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1: The Theocracy of Jhtalith
Pop: 22,455 Mil
2: The Holy Empire of Landinoso
Pop: 9,027 Mil
3: The Kingdom of Brighteland
Pop: 7,438 Mil
4: The Military State of Valnastal
Pop: 6,848 Mil
5: The Loving Couple of Official-Couple-
Pop: 5,960 Mil
6: The Federal Republic of Westallis
Pop: 5,377 Mil
7: The United States of Grand American Union Republic
Pop: 4,827 Mil
8: The Republic of Duruik
Pop: 4,248 Mil
9: The Established Federal Republic of Daemoes-Avo
Pop: 3,998 Mil
10: The Kingdom of Novanglia
Pop: 3,830 Mil
11: The Kingdom of VViliam
Pop: 3,798 Mil
12: The Covenant Community of Anarchkhis
Pop: 3,070 Mil
13: The United States of Port Quayle
Pop: 2,587 Mil
14: The Constitutional Monarchy of El Cocon
Pop: 2,450 Mil
15: The United Kingdom of Virtual Islands
Pop: 2,381 Mil
16: The Federal Republic of Sariling Katinuan
Pop: 2,373 Mil
17: The Incorporated States of Kombutan
Pop: 2,259 Mil
18: The Empire of Greater Achea
Pop: 2,205 Mil
19: The United States of Czech-o-Slovakia
Pop: 2,017 Mil
20: The United English Commonwealth of Australian Federation
Pop: 1,872 Mil
21: The Republic of Praemonitus
Pop: 1,805 Mil
22: The Dominion of Archivist of Civiles Conservare
Pop: 1,745 Mil
23: The Heavenly Dominion of Van Kiep
Pop: 1,658 Mil
24: The Constitutional Monarchy of Reges et Civiles Conservare
Pop: 568 Mil
25: The Republic of Blue sunset
Pop: 514 Mil
26: The Republic of The Conservative Hegemony of Colombia
Pop: 272 Mil
27: The Federation of Greater Natal
Pop: 248 Mil
28: The Republic of Dante Alighieri
Pop: 150 Mil
29: The Kingdom of Grand Ruthenia
Pop: 50 Mil