NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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All Regions of the World
(in the Nation States Game)

The game of Nation States is comprised of both regions and countries inside those regions. To search for your Nation, start by clicking on your region below. Then find your Nation and Click on it for econcomic and census information specific to your nation.

There are more than a few Regions to choose from.
Use Control + F on your keyboard to access the browser's search function, and check these pages too.

Page 1 Of Results - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 - Page 5 - Page 6 - Page 7 -
1: 0 0
2: 0 0 0
3: 0 0 0 0
4: 0 r c
5: 00 0
6: 00 00
7: 000
8: 0000
9: 0000 Middle Earth 0000
10: 0000 United Democratic Nations
11: 00000
12: 00000 A World Power
13: 00000 Land of Nod
14: 000000
15: 0000000
16: 00000000
17: 000000000
18: 0000000000
19: 0000000000 Soviet Union
20: 0000000000 Trust in the Lord
21: 00000000000
22: 000000000000
23: 0000000000000
24: 00000000000000
25: 000000000000000
26: 0000000000000000
27: 00000000000000000
28: 000000000000000000
29: 0000000000000000000
30: 00000000000000000000
31: 000000000000000000000
32: 0000000000000000000000
33: 00000000000000000000000
34: 000000000000000000000000
35: 0000000000000000000000000
36: 00000000000000000000000000
37: 000000000000000000000000000
38: 0000000000000000000000000000
39: 00000000000000000000000000000
40: 000000000000000000000000000000
41: 0000000000000000000000000000000
42: 001 Alpha Prime
43: 007
44: 01 Eastern Roman Empire
45: 01 ERE
46: 01 ERE Alliance
47: 01 ERE Alliance Headquarters
48: 0257 black hawk
49: 0527 Chestnut Banded Plover
50: 0527 Whitefaced Whistling
51: 0ld New Middle Region
52: 0ld New Region
53: 0ld Region
54: 0ld Region Vive la Difference
55: 0saka
56: 0siris
57: 0uter Heaven
58: 0w0
59: 0x4576
60: 10 star alliance
61: 100 Islands
62: 100 Nations of Conquest
63: 1000 Flowers
64: 1000 Islands
65: 10000 Hawks
66: 10000 Islands
67: 10000 Paces Weast
68: 10000 Texas Islands
69: 10000 Zombies
70: 10000000000000 Islands
71: 1020791781019490249024102078967884910204
72: 105
73: 105 Hill Top Road
74: 10KI Card Farm
75: 10KI International Airport
76: 10th
77: 111 Group
78: 1111111111111
79: 11th Dimension
80: 12 Grimmauld Place
81: 123
82: 12345
83: 134 sunset trail navasota texas
84: 148 percent
85: 1488Aryanist Commonwealth
86: 14TG OUTPOST 40
87: 14TG OUTPOST 49
88: 1812 europa
89: 1924 DUST AND ASH
90: 1968 but Cool
91: 1972 Munich Olympics
92: 1980s America
93: 1984
94: 1984 Was An Instruction Manual
95: 1st Division Of Execution
96: 1st Lutheran Christian Community
97: 1st Order
98: 1st Sector
99: 1up
100: 1xjvxi3ugj
101: 2 balkanforyou
102: 2 genders
103: 2 Good Men
104: 2 Kaiju 2 Cord 2
105: 2 miles past nowhere
106: 202038443827737373
107: 2022 RP Region
108: 2024
109: 2026 and Beyond
110: 206 Invasion
111: 2070 RP Region
112: 21st century
113: 21st Century Rome
114: 221B Baker Street
115: 27u21buvi0
116: 283 Production
117: 2b2t
118: 2Fort
119: 2KL
120: 2nd Holy Reich of Bunicken
121: 2nd kekistani empire
122: 2nd Reich of Bunicken
123: 2q0qnvxwlk
124: 2tgh8vp39r
125: 2xri01nwi3
126: 3 Guys
127: 3 Mile Island
128: 3 yssabmE ehT
129: 3077
130: 314159265358979323846264338327950
131: 346 Production
132: 36 views
133: 4 8 15 16 23 42
134: 404 Not Found
135: 404 Region Not Found
136: 42 Douglas Adams
137: 420
138: 42069
139: 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444
140: 45101rv40k
141: 454fqoyb8p
142: 49th
143: 4chan
144: 4fssfu46m3
145: 4th german confederation
146: 4th International
147: 4Town
148: 50 thirdworld countries in a trench coat
149: 50 United States of America
150: 5207
151: 52w72n3dzd
152: 55 Cancri
153: 555
154: 56 57
155: 585
156: 5kf8690av8
157: 5th American Empire
158: 5th Republic of the Philippines
159: 5ymx91k4xf
160: 5yncri5e
161: 666
162: 68 Comeback Special
163: 69420
164: 6969
165: 6kmxk1gra8
166: 6th International
167: 765 Production
168: 76t5mh0t73
169: 777
170: 7BC24616 53A7 4EE2 ADE4 5F5454C5F622
171: 7hojmzrcq8
172: 7w7
173: 8niakn3ark
174: 8t5gu8zeav
175: 8th International
176: 961 Production
177: 9ir13ic7x5
178: A Backyard Full of Monsters
180: A Better Colonial Ambition
181: A Better Name Than That
182: A Big Hole
183: A Blank Canvas
184: A capitalist way
185: A clockwork paradise
186: A club in Portland
187: A Cola Bomb
188: A collection of awesome peeps
189: A Communist Bloc
190: a communist region
191: A copy of the north pacific
192: a cup o mental illnesses
193: A Deep Depression
194: A Door in the Cosmos
195: a east pacific
196: A Fantasy Archipelago
197: A Federal Commonwealth Society
198: a founderless region bout to be raided
199: a frontier
200: A Game of Icons
201: A Ghost Town
202: A Good Nights Rest
203: A Grammatically Correct Sentence
204: A hellhole
205: A hole in the ocean
206: A Hole To Hide In
207: A I
208: A Jaxinian Slice of the World
209: A Kitten Loving Fudge Based Democracy
210: A Land of Love and Peace
211: A Land Resplendent With Dank Spicy Memes
212: A Lazarene Card Farm
213: A Leftist Assembly
214: A Liberal Haven
215: A Little Monster
216: A Lone Palm Tree
217: A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away
218: A Luxican
219: A m e r i c a
220: A Micro Union
221: A Milky Way
222: A Modern World
223: A More Peaceful World
224: A N T I C O M
225: A New Day
226: A New Place at a different Time
227: A New Way
228: A New World
229: A New World Order
230: A nice little land
231: A Nice Warm Cave
232: A North Pacific
233: A Pacific
234: A Particular Universe In The Multiverse
235: A Pizza Corporation
236: A place for numbers
237: A Placid Island of Ignorance
238: A Poker Face
239: A Random Region
240: A random region with no purpose
241: A Rather Large Puddle
242: A Really Big Fire
243: a red army
244: A region by that name already exists
245: A Region Certainly
246: A region for nations
247: a region I founded for fun lol
248: A region that is a region lol
249: A Region Where Nothing Happened
250: A region where we pretend to be commies
251: A region with nationstates
252: A S P I R E
253: A Second Try
254: A secret bar in Frankfurt
255: A Secret Nightclub in Buffalo
256: A Secret Pub In Atlanta
257: A Silly Place
258: A Slice of Surreality
259: A Social Liberal Union
260: A Socialist Paradise
261: A Stacked Deck
262: A Starry World
263: A Supermassive Black Hole
264: A Taco Archipelago
265: A Taco Fantasy
266: A Taco Paradise
267: a tavern in Marcus Garvey Park
268: A temple of republics
269: A Territory of The Iron Order known as X
270: A to B Alliance
271: a UCR of some value
272: A Unified Caribbean
273: A USSF Missile
274: a very thin line
275: A weird empty plane of existance
276: a west pacific
277: A World Power
278: A X I S
279: A Yacht
280: A ZU NA
281: AA Battle Royale of Issues
282: aaaaaa
283: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
284: Aakarshak
285: Aaland
286: Aaland Islands
287: Aalborg
288: AALCO
289: Aaldenberg
290: Aarhus
291: Abaco Islands
292: Abaddon
293: Abaer
294: abancay
295: Abandon all Hope
296: Abandoned accounts
297: Abandoned Branch
298: Abbaddon
299: Abbasid Caliphate
301: Aberdeen
302: Abernalia
303: Abgano
304: Abidjan
305: Abkhazia
306: abob DYNASTY
307: Abode of Vavlar
308: Abonville
309: Aborted
310: Abosdivium
311: Abrade
312: abrasively
313: Abree
314: Abregado Rae
315: Abresselinessia
316: Absaroka
317: Absence
318: absolute confusion of ghresfydjhegwdbhfm
319: Absolute Defense
320: Absolute independence
321: Absolute Oppression
322: absolute stupidity
323: Absolution
324: absolves
325: abstrusely
326: Absurdistan
327: absurdities
328: Absurdityhagen
329: abtruse
330: Abu Dhabi
331: Abuja
332: abused
333: abusers
334: abuses
335: Abydos
336: Abyss
337: Abyss Watchers
338: Abyssinia
339: Abyssum
340: ACA
341: ACAB
342: academic
343: academy
344: Academy City
345: Acadiane
346: Acallaris
347: ACCEL
348: accelerating
349: acceleration
350: accelerative
351: accent
352: accentuate
353: acceptability
354: acceptably
355: accepts
356: Access The Axis
357: accession
358: accessories
359: accidentally
360: accolades
361: Accommodators
362: accompanies
363: accompaniment
364: accomplished
365: Accra
366: Accuweather Network TV Program
367: ACE
368: Acehs
369: Achaea
370: Achaemenid Empire
371: Achea
372: Acheron
373: Achilles
374: Achse
375: Aclistan
376: Acores
377: Acorn Empire
378: ACP
379: ACR
380: Acr alpha
381: Acr delta
382: acr gamma
383: Acriona
384: Acrisure Field
385: Acrocorinth
386: Acronian Alliance
387: ACRONIAN powers
388: Acroo
389: Actaea
390: Action institute pact
391: Ad Astra
392: adai
393: Adairidae
394: Adamstown
395: Adarlan
396: Adaven
397: ADC Enemyland
398: Addis Ababa
399: Adelaide
400: Adele
401: Aden
402: Adeodatus
403: Adeptus Retardes
404: Adera
405: Adirondack Mountains
406: Admiralty Islands
407: ADN
408: Adorian Union
409: ADPC
410: Adrastos
411: Adreimaria
412: Adriati
413: Adriatic
414: Adriatic Sea
415: Adrines
416: Advanced Seal of Sanity
417: Adventure Time
418: Advile Puppet Storage
419: Advocates of Change
420: Adygea
421: Adygea Republic
422: Adygeya
423: Aegean
424: Aegean Dominion
425: Aegean Sea
426: AEGIS
427: Aegis Accords
428: Aegis Syndicate
429: Aegis Union
430: Aegyptus
431: AEH
432: Aeia
433: AEIM World Region
434: aeiou
435: AEK
436: Aeloria
437: Aels
438: Aelstun
439: Aenaroth
440: Aenia
441: Aeolian Islands
442: Aequus Isles
443: Aeras
444: Aernen
445: Aerone
446: Aerope
447: Aerospace
448: Aerospace Frontier
449: Aesir
450: Aessui
451: Aeterna
452: Aeterna Publicae
453: Aeternae Lucis Sacerrimi Fines
454: Aethel
455: Aetheli
456: aethelmaer
457: Aether
458: Aetheria
459: Aetherian council
460: Aetherian Isles
461: Aetherian Unity Island
462: Aetheric Order
463: Aetherius
464: Aethiopia
465: Aeviacy
466: Aevum Interventu
467: Aeyrgia
468: AFC East
469: AFC North
470: AFC West
471: Aferist
472: Afghan Plains
