You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of 16_Irish_Traders_Walk_into_a_Bar.
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1: The Bandit Queen Nation of Papa Bull Ape
Pop: 19,290 Mil
2: The Royal Chungaahicty of Socks of All Sortz
Pop: 17,544 Mil
3: The Failed Nation of Diidiliicowz
Pop: 13,081 Mil
4: The Stenchland Colony of Lower Cla Onehesterf
Pop: 11,422 Mil
5: The God Ordained Feudal States of Generic Stoman
Pop: 11,075 Mil
6: The Imperial Province of Ownith Delda
Pop: 10,913 Mil
7: The Syrlyk League Nation of S44 Tesorthosise
Pop: 10,862 Mil
8: The Upper One Per Cent of Irish Trader 207a
Pop: 10,811 Mil
9: The Grand Theft Autocracy of Irish Trader 101
Pop: 10,769 Mil
10: The Economic Union of Irish Trader 207c
Pop: 10,527 Mil
11: The 3rd Republic of Irish Trader 207b
Pop: 10,432 Mil
12: The Loser Nation of Pink a Cadillac
Pop: 8,708 Mil
13: The Plabocratic Venarchy of Irish Traders 106
Pop: 2,912 Mil
14: The Colony of Generic Dahveedland
Pop: 2,786 Mil
15: The Biggest Losers of I Grab Them By The
Pop: 2,626 Mil
16: The Republic of Soap Dropper
Pop: 2,521 Mil
17: The New Coalition of Irish Trader 208
Pop: 2,499 Mil