You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of New_World_Union.
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1: The Culture of Gooutofhere
Pop: 21,114 Mil
2: The People's Republic of Remichi
Pop: 19,325 Mil
3: The Global Hegemony of The Unified American Federation
Pop: 19,303 Mil
4: The Indochina Confederation of The Guru
Pop: 18,414 Mil
5: The State of Japan of Cradon Accord
Pop: 17,058 Mil
6: The Romanian Kingdom of Sylvania Clans
Pop: 17,034 Mil
7: The WM of WM
Pop: 16,884 Mil
8: The Republic of Emumame
Pop: 14,525 Mil
9: The Militant Technocracy of Fel Dramalis
Pop: 11,908 Mil
10: The Syndicalist Republic of FNU
Pop: 10,912 Mil
11: The Loving Couple of Canon Ship-
Pop: 6,587 Mil
12: The Dominion of Kinzoku kasai
Pop: 6,522 Mil
13: The Republic of Nana-ju-hachi
Pop: 4,155 Mil
14: The Republic of Koyaanisqatsi Federation
Pop: 1,033 Mil
15: The Democratic Republic of Ayshan
Pop: 830 Mil
16: The Theocracy of Goofiness
Pop: 80 Mil