republic of Venusian Soviet Socialist Republic Pop: 1,076 Mil 4691: The Confederacy of Verdengard Pop: 16 Mil 4692: The Kingdom of Verennia Pop: 888 Mil 4693: The Commonwealth of Veripass Pop: 451 Mil 4694: The Republic of Verm0nt Pop: 5,665 Mil 4695: The Republic of Vermillion Star Zone Pop: 586 Mil 4696: The Republic of Vertiz y Cerrito Pop: 111 Mil 4697: The Tribe of Very Orcs Pop: 11,112 Mil 4698: The United States of Vesperholm Pop: 32 Mil 4699: The Federal Republic of Veyrona Pop: 209 Mil 4700: The Republic of Vicestan Reberraxton Pop: 29 Mil 4701: The Freeroaming Folks of Vicken Pop: 9,952 Mil 4702: The Republic of Vid Pop: 608 Mil 4703: The Armed Republic of Vietnam Peoples Army Pop: 20 Mil 4704: The Fiefdom of Vijala Pop: 69 Mil 4705: The Incorporated States of Vil Islepol Pop: 91 Mil 4706: The Emirate of Vilad-Bomba Pop: 73 Mil 4707: The Federal Republic of Vilbonde Pop: 16,976 Mil 4708: The Grand Duchy of Villa Caruso Pop: 2,345 Mil 4709: The Incorporated States of Villaterra Nueva Pop: 6 Mil 4710: The Post-Soviet Republic of Vilychstovia Pop: 1,050 Mil 4711: The Kingdom of Vimnisiam Pop: 23 Mil 4712: The Republic of Vimoraland Pop: 2,116 Mil 4713: The Republic of Vinast Flubascarordia Pop: 16 Mil 4714: The Republic of Vinlandland Pop: 73 Mil 4715: The Democratic Republic of Vinolin Pop: 252 Mil 4716: The Rogue Nation of Violytica Pop: 487 Mil 4717: The Armed Republic of Virazoku Pop: 887 Mil 4718: The State of Viribus Videri Pop: 17,422 Mil 4719: The Federation of Virifortis Pop: 6,095 Mil 4720: The Republic of Virrum Pop: 14 Mil 4721: The Armed Republic of Virtrusia Pop: 3,002 Mil 4722: The People's Republic of Visigania Pop: 14 Mil 4723: The Republic of Vismstlau Pop: 171 Mil 4724: The Empire of Vistark Wesoistan Pop: 6 Mil 4725: The Republic of Vitorioso Pop: 16 Mil 4726: The Dictatorship of Vitystan Pop: 6 Mil 4727: The Republic of Vizima Pop: 45 Mil 4728: The Fiefdom of VKG Akane Pop: 426 Mil 4729: The Empire of Vlacrora Pop: 20 Mil 4730: The Empire of Vladimir Fedoseev Pop: 948 Mil 4731: The Republic of VociNation Pop: 192 Mil 4732: The Republic of Vocrox Pop: 5,291 Mil 4733: The Commonwealth of Voice of Akasha 33 Pop: 62 Mil 4734: The Republic of Voice of Akasha 45 Pop: 62 Mil 4735: The Republic of Voice of Akasha 46 Pop: 62 Mil 4736: The Republic of Vol East Burma Pop: 26 Mil 4737: The Great Keep of Volance Pop: 2,124 Mil 4738: The Most Serene Republic of Volatile Venezuela Pop: 1,021 Mil 4739: The Antarctic Kleptocracy of Volaworand Pop: 14,358 Mil 4740: The Kingdom of Volll Pop: 39,323 Mil 4741: The Republic of Vollonishnsdus Pop: 80 Mil 4742: The Constitutional Monarchy of Volmiria Pop: 23 Mil 4743: The Grand Duchy of Voltolia Pop: 36 Mil 4744: The Democratic Republic of Votl Pop: 296 Mil 