1: The Swooning Chainsaw Devil of -Denji- Pop: 982 Mil 2: The Free Land of -Monkey D Luffy- Pop: 16 Mil 3: The Perpetual Screaming of A Different Puppet of Potatopelago Pop: 1,316 Mil 4: The Republic of A random danish guy Pop: 436 Mil 5: The Lythorian Colonial Empire of Abarc Pop: 2,502 Mil 6: The Parliamentary monarchy of Alvosa Pop: 1,149 Mil 7: The Kingdom of Alvosa in Aspen Pop: 69 Mil 8: The Allied States of Arsen and Stratenia Fangirls Pop: 159 Mil 9: The Democracy of Arsen Republic of Stratenia Pop: 1,457 Mil 10: The Worst Nation in Astellaria of Arthornia Pop: 1,064 Mil 11: The N-Day survivor of Attes in Majestia Pop: 2,611 Mil 12: The Waterkisser of Axolotls Seas Pop: 1,085 Mil 13: The United Socialist States of Azurlania Pop: 961 Mil 14: The United Independent republics of Azurnailia Pop: 1,936 Mil 15: The Colonial Empire of Bealtiamor Pop: 2,422 Mil 16: The Sea Empire of Bealtian Bajan Pop: 1,453 Mil 17: The Dominion of Bealtian New Stralia Pop: 1,159 Mil 18: The Community of Bileruko Pop: 99 Mil 19: The Republic of Brunde Pop: 2,424 Mil 20: The Lethinian Dominion of Brunswald Pop: 2,219 Mil 21: The Federal republic of Brunswaldin kanadia Pop: 977 Mil 22: The Grand Duchy of Burning Taco Man Pop: 32 Mil 23: The Republic of Caprepublik in Aspen Pop: 146 Mil 24: The Dropped this silly of Cyndanzi Pop: 1,073 Mil 25: The Grand Lusati Duchy of Czesfjord Pop: 1,154 Mil 26: The Dominion of Czesfjordinger Kuori Pop: 389 Mil 27: The Colony of Czesfjordinger Yatik Pop: 7 Mil 28: The Republic of DacaBanana Pop: 12 Mil 29: The Empire of Duckadonia Pop: 216 Mil 30: The Kasane Teto Fanboy of Enriflipurus Pop: 1,484 Mil 31: The Militarian Socialist State of Franexia Pop: 2,410 Mil 32: The Fluffy Republic of Furelia Pop: 2,434 Mil 33: The Federation of GCN Pop: 9 Mil 34: The Occupied Duxic Commonwealth of Greatdux Pop: 9,117 Mil 35: The Republic of Greater Stratenia Pop: 10 Mil 36: The Kingdom of Hanaluka Pop: 1,004 Mil 37: The Republic of Hejiaz Pop: 412 Mil 38: The Kingdom of Hellish Nations Pop: 576 Mil 39: The Cute Constitutional Monarchy of Hot Demon Waifus Pop: 1,025 Mil 40: The Holy Empire of IC Bus International MV Pop: 56 Mil 41: The Liberation Army of Islamic Salvation Front Pop: 1,304 Mil 42: The Sultanate of Itakya Pop: 14 Mil 43: The Idol of Its Riamu Yumemi Pop: 600 Mil 44: The United States of Jeforce Woonis Pop: 88 Mil 45: The Federal Republic of Kakoriya Pop: 225 Mil 46: The Colonial Empire of Kelban Island Pop: 2,445 Mil 47: The Commonwealth of Kelbanian-Bealtian Colonial Empire Pop: 1,483 Mil 48: The Colony of Kelran Kelbania Pop: 790 Mil | 49: The Technate of Kirbuslavia Pop: 2,539 Mil 50: The United Socialist States of KOMMINTERNIA Pop: 128 Mil 51: The Republic of Lattopia Pop: 148 Mil 52: The Democratic Republic of Lephendule Pop: 584 Mil 53: The ???????????????????? ??????? of Lethinia Pop: 3,214 Mil 54: The Dominion of Lethinian Blois Pop: 1,118 Mil 55: The Federation of Lorosa Pop: 1,163 Mil 56: The Empire of Malkain Pop: 1,482 Mil 57: The Sultanate of Markiplier Arsenia Pop: 92 Mil 58: The Dominion of Miyoka Fox Pop: 418 Mil 59: The Dominion of Moestr Pop: 547 Mil 60: The Matriarchy of Nar-Ae Pop: 134 Mil 61: The Dominion of New Alaie Pop: 1,149 Mil 62: The Republic of New Heim Pop: 1,821 Mil 63: The Dominion of New Marburg and Iquilanis Pop: 1,166 Mil 64: The Armed Republic of New Verixen Pop: 214 Mil 65: The Grand United Imperial Duchy of New Xanarcica Pop: 662 Mil 66: The Dominion of Polarczko Pop: 175 Mil 67: The Lythorian Kingdom of Querteria Pop: 2,263 Mil 68: The Queendom of Republic of Libriano Pop: 10,575 Mil 69: The Empire of Royalty of Austria Pop: 399 Mil 70: The United Dependentist Entities of Spainsapien Pop: 1,152 Mil 71: The Democratic Republic of Spaklina Pop: 29 Mil 72: The Kelbanian Kingdom of Terispol Pop: 2,076 Mil 73: The Republic of Terras Verde Pop: 211 Mil 74: The Solevite Imperial Federation of The Greater Solev Union Pop: 3,816 Mil 75: The Rogue Nation of The Islamic Nation of Windusia Pop: 364 Mil 76: The Union State of The Kaisers Syndicates Pop: 6,640 Mil 77: The Lythorian Colonial Empire of The United States of Kelmar Pop: 1,753 Mil 78: The Rogue Nation of The Xerxian Borderlands Pop: 1,012 Mil 79: The Grand Duchy of Trans Valoria Pop: 36 Mil 80: The Semi-Simonian Spy Queendom of Trina Islands Pop: 1,724 Mil 81: The Republic of Trytania Pop: 1,449 Mil 82: The Empire of United Lythoria Pop: 335 Mil 83: The Federation of United Socialist Republics of Lacia Pop: 1,671 Mil 84: The United Kingdom of Vegeta the Saiyan prince Pop: 16 Mil 85: The Republic of Vsauce Arsenia Pop: 288 Mil 86: The Theocracy of Wasteland of Decay Pop: 372 Mil 87: The Colony of WEC International Ministries Pop: 787 Mil 88: The 36 Chambers of Woodsiapuppet Pop: 1,284 Mil 89: The Kingdom of Xerxias Pop: 1,122 Mil 90: The Dragon Empress's Domain of Yangchenia Pop: 1,492 Mil 91: The United States of Youthenheim Pop: 2,391 Mil 92: The Democratic Republic of Zeyln Foreign Affairs Pop: 36 Mil |