You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Free_United_States.
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1: The Federal State of Doslonsu
Pop: 2,435 Mil
2: The Republic of Amlaut
Pop: 2,120 Mil
3: The United Kingdoms of Sardinia-Sicily
Pop: 1,337 Mil
4: The Red Wizards of Toyesse
Pop: 948 Mil
5: The Supreme 'Republic' of Konga Supreme
Pop: 937 Mil
6: The Armed Republic of Langkasokan 3rd Infantry Regiment
Pop: 449 Mil
7: The Federation of New Pryskiva
Pop: 395 Mil
8: The Republic of Elfilin
Pop: 386 Mil
9: The Federation of Russian Puppet State of Ukraine
Pop: 376 Mil
10: The Republic of Russian Collation Card Farm 4
Pop: 152 Mil
11: The Community of Shotgun Willy
Pop: 56 Mil
12: The Protectorate of Jif Security Puppet
Pop: 23 Mil
13: The Federation of Gandinia
Pop: 20 Mil
14: The Dominion of Free United States Government Office
Pop: 9 Mil