4745: The Fourth Republic of Vrigny Pop: 7,229 Mil 4746: The Federation of Vrijheidio Pop: 32 Mil 4747: The People's Republic of Vrushank dinga-curly Pop: 7 Mil 4748: The Republic of Vryevolkstaat Pop: 23 Mil 4749: The Republic of Vtuber Raider Pop: 6,075 Mil 4750: The Kingdom of Vudakag Pop: 1,817 Mil 4751: The Dominion of Vulagopyern Pop: 111 Mil 4752: The Republic of Vuranda Pop: 6,253 Mil 4753: The VVV of Vvv Pop: 5,686 Mil 4754: The Odd world of Vyetnam Pop: 4,312 Mil 4755: The Radical LeftRight Star Land of Vylixan Asteria Pop: 9,450 Mil 4756: The United States of W Bushland Pop: 23 Mil 4757: The Republic of Waartu Pop: 10,214 Mil 4758: The Republic of Wahab Union Pop: 18 Mil 4759: The Republic of Waka Tmana Pop: 5,481 Mil 4760: The Empire of Wakaandaa Pop: 56 Mil 4761: The Rogue Nation of Wallanda Pop: 14,297 Mil 4762: The Republic of Walloonia Pop: 14,928 Mil 4763: The Republic of Wanzotmo Pop: 5,679 Mil 4764: The Empire of War and death Pop: 674 Mil 4765: The Republic of War Dogs LXIII Pop: 10,761 Mil 4766: The Republic of War Dogs VIII Pop: 12,934 Mil 4767: The Republic of War Dogs XXIII Pop: 12,834 Mil 4768: The Republic of War Dogs XXX Pop: 10,774 Mil 4769: The Republic of War Dogs XXXV Pop: 10,816 Mil 4770: The Republic of War Dogs XXXVII Pop: 10,779 Mil 4771: The Republic of Washita Battlefield NHS Pop: 4,427 Mil 4772: The Holy Empire of Watcher land Pop: 217 Mil 4773: The Federal Republic of Watershine Pop: 207 Mil 4774: The Democratic Republic of Waylay Pop: 9 Mil 4775: The Commonwealth of Waytoft Pop: 677 Mil 4776: The Colony of Waywaywaywayway Pop: 7 Mil 4777: The Republic of WC 189 Pop: 1,011 Mil 4778: The Republic of WC 219 Pop: 1,021 Mil 4779: The Republic of WC 243 Pop: 1,013 Mil 4780: The Republic of WC 258 Pop: 1,001 Mil 4781: The Republic of Weardale Pop: 662 Mil 4782: The Colony of Weatherly Pop: 13,390 Mil 4783: The Community of Wee Willy Winky Pop: 909 Mil 4784: The Accidentally Socialist Weebs of Wehraboos Pop: 14,540 Mil 4785: The Republic of Weir Farm NHP Pop: 4,430 Mil 4786: The United Kingdom of Wellindra Pop: 74 Mil 4787: The Republic of Welserland Pop: 4,151 Mil 4788: The United Socialist States of Wemble Pop: 4,979 Mil 4789: The Fiefdom of Werewolf of Ansbach Pop: 4,345 Mil 4790: The Democratic Republic of Werunimoortyvad Pop: 534 Mil 4791: The Holy Empire of Wesed Pria Pop: 32 Mil 4792: The Kingdom of Weshirkers Pop: 609 Mil 4793: The Empire of Wesirusa Pop: 6 Mil 4794: The Kingdom of Wessterreich Pop: 12 Mil 4795: The Republic of West Allion Pop: 74 Mil 4796: The Democratic States of West Arapoff Pop: 998 Mil 4797: The Empire of WEST BENGAL NOSTALGIA Pop: 12 Mil 4798: The Federal People's Republic of West Berijonwa Pop: 1,082 Mil 4799: The Republic of West Derland Pop: 112 