1: The Loving Couple of -Art-Fan Pop: 6,125 Mil 2: The Federation of 455 Lands Pop: 6,515 Mil 3: The Cluster of Star Clusters of 99008 Habitable Planets Pop: 5,128 Mil 4: The Dominion of A m b i s Pop: 5,143 Mil 5: The Most Serene Republic of Abomen Pop: 4,954 Mil 6: The Dominion of Abyssymbiota Pop: 6,630 Mil 7: The Armed Republic of Aethernon Pop: 5,035 Mil 8: The Kingdom of Agnindra Pop: 6,591 Mil 9: The Republic of Airsea Pop: 4,869 Mil 10: The United Kingdom of Algaeshtar-Globaal Pop: 6,581 Mil 11: The Dominion of Aliend Pop: 6,673 Mil 12: The Federation of Animale Marauders Pop: 7,372 Mil 13: The Republic of Ankeris Pop: 1,122 Mil 14: The Incorporated States of Ap Ipicaidzj Roow Pop: 6,531 Mil 15: The Colony of Apeiron-o-War Pop: 4,949 Mil 16: The Kingdom of Aquama Pop: 3,627 Mil 17: The Sultanate of Arabarya Pop: 6,915 Mil 18: The Kingdom of Archaera Pop: 6,544 Mil 19: The Terra and Aqua and Sol of Arium Pop: 1,154 Mil 20: The Dominion of Artificial Reality Pop: 6,987 Mil 21: The Kingdom of Ashgarden Pop: 6,650 Mil 22: The Community of Astrovores Pop: 4,949 Mil 23: The Empire of Asylene Pop: 6,760 Mil 24: The Republic of Atezika Pop: 5,155 Mil 25: The Empire of Aztrael Pop: 4,995 Mil 26: The Borderlands of Bacterra Pop: 5,000 Mil 27: The Borderlands of Bahruin Pop: 5,111 Mil 28: The Kingdom of Balainym Pop: 6,561 Mil 29: The Empire of Bandi Pop: 629 Mil 30: The Hanging Cities and Gardens of Banganalabama Pop: 5,127 Mil 31: The United Kingdom of Beants Pop: 1,782 Mil 32: The Republic of Beethens Pop: 1,780 Mil 33: The Community of Benthocean Pop: 6,645 Mil 34: The Kingdom of Bharanda Pop: 8,997 Mil 35: The Republic of Bieberia Pop: 4,096 Mil 36: The Principality of Bies Pop: 3,640 Mil 37: The Free Land of Biolitha Pop: 7,327 Mil 38: The Empire of Bivalva Pop: 4,963 Mil 39: The Empire of Bloab Pop: 6,761 Mil 40: The Rogue Nation of Blodzux Pop: 5,171 Mil 41: The Kingdom of Boecklin-Elfelocust Pop: 6,696 Mil 42: The Dominion of Boerzil Pop: 5,142 Mil 43: The Empire of Brassico Pop: 2,064 Mil 44: The Republic of Brobots Pop: 7,344 Mil 45: The Federation of Brontopteryx Pop: 10,035 Mil 46: The Federation of Bryogaia Pop: 4,975 Mil 47: The Holy Empire of Bug Husks Pop: 6,963 Mil 48: The Federation of Bumbleborg Pop: 5,080 Mil 49: The United Kingdom of Burrowland Pop: 1,827 Mil 50: The Republic of Byssus Pop: 5,000 Mil 51: The Federation of C-Law Pop: 6,669 Mil 52: The Republic of Calcis Pop: 1,119 Mil 53: The Republic of Cali4nia Pop: 6,591 Mil 54: The Republic of Californix Pop: 5,143 Mil 55: The Kingdom of Calypsea Pop: 6,640 Mil 56: The Federation of Carapax Pop: 6,852 Mil 57: The Republic of Carcharcynis Pop: 5,129 Mil 58: The United Kingdom of Castellaris Pop: 6,687 Mil 59: The Protectorate of Celluna Pop: 4,923 Mil 60: The Republic of Cetaichthya Pop: 5,097 Mil 61: The Dominion of Chaotia-Hadea Pop: 6,536 Mil 62: The Republic of Chelicerock Pop: 6,677 Mil 63: The Armed Republic of Chnoa Pop: 6,659 Mil 64: The