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1: The ✨Stunning✨ Drone Strikes of President Obama Gets Real
Pop: 5,689 Mil
2: The Bumble Back Butter of President Biden Gets Real
Pop: 4,375 Mil
3: The Most Mentally Ill President of President Nixon Gets Real
Pop: 4,354 Mil
4: The Wit and Wisdom of President Reagan Gets Real
Pop: 4,348 Mil
5: The Supermarket Scanner Moment of President H W Bush Gets Real
Pop: 4,343 Mil
6: The Ruiner of Cleveland's Trivia of President Trump Gets Real
Pop: 4,332 Mil
7: The Yams filled me with desires of President Clinton Gets Real
Pop: 4,330 Mil
8: The Golfin' Dubya of President Bush Gets Real
Pop: 4,320 Mil
9: The One Never Elected of President Ford Gets Real
Pop: 4,317 Mil
10: The Better Human than CiC of President Carter Gets Real
Pop: 4,315 Mil
11: The Colony of President Washington Gets Real
Pop: 36 Mil