359 Countries populate the Region of Lone_Wolves_United

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1. Select a Nation below to view nation specific information. (National listings).
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This Search Returned 359 Nations.

1: The Hostis Humani Generis of Evil Wolf
Pop: 41,658 Mil

2: The New Cruor Federation of NerveCenter
Pop: 33,471 Mil

3: The Most Serene Republic of Rayo de Sol
Pop: 29,596 Mil

4: The Feline's Democratic Republic of Soviet Kittystan
Pop: 29,296 Mil

5: The United States of Nolandisland
Pop: 27,441 Mil

6: The Dark Star of North Pooch and Vodkaland
Pop: 21,988 Mil

7: The Thermoplastic Polymer of Polyethylene terephthalate
Pop: 20,250 Mil

8: The Tinfoil Conspiracy Theorist of Dream Killers
Pop: 19,988 Mil

9: The Lone Wolf of Majmuna
Pop: 18,466 Mil

10: The Benevolent Fist of Scardino
Pop: 18,250 Mil

11: The Winter Storm Warning of TheWhiteWitch
Pop: 17,988 Mil

12: The Green of Elysium Station II
Pop: 15,387 Mil

13: The Bin Chick of Somber Elven Lady
Pop: 14,831 Mil

14: The United Union of Sisdonia
Pop: 13,267 Mil

15: The Mighty Union of Rasutafia
Pop: 13,265 Mil

16: The Recorded Delivery of the House Deeds
Pop: 11,893 Mil

17: The Ominous moonlight of A Bloodred Moon
Pop: 11,638 Mil

18: The Kingdom of Facepunch Rule
Pop: 10,883 Mil

19: The Dominion of Ikerasaarsuk
Pop: 8,780 Mil

20: The Dictatorship of Nuntis
Pop: 8,361 Mil

21: The Wolfist Revolutionary of Chef Big Dog
Pop: 8,310 Mil

22: The People's Republic of ZooeyDeschanel
Pop: 7,419 Mil

23: The Peoples Republic of Klutos
Pop: 7,363 Mil

24: The Overly Democratic Republic of Hyperwolf
Pop: 7,237 Mil

25: The ˢᵘᵖᵉʳⁿᵃᵗᵘʳᵃˡ ᵉˣᵖᵉʳⁱᵉⁿᶜᵉ of Untitled Goose Game
Pop: 6,850 Mil

26: The Fiefdom of Vacchiabovin
Pop: 6,240 Mil

27: The People's Republic of Free Michagonia
Pop: 5,880 Mil

28: The Free State of Andom Free
Pop: 5,606 Mil

29: The Arling of Chasca
Pop: 5,446 Mil

30: The Lord of the axes of Gongantina
Pop: 5,285 Mil

31: The Green Raiding Armies of West Andes
Pop: 5,231 Mil

32: The Dominion of Red Crest
Pop: 5,193 Mil

33: The Socialist Democracy of Globalist State Of Brazil
Pop: 5,154 Mil

34: The Loving Couple of F4n-4rt-
Pop: 5,113 Mil

35: The Republic of Gorganthium
Pop: 5,023 Mil

36: The Republic of Jewish space lasers
Pop: 5,015 Mil

37: The Imperial Federation of Srylania
Pop: 4,595 Mil

38: The Feral Beasts of Worthless United
Pop: 4,148 Mil

39: The Holy Black Imprium of Kingdom of heaven
Pop: 4,079 Mil

40: The Trustworthy News Outlet of DEER Publications
Pop: 3,920 Mil

41: The Dominion of Broken Vow
Pop: 3,796 Mil

42: The Social Democracy of South Stania
Pop: 3,783 Mil

43: The Dominion of Braster Empire
Pop: 3,514 Mil

44: The Republic of Pink Wolf
Pop: 3,168 Mil

45: The Free Land of Mad Maxia
Pop: 3,150 Mil

46: The Gangsterist Paradise of Dutiful Propagandist
Pop: 2,990 Mil

47: The Democratic National Republic of Masse Alzare
Pop: 2,955 Mil

48: The Rogue Nation of Department of Organized Media
Pop: 2,844 Mil

49: The Empire of Hippe Lukiia
Pop: 2,787 Mil

50: The Wolfist Power of Bervinland
Pop: 2,494 Mil

51: The Holy Empire of God is kinda Gay
Pop: 2,459 Mil