Mil 4800: The Republic of West Fant Kina Pop: 26 Mil 4801: The Federal Republic of West green Israel Pop: 16,363 Mil 4802: The Democratic Republic of West Harmony Pop: 29 Mil 4803: The Republic of West Khazana Finsstan Pop: 7,506 Mil 4804: The Republic of West Kitha Sudom Pop: 105 Mil 4805: The Commonwealth of West Maxica Wol Pop: 20 Mil 4806: The People's Republic of West Nistan Pop: 78 Mil 4807: The Anti-bullying Movie of West Nivosea Pop: 5,002 Mil 4808: The Grand Duchy of West Oroja Pop: 29 Mil 4809: The Protectorate of West Russian Federal Republic Pop: 1,741 Mil 4810: The Republic of West Sussex Pop: 6 Mil 4811: The Constitutional Monarchy of Westcora Pop: 5,250 Mil 4812: The Republic of Westenam Pop: 2,339 Mil 4813: The Community of Western Antar Pop: 2,660 Mil 4814: The People's Democratic Republic of Western Bahia Pop: 1,798 Mil 4815: The Federation of Western Iles Pop: 7,067 Mil 4816: The Democratic Republic of Western Trese Penes Pop: 101 Mil 4817: The Constitutional Monarchy of Western Van Coresonion Pop: 10 Mil 4818: The Protectorate of Westlant Pop: 26,585 Mil 4819: The Capitalist Union of Westlican Pop: 7,352 Mil 4820: The Federation of Wet and Wild Hoedowners Pop: 36 Mil 4821: The Republic of WF-10 Pop: 662 Mil 4822: The Republic of WF-8 Pop: 675 Mil 4823: The Republic of Wharatia Pop: 4,447 Mil 4824: The Demonic Nation of What A Human Pop: 911 Mil 4825: The Incorporated States of Whigham Pop: 2,100 Mil 4826: The Republic of Whing Krianaley Pop: 7,411 Mil 4827: The Republic of Whirlygig Pop: 15,327 Mil 4828: The Kingdom of Wicksonia Pop: 16,167 Mil 4829: The Republic of Wilhuff Tarkin Pop: 5,759 Mil 4830: The Kingdom of Willdon Pop: 2,963 Mil 4831: The Emirate of Win Faers Pop: 7 Mil 4832: The Community of Wind Valley Pop: 348 Mil 4833: The Kingdom of Winhateland Pop: 50 Mil 4834: The Republic of Winnapolis Pop: 36 Mil 4835: The United Republic of Winpozia Pop: 13,989 Mil 4836: The Federal Republic of Winterburg Pop: 29 Mil 4837: The Most Serene Republic of Winyard Pop: 29 Mil 4838: The Oppressed Peoples of Wisconsin Werewolf Pop: 965 Mil 4839: The United States of Wizards and witchs Pop: 6 Mil 4840: The Kingdom of Wolchia Pop: 193 Mil 4841: The Republic of Wolf Trap NP for the Performing Arts Pop: 4,479 Mil 4842: The Empire of Wolfosien Pop: 183 Mil 4843: The Republic of Wonderdoothland Pop: 23 Mil 4844: The Holy Empire of Woodes Pop: 85 Mil 4845: The Holy Red Metropole of Woodsmere Pop: 2,092 Mil 4846: The Republic of Woon Rocket Pop: 21,158 Mil 4847: The Free Land of Wooshk Pop: 1,873 Mil 4848: The Republic of Workshar Pop: 76 Mil 4849: The United States of World dominationn Pop: 211 Mil 4850: The Republic of World War II Memorial Pop: 4,376 Mil 4851: The Empire of Woshodjachego Sonza Pop: 2,497 