Kingdom of Choux Pop: 2,040 Mil 65: The Nomadic Peoples of Clambia Pop: 4,975 Mil 66: The Rogue Nation of Cloversaries Pop: 4,945 Mil 67: The Commonwealth of Cnidearth Pop: 4,992 Mil 68: The Republic of Cob Pop: 5,274 Mil 69: The Republic of Coccua Pop: 1,988 Mil 70: The Kingdom of Coelis Pop: 6,610 Mil 71: The Colony of Composite Atmospheres Pop: 7,512 Mil 72: The Republic of Contrastellation Pop: 6,668 Mil 73: The United Kingdom of Coquilts Pop: 4,937 Mil 74: The Empire of Cosmoths Pop: 5,111 Mil 75: The Kingdom of Crinornis Pop: 4,938 Mil 76: The United Kingdom of Cristalm Pop: 6,613 Mil 77: The Holy Empire of Crypture Pop: 1,951 Mil 78: The Republic of Cybergolia Pop: 6,517 Mil 79: The Federation of Cypriris Pop: 4,964 Mil 80: The Kingdom of Cytos Pop: 1,985 Mil 81: The Dominion of D I S Pop: 6,843 Mil 82: The Confederacy of Darkrill Dwarf Galaxies Pop: 4,962 Mil 83: The Principality of Dauphyn Pop: 5,185 Mil 84: The Game of Death Supreme Pop: 4,575 Mil 85: The Horror of Deep Dark Dust Dimensions Pop: 7,382 Mil 86: The Republic of Demoncracy Pop: 6,833 Mil 87: The Empire of Dinuz Pop: 5,156 Mil 88: The United Kingdom of Divilusia Pop: 6,679 Mil 89: The Republic of Dolomis Pop: 1,112 Mil 90: The Holy Empire of Dormantis Pop: 5,027 Mil 91: The Federation of Douleia Pop: 10,129 Mil 92: The Empire of Dracough Pop: 5,071 Mil 93: The Empire of Dragorge Pop: 6,648 Mil 94: The Confederacy of Drew4U Pop: 6,477 Mil 95: The Republic of Drewde Pop: 6,534 Mil 96: The People's Republic of Drewnited Korea Pop: 2,415 Mil 97: The Republic of Drewth Pop: 5,153 Mil 98: The Colony of Drewtrecht in Icia Pop: 5,165 Mil 99: The Republic of Drewzone Pop: 6,485 Mil 100: The Republic of Drosop Pop: 4,947 Mil 101: The Kingdom of Durnile Pop: 5,151 Mil 102: The Kingdom of E o n Pop: 6,548 Mil 103: The Kingdom of Ebonight Pop: 6,913 Mil 104: The Rogue Nation of Echinasty-Slugglut Pop: 6,774 Mil 105: The Kingdom of Effex Pop: 1,966 Mil 106: The Nomadic Peoples of Empatholia Pop: 6,514 Mil 107: The Republic of Ephemerald Pop: 5,153 Mil 108: The Confederacy of Epiploa Pop: 4,990 Mil 109: The Kingdom of Erown Pop: 6,597 Mil 110: The Kingdom of Eukaryst Pop: 1,968 Mil 111: The Republics of Ewganda and Voogoo Pop: 5,128 Mil 112: The Dominion of Exceta Pop: 4,961 Mil 113: The Kingdom of Fairies in Phytoids Pop: 6,935 Mil 114: The Kingdom of Fantasea Pop: 6,678 Mil 115: The Colony of Flagellia Pop: 4,981 Mil 116: The Kingdom of Flammagma Pop: 6,863 Mil 117: The Kingdom of Fleuvert Pop: 6,555 Mil 118: The Most Serene Republic of Fluffits Pop: 4,926 Mil 119: The Federation of Fodderland Pop: 5,111 Mil 120: The Most Serene Republic of Fungiel Pop: 5,051 Mil 121: The Theocracy of Fungusapiens Pop: 6,858 Mil 122: The Kingdom of Funus Pop: 1,689 Mil 123: The Commonwealth of Gaarde Pop: 2,056 Mil 124: The Independent State of Gaia Nea Pop: 7,028 Mil 125: The Allied States of Galactic Ummah Pop: 7,397 Mil 126: The Kingdom of Ganeshiva Pop: 6,486 Mil 127: The