You have arrived at the GDP Listings for Nations that make up the Region of Damele.
Ways to View This Information:
1. Select a Nation below to view nation specific information. (National listings).
2. Regional trade information.
3. Regional GDP Overview.
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.
Nation | Imports | Net Trade | GDP |
The Democratic Republic of Nargony | $13,523,060,736.00 | $43,794,984.00 | $17,192,700,000.00 |
The Democratic Republic of Tawagee | $13,656,971,264.00 | $170,882,752.00 | $19,324,900,000.00 |
The United Kingdom of Mengamai | $13,506,571,264.00 | $62,819,672.00 | $20,262,200,000.00 |
The Democratic Republic of Nagya | $18,024,390,656.00 | $64,750,304.00 | $23,945,500,000.00 |
The Democratic Republic of Denalada | $18,021,478,400.00 | $71,043,216.00 | $24,972,000,000.00 |
The Democratic Republic of Dyakwe | $18,008,760,320.00 | $83,761,296.00 | $27,016,300,000.00 |
The Republic of Fyan | $18,008,760,320.00 | $83,761,296.00 | $27,016,300,000.00 |
The Democratic Republic of Xaz | $18,002,403,328.00 | $90,118,288.00 | $28,038,500,000.00 |
The United States of Natege | $20,274,161,664.00 | $79,924,736.00 | $28,093,500,000.00 |
The Colony of Nellas | $20,485,457,920.00 | $256,324,224.00 | $28,987,400,000.00 |
The Democratic Republic of Rugyt | $17,996,044,288.00 | $96,477,328.00 | $29,060,600,000.00 |
The Empire of Saryam | $22,537,371,648.00 | $461,232,160.00 | $29,942,600,000.00 |
The Empire of Yyaran | $30,338,129,920.00 | $390,434,592.00 | $44,680,200,000.00 |
The Holy Empire of Tyekmi | $31,526,459,392.00 | $135,454,272.00 | $45,489,800,000.00 |
The Kingdom of Anjaba | $39,657,517,056.00 | $282,582,528.00 | $53,393,200,000.00 |
The People's Republic of Xsai | $44,145,999,872.00 | $-22,094,346.00 | $54,514,300,000.00 |
The Kingdom of Weran | $45,060,976,640.00 | $161,877,984.00 | $59,863,700,000.00 |
The Free Land of Sai Yong | $49,054,420,992.00 | $-80,253,464.00 | $64,635,600,000.00 |
The People's Republic of Mendya | $50,693,599,232.00 | $182,109,440.00 | $67,346,700,000.00 |
The People's Republic of Wendha | $54,216,433,664.00 | $-470,814,336.00 | $71,663,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Datongia | $50,087,321,600.00 | $-162,199,328.00 | $79,319,900,000.00 |
The Constitutional Monarchy of Falimland | $50,792,693,760.00 | $-396,756,224.00 | $81,755,000,000.00 |
The United Kingdom of Yangama | $54,485,831,680.00 | $-1,116,546,816.00 | $82,902,600,000.00 |
The Democratic Republic of Youwan | $64,564,510,720.00 | $-1,136,927,104.00 | $85,941,900,000.00 |
The Kingdom of Rasaga | $79,509,069,824.00 | $356,057,888.00 | $94,129,700,000.00 |
The Kingdom of San Dynasty | $108,222,627,840.00 | $312,217,920.00 | $131,409,000,000.00 |