You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of EPCOT_Center_1981.
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1: The Firestar Septre Corporation of Galactic Furs
Pop: 34,878 Mil
2: The Cool Cats Velvet Knights of Catillac Cats
Pop: 25,272 Mil
3: The Colony of Catillac Cats 2
Pop: 20,189 Mil
4: The Velvet Knights Nation of Catillac Cats 4
Pop: 18,913 Mil
5: The Federation Office of Major IrishSetter
Pop: 18,853 Mil
6: The Nation State of Catillac Cats 5
Pop: 18,689 Mil
7: The Fur Bearing Nation of Catillac Cats 3
Pop: 18,365 Mil
8: The Holy Cow in Middle of Road of Chicago 9
Pop: 17,854 Mil
9: The Robins Seven Hoods of Chicago 7
Pop: 17,762 Mil
10: The Flox Fox Foxen Pub of Irish Setter and Foxen
Pop: 17,490 Mil
11: The Organization of Chicago 2
Pop: 16,559 Mil
12: The Planet of of Catillac Cats 6
Pop: 15,961 Mil
13: The Itishbray Ubpay of Generic Beer
Pop: 14,683 Mil
14: The Power 60 of Chicago 50
Pop: 13,886 Mil
15: The Flooded and Blown away of Weather Nation
Pop: 13,709 Mil
16: The Confederacy of Rolla Missouri
Pop: 12,977 Mil
17: The Kingdom of King World XXIII
Pop: 11,658 Mil
18: The Illegal Aliens Area 51 of PrimeCo
Pop: 10,770 Mil
19: The Free Market System of Equity Retail Ship
Pop: 10,762 Mil
20: The Furre Furcadian Kingdom of Red Flox Foxen LLC
Pop: 9,881 Mil
21: The Figment the Friendly Dragon of ImagiNationlands
Pop: 6,416 Mil
22: The Disputed Territories of Vixie
Pop: 6,306 Mil