Kingdom of Ganymedrew Pop: 6,468 Mil 128: The Protectorate of Gaylaxy Pop: 5,135 Mil 129: The Free Land of Gekkota Pop: 1,840 Mil 130: The Federation of Generic Civilisation 1 Pop: 5,079 Mil 131: The Federation of Generic Civilisation 2 Pop: 5,087 Mil 132: The Federation of Generic Civilisation 3 Pop: 5,057 Mil 133: The Federation of Generic Civilisation 4 Pop: 5,071 Mil 134: The Federation of Generis Pop: 5,085 Mil 135: The Republic of Ghostate Pop: 6,752 Mil 136: The Empire of Gigalaxy Pop: 6,791 Mil 137: The Kingdom of Gijsland Pop: 5,180 Mil 138: The Colony of Gimpond Pop: 6,635 Mil 139: The Republic of Girland Pop: 1,612 Mil 140: The Theocracy of Glaukaorist Pop: 1,377 Mil 141: The Dominion of Gloop Pop: 5,583 Mil 142: The United Kingdom of Goddyssey Pop: 6,626 Mil 143: The Dominion of Gompothirant Pop: 5,105 Mil 144: The Republic of Graptys Pop: 4,947 Mil 145: The Commonwealth of Graviscytes Pop: 4,998 Mil 146: The Disputed Territories of H O Io Pop: 6,381 Mil 147: The Republic of Halis Pop: 1,119 Mil 148: The Colony of Harnasceta Pop: 5,083 Mil 149: The Kingdom of Hebra Pop: 4,951 Mil 150: The Colony of Heis Pop: 2,524 Mil 151: The Kingdom of Hellwell Pop: 6,568 Mil 152: The Community of Heteroflexibles Pop: 7,362 Mil 153: The Republic of Hirsuits Pop: 6,912 Mil 154: The Empire of Hisstoria Pop: 5,161 Mil 155: The Colony of Holometabasis 1 Pop: 5,112 Mil 156: The Colony of Holometabasis 2 Pop: 5,118 Mil 157: The Republic of Homoia Pop: 5,132 Mil 158: The Dominion of Hooma Pop: 50 Mil 159: The Kingdom of Hornest Pop: 1,783 Mil 160: The Colony of Horrorb Pop: 6,608 Mil 161: The Republic of Hoverbases Pop: 4,888 Mil 162: The Empire of Hunks in Husks Pop: 7,423 Mil 163: The Confederacy of Hybrida Pop: 1,923 Mil 164: The Republic of Hydrogenia Pop: 3,627 Mil 165: The Commonwealth of Hylogygia Pop: 6,572 Mil 166: The Protectorate of Hyolitha Pop: 4,995 Mil 167: The Federation of Hyperbarys Pop: 4,996 Mil 168: The Holy Empire of Hypna Pop: 6,707 Mil 169: The Federation of Ignes Pop: 3,388 Mil 170: The Rogue Nation of Ignuke Pop: 5,096 Mil 171: The Oppressed Peoples of Imitasia Pop: 7,296 Mil 172: The Empire of Imperial Itan Stan Kan Pop: 2,101 Mil 173: The Commonwealth of Independent Worlds and Starbases Pop: 6,864 Mil 174: The Empire of Infex Pop: 1,966 Mil 175: The Empire of Infrarudd Pop: 5,056 Mil 176: The Incorporated States of Interstellar Aquaria Pop: 6,892 Mil 177: The Holy Yellow Slopes of Ish Phanihad Pop: 17,521 Mil 178: The Kingdom of Isloth in Lurxea Pop: 6,610 Mil 179: The Republic of Jadeye Pop: 6,797 Mil 180: The Theocracy of Kaabarnacle Pop: 4,948 Mil 181: The Empire of Kagema Pop: 6,346 Mil 182: The Republic of Kainis Pop: 1,117 Mil 183: The Disputed Territories of Kakokarya Pop: 6,749 Mil 184: The Sultanate of Kalicore Pop: 6,523 Mil 185: The Dominion of Karka Pop: 1,980 Mil 186: The Empire of Kikkerland Pop: 5,062 Mil 187: The Great Commonwealth of Kiwerkik Pop: 3,440 Mil 188: The Dominion of Kleptophysia