You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Non_Aligned_Movement.
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1: The Dominion of Tyrrhenian Sea Islands
Pop: 17,469 Mil
2: The Most Serene Republic of Behind you
Pop: 11,744 Mil
3: The Parliamentary Democracy of Brystolville
Pop: 11,256 Mil
4: The Free Land of Erernetcensinf
Pop: 6,011 Mil
5: The Republic of Agumellian
Pop: 4,054 Mil
6: The Commonwealth of Arboreal Animals
Pop: 2,712 Mil
7: The Republic of Roulette 1
Pop: 2,401 Mil
8: The Nomadic Peoples of Hamburg township
Pop: 1,577 Mil
9: The Planetary Corportation of Celestial Union of LazCorp
Pop: 1,483 Mil
10: The Republic of GU 76th Fleet
Pop: 1,356 Mil
11: The Holy Empire of Shadow Archangels 1
Pop: 1,320 Mil
12: The Kingdom of The Gilded King
Pop: 976 Mil
13: The Principality of Pinaplo 11
Pop: 846 Mil
14: The Republic of Sinister Sundown
Pop: 759 Mil
15: The Kingdom of Catboy Hooters
Pop: 745 Mil
16: The Republic of Moth Legionary 11
Pop: 457 Mil
17: The Nomadic Peoples of Flitswarm Alpha
Pop: 400 Mil
18: The Republic of Oseeeeeeeeeeo
Pop: 291 Mil
19: The Republic of Chimorehampton
Pop: 69 Mil