You have arrived at the GDP Listings for Nations that make up the Region of Korinissia.
Ways to View This Information:
1. Select a Nation below to view nation specific information. (National listings).
2. Regional trade information.
3. Regional GDP Overview.
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.
Nation | Imports | Net Trade | GDP |
The Holy Empire of Ankarchiania | $22,499,622,912.00 | $1,181,771,392.00 | $50,853,900,000.00 |
The Allied States of The Anti-Imperial Army | $108,052,570,112.00 | $-507,083,872.00 | $161,088,000,000.00 |
The Republic of This is a very long country name | $167,510,212,608.00 | $-3,053,084,416.00 | $281,631,000,000.00 |
The Incorporated States of The Avant Garde State | $308,161,052,672.00 | $-2,205,978,880.00 | $285,890,000,000.00 |
The Empire of Hyperboraea | $159,710,855,168.00 | $18,236,206.00 | $293,038,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Prime Minister of KH | $382,564,859,904.00 | $-6,440,232,448.00 | $685,107,000,000.00 |
The United Imperial Commonwealth of Greater Korinissia | $4,221,298,540,544.00 | $11,006,081,024.00 | $5,441,270,000,000.00 |