52: The Drunken Cherbi of The Sea of Shadows
Pop: 2,241 Mil

53: The Kingdom of Pirhsia
Pop: 2,235 Mil

54: The People's Republic of Western Bengalia
Pop: 2,011 Mil

55: The Welsh Wolfist Pack of Cwn Annwn
Pop: 1,979 Mil

56: The Republic of Niaqornaarsuk
Pop: 1,934 Mil

57: The Republic of The Ambis Wolf
Pop: 1,879 Mil

58: The Young turks of Turkicser
Pop: 1,841 Mil

59: The Republic of Capitalist state 89
Pop: 1,775 Mil

60: The Fascist Empire of Livarin
Pop: 1,749 Mil

61: The Most Serene Republic of Wladfa
Pop: 1,739 Mil

62: The Federal Republic of Turkvahdet
Pop: 1,687 Mil

63: The Republic of New Zealandaier
Pop: 1,600 Mil

64: The Doppelg?nger Twins of Gemini Barmaid
Pop: 1,557 Mil

65: The Allied States of United of Islands
Pop: 1,548 Mil

66: The Dictatorship of Poupouyaki
Pop: 1,502 Mil

67: The Nomadic Peoples of Gygr
Pop: 1,459 Mil

68: The Federation of Thennity
Pop: 1,449 Mil

69: The Armed Republic of Aregaria
Pop: 1,428 Mil

70: The British Colonial Province of Fransiani
Pop: 1,426 Mil

71: The Empire of Noevgorod
Pop: 1,420 Mil

72: The Dictatorship of Lloyds country
Pop: 1,400 Mil

73: The Empire of Reservoir Ruins
Pop: 1,396 Mil

74: The Awoo of Le uwu
Pop: 1,393 Mil

75: The Federal Republic of Capitalist Bothwy
Pop: 1,356 Mil

76: The Kingdom of Elderen
Pop: 1,346 Mil

77: The Commonwealth of Extewa
Pop: 1,322 Mil

78: The Rogue Nation of Hellmount
Pop: 1,281 Mil

79: The Empire of Imperia1s
Pop: 1,271 Mil

80: The Democratic States of Suvanesia
Pop: 1,267 Mil

81: The Theocracy of ShintoStan
Pop: 1,266 Mil

82: The People's Republic of Bobiradzelandia
Pop: 1,254 Mil

83: The Democratic Republic of Beetia
Pop: 1,231 Mil

84: The Grand Union of The Germans Of Berlin
Pop: 1,205 Mil

85: The Empire of Haiku and the Anki Islands
Pop: 1,203 Mil

86: The Great wolfist provinces of Sandredam
Pop: 1,181 Mil

87: The Sultanate of Freestate of Liberty And Kalif Nighy
Pop: 1,168 Mil

88: The Borderlands of Eenzasosautus
Pop: 1,110 Mil

89: The Holy Empire of Spiritus Opulentia
Pop: 1,046 Mil

90: The Holy Empire of Zarandar
Pop: 1,043 Mil

91: The Savoy Kingdom of Sardegna Piedmont
Pop: 999 Mil

92: The Republic of Just a thing to upload flags
Pop: 953 Mil

93: The Armed Republic of Mexico nort
Pop: 951 Mil

94: The Principality of Ramlethal
Pop: 949 Mil

95: The Republic of United Anti-Furry States of America
Pop: 918 Mil

96: The Disputed Territories of Archemian Fergana
Pop: 887 Mil

97: The Sentient Flytraps of Venus Flycrap
Pop: 766 Mil

98: The Holy Empire of Deez Big Nutzs
Pop: 760 Mil

99: The Empire of New Sith Eternal
Pop: 760 Mil

100: The Holy Empire of Team Fortress the Second
Pop: 738 Mil

101: The Kingdom of Cibinium
Pop: 735 Mil

102: The Federation of Comprisnam
Pop: 730 Mil

103: The Armed Republic of Latijns Amerikaans Keizerrijk
Pop: 716 Mil

104: The Dictatorship of CyberBonk
Pop: 715 Mil

105: The Republic of Orcus Borcus
Pop: 690 Mil

106: The Free Land of Bassau Salai
Pop: 690 Mil

107: The Empire of The Second Psutasia
Pop: 670 Mil

108: The Federation of Holy Maria Akiyamova
Pop: 652 Mil

109: The Federation of Foxestan Reich
Pop: 629 Mil

110: The Armed Moskoffist Empire of Zatzolabia
Pop: 626 Mil

111: The Rogue Nation of VanthaMerc
