You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Fifth_Wall.
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1: The Holy Empire of Palmpilot
Pop: 29,763 Mil
2: The Flowery Pink Empire of Tigermummies
Pop: 21,517 Mil
3: The Floral Festival of Mondaisy
Pop: 21,440 Mil
4: The Vast Vole Confederacy of Vapidicity
Pop: 18,455 Mil
5: The Periwinkle Paradise of Dalynok
Pop: 16,554 Mil
6: The Forgotten Mystery of Ummm Forgot The Name
Pop: 16,479 Mil
7: The Room Where It Happened of Jeanishland
Pop: 16,415 Mil
8: The Happy Warrior Colony of Hur Lendis
Pop: 14,594 Mil
9: The Scarlet Commonwealth of Vytalicita
Pop: 14,521 Mil
10: The Community of Rainbow Equals of Bavai
Pop: 10,488 Mil
11: The Glorious Kingdom of Hadohah
Pop: 7,446 Mil
12: The Lost Protectorate of Followmee
Pop: 2,305 Mil