Pop: 6,592 Mil 189: The Disputed Territories of Kosmema Pop: 4,924 Mil 190: The Kingdom of Krishnirwana Pop: 6,508 Mil 191: The Republic of Kutnohoris Pop: 1,110 Mil 192: The Sultanate of Lakme Pop: 6,526 Mil 193: The Federation of Laser Razors Pop: 4,974 Mil 194: The Incorporated States of Latent Universal Industries Pop: 2,128 Mil 195: The Kingdom of Laveloth Pop: 6,636 Mil 196: The Empire of Likhan Pop: 4,988 Mil 197: The Colony of Living and Dying Art Pop: 5,136 Mil 198: The Empire of Longone Pop: 5,022 Mil 199: The Republic of Luiaarde Pop: 6,638 Mil 200: The Colony of Lunatwink Pop: 5,157 Mil 201: The Nomadic Peoples of Lurkelp Pop: 6,594 Mil 202: The Dominion of M E N Pop: 6,803 Mil 203: The Republic of Maid-Dens and Motherlands Pop: 6,587 Mil 204: The Dictatorship of Mantrade HQ Pop: 7,034 Mil 205: The Colony of Martelite Pop: 5,121 Mil 206: The Matriarchy of Masaat Pop: 6,504 Mil 207: The Dominion of Masquerape Pop: 6,656 Mil 208: The Incorporated States of MathMart Pop: 1,995 Mil 209: The Federation of Medusoids Pop: 4,986 Mil 210: The Holy Planets and Starbases of Messihaniya Pop: 17,270 Mil 211: The Theocracy of Metaphanea Pop: 6,995 Mil 212: The Republic of Methan Pop: 1,137 Mil 213: The Sultanate of Micea Pop: 4,872 Mil 214: The Empire of Minimon Pop: 5,067 Mil 215: The Kingdom of Miton Pop: 1,984 Mil 216: The Empire of Mnaus Pop: 6,740 Mil 217: The Empire of Modified Chelonian Sellsword Twunks Pop: 4,998 Mil | 218: The Free Land of Moerand Pop: 6,644 Mil 219: The Holy Empire of Moistianity Pop: 4,988 Mil 220: The Nomadic Peoples of Mongey Pop: 1,212 Mil 221: The United States of Moon Luna Pop: 50 Mil 222: The Federation of Mortuars Pop: 5,123 Mil 223: The Sultanate of Mosslam Pop: 4,995 Mil 224: The Federation of Moule Pop: 4,927 Mil 225: The Republic of Mucussia Pop: 5,142 Mil 226: The Federation of Murovision Pop: 1,988 Mil 227: The Colony of Muscetae Pop: 5,075 Mil 228: The Theocracy of Mushrome Pop: 5,030 Mil 229: The Republic of Myces Pop: 5,061 Mil 230: The Republic of Mystognatha Pop: 5,163 Mil 231: The Republic of Mytilis Pop: 4,934 Mil 232: The Republic of Nanos Pop: 4,817 Mil 233: The Kingdom of Narkraken Pop: 6,671 Mil 234: The Republic of Nectaria Pop: 4,914 Mil 235: The Republic of Nemesystem Pop: 4,972 Mil 236: The Federation of Nethershade Pop: 4,995 Mil 237: The Kingdom of Nitrogenesis Pop: 6,759 Mil 238: The Federation of Noophages Pop: 4,996 Mil 239: The Kingdom of Normor Pop: 6,630 Mil 240: The Colony of Novo Recife Pop: 6,502 Mil 241: The Republic of Nudrew Pop: 6,433 Mil 242: The Empire of Ocyan Pop: 5,022 Mil 243: The Federation of OmegAlpha Pop: 4,564 Mil 244: The Matriarchy of Omnox Pop: 6,534 Mil 245: The Republic of Omnurba Pop: 6,749 Mil 246: The Community of Oorth Pop: 6,765 Mil 247: The Empire of Oozia Pop: 5,158 Mil 248: The Republic of Orb Pop: 6,031 Mil 249: The Kingdom of Orcants Pop: 6,943 Mil 250: The Dominion of Ore-Igin Pop: 4,999 Mil 251: The Most Serene Republic