Pop: 625 Mil

112: The People's Republic of The Black Kawks
Pop: 620 Mil

113: The Empire of The painon
Pop: 599 Mil

114: The Colony of Prethe Revan
Pop: 597 Mil

115: The Matriarchy of Olhumanin
Pop: 578 Mil

116: The Federation of Lycand
Pop: 574 Mil

117: The Republic of Xgbwjgsmgexd
Pop: 565 Mil

118: The Democratic States of Fredopia
Pop: 550 Mil

119: The Commonwealth of Beirun
Pop: 544 Mil

120: The Armed Republic of SKEKK
Pop: 538 Mil

121: The Federation of LWU Card Collector
Pop: 528 Mil

122: The Commonwealth of Uniao Das Democracias Sociais
Pop: 511 Mil

123: The Queendom of Youstiehobiaopia
Pop: 494 Mil

124: The Republic of Coastland and Firetzinia
Pop: 491 Mil

125: The Republic of Brsislistao
Pop: 491 Mil

126: The Empire of The Cetan Empire
Pop: 488 Mil

127: The Holy Empire of Pennies
Pop: 477 Mil

128: The Dominion of Hordsord
Pop: 476 Mil

129: The Dictatorship of Choi Yin Repblic
Pop: 470 Mil

130: The Empire of Stavaghbow
Pop: 470 Mil

131: The Federation of Libertarian Socialism Russiya
Pop: 448 Mil

132: The People's Republic of Russviet
Pop: 438 Mil

133: The Kingdom of Dusk Kitty
Pop: 433 Mil

134: The Armed Republic of FunTownland
Pop: 432 Mil

135: The Dictatorship of Skibiti Ohio
Pop: 430 Mil

136: The Holy Empire of The Nests of Hallow
Pop: 429 Mil

137: The Constitutional Monarchy of Pepols
Pop: 426 Mil

138: The Dictatorship of Dellown Draordia
Pop: 424 Mil

139: The Republic of Kostaenea
Pop: 423 Mil

140: The Empire of Tyranvastan
Pop: 412 Mil

141: The Federal Republic of Of the fire
Pop: 398 Mil

142: The Republic of Zaydland
Pop: 389 Mil

143: The Kingdom of Bhaarath
Pop: 387 Mil

144: The Empire of Britannia and Europa
Pop: 377 Mil

145: The Democratic Republic of Democratic Republic of Trumpet
Pop: 376 Mil

146: The Dictatorship of Thernswi
Pop: 372 Mil

147: The Armed Republic of New Communist Russia of Germany
Pop: 363 Mil

148: The Most Serene Republic of Pol Dor
Pop: 361 Mil

149: The Empire of That one woman
Pop: 361 Mil

150: The Armed Republic of Zanziber Land
Pop: 349 Mil

151: The Theocracy of Anakyea
Pop: 342 Mil

152: The Dominion of New Saexony
Pop: 340 Mil

153: The Holy Empire of Drakensolum
Pop: 338 Mil

154: The Empire of Section 29
Pop: 337 Mil

155: The Republic of Joel Land of money
Pop: 333 Mil

156: The Free Land of Korean Nations
Pop: 325 Mil

157: The Republic of Aleysien
Pop: 313 Mil

158: The Republic of Shugaban
Pop: 312 Mil

159: The Republic of Balrijin
Pop: 311 Mil

160: The Republic of TestCountry3
Pop: 306 Mil

161: The Borderlands of Druizorpolf
Pop: 304 Mil

162: The Holy Empire of Petsnufflin-Echfluflin
Pop: 299 Mil

163: The Republic of Lost Cypher
Pop: 297 Mil

164: The Empire of Teorom
Pop: 294 Mil

165: The Confederacy of Planissia
Pop: 285 Mil

166: The Fiefdom of Lakherrothis
Pop: 282 Mil

167: The Colony of SmilingCritters
Pop: 279 Mil

168: The United States of Dances with Wolves
Pop: 271 Mil

169: The Incorporated States of Haitchlandia
Pop: 271 Mil

170: The Empire of PHANTOM TAX
Pop: 268 Mil

171: The Queendom of Diamondland
Pop: 267 Mil

172: The Republic of Ts shark
Pop: 259 Mil

173: The Empire of Naloa
Pop: 258 Mil

174: The Empire of Perditio
