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1: The Monarch Emirate of Urmanistan
Pop: 4,684 Mil
2: The Emirate of Cetearkan
Pop: 4,582 Mil
3: The Republic of Macaroni Sandwich
Pop: 3,677 Mil
4: The Republic of Saidnalra
Pop: 3,326 Mil
5: The Republic of Karelia Kingdom
Pop: 3,109 Mil
6: The Republic of Auraesic Unionizations
Pop: 2,863 Mil
7: The Republic of Petrol-Canada Root Beer
Pop: 2,734 Mil
8: The Republic of EHAC 002
Pop: 1,819 Mil
9: The Steel Flame of Kraza
Pop: 1,799 Mil
10: The Republic of EHAC 005
Pop: 1,792 Mil
11: The Bountiful Valleys of Zemlyaferma
Pop: 1,790 Mil
12: The Archipelagos Heart of Islandia And Arundler
Pop: 1,790 Mil
13: The Seafarers Bastion of Western Arlandia
Pop: 1,790 Mil
14: The Emerald Grove of Pinedila
Pop: 1,785 Mil
15: The Republic of EHAC 004
Pop: 1,777 Mil
16: The Frosted Crown of Northern Arlandias
Pop: 1,776 Mil
17: The Republic of EHAC 003
Pop: 1,776 Mil
18: The Republic of EHAC 001
Pop: 1,769 Mil
19: The Republic of Gamblevile
Pop: 1,285 Mil
20: The Republic of EHAC 009
Pop: 970 Mil
21: The Republic of EHAC 008
Pop: 954 Mil
22: The Republic of EHAC 007
Pop: 949 Mil
23: The Republic of EHAC 010
Pop: 948 Mil
24: The Republic of EHAC 006
Pop: 947 Mil
25: The Schlorgus of Shmorgus Borgus Town
Pop: 618 Mil
26: The Republic of Wizard Duels
Pop: 392 Mil
27: The Republic of Tickling
Pop: 10 Mil