You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Alternate_History_Hub.
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1: The United Republics of North America and the Great Lakes
Pop: 29,114 Mil
2: The Kingdom of KoAC
Pop: 22,041 Mil
3: The Sapulce of Latvijas Otra Republika
Pop: 15,009 Mil
4: The Federated States of Dennizona
Pop: 14,061 Mil
5: The Founder of Alternate History Hub
Pop: 12,813 Mil
6: The Commonwealth of Hannaford Supermarkets
Pop: 9,482 Mil
7: The African Liberation Party of Burandi
Pop: 7,906 Mil
8: The New Rome of Constantinopolitan Empire
Pop: 2,088 Mil
9: The Kingdom of Hawaikoku
Pop: 1,621 Mil
10: The Dynasty of Neo Goryeo
Pop: 1,590 Mil
11: The Republic of Tuujiyumix Ilihuu
Pop: 1,203 Mil
12: The Kerajaan of Langkasoka
Pop: 1,185 Mil
13: The Republic of Cuban Caribbean
Pop: 1,002 Mil
14: The Republic of The UPoNE
Pop: 992 Mil
15: The Emirate of Burmay
Pop: 909 Mil
16: The People's Republic of Miyezi
Pop: 707 Mil
17: The Constitutional Monarchy of Pragjotisha
Pop: 685 Mil
18: The Commonwealth of North Western English Cities
Pop: 524 Mil
19: The Republic of Chinese Democratic Federation
Pop: 522 Mil
20: The Republic of Autonomous Republic of Caspia
Pop: 514 Mil
21: The Empire of New Romanum
Pop: 509 Mil
22: The People's Republic of Krasnoyarsk-Tuva
Pop: 502 Mil
23: The Principality of Jilolo
Pop: 489 Mil
24: The Fiefdom of Olympus Empire
Pop: 442 Mil
25: The Federal Republic of Louisiaane
Pop: 189 Mil
26: The United States of San Tributo
Pop: 175 Mil
27: The People's Republic of Komalka
Pop: 110 Mil
28: The Democratic Republic of Chainna
Pop: 50 Mil
29: The Kingdom of Kyivea
Pop: 32 Mil