You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Region_of_Lying_Losers.
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1: The 1st ???? RepubliC of Changing Flags
Pop: 17,135 Mil
2: The Totally Worthless Lump of TrumptyDumpty
Pop: 15,525 Mil
3: The Biggest Losers of Trumppuppets
Pop: 13,819 Mil
4: The Teutonic Kingdom of Organ of Flaming Owww
Pop: 12,179 Mil
5: The Pirate Nation of FENS Admiral Haynes Shlitz
Pop: 11,243 Mil
6: The Stenchland Isle of FENS Cold Harbor 1878
Pop: 11,200 Mil
7: The Pillores Republic of Chinmia Stan
Pop: 11,144 Mil
8: The Royal Council of Verphougusis
Pop: 10,995 Mil
9: The Shaaronik Council of FENS Albert Linsuki
Pop: 10,971 Mil
10: The 22nd Republic of Organ of Vegan Pepperoni
Pop: 10,938 Mil
11: The 2nd Republic of Organ of Constant Expansion
Pop: 10,625 Mil
12: The Stenchland of FENS Commerce and Development
Pop: 10,488 Mil
13: The Greedy One Percent of Irish Trader 210
Pop: 10,471 Mil
14: The Mercantile League of Irish Trader 205
Pop: 10,272 Mil
15: The Wasted Lands of Irish Traders 201
Pop: 10,257 Mil
16: The Loser Nation of Pink a Cadillac
Pop: 8,320 Mil
17: The Stenchland of Ur Asturias
Pop: 6,973 Mil
18: The Uruendro of Ur Australia Under
Pop: 6,721 Mil
19: The So So Fat Lump of MagaMazis
Pop: 6,277 Mil
20: The Pantheocracy of Yastarda
Pop: 3,993 Mil
21: The Biggest Losers of I Grab Them By The
Pop: 2,236 Mil