473: Afghanistan
474: Afilia
475: AFL
476: Aflandia
477: AFN
478: afreurasia
479: Africa
480: Africa Union
481: Africa2point0
482: African armpit
483: African but Spanish
484: African Communist Union
485: African Continent
486: African Left Union
487: African Union
488: Africana
489: Africans
490: Afrika
491: Afrika Korps
492: Afro Eurasia
493: Afro World
494: Afte ta omorfa edafi
495: After the Fall
496: After The Rain
497: Aftoi oi omorfoi anthropoi
498: aga
499: Aga 38
500: agamemnon
501: Agartha
502: Agartta
503: Age of Empires II
504: Age of Enlightenment
505: Agenca
506: Agency of industrialism
507: Agenda 2030
508: Ages of war
509: Agheasma
510: Agia Germania
511: Agia Germania Anest
512: AGoodRegionName
513: Agora
514: Agoran Training Grounds
515: Agrica
516: Agricultural Machinery
517: Agriculture
518: Agron Peninsula
519: Ahch To
520: Ahegao
521: Ahmad bin Ali Stadium
522: ahsoka Tano
523: AI Cthulhu
524: Ai Miyashita
525: Ai Region
526: Aiba Uiha
527: Aichi
528: Ailande
529: Ailoare
530: Ailseren
531: Ailuros
532: Ainavar
533: Aincrad
534: ainulindale
535: Ainur
536: AIR
537: Air Bus
538: AIR Commonwealth
539: Air Force
540: Air force 1
541: Aircraft Enthusiast
542: Airdrie Asshats
543: Airfield
544: Airplane food amirite
545: Airport
546: Airspace
547: Airspace Anarchy
548: Airstrip One
549: Aissurian Republic
550: Aissurian Union
551: Aitru
552: Aivatkhan Realm
553: Aiz
554: Aizsaule
555: Ajabrik
556: Ajax
558: Akabane Youko
559: Akamatsu
560: Akame Ga Kill
561: Akane Kotonoha
562: Akashik Glyph Universe
563: Akatsuki
564: Akavir
565: Akbaria
566: akemi
567: Akhand Bharatam
568: Akhand Bharath
569: Akhmatova
570: Akihabara
571: Akit Islands
572: Akita
573: Akkad
574: Aklan
575: Akmaic
576: Akrotiri
577: Akrotiri and Dekhelia
578: Akrotiri and Dhekelia
579: Akuma No Riddle
580: Akumal
581: Al Baghdadi
582: al Bahrayn
583: Al Bayt Stadium
584: Al Dhanab
585: Al Janoub Stadium
586: Al Maekruna
587: Al Nusra Front
588: Al Qaeda
589: al Qahirah
590: Al Quds Jerusalem
591: Al Riyadh
592: Al Roker Death Cult Wind Ensemble
593: Al Thumama Stadium
594: Al Zuwaris Great Empire
595: Alabama
596: Alabazion
597: alagadda
598: Alagaesia
599: Alakian Confederation
600: Alambaster
601: Alameda
602: Alamo
603: Aland
604: Alania
605: Alareia
606: Alaska
607: Alayyid
608: Alba
609: Alba Nuadh
610: Albakerke
611: Albania
612: Albanian union
613: Albany
614: Albastru
615: Albastru Blazers
616: Albay
617: Albay Gulf
618: Alberch
619: Alberta
620: Albion
621: Alborada
622: Alboran Sea
623: Albosiac
624: Albunea
625: Albuquerque
626: Albuquerque new mexico
627: Alcamo
628: Alcantara
629: Alcatraz
630: Alcohol
631: Alcoholics Autonomous
632: Alcotas
633: Alcris
634: Alcrosnia Card Farm Region
635: Aldberia
636: Aldebaran
637: Alderaan
638: Alderney
639: Alderney Island
640: Aldon
641: Aldorria
642: Aldraea de Crimnios
643: Ale Turn
644: Aleisyr
645: Alekos Puppet States
646: Aleksandrio
647: Alemannia
648: Aleppo
649: Alert
650: Alerter
651: Alesia
652: Alestan
653: Alestia
654: Aletheia
655: Alethkar
656: Aleutian islands
657: Alevier
658: Alewkhani Quaramon
659: Alex
660: Alexander Archipelago
661: Alexander Berkman
662: Alexander Island
663: Alexandria
664: Alexii
665: Alexo
666: Alfa
667: Alfheim
668: Alfonzo
669: Alfredo
670: Algarith
671: Algebra
672: Algerbor
673: Algerhaven
674: Algerheaven
675: Algeria
676: Algerian Communist Party
677: Algeriz
678: Algers Puppet Storage Yeet
679: Algersten union
680: Alges
681: Algiers
682: Alglida
683: ALGO
684: Alhambra
685: Alharu
686: Aliados brasileiros
687: Alianca Secundaria
688: Alias
689: Alice
690: Alice in Wonderland
691: Alien territories
692: Aliz
693: Alkaid
694: Alkebulan
695: Alkoran coalition
696: Alksearia
697: All Cards Against NationStates
698: All China Federation of Trade Unions
699: All Directions
700: All Elite Wrestling
701: All Empires United
702: All hail fascism
703: All In One Pact
704: All Lives Matter
705: All Male Italian Empire
706: all my fellas
707: All Nations Against Liberals
708: All over the place
709: All powerful Ohio
710: All Sides
711: All Stars
712: All the other countries are run by girls
713: All Union Communist Party
714: Allah
715: Allahs Chosen Lands
716: Allahu Akbar
717: Alleghany
718: Allegheny
719: Allegiant Stadium
720: Alleth Archipelago
721: Alliance
722: Alliance Against Anime
723: alliance against degenerates
724: Alliance Against Humanity
725: Alliance against tbom
726: Alliance Against TCB
727: Alliance Defense Network
728: Alliance for a Greater Germany
729: Alliance for anime
730: Alliance For The End Of Communism
731: Alliance of Absolute Monarchs
732: Alliance of Affluent Nations
733: Alliance Of Armed Nations
734: Alliance of Aryan Nations
735: Alliance of Autocratic Nations
736: Alliance of Bearded Men
737: Alliance of Bolshevik States
738: Alliance of Capitalist Economies
739: Alliance of Capitalists
740: Alliance of Christian Nations
741: Alliance of Communist Republics
742: alliance of communist states
743: Alliance of Conservative Nations
744: Alliance of Democratic Nations
745: Alliance of Democratic States
746: Alliance of Democratic Unions
747: Alliance Of Dictators
748: Alliance Of Dictatorships
749: Alliance of Evil Geniuses
750: Alliance Of Fascism
751: Alliance of free nations
752: Alliance Of Freedom
753: Alliance of Good Neighbours
754: Alliance Of Grand Powers
755: Alliance of Hillgrove High
756: Alliance of Islands and Atolls
757: Alliance of Liberal Democratic Nations
758: Alliance of MilAuts
759: Alliance of Montana Cities
760: Alliance of Nations
761: Alliance of neutral European states
762: Alliance of Non Regional Nation
763: Alliance of Pkardia
764: Alliance of Power
765: Alliance of Puppet Nations
766: Alliance of republics
767: Alliance of Social Democracy
768: Alliance of Socialists and Communists
769: Alliance of Sovereign Nations
770: Alliance of Sovereign States
771: Alliance of Stalinist States
772: Alliance of Stalinist Workers
773: Alliance of Strong Imperial Nations
774: Alliance of Superior Powers
775: Alliance of Supreme Powers
776: Alliance of the Cyrael Archipelago
777: Alliance of the Seven
778: Alliance Of The Untold Future
779: Alliance of Unity
780: Alliance of World Socialists
781: Alliances Of Independent Nations
782: Allied
783: Allied Automobile Empire
784: Allied Conservative States
785: Allied conservative Union
786: Allied Forces
787: Allied Forces of ASCII
788: Allied Independent and Sovereign States
789: Allied independent nations
790: Allied Liberation Armed Forces
791: Allied Nations
792: Allied Nations Against The Black Hawks
793: Allied Nations of South America
794: Allied Nations Treaty Organization
795: Allied Regions of Middle Earth
796: Allied Republics
797: Allied Russian States
798: Allied Socialist Nations
799: Allied Socialist States
800: Allied states
801: Allied States of Entare
802: Allied States of EuroIslanders
803: Allied States of New Contactia
804: Allied Unions
805: allies
806: Allies of Koreak
807: Alltheworlds Bed
808: Allwell
809: Alma Mater
810: Alma Ruma
811: Almania
812: Almaren
813: almaty
814: Almighty Presidents
815: Almingway
816: Alnobia
817: Alnobia Minor
818: Alofi
819: Alola
820: Alola Region
821: ALONG
822: AloTerra 2
823: Aloystopia
824: Alpenwelt
825: Alpha
826: alpha and omega
827: Alpha Centauri
828: Alpha Corvus
829: Alpha Male Region
830: Alpha Omega
831: Alpha Omega ICOC
832: Alpha Quadrant
833: Alpha Sagittae
834: Alpha sigma phi theta rho
835: Alpha squad
836: Alphabet Inc
837: Alphas
838: Alpheratz
839: Alphonsine
840: Alpina
841: Alpine
842: Alpine Convention
843: Alps
845: Alsace
846: Alsace Lorraine
847: Alstroemeria
848: Alstroemerian Commonwealths
849: Alt asia pacific
850: Alt Left
851: Alt Right
852: Alt Right Confederacy
853: Alt Right Knights
854: Alt Right Paradise
855: Alta California
856: Altai
857: Altai Krai
858: Altai Republic
859: Altaic Axis
860: Altaic Peoples Army
861: Altair
862: Altay
863: Altenia
864: Alter Earth
865: Alteran Empire
866: Alterante
867: alteri earth
868: Alternate Byzantine Timeline
869: Alternate Earth
870: Alternate earth dvr1821
871: Alternate Europe
872: Alternate History
873: Alternate History Astoria
874: Alternate History Hub
875: Alternate History World
876: Alternate New World
877: Alternate right
878: Alternate Universe Friendly Pacifists
879: alternate world
880: Alternate world history
881: Alternative Continent
882: Alternative do NationStates
883: Alternative for germany
884: Alternative Right
885: Alternis Europa
886: Alternus Kosmos
887: Alterra
888: Alterra Corporation
889: Alterys
890: Althaniq
891: Altia
892: Altie
893: Altino
894: Altmora
895: Altoria
896: Altradea
897: AltRight Confederacy
898: Alvarez
899: Alvarez Island
900: Alvaria
901: Alvaro
902: Alvazia
903: Alvion
904: Alvonia
905: Alvosan puppet storage
906: Alyr
908: Amagase Muyu
909: Amalfi Coast
910: Amalgamated Federation
911: Amana Osaki
912: Amaranth
913: Amaranthine
914: Amaranthine Alliance
915: Amastess
916: Amatsu
917: Amazon
918: Amazon Federation
919: Amazon River
920: Amazon Warehouse
921: Amazon Web Services
922: Amazonas
923: Amazonia Queendom
924: Amazonian
925: Amber
926: Amber Hills
927: Amberlands
928: ambis
929: Ambition
930: Ambrosia
931: Ambrosian
932: Amburn
933: AMC Apes
934: Ameila Island
935: Amen
936: Amerania
937: America
938: America Central
939: america do brasil
940: America do Sul
941: America First
942: America Forever
943: America Latina
944: America Through Presidencies
945: Americabah
946: American Christian Nationalism
947: American Empire
948: American european defense coalition
949: American Frontier
950: American Navy
951: American Patriot Militia
952: American Patriotic Front
953: American Reich
954: American Samoa
955: American Third Position
956: American Union
957: American Wall
958: American White Anti Libel League
959: Americana
960: Americanada
961: Americans
962: Americas
