You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Allied_Commonwealth.
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1: The Union of Free States of America
Pop: 28,216 Mil
2: The Principality of Mytzonia
Pop: 27,277 Mil
3: The Grand People's Republic of Edelweis
Pop: 22,385 Mil
4: The Territory of Free States of Canada
Pop: 19,501 Mil
5: The United Federation of Nova Angleterre
Pop: 18,505 Mil
6: The Divine Militant Worker State of Pletamia
Pop: 17,961 Mil
7: The Utopia of The American Empire
Pop: 17,008 Mil
8: The Corporate State of Barrenjastan
Pop: 12,793 Mil
9: The Union of Kenis
Pop: 11,714 Mil
10: The Theocracy of Chantry of Saint Reece
Pop: 7,393 Mil
11: The Scholarly Republic of Ton Guo
Pop: 7,064 Mil
12: The Empire of Eli Hesial 2
Pop: 6,781 Mil
13: The People's Republic of Propagandystan
Pop: 6,457 Mil
14: The Independent Republic of Eun-Saleh
Pop: 4,619 Mil
15: The Glorious Empire of New Tunasai
Pop: 4,428 Mil
16: The Imperial Corporation of Democratic Rebublic Of the Empire
Pop: 4,039 Mil
17: The Republic of CDland Territories
Pop: 2,483 Mil
18: The Megafauna of Glyptodon
Pop: 1,582 Mil
19: The Most Serene Republic of Deuzen
Pop: 723 Mil
20: The Kingdom of Aelwynn
Pop: 547 Mil
21: The Principality of Swarthmore
Pop: 91 Mil
22: The Republic of Novexia Prime
Pop: 62 Mil
23: The Dictatorship of The Silly Creatures
Pop: 7 Mil
24: The Community of Bandit the Cat
Pop: 7 Mil
25: The Commonwealth of CrimsonFlare123
Pop: 7 Mil
26: The Federation of Lumaun
Pop: 6 Mil
27: The People's Republic of Murdistaniya
Pop: 6 Mil
28: The Democratic States of New Lakund
Pop: 6 Mil