You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Equestria_at_War_I.
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1: The Socialist Republic of of Equestria 1
Pop: 1,291 Mil
2: The Empire of Crystal I
Pop: 1,247 Mil
3: The Kingdom of Olenia I
Pop: 1,153 Mil
4: The Kingdom of Barasingha
Pop: 1,151 Mil
5: The Kingdom of Aestlonia
Pop: 1,148 Mil
6: The Great Empire of Changeling-Lands
Pop: 1,141 Mil
7: The Empire of Solar I
Pop: 1,139 Mil
8: The Kingdom of Greneclyf I
Pop: 1,138 Mil
9: The Empire of Buffalo Chiefdom I
Pop: 1,138 Mil
10: The Socialist State of Lunar I
Pop: 1,121 Mil
11: The Republic of Puerto Caballo I
Pop: 1,118 Mil
12: The Great republic of equality of Our Town I
Pop: 1,112 Mil
13: The Protectorate of Les Meridiennes I
Pop: 1,111 Mil
14: The Great empire of United Dragon Lands
Pop: 1,075 Mil
15: The People's Republic of Stalliongrad I
Pop: 1,042 Mil
16: The United Socialist States of Griffon Frontier II
Pop: 514 Mil
17: The Protectorate of Jaki Clan
Pop: 456 Mil
18: The Kingdom of Yakyakistan I
Pop: 452 Mil
19: The Republic of Nova Griffonia I
Pop: 289 Mil
20: The Federation of Polar Bear Communities
Pop: 270 Mil
21: The Kingdom of Pingland II
Pop: 258 Mil
22: The Federation of Celestial State I
Pop: 257 Mil
23: The Republic of Baltimare
Pop: 255 Mil