You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Saeculum_Obscurum.
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1: The Empire of Ahartsburg
Pop: 16,692 Mil
2: The Technocratic Empire of Aether
Pop: 13,254 Mil
3: The Federal Republic of Republic of Texas Texas
Pop: 12,635 Mil
4: The Federal Republic of Rhode-Island
Pop: 11,674 Mil
5: The Padishah of Suwaya
Pop: 11,535 Mil
6: The Second Empire of Koroskvy
Pop: 11,451 Mil
7: The Civilization State of Bicenriia
Pop: 10,661 Mil
8: The Germanic Democracy of Belned
Pop: 10,179 Mil
9: The People's Republic of Romaniche
Pop: 10,174 Mil
10: The Empire of Romanized Carthage
Pop: 10,080 Mil
11: The Scattered Republic of Akumanga
Pop: 7,748 Mil
12: The Republic of Sitor Steackera
Pop: 6,352 Mil
13: The Confederacy of Kaleeks
Pop: 6,235 Mil
14: The Industrial Technocracy of Adaptus Mechanicus
Pop: 3,036 Mil
15: The Grand Duchy of Alienor
Pop: 2,723 Mil
16: The Free Land of Neo Rapturia
Pop: 2,703 Mil
17: The Realm of Orthamotch
Pop: 2,200 Mil
18: The Infernal Throne of Mephistopolis
Pop: 2,193 Mil
19: The Haxan Villages of Coffin Rock
Pop: 2,020 Mil
20: The Stone Tooth Kingdom of Arumwon
Pop: 2,018 Mil
21: The Grand Duchy of Grimview Shores
Pop: 658 Mil