You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Peanuts_of_Destruction.
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1: The Pompotous Pra?ff of Vastarda
Pop: 19,672 Mil
2: The Merchant Guilds of PBTL
Pop: 14,109 Mil
3: The Teutonic Kingdom of Organ of Flaming Owww
Pop: 12,906 Mil
4: The Royal Council of Verphougusis
Pop: 11,776 Mil
5: The Stenchland of FENS Commerce and Development
Pop: 11,282 Mil
6: The Failed Nation of L5543 Lunar
Pop: 11,063 Mil
7: The Comatose State of Generic Allyspeaking
Pop: 10,638 Mil
8: The Dominion of Starship Melanie
Pop: 7,512 Mil
9: The Republic of Propounded Empathy
Pop: 3,838 Mil
10: The Prison of Castarda
Pop: 3,635 Mil
11: The City of Rathdrum Delaware
Pop: 3,444 Mil
12: The Villa of Rathdrum Texas
Pop: 2,533 Mil