You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Allied_States.
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5. Regional Exchange Rates.
1: The United Stratocratic States of The Strategic Air Command
Pop: 28,248 Mil
2: The Bright and Shiny Promise of Always the Sun
Pop: 27,219 Mil
3: The Alliance of Fungu
Pop: 26,385 Mil
4: The Titans of Ungola
Pop: 26,281 Mil
5: The Federated Isles of Galacta
Pop: 26,254 Mil
6: The United Kingdom of Xamiaria
Pop: 26,035 Mil
7: The Incorporated States of Ulma
Pop: 25,306 Mil
8: The Dutch Kingdom of Janty
Pop: 25,210 Mil
9: The Free Land of Ilbry
Pop: 25,194 Mil
10: The Crazy Colony of Indro
Pop: 24,488 Mil
11: The Confederacy of Zoetermeer
Pop: 23,083 Mil
12: The Republic of CDland
Pop: 22,943 Mil
13: The Colony of Ysbal
Pop: 21,709 Mil
14: The Commonwealth of Natoq
Pop: 21,703 Mil
15: The Dreamstate of Wonderon
Pop: 21,653 Mil
16: The Federation of 5Planets
Pop: 19,349 Mil
17: The Federation of Quinga
Pop: 17,668 Mil
18: The Rainbow Queendom of Qatarin
Pop: 17,304 Mil
19: The Dictatorship of Disea Asterla
Pop: 13,457 Mil
20: The Dark Tournament of Kurama
Pop: 12,269 Mil
21: The People's Republic of Pynto
Pop: 12,267 Mil
22: The Matriarchy of Marjon
Pop: 12,259 Mil