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1: The Pompotous Pra?ff of Vastarda
Pop: 18,890 Mil
2: The Selene Prison of L665 Lunar
Pop: 11,386 Mil
3: The Republic of Generic Cireneg
Pop: 10,578 Mil
4: The High Kingdom of Organ of Sparkling Brutality
Pop: 10,545 Mil
5: The Stenchland of Organ of Viagra Disminuishment
Pop: 9,906 Mil
6: The Republic of Generic Derlatopeoni
Pop: 9,200 Mil
7: The Sultanate of The HOUSE OF MUSLIMS
Pop: 8,021 Mil
8: The Republic of Ur Argentina
Pop: 7,246 Mil
9: The Republic of Mothers of Retention
Pop: 2,849 Mil
10: The Colony of How Much Duzahenway
Pop: 2,643 Mil
11: The Republic of Vinegaah
Pop: 2,063 Mil