You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Pony_Lands.
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1: The Shrill Pony Federation of Shrillland
Pop: 31,415 Mil
2: The Grand Duchy of Behind Your Eye
Pop: 30,809 Mil
3: The Pony Principality of Princess Luna
Pop: 29,433 Mil
4: The Principality of Trotterdam
Pop: 28,024 Mil
5: The Laser-Wielding Commune of Intergalactic Penguins
Pop: 27,425 Mil
6: The Enterprises of Richard Roman
Pop: 27,193 Mil
7: The Apocalypse of GeodesicDragon
Pop: 25,857 Mil
8: The Free Land of World Builder
Pop: 23,958 Mil
9: The Kingdom of Pealing Chimia
Pop: 23,891 Mil
10: The Principality of Brilliant Equestria
Pop: 23,313 Mil
11: The Absolute Monarchy of Kingdom of Nelrok
Pop: 23,216 Mil
12: The Commonwealth of Urmanian
Pop: 23,109 Mil
13: The Empire of New Orcrimmar
Pop: 21,948 Mil
14: The Protected Isle of The Vines
Pop: 21,869 Mil
15: The Republic of Equestria Socialist
Pop: 15,037 Mil
16: The Devilish Monarchy of Redfell
Pop: 9,783 Mil
17: The Soviet Republic of Free Stalliongrad
Pop: 9,640 Mil
18: The Republic of Hippocratia
Pop: 8,477 Mil
19: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner72
Pop: 4,116 Mil
20: The Soviet Republics of Silvertopia 2
Pop: 2,400 Mil
21: The Fiefdom of The daughter
Pop: 2,168 Mil
22: The Disputed Territories of Common Blackbird
Pop: 413 Mil
23: The Queendom of Rarity Rulez Zimbabwae2
Pop: 190 Mil