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57 Countries populate the Region of Metisverse

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Metisverse.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Growing Sadness of Aya Asagiri
Pop: 3,472 Mil

2: The Commonwealth of Banana land4
Pop: 390 Mil

3: The Republic of Banana land6
Pop: 297 Mil

4: The Republic of Banana land8
Pop: 347 Mil

5: The Unitary Federal Republic of Bitrarusia
Pop: 1,889 Mil

6: The Republic of Charlieland
Pop: 453 Mil

7: The Fiefdom of Cheeseland2
Pop: 181 Mil

8: The United Socialist States of Cheeseland69
Pop: 464 Mil

9: The Disputed Territories of Cheeseland90
Pop: 305 Mil

10: The Republic of Clork1
Pop: 16 Mil

11: The Republic of Clork10
Pop: 14 Mil

12: The Republic of Clork11
Pop: 14 Mil

13: The Republic of Clork12
Pop: 14 Mil

14: The Republic of Clork13
Pop: 14 Mil

15: The Republic of Clork14
Pop: 14 Mil

16: The Republic of Clork15
Pop: 14 Mil

17: The Republic of Clork16
Pop: 14 Mil

18: The Republic of Clork17
Pop: 14 Mil

19: The Republic of Clork18
Pop: 14 Mil

20: The Republic of Clork19
Pop: 14 Mil

21: The Republic of Clork2
Pop: 16 Mil

22: The Republic of Clork20
Pop: 14 Mil

23: The Republic of Clork3
Pop: 16 Mil

24: The Republic of Clork4
Pop: 16 Mil

25: The Republic of Clork5
Pop: 16 Mil

26: The Republic of Clork6
Pop: 16 Mil

27: The Republic of Clork7
Pop: 16 Mil

28: The Republic of Clork8
Pop: 14 Mil

29: The Republic of Clork9
Pop: 14 Mil

30: The Republic of Cond Briengsm
Pop: 2,761 Mil

31: The Republic of Cucui King Ganon
Pop: 26 Mil

32: The Hall of Fame Cornerback of Darrell Green
Pop: 2,524 Mil

33: The Dominion of Flamewar
Pop: 2,715 Mil

34: The Volcano Thug of Gobfin Ignis
Pop: 1,028 Mil

35: The Armed Republic of Het Treinspoor
Pop: 26 Mil

36: The Holy Empire of Holy lake
Pop: 2,014 Mil

37: The Allied States of Kaas crackers hum yum
Pop: 381 Mil

38: The Republic of KaseBrotlland
Pop: 1,928 Mil

39: The Defender of Kivu XXI
Pop: 2,524 Mil

40: The Federation of Maldita Santana
Pop: 166 Mil

41: The Confederacy of Metaphet
Pop: 2,644 Mil

42: The Democratic Republic of Montronia
Pop: 1,553 Mil

43: The Clergy of Nameless Ghoul XXVII
Pop: 2,525 Mil

44: The Federational Republic of Novisiberskov
Pop: 2,054 Mil

45: The Empire of Pandaland4
Pop: 520 Mil

46: The National Republic of Pomoranskia
Pop: 1,854 Mil

47: The Wild Forests of Ramppanje
Pop: 2,227 Mil

48: The Constitutional Monarchy of Sabiterbrothillibarland
Pop: 385 Mil

49: The Republic of Spider-Tailed Horned Viper
Pop: 2,150 Mil

50: The Empire of Suave
Pop: 513 Mil

51: The Rogue Nation of Submarauder
Pop: 2,709 Mil

52: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CCXXII
Pop: 2,543 Mil

53: The United Kingdom of Ujn302
Pop: 163 Mil

54: The Dominion of Viekkaus
Pop: 2,256 Mil

55: The Federation of Vought F4U Corsair
Pop: 2,467 Mil

56: The United Tsardom of Yaroyska
Pop: 1,374 Mil

57: The United Kingdom of Ynn335
Pop: 223 Mil

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