You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Angels_Encarmine.
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1: The Death World of Kingdom of Circle of Magi
Pop: 17,338 Mil
2: The Angels Encarmine of Adaptus Astrates Recruiting Squad
Pop: 9,821 Mil
3: The Legion State of Engliscya
Pop: 7,853 Mil
4: The Masters of War of Angel Encarmine
Pop: 6,928 Mil
5: The Loving Couple of Tr1bute 4rt-
Pop: 5,980 Mil
6: The Freeholds of Prosperoi
Pop: 5,723 Mil
7: The Republic of Cato sicarius
Pop: 5,549 Mil
8: The Commonwealth of Chapter Master
Pop: 5,427 Mil
9: The Empire of Scrama
Pop: 5,291 Mil
10: The Commonwealth of Alba Mor is Eirinn
Pop: 3,067 Mil
11: The United Kingdom of Cymru Hen
Pop: 2,861 Mil
12: The Cemetery World of Dais
Pop: 2,457 Mil
13: The Federation of Malvaino
Pop: 640 Mil
14: The Federal Republic of Equaria
Pop: 554 Mil
15: The Federal Republic of Reformed Ertesia
Pop: 538 Mil
16: The Kingdom of Jhutan
Pop: 497 Mil
17: The Empire of Guineveraea
Pop: 464 Mil
18: The Allied States of Not touching grass
Pop: 399 Mil
19: The Dictatorship of Galionia
Pop: 396 Mil
20: The Free Land of Skyland Meritocracy
Pop: 393 Mil
21: The Democratic Republic of Elmajaka
Pop: 392 Mil
22: The Federal Republic of Alzama
Pop: 389 Mil
23: The Grand Duchy of Kalze
Pop: 382 Mil
24: The Democratic States of Ulyem
Pop: 375 Mil
25: The Federal Republic of Quekland
Pop: 364 Mil
26: The Empire of Kvyet
Pop: 346 Mil
27: The Republic of Slovekina
Pop: 146 Mil
28: The Queendom of The kingdom of the skibidi rizzlers
Pop: 92 Mil
29: The Armed Republic of Romanal
Pop: 40 Mil