of Ouranon Pop: 4,873 Mil 252: The Republic of Oystar Pop: 4,986 Mil 253: The Commonwealth of OzDrewya Pop: 6,435 Mil 254: The Empire of Ozoonta Pop: 6,271 Mil 255: The Empire of Padshah Pop: 5,094 Mil 256: The Holy Empire of Paintings that come alive Pop: 7,191 Mil 257: The United States of Pale Jail Pop: 6,612 Mil 258: The Republic of Pankorea Pop: 7,242 Mil 259: The Kingdom of Pannyx Pop: 6,549 Mil 260: The Colony of Pbes Pop: 5,138 Mil 261: The Empire of Pboo Pop: 6,604 Mil 262: The Confederacy of Pelikhan Pop: 1,195 Mil 263: The Kingdom of Philishiya Pop: 4,913 Mil 264: The Republic of Phronosloth Pop: 6,588 Mil 265: The Empire of Phytia Pop: 5,060 Mil 266: The Republic of Placophyseter Pop: 5,113 Mil 267: The Nomadic Peoples of Planula Pop: 5,283 Mil 268: The Federation of Pleistella Pop: 6,773 Mil 269: The Holy Empire of Polypoleis Pop: 6,805 Mil 270: The Republic of Precours Pop: 5,042 Mil 271: The Kingdom of Profunda Pop: 6,527 Mil 272: The Kingdom of Psion Pop: 1,920 Mil 273: The Kingdom of Psychybdis Pop: 6,686 Mil 274: The Rogue Nation of Pterrible Pop: 6,727 Mil 275: The Republic of Ptocha Pop: 4,898 Mil 276: The Armed Republic of Ptolemoon Pop: 5,161 Mil 277: The Commonwealth of Qerq Pop: 6,575 Mil 278: The Empire of QinCe Pop: 4,976 Mil 279: The Kingdom of Quirld Pop: 6,707 Mil 280: The Empire of Quoterra Pop: 6,550 Mil 281: The Community of Radiolaria Pop: 5,021 Mil 282: The Confederacy of Rebels and Satelite Syndicates Pop: 6,798 Mil 283: The People's Republic of Red Phytia Pop: 1,408 Mil 284: The Republic of Reqin Pop: 5,105 Mil 285: The Republic of Rhorca Pop: 5,104 Mil 286: The Federation of Rogue Drones Pop: 6,917 Mil 287: The Republic of Ruma Pop: 1,960 Mil 288: The Empire of Sacrifex Pop: 6,653 Mil 289: The Empire of Salamantis Pop: 5,027 Mil 290: The Commonwealth of Salps Pop: 4,970 Mil 291: The Republic of Satelitia Pop: 4,853 Mil 292: The United Kingdom of Scallope Pop: 4,999 Mil 293: The Commonwealth of Scandrewnavia and Small Nonoland Pop: 5,183 Mil 294: The Free Land of Scienchina Pop: 6,514 Mil 295: The Empire of Scorpiuge Pop: 6,609 Mil 296: The Republic of Selach Pop: 5,139 Mil 297: The Federation of Semantis Pop: 4,925 Mil 298: The Empire of Serpenterra Pop: 5,048 Mil 299: The Republic of Sharcobra Pop: 5,123 Mil 300: The Kingdom of Shelland Pop: 5,339 Mil 301: The Emirate of Shepherds and Angels Pop: 6,555 Mil 302: The Republic of Shorca Pop: 5,128 Mil 303: The Community of Sithuation Pop: 6,844 Mil 304: The Kingdom of Skykings Pop: 6,593 Mil 305: The Sultanate of Slakka Pop: 5,122 Mil 306: The United States of Slimerica Pop: 6,506 Mil 307: The Dominion of Slosh Pop: 4,920 Mil 308: The Empire of Sludgia Pop: 5,153 Mil 309: The Federation of Snoil Pop: 5,213 Mil 310: The Federation of Space Reefs Pop: 4,976 Mil 311: The Nomadic Monsters of Spacies Pop: 6,614 Mil 312: The Republic of Spectral Synthoids Pop: 4,966 Mil 313: The Most Serene Republic of Spherice and the Sky Towns Pop: 4,911 