You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Cabo_Verde.
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1: The District of Cabo Verde Praia
Pop: 30,574 Mil
2: The District of Abihud Zerubbabel
Pop: 15,375 Mil
3: The State of Ilhas do Barlavento
Pop: 7,474 Mil
4: The Republic of Sotavento Islands
Pop: 7,444 Mil
5: The Matriarchy of Diogo Afonso
Pop: 7,432 Mil
6: The Republic of Barlavento Islands
Pop: 7,423 Mil
7: The State of Ilha de Santiago
Pop: 7,418 Mil
8: The Queen's Royal Province of Ilhas do Sotavento
Pop: 7,380 Mil