You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of The_Communist_Powers.
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1: The Hard labor country of Ryans Toyz Review
Pop: 997 Mil
2: The Communist States of The New Dex Reich
Pop: 858 Mil
3: The Dictatorship of Matt phongs finest
Pop: 701 Mil
4: The Rogue Nation of 5555555
Pop: 680 Mil
5: The Dictatorship of Good going bro you made Patchy leave
Pop: 679 Mil
6: The Dictatorship of Blippis world
Pop: 607 Mil
7: The Infected nation of Civil Emergency Defence Agency
Pop: 539 Mil
8: The Dictatorship of Juan gonzalez
Pop: 532 Mil
9: The Dictatorship of The 2nd Ark
Pop: 414 Mil
10: The Dictatorship of Union Dixie of the north
Pop: 375 Mil
11: The Dictatorship of The Keiser Reich
Pop: 307 Mil
12: The Empire of Norhengan
Pop: 175 Mil
13: The Empire of Halluon
Pop: 162 Mil
14: The Oppressed Peoples of Test Run 1
Pop: 119 Mil
15: The Republic of Anti pluh society
Pop: 14 Mil
16: The Dictatorship of Lunchly land
Pop: 8 Mil
17: The Republic of Tf2 demoman
Pop: 8 Mil
18: The Empire of The Keiser Axis Powers
Pop: 7 Mil