Mil 314: The Republic of Sphyrna Pop: 5,144 Mil 315: The Empire of Spindia Pop: 6,594 Mil 316: The Kingdom of SPORTA Pop: 8,373 Mil 317: The Republic of Starborough Pop: 4,839 Mil 318: The Republic of Starsharks Pop: 5,132 Mil 319: The Colony of Stevincula Pop: 5,146 Mil 320: The Federal Republic of Str8 Safe Space Pop: 7,453 Mil 321: The Federation of Sublimina Pop: 4,939 Mil 322: The Federation of Subrupture Pop: 4,985 Mil 323: The Allied States of Sum-Ur Pop: 14,452 Mil 324: The Theocracy of Swampus Pop: 5,046 Mil 325: The Swarm of Swarms Pop: 1,798 Mil 326: The Republic of Sylvis Pop: 1,116 Mil 327: The Protectorate of Synthaum Pop: 7,351 Mil 328: The Federation of Syntita Pop: 6,591 Mil 329: The Federation of T o r Pop: 5,081 Mil 330: The United Kingdom of T-heden and Eerde Pop: 6,498 Mil 331: The Federation of Tan-Zan Pop: 291 Mil 332: The Protectorate of Tazuur Pop: 5,115 Mil 333: The Fiefdom of Tazyn Pop: 5,154 Mil 334: The Kingdom of Tentaculata Pop: 7,429 Mil 335: The Colony of Terrorb Pop: 6,601 Mil 336: The Federation of Testudo Pop: 5,059 Mil 337: The Empire of Teuthita Pop: 6,603 Mil 338: The Commonwealth of Th0rn Pop: 360 Mil 339: The United States of Thanathalassia Pop: 6,634 Mil 340: The Community of The Algaemist Pop: 6,494 Mil 341: The Empire of The Ampire Pop: 5,180 Mil 342: The Kingdom of The Ape X Pop: 405 Mil 343: The Dominion of The Ark Pop: 4,768 Mil 344: The Community of The Bieberian Promontory Pop: 6,475 Mil 345: The Sultanate of The Blightimid Caliphate Pop: 4,981 Mil 346: The Commonwealth of The Cave Masters Pop: 6,981 Mil 347: The Fifth Cardinal Synarchy of The Cosmic Intelligence Agency Pop: 2,123 Mil 348: The Most Serene Republic of The Cultimatum Pop: 1,961 Mil 349: The Commonwealth of The Cultitude Pop: 1,971 Mil 350: The Republic of The Dark Lands Pop: 597 Mil 351: The Rest of The Dolphin Star Cluster Pop: 6,529 Mil 352: The Community of The European Orbital Asylum Pop: 6,795 Mil 353: The Colony of The European Universal Exploration Union Pop: 6,875 Mil 354: The Disputed Territories of The Extre Mist Pop: 5,075 Mil 355: The Empire of The Firmament Pop: 1,945 Mil 356: The Dominion of The Fratrix Pop: 6,939 Mil 357: The Fourth Cardinal Synarchy of The Galactic Psyche Pop: 2,136 Mil 358: The Federation of The Halosphere Pop: 1,977 Mil 359: The Nomadic Peoples of The Heliorde Pop: 5,163 Mil 360: The Holy Empire of The Hybrid Shogunate Pop: 7,335 Mil 361: The Colony of The Kale Pop: 2,063 Mil 362: The Community of The Keverns Pop: 5,118 Mil 363: The Dominion of The Masculinear Matrix Pop: 6,992 Mil 364: The Kingdom of The Moonarchy Pop: 6,780 Mil 365: The Theocracy of The Mouldid Caliphate Pop: 5,016 Mil 366: The Confederacy of The Nebulands Pop: 6,636 Mil 367: The United States of The Nevermind Expanse Pop: 6,602 Mil 368: The Republic of The Platonic States Pop: 6,998 Mil 369: The Technocratic Hive of The Qube Pop: 6,055 Mil 370: The Kingdom of The Rainfurrest Pop: 5,155 Mil 371: The