963: Americas National Past Time
964: Amerika
965: Amerikanisch Empiredom
966: Ameriupol
967: Amersfoort
968: Amesatiana
969: Amestris
970: Amethyst
971: Amethyst Alliance
972: Amethyst Empire
973: Amethyst Legion
974: Ami
975: Amicizia
976: Amigo
977: Amity
978: Amlitzer
979: Amman
980: Ammitica
981: Ammmericaaaa Card Farming Region
982: Ammon
983: Amnam
984: Amnosphiria
985: Amogus
986: Amogus susus
987: Amogusian Union
988: Among Us
989: Amor miserere
990: Amorbius
991: Amorian Jump Point
992: Amphia
993: Amphipolis
994: Amrak
995: AMS
996: Amsterdam
997: AMU
998: Amur
999: Amur Oblast
1000: Amur River
1002: amyr
1003: An Alcove
1004: An Alternate World
1005: An Atlantic
1006: An escape
1007: An Island In Space
1008: ANA
1009: Anachy 99
1010: Anacreon
1011: Anactar
1012: Anaheim
1013: Anaia
1014: Anamonta
1015: Anarcha feminism
1016: Anarchia
1017: Anarchic Confederation
1018: Anarchic Lands
1019: Anarchic Territories
1020: anarchical assembly
1021: Anarchism
1022: Anarchist
1023: Anarchist Black Cross
1024: anarchist catalonia
1025: Anarchist Commune
1026: Anarchist Independence Militia
1027: Anarchist International Army
1028: Anarchist League
1029: Anarchists
1030: Anarcho
1031: Anarcho Bidenism
1032: Anarcho Capitalism
1033: Anarcho Communism
1034: Anarcho Communist
1035: Anarcho Communist Utopia
1036: Anarcho Communists
1037: Anarcho Fascism
1038: Anarcho Land
1039: Anarcho Pacifism
1040: Anarcho Socialism
1041: Anarcho Socialist
1042: Anarcho Socialists
1043: Anarcho Syndicalism
1044: Anarchy
1045: Anarchy and socialist utopia
1046: Anarchy Isles
1047: Anarchy Land
1048: Anarchy union
1049: AnarchyChess
1050: Anarchyy
1051: Anarco Argentina
1052: Anarhy
1053: Anaria Alixisium
1054: Anarres
1055: Anarzee Umewraek
1056: Anastasia
1057: Anastasia Island
1058: Anastaysia
1059: Anatevka
1060: Anatheifstesa
1061: Anathem
1062: Anatolia
1063: Anbennar
1064: AnCa
1065: Ancap
1066: Ancapalopolis
1067: Ancapistan
1068: Ancapistan 2 Electric Boogaloo
1069: Ancappy Land
1070: AnCaps United
1071: Anchorage
1073: Ancient
1074: Ancient Egypt
1075: Ancient Empires
1076: Ancient Epic League of Epicness
1077: Ancient europe
1078: Ancient Geek
1079: Ancient Greece
1080: Ancient Jungle
1081: Ancient Lands
1082: Ancient Nations
1083: Ancient Rome
1084: Ancient Sparrow
1085: Ancient World
1086: Ancom
1087: Ancoms
1088: And The Wheel of Time Turned
1089: And which
1090: Andajus
1091: Andalusia
1092: Andaman and Nicobar Islands
1093: Andaman Islands
1094: Andarios
1095: Anders Behring Breivik
1096: Andes
1097: Andmore
1098: Andor
1099: Andoran Empire
1100: Andorra
1101: Andorra la Vella
1102: Android
1103: Andromeda
1104: Andromeda galaxy
1105: Andromeda Island
1106: Andromeda region
1107: Andromedia
1108: Andros
1109: Andusre
1110: Andy Moog
1111: Anea
1112: Anea continental federal Union
1113: Anegana
1114: Anejestia
1115: Anemi
1116: Anesha
1117: Anextlomara
1118: Anfield
1119: Angel
1120: Angel Beats
1121: Angel Investigations
1122: Angel island
1123: Angelcynn
1124: Angelene
1125: Angeles
1126: Angelic Crusader States
1127: Angelic Glare
1128: Angeloid Astraea
1129: Angels Encarmine
1130: Angels of Derp
1131: Angelus Country
1132: Angevin Empire
1133: Angkor Wat
1134: Anglacova
1135: Angladen
1136: Anglo Saxon Britain
1137: AngloSaxons
1138: Anglospheric Empire
1139: Anglova
1140: Angmar
1141: Angola
1142: Angora Guanaco
1143: Angry Dwarf Gang
1144: Angry Fruit Salad Remembered
1145: Anguilla
1146: Angularis RP
1147: Angus1637 World And Regions
1148: Angvar
1149: Angvaria
1150: Anhui
1151: Ani
1152: Animal Farm
1153: Animal House
1154: Animal Liberation Army
1155: Animal Liberation Front
1156: Animal Nations Support Pact
1157: Animal School
1158: Animalia
1159: Animals
1160: Animatic Battle
1161: Anime
1162: Anime and Memes Alliance
1163: Anime City
1164: Anime Enthusiasts
1165: Anime Exclusion Zone
1166: Anime girls
1167: Anime Land
1168: Anime landia
1169: Anime Nation
1170: Anime Nations Against Liberals
1171: Anime Puppets
1172: AnimeGirls
1173: AnimeOnDVD
1174: Animus
1175: Anippe
1176: Anistan Regional Council
1177: Anjan Kloss
1178: Anjan Kloss Card Collections
1179: Anjou
1180: Ankara
1181: Ankh Mauta
1182: Ankh Morpork
1183: Ann
1184: Anna
1185: Anna Kendrick Land
1186: Annalene
1187: Annam
1188: Annapolis
1189: Anne
1190: Anne Frank
1191: Annecy
1192: Annexed Regions
1193: Annexed Territory of Tokatsu Empire
1194: Anni
1195: Annie Chen
1196: anniki
1197: Annoying Liberals
1198: Annwn
1199: Anomalous zone of Beshkeresh
1200: Anomaly
1201: Anontia
1202: Anonymity
1203: Anor Londo
1204: Anorexia nervosa
1205: Anorkrollia
1206: Another Galaxy
1207: Another New World Order
1208: AnPrim
1209: Anqeneng
1210: Anschluss
1211: Anshan
1212: Antafia
1213: Antananarivo
1214: Antaras
1215: Antarchon
1216: Antarctic
1217: Antarctic archipeligos
1218: Antarctic Empire
1219: Antarctic Oasis
1220: Antarctica
1221: Antarctica Empire
1222: Antarean Empire
1223: Antares
1224: Antargis
1225: Antaria
1226: Antas
1227: Antebellum
1228: Antebellum Dixie
1229: Antebellum Dixieland
1230: Anteiku
1231: Anteria
1232: Anterior department of the Wesley Region
1233: Antheia
1234: Anthrophage Union
1235: anti
1236: Anti 10000 islands
1237: Anti Abortion
1238: Anti Agustan Bloc
1239: Anti Anarchy
1240: Anti Anime Action
1241: Anti Anime Association
1242: Anti antifa
1243: Anti Antifa Alliance
1244: anti antifa and mt army region
1245: Anti Ashotu
1246: Anti Authoritarian Alliance
1247: Anti Bangledeshi Puppet Region
1248: ANTI BBD
1249: Anti Bhang Bhang Duc
1250: Anti Centrist United
1251: Anti civil rights movement
1252: Anti Comintern
1253: Anti Commie Region
1254: Anti communist
1255: Anti Communist Action
1256: Anti Communist Affinity
1257: Anti communist alliance
1258: Anti Communist Bloc
1259: Anti Communist Corps
1260: Anti Communist International
1261: Anti Communist Military
1262: Anti Communist region
1263: Anti Discord Alliance
1264: Anti Eternal Order
1265: Anti Fairy Pact
1266: Anti Fairy Pact Alliance Council
1267: Anti Fascism
1268: Anti Free Republics Region
1269: Anti furries
1270: Anti Furry
1271: Anti furry land
1272: Anti Furry League
1273: anti furry legion
1274: Anti furry republic
1275: Anti Gay Hideway
1276: Anti hairless cat coalition
1277: Anti Hate Pact
1278: Anti Horse Club
1279: Anti Israel
1280: Anti J o J
1281: Anti J o J Coalition
1282: Anti J o jian Military Network
1283: Anti Jewish League
1284: Anti Leftist League
1285: Anti Leftwing Alliance
1286: Anti Lily
1287: Anti makasta
1288: Anti Maoist Action
1289: Anti Marxist Syndicate
1290: ANTI Micro Union
1291: Anti Moderator Alliance
1292: Anti MT Army
1293: Anti MT Army Pact
1294: Anti MT Army Union
1295: ANTI MU
1296: anti nk
1297: Anti Nuclear Alliance
1298: Anti Pacific Coalition
1299: Anti Pacific Coalition News
1300: Anti Panda
1301: Anti PRAF
1302: Anti Racist Action
1303: Anti Raider Alliance
1304: Anti Raider Union
1305: Anti Red Fleet
1306: Anti revisionist left
1307: Anti Semitic
1308: Anti SLU
1309: Anti Socialist Action
1310: Anti TCB
1311: ANTI The Micro Union
1312: Anti The Red Fleet
1313: anti TI
1314: Anti tinhampton alliance
1315: Anti TLA
1316: ANTI TMU
1317: Anti TRF
1318: anti trump alliance
1319: Anti TWP Alliance
1320: Anti tyranny league
1321: Anti Tyranny Militia
1322: Anti Warzone Trinidad and its Mafia
1323: Anti West Pacific
1324: Anti West Pacific Alliance
1325: Anti World Assembly
1326: Anti yellow alliance
1327: Anti Zionism
1328: Anti Zionist
1329: Anti Zionist Alliance
1330: AntiAntifa
1331: Antiarcticartiniccaa
1332: AntiAuth Zone
1333: Antibes
1334: Anticap
1335: Anticapitalist Alliance
1336: Anticentrism Union
1337: antichrist
1338: Antico
1339: Antico of Raxus
1340: Anticom
1341: anticom Air
1342: Anticom Combat Preparation Center
1343: Anticom Combat Preparations Center
1344: Anticom Navy
1345: Anticom Shipyard
1346: Anticomintern
1347: Anticommunism
1348: Anticommunist Union
1349: Antidictatorship League
1350: Antifa
1351: Antifa California
1352: Antifa Curitiba
1353: Antifa Dialectical metaRealism
1354: Antifa Fleet
1356: Antifa International
1357: Antifaschistische Aktion
1358: Antifascism
1359: Antifragile
1360: AntiFurra Latina
1361: AntiGen
1362: Antigua
1363: Antigua and Barbuda
1364: Antigua Barbuda
1365: Antijihadism
1366: antik anarcho communism coalition
1367: Antikommunistische Aktion
1368: AntiLegendary League
1369: Antilles
1370: Antillia Island
1371: Antillia Islands
1372: Antima
1373: Antinosean card farm
1374: Antioch
1375: Antiochs
1376: Antiohio
1377: Antisoc
1378: Antisocial League
1379: Antista
1380: AntiStalinism
1381: AntiTrump Alliance
1382: Anton Khudobin
1383: Antraland
1384: Antti niemi
1385: Antwerp
1386: ANTY
1387: Anu
1388: Anubis
1389: Anville
1390: Anxiety
1391: Anxious and Kevin Card Farm Storage
1392: Anym
1393: Anyoji Hime
1394: Anything goes
1395: Anywhere
1396: ANZAC
1397: Anzer
1398: Anzia
1399: Aokigahara
1400: Aolian Customs Union
1401: Aomori
1402: Aonaria
1403: Aotearoa
1404: Aovelale
1405: Aozora
1406: Aozoran Peoples Army
1407: AP 7
1408: AP Copotopia
1409: AP Gooning
1410: AP JHS
1411: Apa Sambetei
1412: Apartheid
1413: Apartheid Africa
1414: Apartheid South Africa
1415: Apartments
1416: Apathia
1417: Apathy
1418: Apayao
1419: APC
1420: APCNN
1421: Aperture Laboratories
1422: Apex
1423: Apex Legends
1424: Aphex Twin
1425: Aphmau
1426: Aphrodite
1427: Apia
1428: Apocalypse Academy
1429: Apocalypse Peaks
1430: Apocrypha
1431: Apollo
1432: Apophis
1433: Apostate
1434: Apostolic Tradition
1435: Appalachia
1436: Appalachiain moutains
1437: Appelsinutre
1438: Apple
1439: Apple Park
1440: AppleJuice
1441: Apra
1442: April
1443: APSIA
1444: APU
1445: Aqabah
1446: Aqours
1447: Aqua
1448: Aqua Regia
1449: aqua teen hunger force hate group
1450: Aquarama
1451: Aqueeba alliance
1452: Aquileia
1453: Aquilonia
1454: Aquitaine
1455: Ar nDraiocht Fein
1456: Arab
1457: Arab League
1458: Arab Maghreb Union
1459: Arab Republic of Egypt
