You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Federation_of_States.
Ways to View This Information:
1. Select a Nation below to view nation specific information. (National listings).
2. Regional trade information.
3. Regional GDP Overview.
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.
1: The State of --D
Pop: 4,932 Mil
2: The State of --H
Pop: 4,857 Mil
3: The State of --C
Pop: 4,826 Mil
4: The State of --B
Pop: 4,818 Mil
5: The State of --G
Pop: 4,748 Mil
6: The State of --F
Pop: 4,742 Mil
7: The State of --A
Pop: 4,576 Mil
8: The State of --N
Pop: 4,547 Mil
9: The State of --M
Pop: 4,523 Mil
10: The State of --J
Pop: 4,502 Mil
11: The State of --E
Pop: 4,367 Mil
12: The State of --P
Pop: 4,320 Mil
13: The State of --K
Pop: 4,300 Mil
14: The State of --O
Pop: 4,295 Mil
15: The State of --L
Pop: 4,283 Mil
16: The State of --I
Pop: 4,189 Mil
17: The State of --Q
Pop: 4,131 Mil
18: The State of - S
Pop: 4,123 Mil
19: The Allied States of - 1
Pop: 3,896 Mil
20: The Allied States of - 2
Pop: 3,849 Mil
21: The Colony of - 6
Pop: 3,836 Mil
22: The Colony of - 5
Pop: 3,799 Mil
23: The Colony of - 4
Pop: 3,787 Mil
24: The State of - 3
Pop: 3,785 Mil
25: The State of - 9
Pop: 3,740 Mil
26: The Empire of --R
Pop: 3,729 Mil
27: The State of --S
Pop: 3,671 Mil
28: The State of - 0
Pop: 3,563 Mil
29: The Colony of - 7
Pop: 3,519 Mil
30: The Colony of - 8
Pop: 3,471 Mil
31: The Colony of --6
Pop: 2,518 Mil
32: The Colony of --9
Pop: 2,517 Mil
33: The Colony of - R
Pop: 2,501 Mil
34: The Colony of --3
Pop: 2,500 Mil
35: The Republic of - E
Pop: 2,498 Mil
36: The Colony of --8
Pop: 2,497 Mil
37: The Colony of --5
Pop: 2,496 Mil
38: The Colony of --0
Pop: 2,495 Mil
39: The Colony of --7
Pop: 2,492 Mil
40: The Colony of - B
Pop: 2,487 Mil
41: The Colony of --4
Pop: 2,477 Mil
42: The Colony of --2
Pop: 2,475 Mil
43: The Colony of - A
Pop: 2,474 Mil
44: The Empire of - Q
Pop: 2,460 Mil
45: The Republic of - F
Pop: 2,459 Mil
46: The Republic of - L
Pop: 2,458 Mil
47: The Colony of - C
Pop: 2,456 Mil
48: The Republic of - D
Pop: 2,449 Mil
49: The Republic of - N
Pop: 2,443 Mil
50: The Republic of - O
Pop: 2,435 Mil
51: The Republic of - M
Pop: 2,432 Mil
52: The Republic of - K
Pop: 2,429 Mil
53: The Republic of - P
Pop: 2,422 Mil
54: The Colony of - G
Pop: 2,237 Mil
55: The Colony of - H
Pop: 2,222 Mil
56: The Republic of - J
Pop: 2,188 Mil
57: The Republic of - I
Pop: 2,185 Mil