Mil 4852: The Kingdom of Wow the Pop: 50 Mil 4853: The Colony of Wraithguard Pop: 333 Mil 4854: The Republic of Wright Brothers Memorial Pop: 4,437 Mil 4855: The Democratic Republic of Wss100 Pop: 402 Mil 4856: The Democratic Republic of Wss106 Pop: 402 Mil 4857: The Democratic Republic of Wss125 Pop: 402 Mil 4858: The Democratic Republic of Wss145 Pop: 385 Mil 4859: The Democratic Republic of Wss171 Pop: 388 Mil 4860: The Democratic Republic of Wss18 Pop: 407 Mil 4861: The Democratic Republic of Wss181 Pop: 393 Mil 4862: The Democratic Republic of Wss184 Pop: 397 Mil 4863: The Democratic Republic of Wss20 Pop: 400 Mil 4864: The Democratic Republic of Wss227 Pop: 364 Mil 4865: The Democratic Republic of Wss228 Pop: 372 Mil 4866: The Democratic Republic of Wss232 Pop: 373 Mil 4867: The Democratic Republic of Wss242 Pop: 371 Mil 4868: The Democratic Republic of Wss244 Pop: 375 Mil 4869: The Democratic Republic of Wss264 Pop: 375 Mil 4870: The Democratic Republic of Wss286 Pop: 380 Mil 4871: The Democratic Republic of Wss287 Pop: 368 Mil 4872: The Democratic Republic of Wss289 Pop: 368 Mil 4873: The Democratic Republic of Wss293 Pop: 357 Mil 4874: The United Kingdom of Wss306 Pop: 251 Mil 4875: The Democratic Republic of Wss31 Pop: 401 Mil 4876: The United Kingdom of Wss343 Pop: 254 Mil 4877: The United Kingdom of Wss354 Pop: 244 Mil 4878: The United Kingdom of Wss366 Pop: 246 Mil 4879: The Democratic Republic of Wss37 Pop: 403 Mil 4880: The United Kingdom of Wss372 Pop: 247 Mil 4881: The United Kingdom of Wss375 Pop: 249 Mil 4882: The United Kingdom of Wss377 Pop: 251 Mil 4883: The United Kingdom of Wss398 Pop: 253 Mil 4884: The Democratic Republic of Wss40 Pop: 411 Mil 4885: The United Kingdom of Wss406 Pop: 218 Mil 4886: The United Kingdom of Wss409 Pop: 219 Mil 4887: The United Kingdom of Wss412 Pop: 218 Mil 4888: The United Kingdom of Wss418 Pop: 220 Mil 4889: The United Kingdom of Wss420 Pop: 220 Mil 4890: The United Kingdom of Wss428 Pop: 214 Mil 4891: The United Kingdom of Wss432 Pop: 222 Mil 4892: The United Kingdom of Wss435 Pop: 218 Mil 4893: The United Kingdom of Wss466 Pop: 212 Mil 4894: The United Kingdom of Wss483 Pop: 216 Mil 4895: The United Kingdom of Wss484 Pop: 218 Mil 4896: The Democratic Republic of Wss58 Pop: 399 Mil 4897: The Democratic Republic of Wss64 Pop: 414 Mil 4898: The Democratic Republic of Wss73 Pop: 404 Mil 4899: The Democratic Republic of Wss9 Pop: 438 Mil 4900: The Commonwealth of Wynoil Pop: 3,144 Mil 4901: The Federation of Xalithar Pop: 9 Mil 4902: The Republic of Xanverai Pop: 45 Mil 4903: The Gay Agenda of Xarbraden Pop: 6,556 Mil 4904: The Federation of Xarfa Pop: 2,941 Mil 4905: The Democracy of Xarxaraalandia Pop: 6,851 Mil 4906: The Holy Empire of XDC1 Pop: 520 Mil 