1460: Arab Trade and Partnership pact
1461: Arabia
1462: Arabian europe
1463: Arabian Peninsula
1464: Arabian Region
1465: Arabian Sea
1466: Aracania
1467: Arachno Communism
1468: Arachno Communist
1469: Arachno Communists
1470: Arachosia
1471: Aradi Sulayman
1472: Aragon
1473: Arakeia
1474: Aral Sea
1475: Arallu
1476: Arameht
1477: Aramos
1478: Araneae
1479: Aranyu
1480: Arashi Chisato
1481: Arathus
1482: Arawa
1483: Arbelough
1484: Arberus
1485: Arbiter
1486: Arbor
1487: Arbor Cortice Trade Market
1488: Arboreal
1489: Arborhaven
1490: Arcadia
1491: Arcadinus Vettus
1492: Arcalairn
1493: Arcane
1494: Arcane League of Legends
1495: Arcane Realms
1496: Arcanum
1497: Arcanum Arcanorum
1498: Arcem
1499: Arcesia
1500: Arch Linux
1501: Archai
1502: Archai Frontier
1503: Archaic Region
1504: Archdemocratzia
1505: Archdymia
1506: Archenetove
1507: Archination
1508: Archipel
1509: Archipelago
1510: Archipelago of reconciliation
1511: Archipelago of Sagolia
1512: Archipelago of the Undiscovered Oceans
1513: Archive
1514: Archive of Entropan
1515: Archmont
1516: Archway Commons
1517: Arconia
1518: Arconian Empire
1519: Arctic
1520: Arctic Alliance
1521: Arctic Circle
1522: Arctic Circle Socialist Union
1523: Arctic Islands
1524: Arctic ocean
1525: Arctic Reaches
1526: Arctica
1527: Arcticia
1528: Arctopolis
1529: Arcturia
1530: Arcturus Council
1531: Arcturus Solar System
1532: Arcturus System
1533: Arcus
1534: Arda
1535: Arda en Estel
1536: Ardealu
1537: Arden
1538: Ardenia
1539: Ardenship Of Shattered Lands
1540: Ardent
1541: Ardown
1542: Arduinna
1543: Area 51
1544: areas of castle
1545: Arelis
1546: Arellond
1547: Aremark
1548: Arembia
1549: Arendell
1550: Arendellian Lands
1551: Ares Test Chamber 1
1552: Ares Test Chamber 10
1553: Ares Test Chamber 11
1554: Ares Test Chamber 11B
1555: Ares Test Chamber 12
1556: Ares Test Chamber 13
1557: Ares Test Chamber 14
1558: Ares Test Chamber 14B
1559: Ares Test Chamber 15
1560: Ares Test Chamber 16
1561: Ares Test Chamber 16B
1562: Ares Test Chamber 17
1563: Ares Test Chamber 2
1564: Ares Test Chamber 2B
1565: Ares Test Chamber 3
1566: Ares Test Chamber 4
1567: Ares Test Chamber 4B
1568: Ares Test Chamber 5
1569: Ares Test Chamber 6
1570: Ares Test Chamber 7
1571: Ares Test Chamber 8
1572: Ares Test Chamber 9
1573: Ares Test Chamber 9B
1574: Argentia
1575: Argentina
1576: Argentine
1577: Argentine Republic
1578: Argentinian republic
1579: Argentino Lake
1580: Argis
1581: Argo
1582: Argo Navis
1583: Argos
1584: Argumentative Ones
1585: Argus Array
1586: Aria
1587: ARIAD
1588: Ariadne
1589: Arianne and Serafine
1590: Aridaria
1591: Ariel
1592: Arikore
1593: ArilCards Inc
1594: Arin
1595: Ariosophy
1596: Arisa Matsuda
1597: Aristogaia
1598: Aristokuvaa
1599: Arithmetisches Mittel Erde
1600: Ariu
1601: Arizona
1602: Arizona Cardinals
1603: Ark Federation
1604: ARK Survivors
1605: Arkadia
1606: Arkana Coalition
1607: Arkanaas Blocc
1608: Arkand
1609: Arkania
1610: Arkansas
1611: Arkhaessa
1612: Arkham
1613: Arkham Asylum
1614: Arkhangelsk
1615: Arkhangelsk Oblast
1616: Arkhon
1617: Arknights
1618: Arkon
1619: Arkon Trading Assembly
1620: Arkonos
1621: Arlentia
1622: Arlington
1623: Armada
1624: Armageddon
1625: Armagedox
1626: Armatonisdaristan
1627: Armatonisdaristani sepputonia
1628: Armed forces of nation states
1629: Armed Forces Of The Enclave
1630: Armed Forces of Ukraine
1631: Armed Neutrality Union
1632: Armenia
1633: Armies of the World
1634: Armillary sphere
1635: Armor Games
1636: Army
1637: Army divison land
1638: Army of Freedom
1639: Army of Obama
1640: Army of the Empire of Kantrias
1641: Arnhelm
1642: Arnhem
1643: Arnor
1644: Arolianon
1645: Aros Elyium
1646: Aros elyium puppetarium
1647: Arouca
1648: ARPF Headquarters
1649: Arrakis
1650: Arreit
1651: Arrgh
1652: Arrokoth
1653: Arrokuda
1654: Arrosia
1655: Arrow Cross Party
1656: Arrowhead
1657: Arsarazin
1658: Arsed
1659: Arsenal
1660: Arsenal de marinha do rio de janeiro
1661: Arson
1662: Arstotskiano
1663: Arstotzka
1664: Arstotzka Space Program
1665: Arstotzovo
1666: Art
1667: Art by Sam Yang
1668: Arta
1669: Artemis
1670: Artemisa
1671: Arthralonian Card Farm
1672: Artic
1673: Articia
1674: Artificial Lunar System
1675: Artificial Sigma System
1676: Artificial Solar System
1677: Artificial Suspicious Powers
1678: Artillery Fan Club
1679: Artishian Region
1680: Artistry
1681: Artngvir
1682: Artois
1683: ARTPOP
1684: Artsakh
1685: Arturrian Realms
1686: Aruba
1687: Aruna
1688: Arusuki
1689: Arvadia
1690: Arvadian Millitary
1691: Arvala 7
1692: Arx Gothica
1693: Aryakan Universe
1694: aryan
1695: Aryan Alliance
1696: Aryan Denlark
1697: Aryan Heritage Council
1698: Aryan honor
1699: Aryan Lands
1700: Aryan Nation
1701: Aryan Nations
1702: Aryan Pride
1703: Aryan Reich of Vinland
1704: Aryan Resistance Movement
1705: Aryan Scandinavia
1706: Aryan Shield Command League
1707: Aryan Soviet Brotherhood
1708: Aryan Stronghold
1709: Aryan Taskforce
1710: Aryan Union
1711: Aryana
1712: AryanNations
1713: Aryans
1714: Aryavarta
1715: Arythmia
1716: Arza
1717: Arzsto Balkaloo
1718: As suways
1719: As terras lendarias de meha
1720: Asana
1721: Asatruisches Kaiserreich
1722: Ascania
1723: Ascension
1724: Ascension Island
1725: Ascensionsen
1726: Ascenthia
1727: Ascenthia Puppet Storage
1728: asdsasf
1729: ASDWS
1730: ASEAN
1732: ASEAN Union
1733: Asela
1734: Asesari
1735: Asexual
1736: Asexual Region
1737: Asexuality
1738: Asgard
1739: Asgardia
1740: Asgarnia
1741: Ash
1742: Ashanti Alston
1743: Ashen fields
1744: Ashendrean Card Farmers
1745: Ashenvale
1746: Ashes of War
1747: Ashgabat
1748: ashington
1749: Ashinolia
1750: Ashlabia
1751: Ashlands
1752: Ashmore
1753: Ashramingo
1754: Ashroxem
1755: Ashur
1756: Asia
1757: Asia 1
1758: Asia II
1759: Asia Minor
1760: Asia Pacific
1761: Asia Pacific Economic Group
1762: Asia Tenggara
1763: Asian
1764: Asian Communist Front
1765: Asian Cooperation Pact
1766: Asian Dawn
1767: Asian Front
1768: Asian International Economic Zone
1769: Asian Nations
1770: Asian Parliament
1771: Asian States Community
1772: Asian Treaty Organization
1773: Asian Union
1774: Asiana
1775: ASIDS Coalition
1776: Asirtania
1777: Aslai
1778: Asmara
1779: Asmer
1780: Asmodeus
1781: Asnaria
1782: Asotrias
1783: Aspen
1784: Aspenia
1785: Asphalt
1786: Asphodel
1787: Asphodel Meadows
1788: Ass
1789: Assaisonnee
1790: Assak ubitla
1791: Assam
1792: Assassini
1793: Assassins
1794: Assassins Creed
1795: Asse AdriaBigiolla
1796: Assembleia dos imperios unidos mundiais
1797: Assembleia regional de Brasil1
1798: Assemblia
1799: Assembly
1800: Assembly for a Socialist International
1801: Assembly of Christian Nations
1802: Assembly of Communism
1803: Assembly of Guardians
1804: Assembly of Independent Nations
1805: Assembly of Militaristic Countries
1806: Assembly of Regions
1807: assembly of roleplay
1808: Assembly of Socialist States
1809: Assembly of Sovereign Nations
1810: Assembly of the Empires
1811: Assembly of the Former Third PCWZ Empire
1812: Assembly of well acquainted individuals
1813: Assiniboia
1814: Associated Powers Bloc
1815: Association
1816: Association of Free Nations
1817: Association Of Imperialism
1818: Association of Independent Football
1819: Association of Islamic Nations
1820: Association of Modern States
1821: Association of scientific stimulation
1822: Association of Southeast Asian Nations
1823: Association of the Countries of the Free
1824: Assorted Vibing Nations
1825: ASStoria
1826: Assuwa
1827: Assyria
1828: Asta EZ
1829: Astana
1830: Astares Covenant
1831: Astaria
1832: Astaryx
1833: Astatontingedoan Peninsula
1834: asteland
1835: Aster
1836: Astera
1837: Asterah
1838: Asteroid Apocalypse RP
1839: Asteroids
1840: Asterya
1841: Astian Union
1842: Astios
1843: Astolfo
1844: Astoria
1845: Astoria 2
1846: Astoria but British
1847: Astoria but Spiders
1848: Astra
1849: Astra v sovereignty
1850: Astra Valley
1851: Astrakhan
1852: Astrakhan Oblast
1853: Astral Alcazar
1854: Astral Sea
1855: Astraleaux
1856: Astralis
1857: Astralith
1858: Astrasia
1859: Astrid
1860: Astrology Nexus
1861: Astronomers Haven
1862: Astronomy
1863: Asturia
1864: Asturias
1865: Astyria
1866: Asucki
1867: Asuka Confederation
1868: Asuncion
1869: Asus
1870: Aswa
1871: Aswanny
1872: Asylum
1873: Asylum of Solitude
1874: at major
1875: Ataegina
1876: Atafu
1877: Atamora
1878: Ataxia
1879: ATC
1880: Ateohwun
1881: ATFR
1882: Athabaska
1883: Athas
1884: Atheism
1885: Atheist alliance
1886: Atheist Empire
1887: Atheist Haven
1888: Atheist international
1889: Atheist Regions
1890: Atheists
1891: Athena
1892: Athena but Spiders
1893: Atheneia
1894: Athenian Suburbs
1895: Athens
1896: Atherora
1897: Athine
1898: Atkalat
1899: Atkemri Puppet storage
1900: Atlanc Ministry of Defense HQ
1901: Atlanta
1902: Atlanta Falcons
1903: Atlantia
1904: Atlantian Oceania
1905: atlantiantic
1906: Atlantic
1907: Atlantic Alliance
1908: Atlantic Avenue
1909: Atlantic Cascadia
1910: Atlantic Central Command
1911: Atlantic Countries of Something
1912: Atlantic Europe
1913: Atlantic Fleet
1914: Atlantic New Lands
1915: Atlantic Ocean
1916: Atlantic Republic
1918: Atlantica
1919: Atlanticana
1920: Atlanticanan Fantasy Roleplay
1921: Atlantis
1922: Atlantiva
1923: Atlantopica
1924: Atlas
1925: Atlas Aeterna
1926: Atlas Federation
1927: Atlas Puppets
1928: Atlas Shurgged
1929: Atlas University
1930: atlasia
1931: Atleti
1932: ATOMIC
1933: Atoms
1934: Atorantisu
1935: Atron Internum
1936: Atrosia Isles
1937: Attention
1938: Atterrium
1939: Attica
1940: Attila
1941: atyy24znnc
1942: Auckland
1943: Auctor
1944: Auctor Refugees
1945: Auctoritan Commonwealth
1946: Audacia
1947: Audax
1948: Audaxia
1949: Audinesca
1950: Audonia
1951: Audriana
1952: Audux
1953: August
1954: August 13 Birthday Bunker
1955: August Revolution
1956: Augusta
1957: Augusta Raurica
1958: Augustin Alliance
1960: Aukum
1961: Aukumnia
1962: Aukumnian Imperium
1963: Aundrea
1964: AUPRA
1965: Aura
1966: Aura Hyperia
