You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Coalition_of_Nations.
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1: The Empire of Greater Britainium
Pop: 3,523 Mil
2: The Democratic Republic of Proisen
Pop: 3,518 Mil
3: The Regional Defense Council of Suntovalo
Pop: 3,474 Mil
4: The Empire of Pyervyi-Nurdieerstel
Pop: 3,472 Mil
5: The Demilitarized Zone of Memelist Fori
Pop: 3,422 Mil
6: The Commonwealth of Independent Oceanic States
Pop: 3,050 Mil
7: The Empire of Zuletzt-Konets
Pop: 2,597 Mil
8: The Kingdom of British Exiled Canada
Pop: 2,410 Mil
9: The Viceroyalty of Tokyo Territories
Pop: 2,171 Mil
10: The Crown Colony of British Pravilo
Pop: 2,149 Mil
11: The Kingdom of Graly Belueland
Pop: 2,143 Mil
12: The Duchy of Arzie
Pop: 2,142 Mil
13: The Supervised State of The Ottoman Democratic Republic
Pop: 2,138 Mil
14: The United Kingdom of Wales Britain and Northern Ireland
Pop: 2,136 Mil
15: The Confederated People's Union of Southern American Workers
Pop: 2,133 Mil
16: The Democratic Republic of Socialist Persia
Pop: 2,132 Mil
17: The Kingdom of Monarchist Canada
Pop: 2,132 Mil
18: The Slavic Union State of Slavislavia
Pop: 2,129 Mil
19: The Portuguese Colony of Ecclesiastical Nagasaki
Pop: 2,127 Mil
20: The Islamic Republic of Borgraluche
Pop: 2,126 Mil
21: The Headquarters of ITunes
Pop: 2,126 Mil
22: The Union of Colony States
Pop: 2,125 Mil
23: The Democratic Republic of The United Provinces of Western Europe
Pop: 2,124 Mil
24: The Federation of Falangist Russia
Pop: 2,123 Mil
25: The Free Island of South Sakhalin
Pop: 2,122 Mil
26: The Federal Republic of The Federal Republic
Pop: 2,118 Mil
27: The Empire of Democratic Byzantium
Pop: 2,117 Mil
28: The Pretty Girls of Elaina Dynasty
Pop: 2,116 Mil
29: The Starry Kingdom of The Many Stars
Pop: 2,115 Mil
30: The CTE'd Nation of Former Ex-Nation
Pop: 2,109 Mil
31: The Association of Autonomous States
Pop: 1,682 Mil