4907: The Kingdom of XDF1 Pop: 502 Mil 4908: The Federal Republic of Xelthara Pop: 9 Mil 4909: The Republic of Xennethea Pop: 14 Mil 4910: The Armed Republic of Xfh Pop: 727 Mil 4911: The Dead Island of Xian Mei Pop: 11,787 Mil 4912: The Dictatorship of XKs Apartheid Pop: 488 Mil 4913: The People's Republic of Xoii Pop: 32 Mil 4914: The United Kingdom of Xoni Pop: 24,484 Mil 4915: The Republic of Xu25 Pop: 1,855 Mil 4916: The Republic of Xuo V Pop: 190 Mil 4917: The Republic of Xuo XIX Pop: 174 Mil 4918: The Republic of Xuo XVI Pop: 163 Mil 4919: The Republic of Xuo XXIII Pop: 168 Mil 4920: The Republic of Xwl3uh1tqe Pop: 2,284 Mil 4921: The Eternal Kingdom of XxTrevtopiaxX Pop: 3,032 Mil 4922: The Y Dalaeth Fach Gymreig of Y Wladychfa Gymreig Pop: 3,412 Mil 4923: The Nomadic Peoples of Yabamahowa Pop: 81 Mil 4924: The Most Serene Republic of Yahnxemenary Pop: 5,172 Mil 4925: The Kingdom of Yamamahi Pop: 40 Mil 4926: The Armed Republic of Yamria Pop: 9 Mil 4927: The Emirate of Yankeedoom Pop: 192 Mil 4928: The Allied States of Yapoccino Pop: 20 Mil 4929: The People's Republic of Yardovia Pop: 1,160 Mil 4930: The Holy Empire of Yarunid Pop: 9 Mil 4931: The Kingdom of Yashodharapura Pop: 78 Mil 4932: The Republic of Yeldozia Pop: 6,218 Mil 4933: The Republic of Yellow Jacket- Pop: 520 Mil 4934: The Commonwealth of Yellunstryer Pop: 16,893 Mil 4935: The Republic of Yertle Pop: 14 Mil 4936: The Eesti Puppet for the Embassy of Yet Another Eesti Puppet Pop: 958 Mil 4937: The Republic of Yewaira Pop: 8,188 Mil 4938: The Fiefdom of Yingso Pop: 234 Mil 4939: The Sulenia Resident Nation of Yivonar Pop: 8,914 Mil 4940: The Republic of Yjlvlcay2l Pop: 2,280 Mil 4941: The Incorporated States of Yndan Pop: 25,314 Mil 4942: The United Kingdom of Ynn185 Pop: 260 Mil 4943: The United Kingdom of Ynn188 Pop: 253 Mil 4944: The United Kingdom of Ynn189 Pop: 257 Mil 4945: The United Kingdom of Ynn191 Pop: 262 Mil 4946: The United Kingdom of Ynn196 Pop: 248 Mil 4947: The United Kingdom of Ynn205 Pop: 254 Mil 4948: The United Kingdom of Ynn209 Pop: 257 Mil 4949: The United Kingdom of Ynn211 Pop: 248 Mil 4950: The United Kingdom of Ynn212 Pop: 255 Mil 4951: The United Kingdom of Ynn244 Pop: 254 Mil 4952: The United Kingdom of Ynn245 Pop: 255 Mil 4953: The United Kingdom of Ynn252 Pop: 260 Mil 4954: The United Kingdom of Ynn260 Pop: 263 Mil 4955: The United Kingdom of Ynn262 Pop: 261 Mil 4956: The United Kingdom of Ynn292 Pop: 256 Mil 4957: The United Kingdom of Ynn306 Pop: 254 Mil 4958: The United Kingdom of Ynn334 Pop: 245 Mil 4959: The United Kingdom of Ynn345 Pop: 238 Mil 4960: The United Kingdom of Ynn350 Pop: 252 Mil 4961: The United Kingdom of Ynn358 Pop: 246 Mil 4962: The United Kingdom of Ynn369 Pop: 241 Mil 4963: The United Kingdom