1967: Aurae
1968: Auraelia
1969: AurAKlimaX
1970: Auralands
1971: Auralesia
1972: Auralia
1973: Auratus
1974: Aurelia
1975: Aurelia Haven
1976: Aurelis
1977: Aurelius
1978: Aurentina
1979: Aureola
1980: Auretania
1981: Aureum locum
1982: Auria
1983: Auriberg Republic
1984: Aurne
1985: Auroa
1986: Auroara
1987: Auroara x
1988: Auroc
1989: Aurora
1990: Aurora Aeternam
1991: Aurora Forest
1992: Aurora Peaks
1993: Aurora Union
1994: Auroran
1995: Auroronia
1996: Aurrelius
1997: Aurum
1998: Ausblic
1999: Aushwitz
2000: Ausonia
2001: Ausozera
2002: Auspicious
2003: Austenasia
2004: Austeria
2005: Austin
2006: Austin Texa storage
2007: Austrafralasia
2008: Australasian Collective Nations
2009: Australasian Democratic Union
2010: Australia
2011: Australia Commonwealth
2012: Australia continent
2013: Australialia
2014: Australian Capital Territory
2015: Austria
2016: Austria and Hungary
2017: Austria Hungary
2018: Austrian Arabia
2019: Austrian China
2020: Austrian Empire
2021: Austrian Hungarian Monarchy
2022: Austrian India
2023: Austrian North America
2024: Austrian North East Africa
2025: Austrian Painters Alliance
2026: Austrian Protection Agency
2027: Austrian South Africa
2028: Austrian South America
2029: Austrian West Africa
2030: Austritaria
2031: Austro Hungarian Empire
2032: Autarchic Pact
2033: Autasmania
2034: Auth Confederation
2035: Authentic
2036: Authentic Falange
2037: Authentic Solar System
2038: Authoritaria
2039: Authoritaria Reborn
2040: Authoritarian Axis
2041: Authoritarian Deterrence Broadcast
2042: Authoritarian Nations Council
2043: Authoritarian Union
2044: Authoritariania
2045: Authotaria
2046: Autism
2047: Autism Spectrum
2048: Autobots
2049: Autocracy Club
2050: Autonoma
2051: Autonomous confederacy of the new world
2052: Autonomous Peoples
2053: Autonomous Region of the Azores
2054: Autropolis
2055: Autumn
2056: Autumn Plains
2057: Autumnal Court
2058: Autumnberg
2059: Aux Valkmul
2060: Auxiliary Defense Network
2061: Auxilium
2062: Avadam Inn
2063: Avakaels Wednesday Night Curry
2064: Avakon
2065: Avalanchia
2066: Avalar
2067: Avaldonia
2068: Avaldonka
2069: Avalon
2070: Avalon Island
2071: Avalonia
2072: Avalonia and the Free Nations
2073: Avalonis
2074: Avalonius
2075: Avantgarde
2076: Avantia
2077: Avarenth
2078: Avarossian Confederation
2079: Avarua
2080: Avengrynkhal
2081: Average CSB Region
2083: Avernia
2084: Avernus
2085: Averohk
2086: Averum
2087: Aviae Supercontinent
2088: Avian worshipers of chicken overlords
2089: Aviania REBORN
2090: Aviatorino
2091: Avicii
2092: Avinispuppetland
2093: Avis
2094: Avitorius
2095: Avium
2096: Avocado Cheese Aegg Bacon
2097: Avocado nation
2098: Avolon
2099: Avonesia
2100: Avrian crown union
2101: Avril 14th
2102: Avrora soyuz
2103: Away We Go
2104: AWB
2105: Awful Circle
2106: Awful place dreadful really
2107: Awooga
2108: Axes Powers
2109: Axia
2110: Axiom Supercluster
2111: Axis
2112: Axis Alliance
2113: Axis Dictatorship
2114: Axis of Absurdity
2115: Axis of Evil
2116: Axis of Storms II
2117: Axis of Storms III
2118: Axis of Storms IV
2119: Axis of Storms V
2120: Axis Pact
2121: Axis Power Nations
2122: Axis Powers
2123: Axis Powers the Sequel
2124: Axis Region
2125: Axis union
2126: Axis X Union
2127: Axixic Prime
2128: Axixican Colony New Axixic
2129: Axixican Colony Pseudogotham
2130: Ayera Planet
2131: Ayn Rand
2132: Aynia
2133: Ayra Cat Army
2134: Ayumu Uehara
2135: Ayy lmao
2136: Ayy lmaoland
2137: Azania
2138: Azean
2139: Azerbaijan
2140: Azerbaycan
2141: Azerbaycan Respublikasi
2142: Azeroth
2143: AZERTY
2144: Azhukali
2145: Azish
2146: azkab confederartion
2147: Azkaban
2148: Azlant
2149: AZN Pride
2150: Azohians
2151: Azonia
2152: Azores
2153: Azov A30b
2154: Aztec
2155: Aztlan
2156: Azuchi Castle
2157: Azuno
2158: Azur Lane
2159: Azur lane crimson axis
2160: Azur Rozen Europa
2161: Azure Federation
2162: Azure Watester Federation
2163: Azurehaven
2164: Azureland
2165: Azuria
2166: AzurKommissariats
2167: B komachi
2168: B Pacific
2169: B71
2170: BA BA BAKA
2171: Ba Sing Se
2172: Ba Sing Sei
2173: ba78gavbj9
2174: Baal
2175: Baathist Dictators
2176: Baba Yaga
2177: Babalon
2178: Babbal Om
2179: Babel
2180: Babylon
2181: Babylon 5
2182: Babylonia
2183: Babylonian Empire
2184: Bacchus
2185: Back Forty
2186: Backroomia
2187: Backwater
2188: Bacon
2189: Bactria
2190: Bad Israel
2191: Bad Science
2192: Bad tibira
2193: BadBoyHalo
2194: Baden
2195: Baden Wuerttemberg
2196: Baden Wurttemberg
2197: Badge
2198: Badger Mage
2199: Badhistory
2200: Badlands
2201: Badlands Frontier
2202: Badonian Confederation
2203: Baduhenna
2204: Baffin Island
2205: Bag End
2206: bagdado
2207: Baggins
2208: Baghdad
2209: Bahamas
2210: Bahrain
2211: Bahrayn
2212: Baikonur Cosmodrome
2213: Baile Atha Cliath
2214: Bailey
2215: Bailiwick of Guernsey
2216: Bailiwick of Jersey
2217: Bailiwick of New Jersey
2218: Bairnssun
2219: Baishan
2220: Baizou Jima
2221: Baja California
2222: Baja California Sur
2223: Baker
2224: Baker Island
2225: Bakersfield
2226: Bakersville
2227: Bako
2228: Baktria
2229: Baku
2230: Baku City
2231: Bakunin
2232: Bakur
2233: Bakura
2234: Bal
2235: Bal durr
2236: Balakliya
2237: Balatro
2238: Balawood Union
2239: Bald
2240: Bald Head of Aang
2241: Balder
2242: Balder than You
2243: Baldest
2244: Baldr
2245: Baldur
2246: Baldurs Gate
2247: Balearic Islands
2248: Balearic Sea
2249: Balestrian Commonwealth
2250: Balestrian Empire
2251: Bali
2252: Bali Hai
2253: Balkan
2254: Balkan Bliss
2255: Balkan Peninsula
2256: Balkan River Society
2257: Balkan union
2258: Balkania
2259: Balkans
2260: balklands
2261: Ball
2262: Ballenhal
2263: BALLER
2264: Ballin Stalin
2265: Ballinstan
2266: Ballista
2267: ballpit
2268: Ballpit Barracks
2269: balls
2270: Balls Dog
2271: Balls moment
2272: balls movement
2273: BallsMoment
2274: Ballybug
2275: Balmullo Union
2276: Balochistan
2277: Baloo kingdom card farm plantation
2278: Balsamic Vinaigrette
2279: Baltans
2280: Baltatiya
2281: Baltic
2282: Baltic Alliance
2283: Baltic Dawn
2284: Baltic ocean
2285: Baltic Sea
2286: Baltic States
2287: Baltic States Alliance
2288: Baltica
2289: Balticstates
2290: Baltija
2291: Baltimore
2292: Baltimore Ravens
2293: Baltinavia
2294: Baltokia
2295: Baltornae
2296: Baluchistan
2297: Balugata
2298: Balvenia Port
2299: Bamako
2300: Banaanvraag
2301: Banana
2302: Banana Bread
2303: Banana BRRRRRR
2304: Band Camp
2305: Band company bois
2306: Bandar Seri Begawan
2307: Bande dessinee
2308: Bandland
2309: Bandocord nationstates
2310: Bandung Independent School Region
2311: Bane
2312: Bangalore
2313: Bangkok
2314: Bangla
2315: Bangladang
2316: Bangladesh
2317: Bangladeshi Puppet
2318: Bangor
2319: Bangsamoro
2320: Bangui
2321: banject bois
2322: Banjection Tournament
2323: Banjul
2324: Bank
2325: Bank of Acadiane
2326: Banks Island
2327: Banned
2328: Baphomet
2329: Bappaditya
2330: Baptist
2331: Bar Farofa
2332: Bar Vegas
2333: Barad dur
2334: Baradoz
2335: Barbados
2336: Barbados Republic
2337: Barbaria
2338: Barbarus
2339: Barbary Coast
2340: Barbican Accolade Hotel
2341: Barbie
2342: Barbieland
2343: Barbuda
2344: Barcelona
2345: Bardo
2346: Barents sea
2347: BARMAIDS ltd
2348: Barondir Bay
2349: Barosh Angazerd
2350: Barovia
2351: Barrovia
2352: Base Charlie
2353: Baseball
2354: Based Belarus
2355: Based Department
2356: Based Onimai Enjoyers
2357: BasedGod Federation
2358: Basedlandistan
2359: BASF SE
2360: Bashkir Republic
2361: Bashkortostan
2362: Bashkortostan Republic
2363: Bashur
2364: Basic Start
2365: Basilikum Plantage
2366: Baskado
2367: Basque
2368: Basque Country
2369: Basque cuisine
2370: Basque League
2371: basra
2372: Bass
2373: Basse Terre
2374: Basseterre
2375: Bastion of the Classifiers
2376: Bastion of Unfathomable Trust and Truth
2377: Bastogne
2378: Basutoland
2379: Bata
2380: Batasia
2381: Batavia
2382: Bathory
2383: Batman
2384: Batmanland
2385: Baton Rouge
2386: Battle Cry
2387: Battle for Dream Island
2388: Battle of Kursk
2389: Battle Royale with Cheese
2390: Battlefront
2391: Battleground of the Gods
2392: Battleon
2393: Battleship
2394: Battlestar
2395: Battlestar Necropolis
2396: Batzia
2397: Bau Bau
2398: Baumbis
2399: Bavaria
2400: Bavarian Soviet Republic
2401: Baxmyt
2402: Bay Islands
2403: Bay of Bengal
2404: Bay of Biscay
2405: Bayan
2406: Bayern
2407: BayM14s Region
2408: Bazelgeuse
2409: BB HQ
2410: Bb3cs Empire
2411: BBC
2412: BBJ Region
2413: Bcmun
2414: BCN
2415: BCPS Republic
2416: Be Gay Do Crimes
2417: Beach
2418: Beach Party Fun Times
2419: Beacon of Peace
2420: Beania
2421: Bear
2422: Bear Island
2423: Bear Territory
2424: Beartaria
2425: Beastopia
2426: Beating Brian Up Gang
2427: Beaufort sea
2428: Beautiful Russia of the future
2429: Beauxbatons
2430: Beaveria
2431: Becoming Prime
2432: Bed
2433: Bedall
2434: Bedetopian Network
2435: Bedrock
2436: Bedrocks
2437: Bee hive
2438: Beeker Island
2439: Beer
2440: Beer Hall Putsch
2441: Before Eden
2442: Befreiensiesich von Deutschland
2443: Beiber Fever
2444: Beijing
2445: Beijing city
2446: Being
2447: Beirut
2448: Beiyang Government
2449: Bektashi Order
2450: Belacinostan
2451: Belarus
2452: Belarus the Republic of
2453: Belarussian Soviet Socialist Republic
2454: Belau
2455: Belaus
2456: Belem
2457: Beleriand
2458: Belfast
2459: Belfast Wall
2460: Belgian Danish Province
2461: Belgica
2462: Belgie
2463: Belgique
2464: belgium
2465: Belgium Germany
2466: Belgorod
2467: Belgorod Oblast
2468: Belgrade
2469: Belisa
2470: Belize
2471: belize city
2472: Beljiotena
2473: Bellatoria
2474: Belle Ile
2475: Bellfields
2476: Bellona
2477: Bellview
2478: Bellzi
2479: Belmopan
2480: Belodian Empire
2481: Belorussia
2482: Beloved Tomboyish Girl
2483: Belwelgon
2484: Belyia
2485: Ben
2486: Bene Sophia
2487: Beneforum
2488: Benelux
2489: Benelux union
2490: Benevolent Capitalism
2491: Benevolent Dictatorships Union
2493: Benevolent Leaders
2494: Benevolent States
2495: Bengal
2496: Benghazi
2497: Benigtopia
2498: Benin