Pop: 256 Mil

175: The Empire of The Dark Side Users
Pop: 255 Mil

176: The Empire of Sinukko
Pop: 251 Mil

177: The Empire of Valorien Empire
Pop: 248 Mil

178: The Federation of Ursurm
Pop: 247 Mil

179: The Armed Republic of Free Libertare
Pop: 245 Mil

180: The Community of Crimsonmurder
Pop: 244 Mil

181: The Armed Republic of Risenburg
Pop: 237 Mil

182: The Republic of The Land of Sensei
Pop: 224 Mil

183: The Free Land of Team Oceanic
Pop: 215 Mil

184: The Community of Wolfgorica
Pop: 210 Mil

185: The Confederacy of Tyrannicus Rex
Pop: 209 Mil

186: The United States of Hindustanis and Indians
Pop: 206 Mil

187: The Commonwealth of The Sovereign Anarchs
Pop: 206 Mil

188: The Empire of Rosaem
Pop: 204 Mil

189: The Emirate of Sudan Wolfist-Moskoffist
Pop: 203 Mil

190: The Dictatorship of Sector 2
Pop: 196 Mil

191: The Empire of Zurieland
Pop: 193 Mil

192: The Rogue Nation of Outer Set Genopar
Pop: 192 Mil

193: The Jingoistic States of Primate death society
Pop: 191 Mil

194: The Empire of Terethorn
Pop: 191 Mil

195: The United States of Alberme
Pop: 190 Mil

196: The Kingdom of Streants
Pop: 190 Mil

197: The Armed Republic of Legionary Cambria
Pop: 189 Mil

198: The Constitutional Monarchy of Taco Seapolin
Pop: 188 Mil

199: The Empire of Maerthwni
Pop: 187 Mil

200: The Kingdom of Yu Xi
Pop: 183 Mil

201: The Democratic Republic of The only good one i have made
Pop: 181 Mil

202: The Incorporated States of Alpine Confederati0n
Pop: 180 Mil

203: The Republic of Denzelia
Pop: 172 Mil

204: The Kingdom of Enfer des chats
Pop: 171 Mil

205: The Empire of Steelmarch
Pop: 171 Mil

206: The Dictatorship of Tekint
Pop: 166 Mil

207: The Colony of Vascechea
Pop: 166 Mil

208: The People's Republic of Targabitasce
Pop: 159 Mil

209: The People's Republic of NotNot
Pop: 158 Mil

210: The Holy Empire of TurbInTheWild
Pop: 153 Mil

211: The Republic of The Pridds
Pop: 150 Mil

212: The Republic of New Republic of Shmigrya
Pop: 149 Mil

213: The Dictatorship of Lans Ary
Pop: 144 Mil

214: The Empire of Right Control
Pop: 142 Mil

215: The Federal Republic of Swaudia
Pop: 141 Mil

216: The Empire of German Germany the First
Pop: 138 Mil

217: The Commonwealth of Socialist States and Protectorates
Pop: 137 Mil

218: The Commonwealth of New Nidavellir
Pop: 136 Mil

219: The Free Land of Rochelleville
Pop: 134 Mil

220: The Democratic Republic of Landwirtschen
Pop: 134 Mil

221: The Democratic Republic of Ken Chevins
Pop: 134 Mil

222: The Grand Duchy of Ted Stan Millymandan
Pop: 133 Mil

223: The Oppressed Peoples of Acrill
Pop: 133 Mil

224: The Free Land of Flardoxis
Pop: 132 Mil

225: The Holy Empire of The Gabon
Pop: 132 Mil

226: The Kingdom of Granagar
Pop: 131 Mil

227: The Commonwealth of Evil Flowers Corp
Pop: 131 Mil

228: The Empire of MopLandia
Pop: 130 Mil

229: The United Kingdom of Lasonias
Pop: 130 Mil

230: The Republic of Germany-2
Pop: 130 Mil

231: The People's Republic of Lorpotte
Pop: 128 Mil

232: The Republic of Execlus
Pop: 127 Mil

233: The Kingdom of Falestina
Pop: 127 Mil

234: The Queendom of THE ASIA OF ASIA
Pop: 126 Mil

235: The Federal Republic of Jinamia
Pop: 126 Mil

236: The Kingdom of Zespubar
Pop: 124 Mil