of Ynn377 Pop: 242 Mil 4964: The United Kingdom of Ynn384 Pop: 247 Mil 4965: The United Kingdom of Ynn390 Pop: 234 Mil 4966: The United Kingdom of Ynn406 Pop: 222 Mil 4967: The United Kingdom of Ynn435 Pop: 214 Mil 4968: The United Kingdom of Ynn471 Pop: 220 Mil 4969: The United Kingdom of Ynn473 Pop: 213 Mil 4970: The Democratic States of Yo Nanny Pop: 532 Mil 4971: The Colony of Yomer Pop: 5,278 Mil 4972: The Republic of Yosheila Pop: 4,734 Mil 4973: The Dominion of Your mama here Pop: 1,288 Mil 4974: The Anarchic unruled crowd of Yours very truly Pop: 10,261 Mil 4975: The Free Land of Youth International Pop: 2,130 Mil 4976: The Republic of Yruguo Pop: 292 Mil 4977: The Republic of YSC Pop: 7 Mil 4978: The Federal Republic of Yugarritia Pop: 24,453 Mil 4979: The People's Republic of Yuldokia Pop: 12 Mil 4980: The Constitutional Monarchy of Yullo Pop: 154 Mil 4981: The Republic of Yuma Crossing NHA Pop: 4,387 Mil 4982: The Free Land of Yuraak Pop: 944 Mil 4983: The Republic of Yuridian Pop: 426 Mil 4984: The Armed Republic of Yursoc Pop: 40 Mil 4985: The People's Republic of Yusuar Pop: 7 Mil 4986: The Emirate of Yuumie Pop: 457 Mil 4987: The Republic of YV-10 Pop: 689 Mil 4988: The Republic of YV-2 Pop: 670 Mil 4989: The Sultanate of YZ10 Pop: 26 Mil 4990: The Kingdom of Zabast Pop: 1,176 Mil 4991: The Republic of Zabillyaker Pop: 113 Mil 4992: The Republic of Zachodni Swiatlo Pop: 36 Mil 4993: The Glorious Empire of Zaelith Pop: 12,586 Mil 4994: The Republic of Zaforia Pop: 56 Mil 4995: The Juridical Republic of Zaldianeya Pop: 587 Mil 4996: The Dictatorship of Zalostainia Pop: 485 Mil 4997: The Republic of Zamervia Pop: 26 Mil 4998: The Republic of Zams Crow Pop: 45 Mil 4999: The Confederated Islands of Zanforadon Pop: 6,876 Mil 5000: The Holy Empire of Zanzibari Sultanate Pop: 1,932 Mil 5001: The CP Ambassador Nation of Zarisa Pop: 31,006 Mil 5002: The Armed Republic of Zavikori Pop: 783 Mil 5003: The Empire of Zaxakrorn Pop: 18 Mil 5004: The Sultanate of Zayeds Movement Pop: 26 Mil 5005: The Queendom of Ze Misfits Pop: 7,732 Mil 5006: The Kingdom of ZecaLand Pop: 261 Mil 5007: The Armed Republic of Zeilistan Pop: 32 Mil 5008: The Empire of Zekara Drorenghtmed Pop: 40 Mil 5009: The Holy Empire of Zem Peeps Pop: 4,206 Mil 5010: The Armed Federation of Zendoriah Pop: 3,608 Mil 5011: The Racehorse of Zenno Rob Roy Pop: 1,970 Mil 5012: The Commonwealth of Zenthara Pop: 1,721 Mil 5013: The Republic of Zeonesia Pop: 400 Mil 5014: The Empire of Zerathian Pop: 98 Mil 5015: The External Juridical State of Zerazgana Pop: 690 Mil 5016: The Armed Republic of Zhaviruni Pop: 845 Mil 5017: The Republic of Zhengxin Pop: 36 Mil 5018: The Armed Republic of Zhinopu Pop: 893 Mil 5019: The Gongheguo of Zhonghua Suweiai Pop: 