2499: Benito Mussolini
2500: Benkard
2501: Bentley
2502: Berb
2503: Berchtesgaden
2504: Bergama
2505: Bergamote
2506: Berghof
2507: Bering Sea
2508: Beringia
2509: Berkeley
2510: Berkner Island
2511: Berlin
2512: Berlin Pact
2513: Berlin State
2514: Berlin Wall
2515: Berlin Welthauptstadt Germania
2516: Bermuda
2517: Bermuda Triangle
2518: Bern
2519: Bernadina
2520: Bernardo Hardo Cardo
2521: Bernie Sanders Supporters
2522: Bernskian Sea
2523: Berobreus
2524: Berserk
2525: Berytus
2526: BES Room 37
2527: Besondere Empire
2528: Bespin
2529: Bessurean Highlands
2530: Best countries in the world
2531: Best Heaven
2532: Best Korea
2533: Best of Both Worlds
2534: Best of the majority
2535: best people
2536: Best Region
2537: best region ever
2538: Best Region in the World
2539: Bestest Region
2541: Beta Bacchus
2542: Beta Balance
2543: Beta Ban
2544: Beta Bash
2545: Beta Bast
2546: Beta Bastet
2547: Beta Beast
2548: Beta Beer
2549: Beta Best
2550: Beta Bidding
2551: Beta Bifurcation
2552: Beta Blame
2553: Beta Blasphemy
2554: Beta Blatant
2555: Beta Blight
2556: Beta Blister
2557: Beta Blood
2558: Beta Boisterous
2559: Beta Bomb
2560: Beta Boss
2561: Beta Sagittae
2562: Betelgeuse
2563: Bethany
2564: Bethgladebourne
2565: Bethlehem
2566: Betmet
2567: Bettan Commonwealth
2568: Better Call Saul
2569: Better Europe
2570: Bevaltas
2571: Bevin
2572: Bewitching Melody
2573: Beyond Dawn
2574: Beyond the Horizon
2575: Beyond the Sea
2576: Beyond the Wub
2577: Bezonica
2578: BFDI
2579: BFL
2580: Bhaal Sahckia
2581: Bhan
2582: Bharat
2583: Bharata
2584: BHM
2585: Bhutan
2586: Bible Believers
2587: Bible Believing Christians
2588: Bicanos
2589: Biden
2590: Bielefeld
2591: BIFC
2592: big
2593: BIG 4
2594: Big Ass Nuts
2595: Big Bend
2596: Big Blackfoot
2597: Big Boy Brigade
2598: Big Boy Bulgaria League
2599: big brains
2600: Big Brotherhood
2601: Big Chungus Fans United
2602: Big Depression
2603: big dum
2604: Big Farma
2605: Big Farma Membership
2606: Big Foot
2607: Big Fortress Energy
2608: Big History 2023
2609: Big Island
2610: Big Mt
2611: Big Mts
2612: Big Order
2613: Big Sky Country
2614: Big Steph Puppet Warehouse
2615: Big Sur
2616: Big Thunder
2617: Big Town Banky Blaines Rockabilly BBQ
2618: Bigbois
2619: Bigtopia
2620: Bigtopia civilization of KUSEian
2621: Bikini Atoll
2622: Bikini Bottom
2623: Bikini Islands
2624: BikiniBottom
2625: Bilibili
2626: Bill Wurtz
2627: Billy
2628: Billy Bishop Airport
2629: Bimini
2630: Binational Pact
2631: Bingos Puppet Sanctuary
2632: Bingus
2633: Bingus Floppa Island
2634: BINIverse
2635: Binsas South Hemisphere
2636: Biodiversity
2637: BioFusion Alliance
2638: Biology
2640: Bir Lehlou
2641: Bir Tawil
2642: Birb
2643: Birb government in exile
2644: Bird Country
2645: Bird Nations
2646: Birdland
2647: Birdlandic Sea
2648: Birds of Prey
2649: Birka
2650: Birmingham
2651: Bisexual
2652: Bishkek
2653: Bishop Rock
2654: Bismarck
2655: Bismarck Archipel
2656: Bismarck Sea
2657: Bisofeyr
2658: Bison Ridge
2659: Bissau
2660: Bisscaso Island
2661: Bisscaso Islands
2662: Bitcoin
2663: bixoland
2664: Bizlandia
2665: BJKB
2666: Bjornoya
2667: Bk of llsns
2669: Black
2670: Black anarchism
2671: Black Army
2672: Black Bear
2673: Black Brigades
2674: Black Crusaders
2675: Black Cubes
2676: Black Death
2677: Black Dog
2678: Black Dragons
2679: Black Feather
2680: Black Flag
2681: Black Flag Pact
2682: Black Front
2683: Black Guards
2684: Black Hawk
2685: Black Hawk Destroyers
2686: Black hawks
2687: Black Heavens
2688: Black Hills
2689: Black History
2690: Black History Month
2691: black hole
2692: Black Island
2693: Black Lantern Corps
2694: Black League
2695: Black Lives Matter
2696: Black Mesa Islands
2697: Black Metal Fans
2698: Black Mist Federation
2699: Black Ops
2700: Black Panthers
2702: Black Rose
2703: Black Roses
2704: Black Sabbath
2705: Black Scimitars
2706: Black Sea
2707: Black Shadows
2708: Black Souls
2709: Black Sun
2710: Black Sun Syndicate
2711: Black Thunder
2712: Blackacre
2713: Blackadder
2714: Blackbats
2715: Blackened Roots
2716: Blackhawk Union
2717: Blackpink
2718: Blackshirts
2719: Blackstar
2720: Blackstone dominion
2721: Blackstone Valley
2722: Blackwatch
2723: Blackwater Bay
2724: Blade Runner
2725: Bladensburg Dueling Grounds
2726: Blades of Sanghelios
2727: Blagoveshchensk
2728: Blahaj
2729: Blahbania
2730: Blair River Nations
2731: blammus
2732: Blanjiland Economic Authority
2733: Blank
2734: Blanket
2735: Blanket Fort
2736: blanket fort legion
2737: Blarney Castle
2738: Blasia
2739: Blautaivia
2740: blazing nerd
2741: Blazium Terra
2742: Bleh
2743: Bless
2744: BLF
2745: Blind Guardian
2747: Blitzkrieg Reich
2748: Bliw
2749: BLM
2750: Blobanian Albaniaball Entertainment
2751: Blobanian Union
2752: Blobanian Union Army
2753: Blobanian Union Intellegence Department
2754: Blobland
2755: Bloc
2756: Bloc Neutre
2757: Block Island
2758: bloco capitalista
2759: Bloemfontein
2760: Blondi
2761: Blood and Honor
2762: Blood and Honour
2763: Blood Angels
2764: Blood Red Skies
2765: Blood Sea
2766: Bloodbath City
2767: Bloodbender Heaven
2768: Bloodborne
2769: Bloodflame Kingdom
2770: Bloody Conflict
2771: Bloopsjooj
2772: Blopra United
2773: BLU
2774: Blue
2775: Blue Archive
2776: Blue Castle
2777: Blue Chevron
2778: Blue Flag
2779: Blue Hell
2780: Blue Lives Matter
2781: Blue Moon
2782: Blue Nile River
2783: Blue Ridge
2784: Blue Ridge Mountains
2785: Blue Sea Region
2786: Blueberry Sherbet
2787: Bluecrown Keep
2788: Bluecrown Keep Fusions
2789: Bluecrown Keep Roleplay Region
2790: Bluefield
2791: Blues Traveler
2792: Bluntvilleberg
2793: Blythlandic territory
2794: BNP
2795: BNS Cloud
2796: BNS Luck
2797: BNS Peace
2798: BNS Pride
2799: Board Game Nations
2800: Boardracing
2801: Boardwalk
2802: Bob alliance
2803: Bob the 3ed
2804: Bobberino
2805: Bobbersonian palace
2806: Bobcat Nation
2807: Bodt
2808: Body Shaming
2809: Bogano
2810: Bogikz
2811: Bogota
2812: Bogota DC
2813: Bohemia
2814: Bohemia Moravia sphere of influence
2815: Bohemian Federation
2816: Bohemian Grove
2817: Bohemian rhapsody
2818: Bohol
2819: Boiler Boys World
2820: Boiling Isles
2821: Boinkscape
2822: Boise
2823: Bojnord
2824: Boko Haram
2825: Bokura no Sekai
2826: Bolivar
2827: Bolivar 0345
2828: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
2829: Bolivarianrepublicofvenezuela
2830: Bolivia
2831: Bolloxolgy
2832: Bolmein Empire
2833: Bologna
2834: Bolognaise Battalion
2835: Bolshevik
2836: Bolshevik Federation
2837: Bolsheviks
2838: Bolshevism
2839: Bolts of Gold
2840: BoM
2841: Bombay
2842: Bonaire
2843: Bonapartist Union
2844: Bonaventure
2845: Bonavista
2846: Bone Hunters
2847: Boneyard
2848: bongergoonggeria
2849: Bonitan Isles
2850: Bonk
2851: Bonkai
2852: Bonn
2853: Bonn Republic
2854: Bonple High School
2855: Bonum est Deus
2856: Bonzie
2857: Boo Boo Keys
2858: Boobmoment
2859: Boogie Nights
2860: Boomboxenwagen
2861: Boop Box 9000
2862: Boot
2863: Boot Camp
2864: Bootana Hutta
2865: BootCamp
2866: BOPDR
2867: Bophuthatswana
2868: Bora Bora
2869: Bordeaux
2870: Border city
2871: Borderism
2872: Borderlands
2873: Borderlands and the City of Silverine
2874: Borduria
2875: Borduriaa
2876: Boreal Hemisphere
2877: Borealia
2878: Borealias
2879: Borenzoist Archive Region
2880: Borenzoist fashs
2881: Borg
2882: Borg Empire
2883: Borgarsvin
2884: Borgata
2885: Borger
2886: BorgesLand
2887: Borgin and Burkes
2888: Boriopa
2889: Bormiar Card Farm
2890: Born This Way
2891: Borneo
2892: Borneo Island
2893: Bornholm
2894: Bornshire
2895: Borogove
2896: Boroughs of Estonia
2897: Borovia
2898: Borr
2899: Borralia
2900: Borsippa
2901: Borussia
2902: Bosnia
2903: Bosnia and Herzegovina
2904: Bosnia Herzegovina
2905: Bosnian Armed Forces
2906: Bosona
2907: Bosphorus
2908: Bosporan straight
2909: bosporus
2910: Boston
2911: Boston Castle
2912: Boston Harbor
2913: Boston in exile
2914: Boston Massachusetts
2915: Boston Scottland
2916: bot usage
2917: Botany
2918: Botany Bay
2919: BOTs
2920: Botswana
2921: botswanq
2922: Bottled Water
2923: Bottom Right
2924: Bottomless Lake
2925: Bougainville
2926: Bouhbington
2927: Boulder
2928: Bounce
2929: Bounkrute
2930: Bounvandar
2931: Bouquet
2932: Bourbon
2933: Bourbon Holy Roman Empire
2934: Bourbon Pecan Pie
2935: Bourgeoisie
2936: Bouvet
2937: Bouvet island
2938: Bowerstone
2939: Bowg puppet storage
2940: Bowzin
2941: Boycott The Communist Bloc
2942: Boycott the TCB
2944: Boyle
2945: Boys in Skirts XLVIII
2946: Bozarkia
2947: Bozostan
2948: BP Confederacy
2949: Braavos
2950: Braavos of the Hundred Isles
2951: Brabant
2952: Bracara et Caralis
2953: Bracca
2954: Brachia
2955: Brades
2956: Brades Estate
2957: Braelyn
2958: Bragi
2959: Brain Cell Family
2960: Brain Cell Nursery
2961: Brand New World
2962: Brandaris Islands
2963: Brandenburg
2964: Brandenburg Citadel
2965: Brandenburg Gate
2966: Brandoniat Region
2967: Brannackia
2968: Branson
2969: Brantiki
2970: Brap Brap
2971: Brasil
2972: Brasil PT BR
2973: Brasil RP
2974: Brasil1
2975: Brasilandia
2976: Brasilia
2977: Brasilistan
2978: Brasilistani
2979: Brasilistani territories
2980: Bratislava
2981: Braunau on the Inn
2982: Brave New America
2983: Brave New World
2984: brawlhalla
2985: Brayethe Assere
2986: Brazil
2987: Brazilia
2988: Brazilian
2989: Brazilian Empire
2990: Brazll
2991: Brazzaville
2992: Bread Territory
2993: Breadland
2994: Breakaway States of Aureum Paradisum
2995: Breakfast at Milliways
2996: Breakfast Kingdom
2997: breaking bad
2998: Breakwater City
2999: Breakwater International Airport
3000: Brebina
3001: Brebina army
3002: Brebina but better
3003: Brebina emergency region
3004: Brebina Government Region
3005: Brebina Official Roleplay Region
3006: Brebinan Army
3007: Brebinan Navy
3008: Bredane
3009: Bree
3010: Bregenz
3011: Breghina
3012: Bremen
3013: Brendok Episode 6
3014: Brennauer
3015: Bresima
3016: Breskia
3017: Brest
3018: Brest Oblast
3019: Brethren of the coast
3020: Bretonia
3021: Brevitatem
3022: Briarwood
