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There are 120 WA Countries in the Region of Carcassonne

You have arrived at the WA Nations list for Carcassonne.

Simply, the following list is all of the WA delegates from the Region of Carcassonne. To use the page as a clearing house, click on the WA next to the nation you want to visit, and the Nation States page for that individual should open in a new window.

What do I do with this?
For those regions looking to keep their delegates "Democratically" Elected, the list is split in roughly half for a quick 50% count of available endorsements. This list has also been used to help raiders looking to meet the locals, delegates looking to monitor their kingdoms, newbies seeking endorsements so they gain some influence, and corporations looking to sell wares in a warzone... (among other things). The author suggests Nations interested in Security show this to your delegate. Others have access to this info too, and readily use it for lot's of things. You should be too. That is the point of having this system published.

1. Select a different Nation from the whole region to view (complete Region's Nation listings).

Top 25 GDP Leaders:
2. Regional trade .
3. Regional GDP .
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.

#1 The Empire of 4th new French empire WA

#2 The Grand Republic of Aason WA

#3 The United Socialist States of Agiani WA

#4 The Empire of Ancrathia WA

#5 The Empire of Ansures WA

#6 The Empire of Anuthuria WA

#7 The Rogue Nation of Arda III WA

#8 The People's Republic of Atraixia WA

#9 The Dominion of Avaneesh WA

#10 The Dominion of Axirova WA

#11 The Republic of Azin-court WA

#12 The Federal Republic of Azrtoska WA

#13 The Unified Countries of Benot WA

#14 The Armed Republic of Bingerburg WA

#15 The Republic of BirwiLand WA

#16 The Most Serene Republic of BongSmokeweed WA

#17 The Queendom of Brest-Litovks WA

#18 The Queendom of Cecilly WA

#19 The Commonwealth of Centrovia WA

#20 The Socialist Federation of Ciskavkazia WA

#21 The Holy Matriarchy of Coldsea WA

#22 The Confederacy of Colloms Golden Circle WA

#23 The Republic of Costa Canal WA

#24 The Republic Federal of of Covo WA

#25 The Kingdom of Deraptum WA

#26 The Grand Duchy of Diano WA

#27 The United Kingdoms of Dragon Empire WA

#28 The Republic of East Order WA

#29 The Commonwealth of Elaea WA

#30 The Borderlands of Emebedhe WA

#31 The Empire of Erratth WA

#32 The Rogue Nation of Femceldom WA

#33 The United Socialist States of GGDR WA

#34 The Free Land of Ghri Ziffe WA

#35 The Dictatorship of Great State of Mogus WA

#36 The Grand Queendom of Greater Castille WA

#37 The People's Republic of Haleylandia WA

#38 The Confederation of Hellanor WA

#39 The Protectorate of Herbrecht WA

#40 The Federal Republic of Ipangland WA

#41 The Democratic States of Isika WA

#42 The Principality of Island of Calipso WA

#43 The Confederacy of Jakazania WA

#44 The United Socialist States of Kargoztekaria WA

#45 The Holy Empire of Karkotta WA

#46 The Empire of Kasmerick WA

#47 The Republic of Kemalist-Turkey WA

#48 The Kingdom of Kings Stead WA

#49 The People's Republic of Kisunemara WA

#50 The United Socialist States of Konsturata WA

#51 The Republic of Lactum WA

#52 The Frontierist Comrades of Ladratia WA

#53 The Federal Republic of Le Seus WA

#54 The Republic of Liboth WA

#55 The Confederacy of Magrusa WA

#56 The Republic of Marellianna WA

#57 The Empire of Mictlantecuhtl WA

#58 The Republic of Middle Infugs Ruzartoplesta WA

#59 The Grand Duchy of Midle WA

#60 The Dominion of Murray River Exclaves Territory WA

#61 The People's Republic of Natanigais WA

#62 The Most Serene Republic of New Stanglia WA

#63 The Midnight Kingdom of Nightralia WA

#64 The Kendriy Kanfederatie of Novo Prosperitas WA

#65 The Holy Empire of Nvidia Goblins WA

#66 The United Socialist States of Of Gauvain WA

#67 The Dictatorship of Partito WA

#68 The Neutral Confederation of Patricia and the Marcus Islands WA

#69 The French Delight of Pauline Bonaparte WA

#70 The United Socialist States of Pax Omnibus WA

#71 The Dominion of Pendraicos WA

#72 The Matriarchy of Pepina Solange WA

#73 The United Republic of Plagriu WA

#74 The Allegedly Real Person of Porfloxonne WA

#75 The Free Land of Proficia WA

#76 The United States of Ramirex WA

#77 The Club of Rattanathailand WA

#78 The Federation of Razina WA

#79 The Federal Republic of Republic of North Hungary WA

#80 The Principality of Rhayr WA

#81 The Queendom of Rilan Flopsy WA

#82 The Constitutional Triarchy of Roighelm WA

#83 The People's Republic of Rubes WA

#84 The Republic of Ruhevania WA

#85 The Constitutional Monarchy of Rynovia WA

#86 The Phoenix Republic of Saeternum WA

#87 The Colony of Saint Barbara WA

#88 The Empire of Saint-Helene WA

#89 The United Kingdom of Salanchoiras Islands WA

#90 The NS Block of Saltidia WA

#91 The Dictatorship of Sarkadskinland WA

#92 The Federated Republic of Schwarzenwald WA

#93 The Kingdom of Seagulliana WA

#94 The Republic of Seravencia WA

#95 The Socialist Kaiserreich of Shorun WA

#96 The United Socialist States of Socialistic Cobalt States WA

#97 The People's Republic of Solaenia WA

#98 The Sovereign Kingdom of Southern Schtakastuvia WA

#99 The Republic of Tee Ors WA

#100 The Empire of Teristesia WA

#101 The Empire of Terra Reformada WA

#102 The Commonwealth of The Angevins WA

#103 The High Empire of The Knockout Gun Gals WA

#104 The Diagnosed Schizo of The Pyros WA

#105 The Kingdom of The Red Knights WA

#106 The United Districts of The Rupert WA

#107 The Effeminate Leftist Democracy of Tilinia WA

#108 The Allied Provinces of Tivio WA

#109 The Questionable Intelligence of Toyo0 WA

#110 The Utilitarian Republic of Ulyde WA

#111 The Free Land of Vallis Libertatis WA

#112 The Federation of Veruvia WA

#113 The United Socialist States of Vladirussvet WA

#114 The Republic of Volcanrock WA

#115 The Democratic Republic of Voxjord WA

#116 The Federal Republic of West Tobago WA

#117 The Empire of Whiteburg WA

#118 The Theocracy of Wolpertinger WA

#119 The United Kingdom of Xherdania WA

#120 The Borderlands of Yeanah WA

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