2,796 Mil 5020: The Republic of Zhongua Minzu Pop: 23 Mil 5021: The Armed Republic of Zhorakeni Pop: 809 Mil 5022: The Cark Marney of Zhuanghwei Pop: 1,761 Mil 5023: The Allied States of Zhuming xianzhou Pop: 18 Mil 5024: The Kingdom of Zinar Pop: 4,028 Mil 5025: The United States of Zjednoslavia Pop: 441 Mil 5026: The Republic of Zlabibor Pop: 419 Mil 5027: The Federation of Zman108 Pop: 195 Mil 5028: The Democratic Republic of Zman123 Pop: 193 Mil 5029: The Most Serene Republic of Zman135 Pop: 195 Mil 5030: The Fiefdom of Zman21 Pop: 413 Mil 5031: The United Socialist States of Zman47 Pop: 410 Mil 5032: The Borderlands of Zman66 Pop: 266 Mil 5033: The Armed Republic of Zman76 Pop: 198 Mil 5034: The Theocracy of Zman79 Pop: 188 Mil 5035: The Principality of Zman81 Pop: 186 Mil 5036: The Empire of Zman82 Pop: 194 Mil 5037: The Federal Republic of Zman97 Pop: 195 Mil 5038: The United Socialist States of Zobia Pop: 68 Mil 5039: The Rogue Nation of Zodamoogis Pop: 16 Mil 5040: The Republic of Zoj113 Pop: 3,400 Mil 5041: The Republic of Zoj12 Pop: 3,410 Mil 5042: The Republic of Zoj120 Pop: 3,455 Mil 5043: The Republic of Zoj137 Pop: 3,412 Mil 5044: The Republic of Zoj146 Pop: 3,421 Mil 5045: The Republic of Zoj150 Pop: 3,396 Mil 5046: The Republic of Zoj172 Pop: 3,426 Mil 5047: The Republic of Zoj181 Pop: 3,459 Mil 5048: The Republic of Zoj185 Pop: 3,391 Mil 5049: The Republic of Zoj19 Pop: 3,445 Mil 5050: The Republic of Zoj21 Pop: 3,412 Mil 5051: The Republic of Zoj213 Pop: 3,388 Mil 5052: The Republic of Zoj222 Pop: 3,331 Mil 5053: The Republic of Zoj230 Pop: 3,347 Mil 5054: The Republic of Zoj244 Pop: 3,384 Mil 5055: The Republic of Zoj246 Pop: 3,394 Mil 5056: The Republic of Zoj254 Pop: 3,404 Mil 5057: The Republic of Zoj272 Pop: 3,393 Mil 5058: The Republic of Zoj31 Pop: 3,413 Mil 5059: The Republic of Zoj33 Pop: 3,435 Mil 5060: The Republic of Zoj40 Pop: 3,414 Mil 5061: The Republic of Zoj51 Pop: 3,437 Mil 5062: The Republic of Zoj53 Pop: 3,416 Mil 5063: The Republic of Zoj6 Pop: 3,375 Mil 5064: The Republic of Zoj68 Pop: 3,421 Mil 5065: The Republic of Zoj77 Pop: 3,396 Mil 5066: The Republic of Zoj83 Pop: 3,422 Mil 5067: The Republic of Zoj84 Pop: 3,442 Mil 5068: The Republic of Zoj87 Pop: 3,457 Mil 5069: The Republic of Zoj91 Pop: 3,440 Mil 5070: The Holy Empire of Zokla Ame Pop: 81 Mil 5071: The Free Land of Zokomia Pop: 99 Mil 5072: The Empire of Zoobatan Pop: 92 Mil 5073: The Dominion of Zorr Pop: 32 Mil 5074: The Dictatorship of Zoyan Pop: 25,202 Mil 5075: The Armed Republic of Zukiromi Pop: 742 Mil 5076: The Armed Republic of Zuloveta Pop: 843 Mil 5077: The Armed Republic of Zumakeni Pop: 849 Mil 5078: The Armed Republic of Zupano Pop: 756 Mil 5079: The Federal Republic of Zwitseland Pop: 1,766 Mil |