3023: Brick
3024: Bricks and Bags
3025: BRICS
3027: Bridge Over Trouble Water
3028: Bridgefield
3029: Bridgetown
3030: Bridnetqua
3031: Brigaderia
3032: Brigantium
3033: Brightwall
3034: Brigid
3035: brilliance
3036: Brisbane
3037: Bristol
3038: Britain
3039: Britannia
3040: Britannia Coast
3041: Britannia Prima
3042: Britanniae
3043: Britannian Empire
3044: Briteannia Puppet Storage
3045: British
3046: British Antarctic Territory
3047: British Antarctica
3048: British Arctic Territory
3049: British Armed Forces
3050: British Burma
3051: British Caribbean Sea
3052: British Columbia
3053: British Commonwealth
3054: British Commonwealth of Nations
3055: British Crown Dependencies
3056: British Empire
3057: British Falkland Islands
3058: British Guiana
3059: British honduras
3060: British Imperial Region
3061: British imperium
3062: British Indian Ocean Territory
3063: British Isles
3064: British Leeward Islands
3065: British National Party
3066: British Nations
3067: British New Guinea
3068: British North America
3069: British North Atlantic
3070: British North Pacific
3071: British Overseas Territories
3072: British Overseas Territory
3073: British Raj
3074: British Royal Navy
3075: British socialists
3076: British South Atlantic
3077: British South Atlantic Territory
3078: British Territories
3079: British Union
3080: British Virgin Islands
3081: British West Indies
3082: British Western Atlantic
3083: British Windward Islands
3084: Brittany
3085: Brittonia
3086: Brockton Bay
3087: Brofftopia
3088: Broken Region
3089: Bronze
3090: Brooklyn
3091: Brotherhood
3092: Brotherhood of Makuta
3093: Brotherhood of Malice
3094: Brotherhood of Nod
3095: Brotherhood of Shadows
3096: Brotherhood of soviet republics
3097: Brotherhood Of Steel
3098: Brotherhood Of Zvek
3099: Brothers Community
3100: Brothers In Arms
3101: Brothers Of God Conservative Party
3102: Broughton
3103: Brudiccreni
3104: Bruhcific
3106: Bruhzilia
3107: Brunei
3108: Brunei Darussalam
3109: Brunswick
3110: Brusian Zone
3111: Brussels
3112: Brusselx
3113: Brutland and Norden
3114: Bruuh
3115: Bryansk
3116: Bryansk Oblast
3117: Brynna plain
3118: Brythonia
3119: BTM Puppet Storage
3120: BTM Stats Research Facility
3121: Bualinab
3122: Bubazingen
3123: Bubblegum Islands
3124: Bubu Alice
3125: Bucharest
3126: Bucketheadland
3127: Buckingham Palace
3128: Bud bundy region
3129: Budapest
3130: Buddha
3131: Buddhism
3132: Buddhist Communism
3133: Buddhist Region of Jambudvipan
3134: Buenos Aires
3135: BUF
3136: Buffalo
3137: Buffalo Bills
3138: Bugasia
3139: Bujumbura
3140: Bukharan Peoples Soviet Republic
3141: Bulacan
3142: BULBIA
3143: Bulgaria
3144: Bully Pulpit
3145: Bulsap
3146: Bulwark against bolshivism
3147: Bun
3148: Bund der lupenreinen Demokraten
3149: Bundesland
3150: Bundesnachrichtendienst
3151: Bundespakt
3152: Bundesrepublik Deutschland
3153: Bundesrepublik Germany
3154: Bundeswehr
3155: Bung Karno
3156: Bungerland
3157: Bungletime
3158: Bunicken
3159: Bunicken Military Training Region
3160: Bunicken Raxulan Reich
3161: Bunicken Reich
3162: Bunkers And Icepicks
3163: Bunny
3164: Bunny and Eagle Land
3165: Bunny bunny shake shake Empire
3166: Buptopia
3167: Burden
3168: Burge Classroom
3169: Burgenland
3170: Burger King
3171: Burgerhouse
3172: Burgerland
3173: Burgertopolis
3174: Burglar King
3175: Burgundy
3176: Buri
3177: Burkina Faso
3178: Burma
3179: Burnemke
3180: Burners
3181: Burning Bridges
3182: Burning Man
3183: Burnsville
3184: Burris
3185: Burton Academy 2024
3186: Burton Blue Angels 2023
3187: Burundi
3188: Buryatia
3189: Buryatia Republic
3190: Bus Stop
3191: Butter
3192: Butternavia
3193: Butterscotch Republic
3194: Buttland
3195: Buzzard Battalion
3196: Buzzards Bay
3197: By the Sword
3198: Byelorussia
3199: Bylonia
3200: Bysantium Femdom Empire
3201: Byss
3202: Bytes
3203: Bythanzia
3204: Byzan
3205: Byzantine Christendom
3206: Byzantine Empire
3207: Byzantine Glory
3208: Byzantine Kingdom
3209: Byzantine Roman Empire
3210: Byzantion
3211: Byzantium
3212: Byzantium empire
3213: C A R N I V A L
3214: C C C P
3215: C C P
3216: C R C F R
3217: C197
3218: CAA
3219: CAAPE Pact
3220: Cabala
3221: Cabbage Land
3222: Cabina Katmania
3223: Cabinda
3224: Cabinet of Ministers of The Global Elite
3225: Cabo Verde
3226: Cabo Wabo
3227: Cacophonous States of Unanimity
3228: Cactus Coalition
3229: Cactus Union
3230: Cadia
3231: Cadia Prime
3232: Cadiz
3233: Cadmia
3234: Cadrea
3235: Cadrilant
3236: Caelkirk
3237: Caelon
3238: Caelum
3239: Caelus
3240: Caer Sidi
3241: Caernafonshire
3242: Caesar Salad Boy Poncho Man Union
3243: Caesars Legion
3244: Caesers Region
3245: Caestaeleshamm
3246: Cafe noir
3247: Cafeteria do Takii
3248: CAIC
3249: Cainitium
3250: Cair Paravel
3251: Cairo
3252: Cairo Club
3253: Caius Puppet Storage
3254: Cajetan
3255: Cake
3256: Calabria
3257: Calais
3258: Calamarion
3259: Calculus
3260: Calcutta
3261: Caldair
3262: Caldari
3263: Caldas
3264: Caldeira
3265: Caldrasanian Colonial Empire
3266: Calebs Haven
3267: Caledonia
3268: Calefacta Aquas Piscinae
3269: Calex
3270: Calexico and Mexicali
3271: Calgary
3272: Calhoun CC
3273: Cali
3274: Calia
3275: Caliba
3276: Caliban
3277: Calico
3278: California
3279: California Colleges and Universities
3280: California Nevada
3281: California Republic
3282: Calipahte of Al Ummah
3283: caliphate
3284: Calisota
3285: Calitainia
3286: Calivera
3287: Call of the Wild
3288: Callao
3289: Callista
3290: Callistese Royal Defense Force
3291: Callistic Missile
3292: Callisto
3293: Calme Ybovien
3294: Calradia
3295: Cals Card Farm
3296: Calshot
3297: Caltico
3298: Calumet City
3299: Calydra
3300: CAM
3301: Cam Ranh Bay
3302: Camberus
3303: Cambodia
3304: cambria
3305: Cambrian United Legacy
3306: Cambridge
3307: Camellea
3308: Camelot
3309: Camerania
3310: Cameroon
3311: Camp Half Blood
3312: Camp Petrusciian
3313: Campania
3314: Campbells Soup Products
3315: Campbellton
3316: Campbeltown Loch
3317: campians
3318: Campus Mundis
3319: Campus Praetorica
3320: Camrose
3321: camsgifted
3322: Canaan
3323: Canada
3324: Canada Land of the throne
3325: canada v2
3326: Canadia
3327: Canadian arctic archipelago
3328: Canadian Empire
3329: Canadian Goose Land
3330: Canadian Islands
3331: Canadoors
3332: Canary Islands
3333: Canary Isles
3334: Canberra
3335: Cancaster
3336: Cancel Culture
3337: Cancistan
3338: Cancri
3339: Cancun
3340: Candescence
3341: Candy
3342: Candy Land
3343: Candy Shops
3344: Candy Tunnel
3345: Canercontinent
3346: Cangrejos cabal
3347: Canguta Nations
3348: Cankistan
3349: Canland
3350: Cannabis
3351: Cannabis Island
3352: Cannes
3353: Cannis Majoris
3354: Cannon Beach
3355: Cannoria
3356: Canopus Segmentum
3357: Canopy
3358: Canottostan
3359: Cantabria
3360: Canterbury
3361: Canterlot
3362: Canton
3363: Cantonica
3364: Canzoni di De Andre
3365: Cao Wei
3366: Capcaun
3367: Cape Breton Island
3368: Cape Cod
3369: Cape Crime
3370: Cape Horn
3371: Cape May
3372: Cape of Bad Hope
3373: Cape of Good Hope
3374: Cape of No Hope
3375: Cape Town
3376: Cape Verde
3377: Cape Verde Islands
3378: Cape York
3379: Capital
3380: Capital District
3381: Capital Heights
3382: Capital of War
3383: Capital Wasteland
3384: Capitalism
3385: Capitalism Land
3386: Capitalism reigns
3387: Capitalist
3388: Capitalist Alliance
3389: Capitalist Bloc
3390: Capitalist central
3391: Capitalist Europe
3392: Capitalist Federation
3393: Capitalist German Union
3394: Capitalist Inc
3395: Capitalist League
3396: Capitalist Libertarian Freedom Region
3397: Capitalist Paradise
3398: Capitalist Powers
3399: Capitalist Republics
3400: Capitalist States
3401: Capitalista
3402: Capitalists
3403: Capitalizt
3404: Capitalizts
3405: Capitallian
3406: Capitol alliance
3407: Capitol District
3408: Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
3409: Capitol Hill Occupied Protest
3410: Capitol Hill Organized Protest
3411: Capitola
3412: Caplyval
3413: Caprecia
3414: Capri
3415: Caprica
3416: Capricious
3417: Caps
3418: Captcha
3419: Car
3420: Caracas
3421: Carbon 6
3422: Carcassonne
3423: Carcosa
3424: CARD
3425: Card Captor Pacifica
3426: Card Corp
3427: Card Defenders Alliance
3428: Card Defenders United
3429: Card Farm
3430: Card farm storage
3431: Card farmer alliance of anime
3432: Card farming region
3433: Card Gardens
3434: Card Production Site
3435: Card Storage
3436: Card Vineyards
3437: Card2049
3438: Cardables
3439: CardCardCard
3440: Carden
3441: Cardfarm Station
3442: Cardiff
3443: Cardio Training
3444: Cardiovascular Training
3445: Cardisdia
3446: Cards
3447: cards alliance
3448: Cards of Gold
3449: Caribbean
3450: Caribbean Community
3451: Caribbean Islands
3452: Caribbean Pirates
3453: Caribbean Sea
3454: Caribe
3455: Caribia Nation State
3457: Carina
3458: Carinthia
3459: Carioch
3460: Carlsbad
3461: Carlton airport ethensia
3462: Carly Rae Jepsen
3463: Carne de Vitello
3464: Carnival of Souls
3465: Carolina
3466: Carolina Panthers
3467: Carolinga
3468: Carolingia
3469: Carona
3470: Carota
3471: Carp Kingdom
3472: Carpathia
3473: Carpathians
3474: Carpe Vinum
3475: Carribean League
3476: Carrot Patch Pete
3477: Carrot Warehouse
3478: Carrots
3479: Cars
3480: Carson City
3481: Carta
3482: Carteria
3483: Carternia
3484: Carthage
3485: Carthagenia
3486: Carthaginian Republic
3487: Casa Madrigal
3488: Casablanca
3489: Casagrande
3490: Casanare
3491: CasaPound
3492: Casbinia
3493: Cascadia
3494: Casco Bay
3495: Casethon
3496: Cash
3497: Casmoreines
3498: Caspian Islands
3499: Caspian Sea
3500: Cassiopeia
3501: Cassiopeia 215
3502: Cassiopeia 321
3503: Castaway
3504: Castell Nedd
3505: Castellum
3506: Castelobruxov
3507: Casterly Rock
3508: Castile
3509: Castile and Leon
3510: Castilhian archipelago
3511: Castilla
3512: Castilla La Mancha
3513: Castillo de San Marcos
3514: Castle Black
3515: Castle Black Bane
3516: Castle in the Skies
3517: Castle Infinity
3518: Castle Oblivion
3519: Castle On The Hill
3520: Castle Rock
3521: Castle Wewelsburg
