You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Babylon_5_Universe.
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5. Regional Exchange Rates.
1: The Free Land of John Sheridan
Pop: 6,254 Mil
2: The Free Land of Stephen Franklin
Pop: 6,243 Mil
3: The Free Land of First Born Lorien
Pop: 6,238 Mil
4: The Theocracy of Satai Delenn
Pop: 6,215 Mil
5: The Oppressed Peoples of Telepath Talia Winters
Pop: 6,215 Mil
6: The Free Land of One Who Was
Pop: 6,208 Mil
7: The Free Land of J Michael Straczynski
Pop: 6,198 Mil
8: The Free Land of Susan Ivanova
Pop: 6,186 Mil
9: The Free Land of Jeffrey Sinclair
Pop: 6,178 Mil
10: The Free Land of Emperor Cartagia
Pop: 6,173 Mil
11: The Free Land of Elizabeth Lochley
Pop: 6,157 Mil
12: The Free Land of Ambassador Kosh Naranek
Pop: 6,156 Mil
13: The Free Land of Susanna Luchenko
Pop: 6,137 Mil
14: The Free Land of Marcus Cole
Pop: 6,134 Mil
15: The Free Land of Luis Santiago
Pop: 6,127 Mil
16: The Free Land of Security Officer Zack Allan
Pop: 6,126 Mil
17: The Free Land of Ranger Lennier
Pop: 6,122 Mil
18: The Free Land of Vir Cotto
Pop: 6,120 Mil
19: The Free Land of Psi Corps Officer Alfred Bester
Pop: 6,120 Mil
20: The Free Land of Zathras
Pop: 6,115 Mil
21: The Free Land of Telepath Lyta Alexander
Pop: 6,105 Mil
22: The Free Land of G Kar
Pop: 6,093 Mil
23: The Free Land of Londo Mollari
Pop: 6,079 Mil