Commonwealth of The remains of Earth Pop: 7,443 Mil 372: The Rogue Nation of The Russian Astrofederation Pop: 7,402 Mil 373: The Force of The Seventh Cardinal Synarchy Pop: 2,125 Mil 374: The Empire of The Shrouded Power Pop: 2,134 Mil 375: The Matriarchy of The Sororitor Pop: 7,027 Mil 376: The Empire of The Sublime Democracy Pop: 5,082 Mil 377: The Federation of The Synthoid Watch Pop: 4,959 Mil 378: The Incorporated States of The United Patrix Pop: 7,003 Mil 379: The Empire of The Universal Crown Pop: 6,775 Mil 380: The Dominion of The Verterra Patrix Pop: 7,037 Mil 381: The Federation of ThESEYS Pop: 9,902 Mil 382: The Republic of Thorca Pop: 5,132 Mil 383: The Republic of Thornis Pop: 330 Mil 384: The Principality of Tisme Pop: 3,663 Mil 385: The Kingdom of Tomb-eau Pop: 6,567 Mil 386: The Matriarchy of Torthule Pop: 5,055 Mil 387: The Matriarchy of Toxigyne Pop: 3,601 Mil 388: The Sultanate of Tremordor Pop: 6,705 Mil 389: The Empire of Trihydra Pop: 5,060 Mil 390: The Empire of Tristerror Pop: 6,813 Mil 391: The Republic of Trollala Pop: 6,582 Mil 392: The Kingdom of Truegod Pop: 6,520 Mil 393: The Empire of Truuu Deru Pop: 5,067 Mil 394: The Borderlands of Tunica Pop: 5,151 Mil 395: The Republic of Turbuland Pop: 4,953 Mil 396: The Nomadic Peoples of Turkolia Pop: 1,225 Mil 397: The Empire of Turtroy Pop: 5,082 Mil 398: The Empire of Uglia Pop: 5,189 Mil 399: The Republic of Ultraviolence Pop: 4,889 Mil 400: The Theocracy of Undah Pop: 3,616 Mil 401: The Dominion of Underdark Pop: 4,921 Mil 402: The Federal Republic of United Stellar Str8 States Pop: 7,396 Mil 403: The Confederacy of Uuuwuzgan and Crackistan Pop: 5,195 Mil 404: The Dominion of Vacua Pop: 6,650 Mil 405: The Free Land of Vastralia Pop: 6,557 Mil 406: The Squamate syntharchy of Veneraptors Pop: 5,149 Mil 407: The Republic of Venia and Cardo Pop: 2,048 Mil 408: The United Kingdom of Viland and Loathe Pop: 5,172 Mil 409: The Republic of Voidome Pop: 6,671 Mil 410: The Nomadic Peoples of Warabia Pop: 1,250 Mil 411: The 6th Cardinal Synarchy of Warlocked Empires Pop: 2,090 Mil 412: The Empire of Waspocalypse Pop: 5,124 Mil 413: The Dissatisfied Recreators of What It Used To Be Pop: 2,127 Mil 414: The Empire of Whelkaria Pop: 4,947 Mil 415: The Republic of Woge Pop: 3,585 Mil 416: The Republic of Womenistan Pop: 1,599 Mil 417: The Federation of Wort Lords Pop: 5,002 Mil 418: The Jingoistic States of Wraithrone Pop: 6,757 Mil 419: The Republic of Xenarthetis Pop: 6,662 Mil 420: The Republic of Xenea Pop: 1,637 Mil 421: The Confederacy of Xenognatha Pop: 5,097 Mil 422: The Republic of Xenorth Pop: 6,602 Mil 423: The Empire of Ylm Pop: 6,534 Mil 424: The Empire of Yoship Pop: 6,633 Mil 425: The Republic of Yuckraine Pop: 5,188 Mil 426: The Republic of Yxy Pop: 1,273 Mil 427: The Republic of Zayn Direction Pop: 6,489 Mil 428: The Empire of Zijin Xing Pop: 4,991 Mil 429: The Federation of Zoodrew Pop: 6,501 Mil 430: The Empire-Sized Duchy of Zrew Pop: 6,509 Mil |