You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Elysian_Horizons.
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1: The Kingdom of Novaraes
Pop: 335 Mil
2: The Kingdom of Merlinder
Pop: 334 Mil
3: The Constitutional Monarchy of Caldoriah
Pop: 317 Mil
4: The Democratic Republic of Vinterviken
Pop: 316 Mil
5: The Theocracy of Sanctuary of the Righteous
Pop: 310 Mil
6: The Kingdom of Zahiraat
Pop: 305 Mil
7: The Republic of Bivendale
Pop: 305 Mil
8: The Theocracy of 1ronvale
Pop: 303 Mil
9: The Theocracy of Pylvaria
Pop: 303 Mil
10: The Theocracy of Gracehaven
Pop: 302 Mil
11: The Dictatorship of Brestovia
Pop: 301 Mil
12: The Dictatorship of Perlander
Pop: 299 Mil
13: The Democratic Republic of Merenthia
Pop: 298 Mil
14: The Democratic Republic of Wornay
Pop: 261 Mil
15: The Democratic Republic of Wedens
Pop: 257 Mil
16: The Dictatorship of Leparned
Pop: 236 Mil
17: The Democratic Republic of Pordhaven
Pop: 234 Mil
18: The Dictatorship of Fledneard
Pop: 232 Mil
19: The Democratic Republic of Munariaa
Pop: 231 Mil
20: The Democratic Republic of Skandiciaa
Pop: 228 Mil
21: The Democratic Republic of Frerland
Pop: 227 Mil
22: The Democratic Republic of Fjordburg
Pop: 227 Mil
23: The Democratic Republic of Vintermark
Pop: 226 Mil
24: The Democratic Republic of Coldberd
Pop: 222 Mil
25: The Democratic Republic of Skylara
Pop: 216 Mil
26: The United States of Cattletton
Pop: 212 Mil
27: The Theocracy of Erternia
Pop: 208 Mil
28: The Democratic Republic of Mountainvalee
Pop: 207 Mil
29: The Theocracy of Erusiaaa
Pop: 207 Mil
30: The Theocracy of Lopenand
Pop: 207 Mil
31: The Theocracy of Pertaner
Pop: 206 Mil
32: The Theocracy of Termanter
Pop: 206 Mil
33: The Theocracy of Onetarian
Pop: 204 Mil
34: The Theocracy of Telepunania
Pop: 204 Mil
35: The Theocracy of Telumania
Pop: 201 Mil
36: The Theocracy of Pelarus
Pop: 195 Mil