237: The Confederacy of Schweikerland
Pop: 124 Mil

238: The Kingdom of Zulure
Pop: 124 Mil

239: The Republic of Masagria Rasherg
Pop: 123 Mil

240: The Dictatorship of Free Dal Greackihamsania
Pop: 123 Mil

241: The Borderlands of Opposite of Opposite of Liberty
Pop: 121 Mil

242: The Holy Empire of Lonheim
Pop: 120 Mil

243: The Democratic Republic of Aurorasland
Pop: 120 Mil

244: The Dictatorship of Holy beckett
Pop: 118 Mil

245: The Republic of Grand Turkey
Pop: 117 Mil

246: The Empire of South Pole Penguins
Pop: 117 Mil

247: The Theocracy of Brasil Cristeiro
Pop: 117 Mil

248: The United States of United Country Of Amerios
Pop: 116 Mil

249: The Colony of Sojo Cen Purown
Pop: 116 Mil

250: The Republic of Feismoianted
Pop: 116 Mil

251: The Democratic Republic of Verdarus
Pop: 116 Mil

252: The Federal Republic of Velsa
Pop: 116 Mil

253: The Republic of The Enforcers
Pop: 115 Mil

254: The Republic of The Gavin States
Pop: 114 Mil

255: The Dictatorship of Humunukua
Pop: 114 Mil

256: The Federal Republic of Ark ans as
Pop: 110 Mil

257: The Republic of Sna Islac Math
Pop: 109 Mil

258: The Dictatorship of Wotany
Pop: 106 Mil

259: The Empire of Brasil Doxo
Pop: 103 Mil

260: The Empire of Jabawabathon
Pop: 103 Mil

261: The Republic of DoverVille
Pop: 102 Mil

262: The Republic of Saffronaa
Pop: 101 Mil

263: The United States of Of ameri
Pop: 101 Mil

264: The Holy Empire of Hectoracki
Pop: 101 Mil

265: The Republic of Asodinshia
Pop: 100 Mil

266: The Republic of Oreonesia
Pop: 100 Mil

267: The Oppressed Peoples of Ca3sars
Pop: 98 Mil

268: The Empire of Radramna
Pop: 97 Mil

269: The Free Land of The Republic of Fores
Pop: 95 Mil

270: The Kingdom of Nizwa
Pop: 95 Mil

271: The Federation of Etor
Pop: 93 Mil

272: The Rogue Nation of Tresak
Pop: 93 Mil

273: The Dictatorship of CorpoCorp
Pop: 92 Mil

274: The Holy Empire of Folnoirra
Pop: 92 Mil

275: The Sultanate of Minor Caliphate
Pop: 92 Mil

276: The Protectorate of Inner Ark Stor Ostan
Pop: 92 Mil

277: The Borderlands of Liberty Free State
Pop: 91 Mil

278: The Democratic States of Huskylandiana
Pop: 88 Mil

279: The Kingdom of Sainad
Pop: 86 Mil

280: The Rogue Nation of Farnozhevsk
Pop: 85 Mil

281: The Most Serene Republic of Reddism
Pop: 84 Mil

282: The Dominion of Cinusa
Pop: 82 Mil

283: The Empire of Vesperon
Pop: 81 Mil

284: The Empire of Coreh
Pop: 80 Mil

285: The Republic of Ehuwjidhucuh
Pop: 79 Mil

286: The Dictatorship of Nationalist-fasci
Pop: 79 Mil

287: The Queendom of Vocanis
Pop: 78 Mil

288: The Federation of Madogia
Pop: 77 Mil

289: The Confederacy of Takioria
Pop: 76 Mil

290: The Incorporated States of Mcbrock sepiton
Pop: 75 Mil

291: The Federation of Iriice
Pop: 72 Mil

292: The Empire of Bulsajo
Pop: 72 Mil

293: The Dictatorship of Valkaroth Imperium
Pop: 72 Mil

294: The Federal Republic of Republica Federativa do Pilar
Pop: 69 Mil

295: The Dictatorship of Mint Chocolate Inc
Pop: 69 Mil

296: The Borderlands of AureliusCorperation
Pop: 69 Mil

297: The Republic of Sixaonapia
Pop: 68 Mil

298: The Empire of Pizurue
Pop: 67 Mil

299: The Armed Republic of Vandaliveia
Pop: 67 Mil

300: The Rogue Nation of Zhentia
Pop: 62 Mil

301: The Rogue Nation of Bakuto
