You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Cup_of_Farmony.
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1: The Touring Megaships of The Drawkian Mobile Fleet
Pop: 9,972 Mil
2: The Democratic Republic of Huron League
Pop: 5,992 Mil
3: The Federation of The Local Geese
Pop: 4,715 Mil
4: The Dominion of Aymenoughshire-about-Oren
Pop: 2,970 Mil
5: The Magical Republic of Castlelobruxo
Pop: 2,295 Mil
6: The Massacring State of Murderbum
Pop: 2,042 Mil
7: The Aeroplane Over the Sea of The Neutral Milk Hotel
Pop: 1,806 Mil
8: The Constitutional Monarchy of Fantier
Pop: 1,561 Mil
9: The Colony of Bollonischian Maribaya
Pop: 1,405 Mil
10: The Republic of Mercatoren
Pop: 1,036 Mil
11: The Republic of SNL Puppet 3
Pop: 76 Mil
12: The Republic of SNL Puppet 2
Pop: 75 Mil
13: The Republic of SNL Puppet 8
Pop: 75 Mil
14: The Republic of SNL Puppet 4
Pop: 74 Mil
15: The Republic of SNL Puppet 5
Pop: 74 Mil
16: The Republic of SNL Puppet 6
Pop: 74 Mil
17: The Republic of SNL Puppet 9
Pop: 74 Mil
18: The Republic of SNL Puppet 1
Pop: 73 Mil
19: The Republic of SNL Puppet 7
Pop: 73 Mil
20: The Republic of SNL Puppet C
Pop: 69 Mil
21: The Republic of SNL Puppet G
Pop: 69 Mil
22: The Republic of SNL Puppet H
Pop: 69 Mil
23: The Republic of SNL Puppet A
Pop: 68 Mil
24: The Republic of SNL Puppet F
Pop: 68 Mil
25: The Republic of SNL Puppet B
Pop: 67 Mil
26: The Republic of SNL Puppet D
Pop: 67 Mil
27: The Republic of SNL Puppet E
Pop: 67 Mil
28: The Republic of SNL Puppet I
Pop: 45 Mil
29: The Republic of SNL Puppet J
Pop: 45 Mil
30: The Republic of SNL Puppet K
Pop: 45 Mil
31: The Republic of SNL Puppet L
Pop: 45 Mil
32: The Community of Uruashoren
Pop: 16 Mil
33: The Principality of Ostfalen-Hinterpommoren
Pop: 16 Mil
34: The Empire of Chanmingoren
Pop: 16 Mil
35: The Queendom of Ndugutisaoren
Pop: 14 Mil
36: The Holy Empire of Isidoren
Pop: 14 Mil
37: The Queendom of Maggie the Gathering
Pop: 12 Mil
38: The Republic of Rosterless
Pop: 12 Mil
39: The Kingdom of Weitarawi XXV
Pop: 12 Mil
40: The Kingdom of Weitarawi XXVI
Pop: 12 Mil
41: The Kingdom of Weitarawi XXVII
Pop: 12 Mil
42: The Kingdom of Weitarawi XXVIII
Pop: 12 Mil
43: The Kingdom of Weitarawi XXIX
Pop: 12 Mil
44: The Kingdom of Weitarawi XXX
Pop: 12 Mil
45: The Empire of Kage no Ryouiki
Pop: 10 Mil
46: The Republic of Bollonich Uno
Pop: 10 Mil
47: The Kingdom of Weitarawi XXXI
Pop: 9 Mil
48: The Queendom of Weitarawi XXXII
Pop: 8 Mil
49: The Constitutional Monarchy of Weitarawi XXXIII
Pop: 8 Mil