1: The Awesome Girlfriends of -LovingCouple- Pop: 4,768 Mil 2: The Republic of Abhyasa Pop: 18,387 Mil 3: The Loyal Colony of Aeonara Pop: 19,234 Mil 4: The Colony of Aurada Pop: 23,114 Mil 5: The Agricultural Colony of Botanicalia Pop: 23,795 Mil 6: The Hemiboreal Republic of Cloroxa Pop: 23,863 Mil 7: The Republic of Cloroxea Pop: 23,138 Mil 8: The Scientific Colony of Despre-Tine Pop: 23,770 Mil 9: The Autumnal Colony of Enscirya Pop: 24,283 Mil 10: The Federal Republic of Epenratea Pop: 19,493 Mil 11: The Colony of Eredlina Pop: 21,947 Mil 12: The Federal Republic of Great Kiravia Pop: 22,558 Mil 13: The Republic of Hetridan Pop: 18,054 Mil 14: The Royal and Ancient Dominion of Igneousia Pop: 24,830 Mil 15: The Commonwealth of Incandescantia Pop: 21,416 Mil 16: The Republic of Inocydia Pop: 21,614 Mil 17: The Advanced Colony of Iosaya Pop: 24,519 Mil 18: The Independent Colony of Iscova Pop: 24,973 Mil 19: The Kingdom of Isogosa Pop: 21,224 Mil 20: The Colony of Itaunoma Pop: 21,886 Mil 21: The Commonwealth of Ixkaryana Pop: 21,829 Mil 22: The Arboreal Colony of Kaleforest Pop: 25,162 Mil 23: The Pluricontinental Empire of Karrakar Pop: 24,815 Mil 24: The Republic of Keraventra Pop: 19,374 Mil 25: The Agrarian State of Kernea Pop: 23,495 Mil | 26: The Grand Colony of Kevara Pop: 24,490 Mil 27: The Overseas Territory of Kexarin Pop: 24,225 Mil 28: The Colonial Plantations of Khakia Pop: 25,047 Mil 29: The Transcontinental Republic of Kirverda Pop: 23,713 Mil 30: The Kiravian Free Alliance of Koronet Pop: 25,051 Mil 31: The Colonial Republic of Kyshynska Pop: 23,362 Mil 32: The Republic of Miniturizatia Pop: 22,536 Mil 33: The Colonial Dominion of Mintgreen Pop: 25,016 Mil 34: The Protectorate of Noviat Union Pop: 21,026 Mil 35: The Colony of Ociandela Pop: 21,873 Mil 36: The People's Republic of Reyava Pop: 18,917 Mil 37: The Commonwealth of Rituximab Pop: 21,597 Mil 38: The Nonpartisan Democracy of Sarasovica Pop: 22,388 Mil 39: The Republic of Sarventra Pop: 19,439 Mil 40: The Commonwealth of Segovena Pop: 22,121 Mil 41: The Republic of Stesicoria Pop: 19,511 Mil 42: The Colony of Svit-Kona Pop: 23,493 Mil 43: The Unbound Wilderness of Tileuria Pop: 17,845 Mil 44: The Colony of Verdasa Pop: 23,839 Mil 45: The Federated Colony of Xadex Pop: 23,543 Mil 46: The Federation of Xeelex Pop: 22,664 Mil |