You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of East_Asia.
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1: The East Asian Founding Empire of Imperial Nepal
Pop: 27,788 Mil
2: The Hermit Kingdom of Norktopia
Pop: 18,950 Mil
3: The Arling of Ochlavita
Pop: 11,527 Mil
4: The Kingdom of Shilla-Goguryeo
Pop: 9,780 Mil
5: The Ancient Korean Kingdom of Shibje
Pop: 7,418 Mil
6: The Democratic People's Republic of Korean Peoples Democratic Republic
Pop: 6,270 Mil
7: The R?publique c?leste of Tenjiku
Pop: 2,865 Mil
8: The Prefecture of Tsukuba
Pop: 2,676 Mil
9: The Kagemusha of Kageboushi
Pop: 2,588 Mil
10: The Republic of Democratic republic of asian
Pop: 699 Mil
11: The Colony of Enwara
Pop: 559 Mil
12: The Constitutional Monarchy of Changfulinese Empire
Pop: 298 Mil
13: The Republic of Far Eastern Soviet Federative Republic
Pop: 16 Mil
14: The Commonwealth of The Greater Bay Area Special Region
Pop: 16 Mil
15: The Protectorate of The Guangdong Special Economic Zone
Pop: 12 Mil