3522: Castlemaine Military
3523: CastleOblivion
3524: Castries
3525: Castrix
3526: Castro
3527: Castroism
3528: Castroist
3529: Castroists
3530: Cat
3531: Cat Army
3532: Cat Burglars
3533: Cat Cult
3534: Cat Force
3535: Cat Island
3536: cat region
3537: Catachan
3538: Cataclyst Order
3539: Catalen Mountain
3540: Catalonia
3541: Catalunya
3542: Catamarca
3543: Catan Alliance
3544: catastrophichardwarefailure
3545: Cataulynia
3546: Catboy
3547: Catboy Hideout
3548: Catboy Liberty Zone
3549: Catboys
3550: Catcher
3551: CatChu
3552: Cater and Hero Limited
3553: Caterpillar
3554: Catgirl
3555: Catgirl Cult
3556: Catgirl utopia
3557: Catgirls
3558: Catgirls World
3559: Catholic
3560: Catholic Art Gallery
3561: Catholic Church
3562: catholic nations under god
3563: Catholic Right Union
3564: Catholic Royal Alliance
3565: Catholic Royal Alliance Central Command
3566: Catholicism
3567: Catholics
3568: Catholics of Nationstates
3569: Cathycea
3570: Catlandatopia
3571: Catluvrs United
3572: Catman Islands
3573: Catnip
3574: Catocracy
3575: Cats
3576: Cats paradise territory
3577: cattle
3578: Catz
3579: Catzistia
3580: Caucasea
3581: Caucasia
3582: Cauldron Stirrers
3583: Caution
3584: Cavalry Camp
3585: Cave
3586: Cave of The Mighty Hyena
3587: Cavite
3588: Cavity
3589: Cayenne
3590: Cayman Brac
3591: Cayman Islands
3592: Cazbeez
3593: Cazbeez Memorial
3594: CBGB
3595: Cbh nationstates
3596: CBN
3597: CBT Star League
3598: CBTO
3599: CCC
3600: CCCP
3601: CCD
3602: Ccd military base alpha
3603: ccd reform committee
3604: CCF
3605: ccontinent of westeros
3606: CCP
3607: CDP
3608: CDW Federation
3609: Ceaser Caslte
3610: Ceaser Castle
3611: Cebu
3612: Cebu eastern college
3613: Cedresia
3614: Ceeio Horde
3615: Ceespie
3616: Cehatcknn
3617: Ceirien
3618: CELAC
3619: Celadonia
3620: Celery Lobotomy
3621: Celestia
3622: Celestial
3623: Celestial Frontiers
3624: Celestial Realms
3625: Celestial Soundscape
3626: Celestial Union of Lazarus
3627: Celestria
3628: Celiane
3629: Celinyca
3630: cell
3631: Cellin Alliance
3632: Celtia
3633: Celtia citizen assembly
3634: Celtia druidic council
3635: Celtia justice tree
3636: Celtia roleplay circle
3637: Celtia voting altar
3638: Celtic
3639: Celtic Lands
3640: Celtic Lands of Europe and Colonies
3641: Celtic Nations
3642: Celtic Sea
3643: Celtic Union
3644: Celtic Warrior
3645: Celtica
3646: Celticom Company
3647: Cemetery
3648: Cenacle
3649: CenCal
3650: Cendana Islands
3651: Cental Pacific Archipelago
3652: Centaura
3653: Centaura region
3654: Center Of Capitalism
3655: Center of the Galaxy
3656: Centera
3657: Central
3658: Central Absitland
3659: Central Africa
3660: Central African Republic
3661: Central Alliance
3662: Central America
3663: Central and Southern Dalmatia
3664: Central Asia
3665: Central Asian Union
3666: Central Atlantic
3667: Central Axis World
3668: Central Deutschland
3669: Central Eastern Europe
3670: Central Elentia Administration
3671: Central Europa
3672: central europe
3673: Central Heights
3674: Central Imperial Senate
3675: Central Intelligence Agency
3676: Central Kuzia
3677: Central Merkopa
3678: Central Pacific
3679: Central Pacific Empire
3680: Central Pacific Island
3681: Central Pacific Republic
3682: Central Pacific State
3683: Central Plane
3684: Central Powers
3685: Central Region of Puppet Nations
3686: Central Rohamme
3687: Central Scientific Progress Coalition
3688: Central Southeastern Black Sea
3689: Central Superpowers
3690: Central Under Leal
3691: Central Union
3692: Centrale Europa
3693: Centralias
3694: Centralicia
3695: Centralist Coalition Cooperation Org CCC
3696: Centralized Union Of States
3697: Centre of Knowhere Union
3698: Centrism
3699: Centrist Card Farmers
3700: Centrist democracy state of urban
3701: Centrist Party of The Yellow Empire
3702: Centro de Comando Do movimento RMB LIVRE
3703: Centro Sul do Brasil
3704: Centuria
3705: Centurion Military District
3706: Cenuidjrzaalp
3707: CEP
3708: Cephalonia
3709: Cerberus
3710: Ceredigion Newydd
3711: Ceres
3712: Ceresin
3713: Cerise Bouquet
3714: Cernunnos
3715: Cerpoa
3716: Cerstenum
3717: Cerula
3718: Ceseris
3719: Ceskian 1st Reich
3720: Ceskian 3rd Reich
3721: Ceskian Armed Forces Logistics Network
3722: Ceskian Federation
3723: Ceterum censeo Pacifica esse delendam
3724: Ceti Alpha V
3725: Ceuta
3726: Cevjain region
3727: Ceylon
3728: CGS
3729: Cha Hetstopia World
3730: Chacapoya
3731: Chack Chack
3732: Chaco
3733: Chad
3734: ChadGPT
3735: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari
3736: Chakraze
3737: Chaldea
3738: challenger Deep
3739: Champagne
3740: Chan Nations
3741: Chandrila
3742: Chanelandia
3743: Change
3744: Changi Bay
3745: Changuu
3746: Channel Islands
3747: Channel9
3748: chaos
3749: Chaos Harbinger Pandora
3750: Chaos land
3751: Chaotic Angel
3752: Chaotic Bookworms
3753: Chaotic History
3754: Chaotic Nations of Misfits Alliance
3755: Chaotic Sparkles
3756: Chapati Fence
3757: ChapoChat
3758: Character dot AI
3759: Charlemagne
3760: Charles Guiteau Chile
3761: Charles Gustav Archipelago
3762: Charlesterrania
3763: Charleston
3764: Charlotte
3765: Charlotte Amalie
3766: Charlottetown
3767: Charon
3768: Chase
3769: Chateau
3770: Chateau de Versailles
3771: ChatGPT
3772: Chathair
3773: Chatistan
3774: Chattanooga
3775: Chaworbis
3776: Chaylia
3777: CHAZ
3778: Che
3779: Che Guevara
3780: Cheboksary
3781: Chechen Republic
3782: Chechnya
3783: Chechnya Republic
3784: Checkerboard
3785: Checkers
3786: Checkpoint Delta
3787: Cheddar
3788: Cheemsborger
3789: Cheerful folks
3790: Cheerleaders
3791: Cheese
3792: Cheese Hub
3793: CheeseLand
3794: Chelsea
3795: Chelyabinsk
3796: chelyabinsk oblast
3797: Chemistry
3798: Chemos
3799: Chemster United
3800: Cheriava
3801: Chernivtsi raion
3802: Chernobyl
3803: Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
3804: Chernobyl Union
3805: Chernota
3806: Cherokee
3807: Cherokee Nation
3808: Cherry Blossom Kiss
3809: Cherryfield
3810: Chesapeake
3811: Chess
3812: Chess Players
3813: Chessboard
3814: Chestoria
3815: Chesty Lion Highlands
3816: Cheyenne
3817: Cheyenne Pact
3818: Cheze
3819: CHfS
3820: CHHC Federation
3821: Chi
3822: Chi Alpha Semicollective
3823: Chi Cancri
3824: Chi Rho
3825: Chi upsilon
3826: Chiang Kai Shek
3827: Chiapas
3828: Chiasm
3829: Chiasm 2018
3830: Chiba
3831: Chicago
3832: Chicago Bears
3833: Chicago Outfit
3834: Chicagoland
3835: Chicaowohmia
3836: Chichester
3837: Chick Fil A
3838: Chicken
3839: Chicken Army
3840: Chicken Nuggets
3841: Chicken overlords
3842: Chicken overlords advertisement space
3843: Chicken worshippers
3844: Chickens Overlords Is Old
3845: Chihuahua
3846: Chihuahuas
3847: Chika Fujiwara
3848: Chilamanus
3849: Children of the Grave
3850: Children of the Sun
3851: Chile
3852: Chilex
3853: Chill club 7
3854: Chill out
3855: Chillax
3856: Chillaxia
3857: Chimata Tenkyuu
3858: Chimore
3859: China
3860: China Politburo
3861: China Reigon
3862: China Town
3863: Chinamerica
3864: Chinatown
3865: Chinese
3866: Chinese Communist party
3867: Chinese Dark Jedi
3868: Chinese Empire
3869: Chinese Lotus
3870: Chinese Nationalist Party
3871: Chinese People Liberation Army
3872: Chinese Peoples Republic
3873: Chinese Republic
3874: Chinese Soviet Republic
3875: Chinese Taipei
3876: Chinese United Front
3877: Chinese World
3878: Chinnna airwayss
3879: Chipolt Of Le
3880: Chippewa
3881: Chiraq
3882: Chireiden
3883: Chiron
3884: Chiropterra
3885: Chisato Arashi
3886: Chisholm Revised
3887: Chisinau
3888: chiss ascendancy
3889: Chita Republic
3890: Chitato
3891: Chittagong
3892: Chiyoko Sonoda
3893: Chiyuki Kuwayama
3894: CHOAM
3895: Chocolate fan club
3896: Chocolate territory
3897: Chocopa union
3898: Choekultan United Block
3899: Chogha Zanbil
3900: Chogoris
3901: Chomolungma
3902: Chongqing
3903: CHOP
3904: Chopping Block
3905: Choson
3906: Chratesia
3907: Christ
3908: Christania
3909: Christendom
3910: Christendom of the Martyr King
3911: Christenheit
3912: Christian
3913: Christian Alliance
3914: Christian Anarchism
3915: Christian Anarchy
3916: Christian Communism
3917: Christian Earth
3918: Christian Faith
3919: Christian Germania
3920: Christian Identity
3921: Christian Nationalist Front
3922: Christian Nationalist Party
3923: Christian Nations
3924: Christian nations of the north
3925: Christian Nations Union
3926: Christian Norway
3927: Christian Quarter of Jerusalem
3928: Christian Union of Men
3929: Christian Unity Foundation
3930: Christian Zionist Pact
3931: Christiania
3932: Christianitas
3933: Christianity
3934: Christianity Union
3935: Christianityball
3936: Christianstad
3937: Christmas
3938: Christmas Hat
3939: Christmas is the best
3940: Christmas Island
3941: Christmas tree golf club
3942: Christs Church
3943: Chromakopia
3944: Chrome company
3945: Chronic
3946: Chronicles
3947: Chrysanthemum Fields
3948: Chua Ming Hui
3949: Chuckhi Sea
3950: Chugoku
3951: chukogu
3952: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
3953: Chulak
3954: Church
3956: Church Of God
3957: Church of Magadalene
3958: Church of Magalende
3959: Church of Magdalene
3960: Church of Plat
3961: Church Prime
3962: Chuuk
3963: Chuvashia
3964: CIA
3965: Cibola
3966: Cidade de Maringa
3967: Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
3968: Cidade Julio cesar
3969: Ciel
3970: cificaP tseW ehT
3971: Cigarettes
3972: Cilicia
3973: Cincinnati
3974: Cincinnati Bengals
3975: Cincinnati Zoo
3976: Cindered Tally
3977: Cinderia
3978: Cinema
3979: Cinemark
3980: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
3981: Circle of Badularity
3982: Circle of Seren
3983: Circumference
3984: CIS
3985: CISB
3986: CISB Reforged
3987: CISP
3988: Cisplatina
3989: Citad
3990: Citadel
3991: Citadel of Bones
3992: Citadel of Ricks
3993: Cite Djibouti
3994: Cited
3995: Citidelia
3996: Cities
3997: Cities of the World
3998: Citizens Alliance of Democracy
3999: Citreon
4000: Citrus
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