Pop: 62 Mil

302: The Empire of Saporian Empire
Pop: 62 Mil

303: The Grand Duchy of Maroony Inc
Pop: 62 Mil

304: The Grand Duchy of Bonk Inc
Pop: 62 Mil

305: The Grand Duchy of MaroonMint Inc
Pop: 62 Mil

306: The Kingdom of Crauvania
Pop: 50 Mil

307: The Grand Duchy of SALVINILANDIA
Pop: 50 Mil

308: The Empire of Jode-Navia
Pop: 50 Mil

309: The Empire of Well Hello There
Pop: 50 Mil

310: The Principality of Klogh
Pop: 50 Mil

311: The Republic of Democratic Wationin
Pop: 45 Mil

312: The Kingdom of Greater Kingdom of Hungary
Pop: 45 Mil

313: The Republic of Afterlanding
Pop: 45 Mil

314: The Republic of Fichia
Pop: 45 Mil

315: The Republic of Laklend
Pop: 45 Mil

316: The People's Republic of Fembois
Pop: 45 Mil

317: The Empire of Extrimitisme
Pop: 40 Mil

318: The Federation of The American Diplomatic Union
Pop: 36 Mil

319: The United States of Calilandia
Pop: 32 Mil

320: The Colony of Its Yet Another File Nation
Pop: 29 Mil

321: The Most Serene Republic of Tatertown
Pop: 26 Mil

322: The United States of Sovniarialand
Pop: 23 Mil

323: The Sultanate of Lower Dudkards
Pop: 23 Mil

324: The Empire of Monarco segundo
Pop: 23 Mil

325: The People's Republic of UCCS
Pop: 23 Mil

326: The Commonwealth of Saint petersbur
Pop: 20 Mil

327: The Dictatorship of Sunjonghada
Pop: 20 Mil

328: The Kingdom of Pelcos
Pop: 20 Mil

329: The Protectorate of Sophocoles
Pop: 18 Mil

330: The Empire of Kamikazes
Pop: 18 Mil

331: The Dictatorship of Kukar
Pop: 16 Mil

332: The Empire of Norsirai
Pop: 16 Mil

333: The Dictatorship of Imperial Visherene
Pop: 16 Mil

334: The Constitutional Monarchy of Jeno
Pop: 16 Mil

335: The Confederacy of Temizazi
Pop: 16 Mil

336: The Federation of Rhodseia
Pop: 16 Mil

337: The Federal Republic of Bluegentlemania
Pop: 16 Mil

338: The Kingdom of United Great Kingdom
Pop: 16 Mil

339: The Empire of Cecilion
Pop: 14 Mil

340: The United States of Cashotopia
Pop: 14 Mil

341: The Empire of Union of Independent Asian Regions
Pop: 14 Mil

342: The Kingdom of Dirstan
Pop: 14 Mil

343: The People's Republic of Nigarialog
Pop: 14 Mil

344: The Republic of Dengolic
Pop: 12 Mil

345: The Nomadic Peoples of The Eastern Crack
Pop: 12 Mil

346: The Empire of Punsia
Pop: 12 Mil

347: The Kingdom of Noeia
Pop: 12 Mil

348: The Kingdom of Luiye
Pop: 10 Mil

349: The Empire of Militaristic Land
Pop: 10 Mil

350: The Allied States of Portugon
Pop: 9 Mil

351: The Rogue Nation of Romeluelizzar
Pop: 9 Mil

352: The Dictatorship of STICKBUG
Pop: 8 Mil

353: The Republic of Caspiat
Pop: 8 Mil

354: The Empire of Garkin
Pop: 8 Mil

355: The Dominion of East Unica
Pop: 7 Mil

356: The Empire of Tomas villalba
Pop: 7 Mil

357: The Dictatorship of Free Republic Of Madlonio
Pop: 7 Mil

358: The Dictatorship of Pizzarabia
Pop: 7 Mil

359: The Republic of Bkue
Pop: 7 Mil

Economic Conditions for
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Nation States: Lone_Wolves_United Enonomy, Demographics, Delegate, Markets, and Money Calculator

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Lone_Wolves_United NS Economy Statistics.
Nation States Economy Calculator v3.69

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