You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Baswer_union.
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1: The Peoples democratic republic of Uonion fo soviet socalist republik
Pop: 2,112 Mil
2: The Great free state of JUKMINISTAN
Pop: 597 Mil
3: The Semi Constitutional Monarchy of ARJABALIENARNA
Pop: 592 Mil
4: The Jingoistic Democratic Idiots of Nice-looking People
Pop: 590 Mil
Pop: 572 Mil
6: The Holy Empire of Willland
Pop: 513 Mil
7: The Protectorate of Endonpemma
Pop: 324 Mil
8: The Free Land of Economic union of economics
Pop: 291 Mil
9: The Oppressed Peoples of Canadian Reich repubic
Pop: 157 Mil
10: The Matriarchy of New Rica de nina
Pop: 155 Mil
11: The United Socialist States of New yorktown
Pop: 126 Mil
12: The Fiefdom of Eggtoddy
Pop: 123 Mil
13: The Republic of Etopissmema
Pop: 120 Mil
14: The Most Serene Republic of Parisburg
Pop: 113 Mil
15: The Free Land of Maru de Juan
Pop: 9 Mil