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1: The United Provinces of Mathorn
Pop: 19,880 Mil
2: The Republic of ElBaron
Pop: 19,060 Mil
3: The Royaume of Michellae
Pop: 18,746 Mil
4: The R?publique Fran?aise of Birmanie
Pop: 18,125 Mil
5: The Revolutionary Republic of Wanasnaswa
Pop: 17,688 Mil
6: The Union of Savashanists of The Socialist Republic of Saian
Pop: 17,463 Mil
7: The Celestial Empire of Breen
Pop: 17,462 Mil
8: The Socialist Republic of Khingan
Pop: 16,320 Mil
9: The Elective Monarchy of Figueria
Pop: 13,273 Mil
10: The People's Republic of Xinzhoa
Pop: 10,177 Mil
11: The Reformed Federal Republic of Greater Newmerican States
Pop: 7,463 Mil
12: The King of CISB Reforged
Pop: 4,760 Mil
13: The Democratic Republic of Taltria
Pop: 729 Mil