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1: The Digestive Insights of Boiled Cabbage Causes Dogs To Bloat
Pop: 17,493 Mil
2: The Trust Territory of NeoLazarus
Pop: 15,456 Mil
3: The Stenchland Isle of FENS Cold Harbor 1878
Pop: 11,998 Mil
4: The Crooked Blob Council of 3of3
Pop: 11,868 Mil
5: The 2nd Republic of Barstow Geresland
Pop: 11,756 Mil
6: The Donors of Organ of Wasteful Karma Spending
Pop: 11,423 Mil
7: The Commonstench of Organ of Foxtorok Galliandland
Pop: 11,342 Mil
8: The Associated City-States of Sairese Bals
Pop: 10,257 Mil
9: The United States of Love Love Me Dew
Pop: 3,359 Mil
10: The Destroyed Land of Generic Heartland
Pop: 2,929 Mil