You have arrived at the GDP Listings for Nations that make up the Region of The Great Glorb.
Ways to View This Information:
1. Select a Nation below to view nation specific information. (National listings).
2. Regional trade information.
3. Regional GDP Overview.
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.
Nation | Imports | Net Trade | GDP |
The Republic of Yorbledax | $1,093,271,158,784.00 | $-66,812,194,816.00 | $2,565,370,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Zarbflibble | $981,127,200,768.00 | $3,927,352,832.00 | $2,907,540,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Snizzleton | $1,006,036,254,720.00 | $-71,225,532,416.00 | $3,115,830,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Tumbletron | $970,461,347,840.00 | $-40,077,279,232.00 | $3,244,810,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Trunbleflox | $1,568,970,637,312.00 | $-116,742,479,872.00 | $3,261,570,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Zabbletron | $921,881,280,512.00 | $113,902,182,400.00 | $3,351,510,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Zorblefax | $934,708,576,256.00 | $32,885,827,584.00 | $3,608,610,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Flimblezax | $1,056,839,172,096.00 | $-30,996,254,720.00 | $3,768,060,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Drizzlejax | $1,511,424,393,216.00 | $6,027,207,168.00 | $3,790,920,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Klornadork | $1,079,207,395,328.00 | $-57,851,076,608.00 | $3,871,420,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Mibberloo | $1,489,284,366,336.00 | $-89,095,757,824.00 | $3,953,000,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Tworblebax | $1,926,015,614,976.00 | $-85,050,286,080.00 | $4,355,030,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Trinkleflox | $1,036,802,654,208.00 | $-16,761,699,328.00 | $4,401,940,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Flormplaxle | $2,672,634,626,048.00 | $-199,528,038,400.00 | $4,408,770,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Gorlaxplop | $1,478,159,106,048.00 | $14,344,417,280.00 | $4,623,020,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Mipborklux | $1,559,604,625,408.00 | $-143,857,451,008.00 | $4,863,810,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Glompop | $1,391,505,309,696.00 | $5,907,501,056.00 | $5,390,080,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Crinklethor | $1,534,118,330,368.00 | $17,748,582,400.00 | $5,413,620,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Blorpyzank | $1,857,643,085,824.00 | $117,704,900,608.00 | $5,544,900,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Bloopertron | $1,944,949,489,664.00 | $-14,431,895,552.00 | $5,573,880,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Jibberplex | $2,183,841,972,224.00 | $256,926,449,664.00 | $5,807,470,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Glorptwiddle | $2,541,497,090,048.00 | $-150,119,825,408.00 | $6,062,120,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Womplax | $2,010,237,894,656.00 | $87,217,143,808.00 | $6,429,680,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Snorbleplex | $2,015,500,304,384.00 | $-122,448,347,136.00 | $6,446,720,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Zizzlefrap | $1,521,556,127,744.00 | $-22,910,492,672.00 | $6,547,550,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Borplefax | $2,152,533,327,872.00 | $-67,047,473,152.00 | $6,581,560,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Gribblorpix | $2,674,990,514,176.00 | $-178,261,147,648.00 | $6,744,460,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Glimmox | $2,693,118,033,920.00 | $-20,381,401,088.00 | $6,779,340,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Wibberflex | $2,740,055,441,408.00 | $-162,531,999,744.00 | $6,783,530,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Skrorblex | $1,974,596,272,128.00 | $86,703,915,008.00 | $6,785,560,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Gribthorpe | $2,426,638,434,304.00 | $-22,529,435,648.00 | $6,824,330,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Vorbgibber | $2,160,787,324,928.00 | $-79,485,485,056.00 | $7,292,150,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Glorpablorb | $1,853,541,842,944.00 | $292,757,766,144.00 | $7,374,980,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Blirptinkle | $2,767,584,755,712.00 | $105,182,355,456.00 | $7,403,080,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Trizzledorf | $2,442,984,423,424.00 | $37,237,161,984.00 | $7,483,260,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Kliptonk | $2,107,155,415,040.00 | $59,695,316,992.00 | $7,521,690,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Zirblorple | $2,676,984,905,728.00 | $-52,735,385,600.00 | $7,528,730,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Vlobznorp | $2,491,355,234,304.00 | $-101,436,006,400.00 | $7,645,780,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Zarbwinkle | $2,632,318,976,000.00 | $-132,088,348,672.00 | $7,669,700,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Glirblewax | $2,017,060,323,328.00 | $480,755,679,232.00 | $7,872,760,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Plibberdash | $2,554,920,697,856.00 | $-17,321,740,288.00 | $8,035,420,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Borbinkle | $3,207,382,695,936.00 | $4,327,809,024.00 | $8,201,290,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Snozzle | $3,175,194,034,176.00 | $-228,682,170,368.00 | $8,550,090,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Vipwom | $2,235,083,259,904.00 | $-7,947,295,744.00 | $8,659,920,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Zibblegork | $2,486,049,701,888.00 | $129,032,568,832.00 | $9,116,470,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Vlimblorp | $2,158,435,762,176.00 | $-9,548,115,968.00 | $9,485,550,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Nibblegorn | $2,378,164,862,976.00 | $-33,505,744,896.00 | $9,657,240,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Zibblor | $2,526,279,106,560.00 | $83,713,040,384.00 | $10,214,000,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Snorblorp | $3,161,719,046,144.00 | $-113,764,966,400.00 | $10,221,200,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Twizzlebor | $2,622,600,249,344.00 | $-33,205,614,592.00 | $10,527,500,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Skrabflex | $2,700,713,918,464.00 | $341,368,602,624.00 | $10,669,000,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Gornblaxle | $3,104,460,505,088.00 | $30,554,691,584.00 | $10,780,900,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Blizzlewomp | $2,498,637,070,336.00 | $63,230,353,408.00 | $10,857,500,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Qorblenex | $3,068,295,905,280.00 | $39,525,728,256.00 | $11,004,400,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Norblegax | $2,968,646,582,272.00 | $182,094,151,680.00 | $11,034,900,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Wabbertron | $3,324,899,229,696.00 | $-131,908,608,000.00 | $11,325,500,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Floopwig | $3,007,752,699,904.00 | $61,833,773,056.00 | $11,652,000,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Flibflab | $3,315,608,584,192.00 | $-217,121,980,416.00 | $11,836,100,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Blipdrop | $3,073,750,335,488.00 | $-50,341,441,536.00 | $13,051,800,000,000.00 |
The Republic of Wibblethunk | $3,415,990,599,680.00 | $233,150,021,632.00 | $14,138,900,000,000.00 |