#1 The Empire of 4th new French empire WA #2 The Grand Republic of Aason WA #3 The United Socialist States of Agiani WA #4 The Empire of Ancrathia WA #5 The Empire of Ansures WA #6 The Empire of Anuthuria WA #7 The Rogue Nation of Arda III WA #8 The People's Republic of Atraixia WA #9 The Dominion of Avaneesh WA #10 The Dominion of Axirova WA #11 The Republic of Azin-court WA #12 The Federal Republic of Azrtoska WA #13 The Unified Countries of Benot WA #14 The Armed Republic of Bingerburg WA #15 The Republic of BirwiLand WA #16 The Most Serene Republic of BongSmokeweed WA #17 The Queendom of Brest-Litovks WA #18 The Queendom of Cecilly WA #19 The Commonwealth of Centrovia WA #20 The Socialist Federation of Ciskavkazia WA #21 The Holy Matriarchy of Coldsea WA #22 The Confederacy of Colloms Golden Circle WA #23 The Republic of Costa Canal WA #24 The Republic Federal of of Covo WA #25 The Kingdom of Deraptum WA #26 The Grand Duchy of Diano WA #27 The United Kingdoms of Dragon Empire WA #28 The Republic of East Order WA #29 The Commonwealth of Elaea WA #30 The Borderlands of Emebedhe WA #31 The Empire of Erratth WA #32 The Rogue Nation of Femceldom WA #33 The United Socialist States of GGDR WA #34 The Free Land of Ghri Ziffe WA #35 The Dictatorship of Great State of Mogus WA #36 The Grand Queendom of Greater Castille WA #37 The People's Republic of Haleylandia WA #38 The Confederation of Hellanor WA #39 The Protectorate of Herbrecht WA #40 The Federal Republic of Ipangland WA #41 The Democratic States of Isika WA #42 The Principality of Island of Calipso WA #43 The Confederacy of Jakazania WA #44 The United Socialist States of Kargoztekaria WA #45 The Holy Empire of Karkotta WA #46 The Empire of Kasmerick WA #47 The Republic of Kemalist-Turkey WA #48 The Kingdom of Kings Stead WA #49 The People's Republic of Kisunemara WA #50 The United Socialist States of Konsturata WA #51 The Republic of Lactum WA #52 The Frontierist Comrades of Ladratia WA #53 The Federal Republic of Le Seus WA #54 The Republic of Liboth WA #55 The Confederacy of Magrusa WA #56 The Republic of Marellianna WA #57 The Empire of Mictlantecuhtl WA #58 The Republic of Middle Infugs Ruzartoplesta WA #59 The Grand Duchy of Midle WA #60 The Dominion of Murray River Exclaves Territory WA #61 The People's Republic of Natanigais WA | #62 The Most Serene Republic of New Stanglia WA #63 The Midnight Kingdom of Nightralia WA #64 The Kendriy Kanfederatie of Novo Prosperitas WA #65 The Holy Empire of Nvidia Goblins WA #66 The United Socialist States of Of Gauvain WA #67 The Dictatorship of Partito WA #68 The Neutral Confederation of Patricia and the Marcus Islands WA #69 The French Delight of Pauline Bonaparte WA #70 The United Socialist States of Pax Omnibus WA #71 The Dominion of Pendraicos WA #72 The Matriarchy of Pepina Solange WA #73 The United Republic of Plagriu WA #74 The Allegedly Real Person of Porfloxonne WA #75 The Free Land of Proficia WA #76 The United States of Ramirex WA #77 The Club of Rattanathailand WA #78 The Federation of Razina WA #79 The Federal Republic of Republic of North Hungary WA #80 The Principality of Rhayr WA #81 The Queendom of Rilan Flopsy WA #82 The Constitutional Triarchy of Roighelm WA #83 The People's Republic of Rubes WA #84 The Republic of Ruhevania WA #85 The Constitutional Monarchy of Rynovia WA #86 The Phoenix Republic of Saeternum WA #87 The Colony of Saint Barbara WA #88 The Empire of Saint-Helene WA #89 The United Kingdom of Salanchoiras Islands WA #90 The NS Block of Saltidia WA #91 The Dictatorship of Sarkadskinland WA #92 The Federated Republic of Schwarzenwald WA #93 The Kingdom of Seagulliana WA #94 The Republic of Seravencia WA #95 The Socialist Kaiserreich of Shorun WA #96 The United Socialist States of Socialistic Cobalt States WA #97 The People's Republic of Solaenia WA #98 The Sovereign Kingdom of Southern Schtakastuvia WA #99 The Republic of Tee Ors WA #100 The Empire of Teristesia WA #101 The Empire of Terra Reformada WA #102 The Commonwealth of The Angevins WA #103 The High Empire of The Knockout Gun Gals WA #104 The Diagnosed Schizo of The Pyros WA #105 The Kingdom of The Red Knights WA #106 The United Districts of The Rupert WA #107 The Effeminate Leftist Democracy of Tilinia WA #108 The Allied Provinces of Tivio WA #109 The Questionable Intelligence of Toyo0 WA #110 The Utilitarian Republic of Ulyde WA #111 The Free Land of Vallis Libertatis WA #112 The Federation of Veruvia WA #113 The United Socialist States of Vladirussvet WA #114 The Republic of Volcanrock WA #115 The Democratic Republic of Voxjord WA #116 The Federal Republic of West Tobago WA #117 The Empire of Whiteburg WA #118 The Theocracy of Wolpertinger WA #119 The United Kingdom of Xherdania WA #120 The Borderlands of Yeanah WA |