You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Card_Captor_Pacifica.
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1: The Card Capturing Commissariat of Card Captor Pacifica
Pop: 11,270 Mil
2: The Colony of NPO Farmer Vylixan V
Pop: 9,549 Mil
3: The Colony of NPO Farmer Vylixan I
Pop: 9,528 Mil
4: The Colony of NPO Farmer Vylixan VI
Pop: 9,510 Mil
5: The Colony of NPO Farmer Vylixan VIII
Pop: 9,483 Mil
6: The Colony of NPO Farmer Vylixan III
Pop: 9,468 Mil
7: The Colony of NPO Farmer Vylixan II
Pop: 9,464 Mil
8: The Colony of NPO Farmer Vylixan VII
Pop: 9,463 Mil
9: The Colony of NPO Farmer Vylixan IX
Pop: 9,463 Mil
10: The Colony of NPO Farmer Vylixan IV
Pop: 9,462 Mil
11: The Colony of NPO Farmer Vylixan X
Pop: 9,453 Mil
12: The Community of NPO Farming Hub Vylixan I
Pop: 8,595 Mil
13: The Republic of Ammunition Factory II
Pop: 5,695 Mil
14: The Republic of Ammunition Factory
Pop: 5,679 Mil
15: The Republic of Ammunition Factory I
Pop: 5,656 Mil
16: The Empire of Pacific Gardens
Pop: 478 Mil
17: The Empire of Pacific Studios
Pop: 475 Mil
18: The Empire of Pacific Refineries
Pop: 474 Mil
19: The Empire of Pacific Goldfields
Pop: 473 Mil
20: The Empire of Pacific Logging Camp
Pop: 473 Mil
21: The Empire of Pacific Smithies
Pop: 473 Mil
22: The Empire of Pacific Workshops
Pop: 473 Mil
23: The Empire of Pacific Artisans
Pop: 472 Mil
24: The Empire of Pacific Ceramics
Pop: 472 Mil
25: The Empire of Pacific Orchard
Pop: 471 Mil
26: The Empire of Pacific Quarry
Pop: 470 Mil
27: The Empire of Pacific Canvases
Pop: 469 Mil
28: The Empire of Pacific Foundries
Pop: 468 Mil
29: The Empire of Pacific Craftsmen
Pop: 467 Mil
30: The Empire of Pacific Stormcaller
Pop: 467 Mil
31: The Empire of Pacific Silk Road
Pop: 466 Mil
32: The Empire of Pacific Kilns
Pop: 465 Mil
33: The Empire of Pacific Volcano Forge
Pop: 465 Mil
34: The Empire of Pacific Mints
Pop: 464 Mil
35: The Empire of Pacific Markets
Pop: 464 Mil
36: The Empire of Pacific Traders
Pop: 463 Mil
37: The Empire of Pacific Spirit Isles
Pop: 463 Mil
38: The Empire of Pacific Auction House
Pop: 462 Mil
39: The Empire of Pacific Reefs
Pop: 461 Mil
40: The Empire of Pacific Fabrics
Pop: 461 Mil
41: The Empire of Pacific Scrolls
Pop: 461 Mil
42: The Empire of Pacific Harvest
Pop: 460 Mil
43: The Empire of Pacific Wellsprings
Pop: 460 Mil
44: The Empire of Pacific Shipyards
Pop: 458 Mil
45: The Empire of Pacific Sunken Temple
Pop: 457 Mil
46: The Empire of Pacific Pavilions
Pop: 456 Mil
47: The Empire of Pacific Mana Springs
Pop: 456 Mil
48: The Empire of Pacific Galleries
Pop: 455 Mil
49: The Empire of Pacific Treasuries
Pop: 455 Mil
50: The Empire of Pacific Dragons Maw
Pop: 455 Mil
51: The Empire of Pacific Pearl Lagoon
Pop: 455 Mil
52: The Empire of Pacific Moonlit Bay
Pop: 454 Mil
53: The Empire of Pacific Tiki Grove
Pop: 453 Mil
54: The Empire of Pacific Exhibits
Pop: 452 Mil
55: The Empire of Pacific Coral Castle
Pop: 452 Mil
56: The Republic of Ammunition Factory viii
Pop: 239 Mil
57: The Republic of Ammunition Factory xi
Pop: 239 Mil
58: The Armed Republic of Ammunition Factory iii
Pop: 238 Mil
59: The Republic of Ammunition Factory x
Pop: 233 Mil
60: The Republic of Ammunition Factory xii
Pop: 232 Mil
61: The Republic of Ammunition Factory xiii
Pop: 232 Mil
62: The Republic of Ammunition Factory xv
Pop: 232 Mil
63: The Republic of Ammunition Factory V
Pop: 229 Mil
64: The Republic of Ammunition Factory vi
Pop: 229 Mil
65: The Republic of Ammunition Factory iv
Pop: 226 Mil
66: The Republic of Ammunition Factory vii
Pop: 226 Mil
67: The Republic of Ammunition Factory ix
Pop: 226 Mil
68: The Republic of Ammunition Factory xiv
Pop: 224 Mil