You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Galichester_Voting_Machines.
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1: The Empire of Apacina
Pop: 5,191 Mil
2: The Dominion of Cyriun
Pop: 4,841 Mil
3: The Dominion of Aschinge
Pop: 4,811 Mil
4: The Republic of Farmer the First
Pop: 3,603 Mil
5: The Free Land of Poots
Pop: 3,565 Mil
6: The Commonwealth of Forstration
Pop: 3,310 Mil
7: The Dominion of The Vehicle Assembly
Pop: 3,255 Mil
8: The Republic of Alienk
Pop: 3,146 Mil
9: The Little 'ol thing of Convoy
Pop: 2,932 Mil
10: The Republic of Farmer the Twelfth
Pop: 2,872 Mil
11: The Protectorate of Repurposed Kerbals
Pop: 2,762 Mil
12: The Republic of Farmer the Eighth
Pop: 2,752 Mil
13: The Republic of Farmer the Fourteenth
Pop: 2,743 Mil
14: The Federation of Cyinto
Pop: 2,739 Mil
15: The People's Republic of Tiandengxi
Pop: 2,674 Mil
16: The Republic of Farmer the Eleventh
Pop: 2,646 Mil
17: The Republic of Farmer the Sixth
Pop: 2,645 Mil
18: The Republic of Farmer the Thirteenth
Pop: 2,637 Mil
19: The Republic of Farmer the Second
Pop: 2,635 Mil
20: The Republic of Farmer the Sixteenth
Pop: 2,603 Mil
21: The Republic of Farmer the Fifth
Pop: 2,599 Mil
22: The Republic of Farmer the Third
Pop: 2,593 Mil
23: The Republic of Farmer the Tenth
Pop: 2,592 Mil
24: The Republic of Lank Muhashilame
Pop: 2,589 Mil
25: The Republic of Farmer the Seventh
Pop: 2,586 Mil
26: The Republic of Farmer the Ninth
Pop: 2,569 Mil
27: The Republic of Farmer the Fourth
Pop: 2,568 Mil
28: The Republic of Farmer the Fifteenth
Pop: 2,564 Mil
29: The Republic of X-15
Pop: 2,505 Mil
30: The Republic of Farmer the Nineteenth
Pop: 2,467 Mil
31: The Republic of Farmer the Eighteenth
Pop: 2,466 Mil
32: The Republic of Farmer the Seventeenth
Pop: 2,452 Mil
33: The Allied States of Niomenia
Pop: 2,450 Mil
34: The Republic of Farmer the Twentieth
Pop: 2,446 Mil
35: The Community of TerraGenesis
Pop: 2,414 Mil
36: The Republic of Farmer the Thirty-first
Pop: 2,373 Mil
37: The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-third
Pop: 2,355 Mil
38: The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-seventh
Pop: 2,353 Mil
39: The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-second
Pop: 2,352 Mil
40: The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-sixth
Pop: 2,351 Mil
41: The Republic of Farmer the Thirtieth
Pop: 2,351 Mil
42: The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-first
Pop: 2,344 Mil
43: The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-eighth
Pop: 2,339 Mil
44: The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-fifth
Pop: 2,337 Mil
45: The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-fourth
Pop: 2,329 Mil
46: The Republic of Farmer the Twenty-ninth
Pop: 2,311 Mil